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Love Beyond Wanting

Page 10

by Bethany Claire

  Mr. Crinkles stood cautiously inside the small box and then walked deeper inside and curled up on what looked like part of Maddock’s kilt. He began to purr in appreciation.

  It was perfect. Maddock’s thoughtfulness blew me away. I walked over to stand in front of him and wrapped my left arm around his neck in a hug. “I think I could kiss you. Thank you so much. It’s incredible.”

  He stiffened just a little as I clung to him. “Ye could what, lass? Last time I said the same to ye, ye grew nervous.”

  Affectionate by nature, I was prone to hugging strangers and quite often greeted close friends with a kiss. I’d thought nothing of my comment.

  Suddenly self-conscious, I hurried to rectify what I’d just walked into. “I didn’t get nervous. I just…”

  He laughed as he stepped back from our hug. “Ye were just worried if I kissed ye again, ye might fall for me.”

  I gaped awkwardly before he winked playfully and hurried to brush both hands together before moving to pat his horse. “This here is Stella. She is the finest horse in all of Scotland, and she has already promised me to be kind to both ye and Mr. Crinkles, but we must first decide how ye will ride.”

  Thankful that he’d changed the conversation, I was more than happy to oblige his leading statement.

  “How I’ll ride? Do I have options?”

  “Oh, aye. Ye most certainly do. The priority must be that ye are as comfortable as ye can be. We canna have ye putting strain on yerself in any way. Do ye wish to face me or the trail?”

  It had never occurred to me that facing him was an option. It would be an awkward position to be sure. My legs would have to be situated around his lap, as if I were sitting on him and…ahem…straddling him, but I could see why he offered. If I rode with my back toward him, the frigid wind would whip my face the entire way, which would do nothing to prevent me from getting sick again. If I rode facing him, I could burrow my head in his chest, which would keep me much warmer. It would also be much easier to sleep that way.

  “Umm…facing you, if you don’t mind?”

  “’Tis the only sensible thing for ye to do, lass. Will ye allow me to strap ye to me?”

  I laughed because I thought he was joking, but fell silent when he pulled out a long belt-like piece of leather. “Oh, you’re serious? Why do you need to do that?”

  “So ye can rest. Otherwise, ye will have to hold on the whole way. ’Twill also make it easier for me to concentrate on the ride, lass. I willna worry about ye sliding off of Stella. She’ll be kind to ye, but if she is in the midst of a run, she willna stop for ye.”

  I nodded curtly as he mounted the horse with ease and extended both hands down to me.

  “Stand on the tips of yer toes, lass, so I can reach underneath yer arms.”

  It wasn’t the easiest position from which to lift me, but he managed surprisingly well. Feeling rather scandalous, I swung my legs open and lay them around his own as I snuggled in close and bent to tuck my head into his chest as he wrapped the long belt around us.

  “People are going to think we are crazy if they see us like this. With Mr. Crinkles on the back and us strapped together, we look like we belong in the circus.”

  He laughed, and the warmth of his breath tickled the top of my head.

  “They willna see us long enough to think anything. Stella moves much too quickly when bribed with a bushel of apples. We will be little more than a blur on the horizon.”

  Chapter 21

  The wind, the rain, and the utter misery of the cold were not enough to keep him distracted from the feelings caused by having Kate pressed so closely to him. Warm and soft, the nearness of her flooded his mind with thoughts that made him ache with need. Visions of what she would look like beneath him, pressed even closer together than they were now, filled his mind each time she shifted against him.

  Her hair smelled like flowers, and the soft, even rhythm of her breathing was warm against his chest.

  What would she do if he tugged ever so gently on that hair as he tilted her head back so he could press his lips to hers like he’d done only a few days before? Would her breathing grow uneven with need like his was now?

  Days ago, he wouldn’t have doubted it. She’d enjoyed their shared kiss as much as he had, but now she was colder, more distant, and he couldn’t figure out why.

  Had she grown less fond of him after spending more time in his presence? Or was it perhaps the cruelness of Dillon’s words to her that still hindered her confidence?

  Whatever it was, he couldn’t wait until they reached the Isle. Once there, he would make it his mission to break through whatever kept her so guarded.

  It was nightfall now, and they’d made faster time than he’d expected. They would make it to the Isle by sunrise. For the first time in hours, there was a break in the rain, and he slowed Stella’s pace so they could enjoy the brief respite from the downpour.

  “Are ye awake, lass? Do ye need to walk around a bit? If so, ’twould be best to do so now before the rain starts again.”

  “No. Keep going.” Her answer came out muffled against his chest. She’d barely moved since they’d started their ride.

  “Are ye certain?”

  “Yes. I’m just ready to get there. Only stop if the horse needs to.”

  In an effort to keep her spirits up, Maddock playfully chided her. “The least ye can do is call her Stella, lass. Ye wouldna like it if I referred to yer beloved Mr. Crinkles as the cat, aye?”

  With her head tucked tightly against his chest, she laughed. “You’re right. Ask Stella if she needs to stop for a bit. Otherwise, let’s just get this over with.”

  “If Stella needed to rest, she would. She is a loyal and dependable steed, but she has a mind of her own.”

  He gathered the reins into one hand so he could reach up to brush her hair back with the other. He’d only meant to check for a fever by gently kissing her forehead, but as his fingers brushed against her cheek, he felt Kate’s breath come more quickly against his chest and he smiled. She still wanted him. Her pulse gave it away. Mayhap she just needed to know that he wanted her, as well, to feel safe enough to open up to him as she had that first night once again.

  “I mean to kiss ye just here, lass.” He tapped his thumb gently to the center of her forehead. “To make certain ye’ve still no fever.”

  She nodded and lifted her head from his chest just a bit.

  He kissed her, but lingered close to her brow as he pulled his lips away.

  “No fever. Lass?”

  She smiled and every muscle in his stomach coiled. “Mmm?”

  “Ye feel bonny, lass. The weather is pure misery, and Stella’s bony back is making my arse ache, but even still, I enjoy the feel of having ye close to me. I’m sorry if the uneven beat of my heart has kept ye awake. Each time I look down at ye, it betrays me by speeding up.”

  He expected her to respond in some way—to at least smile and shyly lean into him again—but instead she said the last thing he’d ever expected.

  “When we get to the Isle, I want you to take me to meet Machara.”

  She might as well have slapped him in the face. His moment of vulnerability had been received with a closed heart.

  The sun was just peeking over the horizon. The shoreline and the boat that would take them to the Isle were barely visible in the distance. At least he wouldn’t have to dwell over her rejection of him too much longer.

  “While I canna imagine why ye wish to meet her, and while I can think of nothing I wish less than for ye to stand in front of that evil creature, I know such a meeting is inevitable. Ye willna have to wait long.” He pointed to the shoreline. “We are almost there.”

  Chapter 22

  The Isle of Eight Lairds


  They must’ve heard us coming, or perhaps one of the other members of The Eight had some sort of spidey-sense that alerted them to our arrival, for a group of smiling faces awaited us as we rode up to the castle’s stables.
r />   Laurel stood in front, and a man I could only assume was Raudrich had one arm draped over her shoulder as he held her close against him. She was smiling, but as she noticed that no other horses were pulling up behind us, her smile shifted into an expression of concern.

  “Did Mom and David not come?”

  Maddock dismounted and reached inside Mr. Crinkles’ makeshift den and quickly set him on the ground so he could stretch and move his little legs. He answered Laurel as he turned back toward Stella and lifted his arms to help me down.

  “Kate fell ill on the journey. She is better now, thanks to a gifted healer we met along the way, but I still thought it best to ride ahead with her to reduce her exposure to the elements. The others are still a day or two behind.”

  Laurel rushed over to me and threw her arms around my neck. “How are you feeling?”

  “Honestly, perfect. Just tired from riding.”

  As Laurel squeezed me, Marcus slowly approached. I gently pushed my sister away so I could move into his open arms.

  “Marcus.” I leaned into him and smiled. “You look different—good different, though. How are you taking everything?”

  He shrugged. “I’m okay. I’m adjusting to it a little more every day. As resistant as I was to it, there are some cool perks to having powers. You know, you look different, too.”

  Maddock laughed as I turned to see Laurel bend to pick up Mr. Crinkles and smother him in kisses.

  “The lass let loose some baggage ’twas weighing her down.”

  Laurel turned wide eyes on me. “Dillon?”

  I nodded and Laurel simply shrugged. She wasn’t nearly as pushy as our mother.

  “If you’re happy to be rid of him, I’m happy for you.”

  Bending, Laurel released Mr. Crinkles, who was wagging his tail as he prepared to swat her. “Let’s get you into a bedroom, okay? I’m eager to talk with you, and you need some rest anyway. You can meet everyone else later.”

  “What? No.” I looked over at the group of men standing to our right, watching us converse. They were all right here, and it would be silly for me to walk right past them just so I could nap. “I want to meet them now.”

  A man both shorter and older than the rest, with wavy gray hair that reached his shoulders and eyes that seemed remarkably familiar, stepped forward to greet me. “We are eager to meet ye, as well, Kate. I’m Nicol.” Bending toward me, he kissed my cheek, gave me a small smile, and stepped out of the way so the others could come forward.

  The moment he stepped back, I gasped. I knew where I’d seen his eyes before—in Brachan. They looked remarkably similar. Too similar for it to be a coincidence. They were undoubtedly related, and I couldn’t help but wonder how. Was Nicol an uncle or perhaps a brother? Did Nicol have magic too? Was there any way….I cut the thought off—It wasn’t possible for Brachan to be Nicol’s son. Was it?

  I didn’t have long to ponder the multitude of questions that popped into my mind. As soon as Nicol stepped away, the others came forward.

  One by one, each of the men greeted me in his own way. They were all so different, but equally kind. I looked forward to getting to know each of them.

  By the time Laurel began to usher me inside, Maddock was standing far away from the group with Nicol. Both of their faces were serious, their tones hushed.

  I could think of nothing that had happened on our journey that would require such secrecy, but the sight of them piqued my curiosity and started my wheels turning.


  “I doona care how urgent ye believe this is, doona ye dare say a word of it now.”

  Maddock glared at Nicol in disbelief. “What do ye mean doona speak of it? ’Tis something ye must know, Nicol.”

  Nicol remained unmoved. “We have all been through much these past weeks, Maddock. We lost one of our own, Laurel was given a terrible fright, Raudrich was run right through by the woman he loved, Machara nearly broke free, and now after days of turmoil and worry, Raudrich and Laurel are to be wed. Whatever ’tis ye need to say can wait.”

  Maddock thought of the boy who looked so much like their Master. He had no doubt Brachan was Nicol’s son, but what did the power the boy possessed mean? Was he simply another born with power like the rest of The Eight? Many of their parents—like Nicol—lacked magical abilities of their own. Mayhap in a time before Freya, Nicol found company with another lass, and by coincidence their child possessed powers.

  But what if the child was something else? What if Machara had deceived them all? What if one of her children with Nicol still lived? If so, there was no way for them to know what sort of threat the boy might pose to them.

  “Nicol, I truly doona think it wise to wait for us to address—”

  Nicol interrupted him. “Enough. I’ll not listen to ye a moment more. I’ve told ye precisely what ye will do. Ye will keep whatever news ye may have to yerself until Laurel and Raudrich are wed and away from here. We shall have a few days of peace. That is the end of it. Do ye understand me?”

  He didn’t like it. Not one bit. But perhaps it wasn’t as urgent a matter as he thought.

  After all, the boy was past twenty. He’d lived many years and posed no threat.

  What would cause things to change now?


  An Unnamed Village on the Scottish Mainland


  It was almost as if his mother’s confession had awakened a beast inside him. He could hear the voice dripping with malice as he slept. It called his name over and over and over.


  And finally, as he woke covered in sweat and shaking from fear,

  “’Tis time, lad. Come home to me.”

  Chapter 23

  Laurel gave me no time to enjoy or explore the castle’s surroundings as she held me by my hand and pulled me inside, Mr. Crinkles hot on our heels.

  She walked me up the large staircase just inside the entryway and then turned toward the hallway on the left, not stopping until we got to a large door. She pushed it open and yanked me inside. Mr. Crinkles barely managed to make it inside before Laurel slammed the door.

  “Whose room is this?”

  “This is Maddock’s room.”

  Of course it was.

  “Laurel, I really don’t want to intrude on his space. Where will he sleep?”

  She waved a hand dismissively and turned to jump onto the large bed at the back of the room. “He won’t mind at all. He can stay in Paton’s room until he gets back with Mom and David. After that, we will figure out something else.”

  Laurel looked as happy as I’d ever seen her as she sat cross-legged on the bed. She motioned for me to join her.

  “I think this time suits you, sis.”

  She beamed and reached for my hand. “I think it’s going to suit you, too. What do you think of Maddock?”

  I knew she only asked because it was obvious that I’d spent more time with him than anyone else I’d met so far, but the question made me self-conscious.

  “What do you mean?”

  Laurel shrugged. “Nothing. I just wondered if you two were getting along. I think he’s great.”

  I nodded and tried not to act squirmy. I didn’t succeed. “I agree. He’s…he’s great.”

  Laurel gave me a quick knowing glance, and then reached for Mr. Crinkles as he jumped onto the bed. “Okay, I can see something’s going on there, but I’m not going to push. Just so you know though—I’ve gotten to know Maddock very well. I promise you, he’s one of the good ones.”

  I already knew that. “I know.”

  She raised her brows and nodded. “You want to change the subject?”

  “Yes, please.”

  She laughed. “All right. How did Mom and David take the news about the time travel, the magic, my engagement?”

  I smiled thinking back on their casual, carefree reactions thanks to Morna’s magic elixir.

  “About that…I don’t want you to get angry, but I had a little help from
Morna. She came by the apartment before you called me for the first time after traveling back here.”


  If Laurel was that surprised by that, I couldn’t imagine how shocked she’d be when I told her about our mother and David.

  Before I could continue, Laurel interjected once again. “Please tell me you’re joking. She was there, and she wouldn’t do anything to help me?”

  “She couldn’t.” I went on to explain to her all that Morna had told me—the reasons why Morna couldn’t provide more help or intervene any more than she did. As I told my story, she visibly relaxed.

  “Well, at least her lack of assistance wasn’t because she doesn’t care. So, how did she help you tell Mom and David about everything?”

  “She sent a potion that I put in their coffee before we got on the plane. So, remarkably, they seem pretty cool with everything. Although…I have one other doozy of a bomb to drop on you.”

  “Oh yeah?” Laurel looked intrigued.

  “Mom and David…they’re um…they’re dating or something?”

  Her eyes just about doubled in size. “Shut up.”

  “I’m totally serious, Laurel.”

  “What do you mean or something?”

  “Well, I haven’t really had a chance to visit with either one of them about it. I only found out because I walked in on the two of them naked. Then Mom and I had a big blow up that caused me to not speak to her for the better part of two days. By the time I’d cooled down enough to get curious, I was too sick to think coherently.”

  Laurel shook her head and grinned. “Marcus is gonna freak.”

  I agreed. Not that Marcus would mind it any more than we did, but there was no way he had even the slightest clue.

  “I’ll let you be the one to tell him. Each time I bring it up, flashes of Mom’s bare breasts and David’s hands splayed over his crotch fill my mind.”

  Laurel made a gagging expression and shook her head. “Ew. Just ew. Can I ask…what did you two have a fight about?”

  “I broke up with Dillon several weeks before we left for Scotland. Mom convinced him to fly out to Cagair Castle to try and get me back.”


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