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The Remix (The Hollywood Twins #2)

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by Amanda White

  “Hanna,” he called out.

  Hanna froze when she heard his voice. She glanced over at him and tried to keep her features from showing how annoyed she was.

  “Tony Gee, nice of you to show up,” she smirked.

  He frowned at her attitude and studied her intently. “Hey, what's wrong?” he asked.

  “I need to finish my set,” she replied coolly and turned back to put on the next song.

  He waited beside the stage, his gaze constantly seeking her own, but Hanna continued to give him the cold shoulder.

  Hanna could feel him watching her. She loved his attention on her, but she still didn't know how to react to him being there.

  With the music still pumping loud and the dance floor packed, Hanna put on the last song of her set and glanced over at Tony who was still waiting for her. He flashed a wide smile when he met her eyes, and suddenly Hanna was excited. It looked as if he had a secret, a very good one, and she wondered if it was possible that he had arrived with good news. She jumped down from the stage and he caught her easily with his hands around her waist.

  "What's with the attitude?" he asked, his eyes shining with amusement.

  "Oh I'm sorry, I just figured you had more important things on your mind," she shrugged casually as if him being so close to her did not do anything to impact her.

  "I was busy," he replied carefully before continued to explain. "The truth is, I gave the label your mix and they took a little while to get back to me. I didn't want to call you until I knew for sure," he studied her apologetically. "I'm sorry if I made you think that you weren't important to me."

  Hanna stared down at his shoes and tried not to let it show that it had bothered her so much. She was usually the one being distant, not the other way around. Now she knew how some of the men she encountered must feel as they waited for the phone to ring.

  "What did you need to know for sure?" she asked and looked up at him.

  "Well they loved the mix, and they want to release it," he grinned, knowing that she would be excited.

  "You're fucking with me," she replied, her expression rigid instead of elated.

  "No!" Tony insisted as he rolled his eyes at her denial. "I'm serious, they absolutely loved it."

  "You're kidding!" Hanna said as her eyes began to widen. The excitement that was building inside of her was so intense that she actually jumped up into Tony's arms. He laughed as he hugged her around the waist and held her against him.

  "It's all true, and it gets even better," he added as he smiled at the way her eyes were shimmering with joy. "They even want you to play it with Kimberly Cole at the Dance Music Festival in Ibiza in Spain."

  Hanna felt as if her entire world had just shifted in the span of a few minutes. Not long before she had been certain that she would never see Tony again and that even if she did she would not want anything to do with him, now she had her legs wrapped around his waist and he was delivering her the most amazing news that she had ever heard A second later though her grin deflated with disappointment.

  "Too bad I can't afford to go to Ibiza," she sighed as she recalled what Rachel had said about not being able to afford to go to Europe with Kyle. There was no way they could squeeze a dime out of their budget.

  "Don't worry about that," Tony insisted as he leaned forward to peck her lips lightly. "The label will pay for everything, and you'll even make some money from being there."

  Hanna was thrilled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. The news was fantastic. She was very excited about the song being released, about traveling to Ibiza and getting to actually meet Kimberly Cole. But despite all of her excitement, she had to admit, she was the most excited about the fact that Tony had not forgotten her after all. She frowned a little as she looked down into his eyes. She wondered if this was what falling in love felt like. The very idea made her nervous. She had only fallen in love once before and it had not ended well. She was not interested in experiencing that kind of hurt again. She wondered if maybe she should distance herself from Tony. When she wriggled down out of his arms he allowed her to, but he kept his arms around her waist and leaned forward to kiss her once more. This time it was not a peck, it was a deep, lazy kiss that made Hanna forget all about distancing herself. When he pulled away he held her gaze intently.

  "You are very important to me."

  Chapter 6

  Hanna was so excited that the first thing she wanted to do was head home and tell Rachel the good news. Nothing ever happened in the twins lives that they did not share with each other, and when the good things happened, that was the best. When they arrived at the apartment and Hanna walked in with Tony's arm around her, Rachel narrowed her eyes from the couch where she was sitting. Kyle was in the kitchen making popcorn for the movie they were about to watch. They had already taken advantage of the fact that Hanna was working another gig.

  "Hi," Rachel said as casually as she could. She had not yet actually met Tony as they had missed each other when he left the other day. She scrutinized him with more disdain than she usually did. She did not like the fact that he had left her sister waiting for his phone call after promising her such wonderful things. Tony cleared his throat at the scrutiny and glanced nervously at Hanna.

  "Guess what!" she squealed as she headed for her sister's side. "They liked the remix! The label is going to release it!"

  All of Rachel's animosity disappeared as she saw how happy Hanna was. She had not seen her sister so excited about something in a very long time. "And not only that, they also want me to play it with Kimberly Cole!"

  Rachel's eyes widened as she stared at her sister. "Are you serious?"

  "Yes!" Hanna laughed as her sister had the same disbelief she did when she was first told about it. "At the Dance Music Festival in Ibiza, Spain," she explained.

  "Oh Hanna we can't afford-" Rachel started to say.

  "I know, but don't worry," Hanna grinned. "The label will pay for everything and I will even make some money."

  Rachel was usually the one to find flaws in any type of wild plans, but she couldn't this time. Her sister was so excited and she deserved it.

  "I told you how talented you are," Rachel said as she hugged her sister tightly. "Oh Hanna I am so proud of you."

  Kyle walked in with the bag of popcorn and passed a glance over Tony.

  "That was really nice of you to do that for Hanna," he said politely and offered him his hand. "I'm Kyle."

  Tony was marveling over how similar the twins looked from their long dark hair to their bright blue eyes, but when Kyle offered his hand he took it in a firm shake.

  "Tony," he replied. "It's nice to meet you."

  Rachel pushed her lips against Hanna's ear and whispered. "Tony G-Spot."

  Soon both girls were laughing so hard on the couch that Tony and Kyle could only stare at them and wonder which one of them was the butt of their joke. When they had settled down Kyle offered them some popcorn.

  "You know I was hoping to take Rachel on a vacation," he said as he sat down beside her. "If you guys wouldn't mind, maybe we could all go. I'm sure Rachel wouldn't want to miss Hanna's debut."

  Rachel winced as she knew that she could not afford Ibiza any more than any other trip. But Hanna was thrilled.

  "Oh my god that would be perfect," she grinned. "Oh Rachel please, you have to go!" she insisted.

  Rachel started to shake her head but Kyle looked at her sternly.

  "Rachel, we're going. I'm not going to take no for an answer. This is a really important thing for your sister, and besides, like you said, we can't leave her alone."

  Rachel's mouth dropped open at his words. She stared with shock at him and then turned slowly to face Hanna's annoyed glare.

  "I am an adult you know," she huffed. Rachel bit into her bottom lip to keep from asking if she could prove it.

  "Well, I guess," Rachel hesitated. She remembered what Hanna had said about letting people do things for her. It was not something she was entirely comfortable
with but she really did not want to miss out on such a special experience for Hanna. The idea of being in an exotic location with Kyle was more than a little alluring as well. She looked back at him with a slow smile.

  "Well, I guess I have no choice," she shrugged and her smile spread into a grin.

  "Great!" Kyle kissed her grin, and the two laughed.

  Tony joined them to watch the movie but it wasn't long before he and Hanna excused themselves to hole up in her bedroom.

  Rachel sighed as she glanced at the door. "Won't be long before we can't hear the movie," she pointed out.

  Kyle looked over at her seductively. "Maybe we should drown them out ourselves," he suggested.

  Rachel couldn't help but smile at the idea. When Kyle moved closer to her she eagerly met his lips in a kiss. Everything was finally falling into place, and Rachel felt as if she could relax.

  In her room Hanna was shedding her clothes while Tony watched. She felt her heart sink as she realized that it was this, his eyes on her, his hands reaching for her, that she had wanted the most. She wondered as his lips met hers if she had gotten herself into deep with a man she would never be able to get out of her head.

  Chapter 7

  A week later Tony called Hanna up to let her know they had some studio time in Ocean Way, one of the nicest recording studios in Hollywood. Hanna was looking forward to checking it out and working on her remix. Tony offered to pick her up and she agreed. She was actually nervous as she waited for him to arrive. They had seen each other on and off throughout the week, but Hanna had been holding back. She would make excuses as to why she could not see him every day, and had even told him one night that she was just too tired for him to stay over. She was sure that she had to play it cool in order to keep from falling for him. He was so handsome and kind that there were not too many flaws she could focus in on to distance herself from him. So when he arrived at the apartment Hanna offered him a light smile but did not bother to kiss him. Tony watched her as she grabbed her jacket and purse. He had noticed the way she was acting so strangely but he had not said anything about it. He wanted their relationship to continue to grow and was afraid if he pushed her too hard she might back off entirely.

  "Been busy?" he asked as she walked past him out the front door of the apartment.

  "Oh yeah, you know," she shrugged. "Always something to do."

  He grabbed her arm lightly as she started to walk down the hall. She turned back, expecting him to ask her a question or announce that she had forgotten something, instead he pulled her firmly to him and drew her into an intoxicating kiss that left her breathless. When he pulled away he smirked a little.

  "Glad you could make time for me," he murmured. Hanna did not know what to say as he hooked his arm around hers and led her down the hall, but she was sure she had never felt her knees buckle the way they had when he kissed her.

  When they arrived at the studio Hanna's uncertainty about how to act around Tony was abandoned. She was so thrilled to be inside the studio and actually get to work there as a producer. She and Tony worked together on the mix, and their instincts were nearly identical. Hanna would point out a rhythm that was slightly off, he would notice a gap in the melody, and they both wound up admiring each other’s skill and ability to listen so closely to the music that was played. The engineer was even impressed as he bobbed his head to the music.

  "Great remix you have here," he announced. Hanna smiled and continued to work on the song. When they were just about finished she noticed that Tony was paying more attention to her than the music. He kept glancing at her while she worked, and each glance became more heated with passion. This had a strong effect on Hanna too as she shifted in the stool she sat in.

  "Uncomfortable?" he asked and leaned back, patting his knee slightly, as if she should just hop on.

  She laughed and shook her head as she remembered how much fun it was to sit in his lap and work on GarageBand together. This was ten times better, in a real studio.

  When they had completed as much as they could, as distracted as they were, Tony pulled the engineer aside.

  "You can take the rest of the night off," he whispered to him.

  "Alright," the engineer grinned as he looked past him for one more glance at Hanna. "Go for it man," he gave Tony a light pat on his back. Once the engineer left, Tony walked over to Hanna who was still playing with the DJ board.

  “Do you have any idea how sexy you look sitting in front of that table?” he asked in a low whisper from just beside her. Hanna looked up sharply.

  “Tony,” she warned, thinking that the engineer was still there.

  “We're all alone,” he assured her. “Which means I can finally do what I have been thinking about doing all night.”

  He lifted her easily on top of the table. She was wearing a short loose skirt and a button down blouse. He had been dreaming about undressing her all night.

  “Oh you're naughty,” Hanna smiled smugly as he began to kiss at her knees. He brushed her skirt up along her thighs as his lips traveled further along her tender skin. Hanna leaned her head back to draw in a deep breath as he began to stir a deep passion within her. She could not believe this was happening but could not think of a better fantasy. He slid his hands beneath her skirt and hooked his fingers in her panties. She lifted her bottom off of the table enough that he could draw them all the way down. He pulled them free of her ankles and then returned his attention to the now bare and welcoming center of her desire. His soft kisses were a subtle prelude to the hunger that he displayed when his tongue flickered out and began to caress her. Hanna felt as if she would melt as he strummed her expertly with his tongue, coaxing her into a more and more aroused state. Hanna had to clench the sides of the table when he closed his mouth around her tender mound and suckled.

  “Tony,” she gasped out, her breaths short. “Oh please don't stop,” she encouraged him as her fingers wound within his brown hair and clutched the strands tightly. Tony had no intention of stopping. His tongue became more insistent, his teeth grazing, and his mouth tasting every drop of fluid that she offered. He was moaning at the pleasure of being able to please her, and Hanna was crying out with the sharp but loving suckles of his mouth. He had a way of bringing her to the very edge and keeping her there, waiting for that ultimate rush of pleasure. It was not long before the exploration of his tongue inspired her to cry out with desperation. Tony, hearing the need in her voice, devoured her even more passionately and finally she was able to fully embrace her orgasm. Her body was trembling against his hands which were stroking and caressing her thighs and her breasts through her blouse. The sensations combined with the throbbing waves of her orgasm were enough to make Hanna whimper with pleasure.

  “Oh my god, amazing,” she sighed as he continued to tantalize her until he was sure that she was satisfied.

  He pulled her down into his arms and leaned up for a kiss. Hanna was blown away by how easily he was able to hit all of the right spots for her.

  “I see how you got your nickname,” she said breathlessly as she was still recovering.

  “Oh you haven't seen anything yet,” he promised, his eyes dancing with mischief.

  Hanna rested her head against his shoulder as she enjoyed the final waves that rushed through her and the warmth of his body so close to hers. She intended to see everything he would offer.

  Chapter 8

  Two weeks of barely contained excitement slipped by as the sisters prepared for their impending journey. Hanna was very excited about getting to meet Kimberly Cole and would chatter nonstop about what a great artist she was and how she was sure that they would get along famously.

  "Well, she does seem like a good person," Rachel agreed as she pulled their suitcases out of the hall closet. It felt as if they had been waiting forever to actually start packing. Now they finally could, and there was so much to do.

  "I can't believe we're actually going," Hanna sighed happily as she draped herself across the couch dramatically.<
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  "All because of you Hanna," Rachel reminded her.

  "I know," Hanna smiled. "I still can't believe it though. It's like a dream."

  Rachel sat down beside her sister and grasped her hands loosely. "Your talent made this happen Hanna, and you should be really proud of yourself."

  Hanna nodded. She finally was. She felt very confident, and with Tony to bolster her self-esteem she was even beginning to think it would not be so bad to give love another try.

  "And Kyle," Hanna pointed out. "He made this happen too."

  Rachel smiled a little. "Yes he did, he's a very good guy."

  For once the two of them were both in relationships and so far they were going very well. That was a nice change for both of them.

  "But what will we wear?" Hanna chirped out as she jumped up from the couch. What happened next was a completely chaotic stripping of closets. Hanna would snatch something of Rachel's and Rachel would criticize the skimpy clothes that Hanna was stacking up in her suitcase. In the end the twins ended up packing nearly every bit of clothing they owned.

  Kyle arrived in the middle of all of the chaos. He looked over the blouses strewn across the couch and the bathing suits draped across the kitchen counter and had to laugh.

  "Hey, are we moving or visiting?" he called out.

  Rachel poked her head out of her bedroom. "Hush, we have no idea what the weather will be like."

  Kyle chuckled and made some room for himself on the couch. "You just let me know if you need any help with anything," he said as he settled in for a long wait.


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