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The Remix (The Hollywood Twins #2)

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by Amanda White

  "Oh, do you want to model for us?" Hanna called out from her bedroom. She then waltzed out with the tiniest bikini that she owned.

  "I don't think that would look too good on me," Kyle joked.

  "Hm, we won't know until you try honey," Rachel chimed in as she lugged her suitcase out into the living room.

  Kyle stared at the large suitcase. "That's a lot-" he started to say until Hanna tugged her suitcase out of her room. Its seams were bulging.

  "I had to leave some things behind," she sighed.

  Kyle shook his head and laughed good naturedly. "Alright, no problem," he said as he wondered how he was going to get those suitcases from the apartment to the trunk of his car.

  "Well how much did you bring?" Rachel asked when they reached his car. Kyle popped his trunk to display the single small duffel bag that he had packed. Both girls looked at him in shock.

  "Well, I don't need that many clothes," he shrugged. Then he leaned closer to Rachel and whispered in her ear. "Besides, I was hoping not to be dressed very often."

  Rachel giggled and pushed at his chest playfully. He held the door open for Rachel and then for Hanna. They drove to the airport chatting with excitement about what was to come.

  "Sixteen hours of bliss," Kyle sighed. Rachel groaned as she pulled out a pack of gum and offered it to share. When they arrived at the airport Kyle tried to hoist the suitcases out of the trunk. After a few attempts one of the curbside attendants offered to help him.

  “Wow, these are going to be way past the weight limit,” he muttered as he helped Kyle carry them to the baggage check in. Rachel was embarrassed, but Hanna just shrugged.

  “We come with accessories,” she grinned.

  “It's alright, I'll pay whatever extra,” Kyle insisted as Rachel tried to reach into her purse. Once they were settled on the plane, with Kyle sandwiched between the twin beauties, Hanna began to feel her excitement creep into overdrive. She was going to meet Kimberly Cole, she was going to perform with her. As the plane ascended and she glanced out the window at the beautiful clouds, she really did feel like she was in heaven.

  That feeling did not change much when they, after a two hour layover in London, finally landed in Ibiza. Once out of the airport they were shocked by how beautiful the place was. Not only did it have a lot of history with cobblestone streets, and old Spanish buildings, it was filled with party people. Everyone was wearing the latest fashions, and chatting about the hottest artists and celebrities.

  Rachel leaned close to Hanna. “Next time we're here, they'll be talking about you,” she grinned.

  “Not me,” Hanna insisted. “But maybe Kyle,” she offered him a light wink. Kyle chuckled and shook his head humbly.

  After dropping of their luggage, they headed straight for the beach located right across from the hotel. They were not disappointed by the gleaming white sand and the clear blue beauty of the water. When Hanna looked down through it, she could easily see the sandy bottom. She was amazed by how everything was so bright and romantic. However, all she could think of was when she would have the chance to see Tony. He had arranged for them all to stay in the same hotel but he had flown ahead to get things set up with Kimberly Cole.

  After a couple of hours at the beach, Kyle, Rachel, and Hanna explored the tourist traps before feeling the effect of their travels and they went back to the hotel.

  “Get some actual rest you two,” Hanna admonished as she left Rachel and Kyle at their nice hotel room. When she opened the door to hers which was on the other side of the hall she was surprised by what she found. The other hotel room had been nice, but Hanna's was luxurious. It had a large king sized bed, and a sitting area with couches and a table and chairs. There was a huge flat screen television and beyond that was a beautiful view of the water. When she poked her head in the bathroom she discovered a massive tub with jets. She smiled to herself as she suspected that Tony had something to do with choosing her room. This suspicion was confirmed when she found a note from him on the kitchen counter.

  “Hey babe, I hope you like the room, can't wait to see you tonight,” he had written and then tucked the note beneath a vase containing a single rose. Hanna sniffed it lightly.

  “God he is so sweet,” she muttered as if it was something to be annoyed about. She collapsed on the bed without even bothering to change out of her clothes. She was exhausted from all of the excitement and wanted to make sure she was well rested for when Tony showed up.

  In the middle of the night as Hanna slept Tony let himself into the hotel room. He sat down in a chair close to the bed and watched as she slept. Asleep she was just as beautiful, her dark her tumbled across her features.

  “Hanna, are you ever going to trust me?” he wondered aloud. Hanna stirred and turned over in the bed, but she did not wake up.

  Tony joined her in bed and soon they were sound asleep together.


  The next day when Hanna woke up and discovered Tony sleeping next to her she found herself smiling instead of being annoyed. She snuggled up to his back and kissed his neck lightly.

  “Mm?' he mumbled through his sleep and his eyes fluttered open.

  “I thought this was my hotel room,” Hanna pretended to be irritated.

  “Oh, uh,” Tony sat up a little. “I didn't think you would mind sharing.”

  Hanna could not hold back her mischievous smile. “I don't mind at all,” she replied. “Thanks for getting such a nice room.”

  He studied her silently before responding. “You deserve it Hanna. Today we will go meet with Kimberly and soon your name will be just as popular as hers.”

  Hanna shook her head a little. “I don't care, I mean I do care, but just being here, having this opportunity is amazing enough. I can't even imagine things getting better.”

  Tony brushed her hair back away from her face with a soft gesture. “You deserve everything,” he whispered, and his expression was full of honesty.

  Hanna was very nervous as she got ready to go to the meeting with Kimberly Cole. She kept rehearsing in her mind exactly how she would greet her. She was not normally flustered with anyone, but in this case she was very anxious. Not only would she be meeting Kimberly but she would be finding out what she thought of the remix she had created out of her hit song. When she was ready, Tony escorted her to the car. He opened the door for her and she slid into the front seat. The car was as sleek as it was expensive, with the dashboard glowing.

  "Nice," she said as he climbed in the driver's seat.

  "Want to see how nice?" he asked with a devilish smile.

  "Sure," Hanna said smiling eagerly. She loved fast cars. When he revved the engine and they tore out of the hotel parking lot she felt as if she was flying. With Tony beside her she was certain nothing could go wrong. Tony gunned the engine a few times to show her how much the Ferrari could handle but when he got into main traffic he slowed down and drove carefully. Hanna was impressed with the fact that he was not just flaunting his car, and he cared about keeping her safe. When they arrived at the most popular club on the island to meet with Kimberly Cole, Hanna hopped out of the car full of excitement. Tony took her hand and led her inside. He introduced her to a few people as they waited for Kimberly to arrive.

  Hanna glanced up in the same moment that Kimberly walked into the club. She stared at the woman as she walked toward them. Kimberly wore a friendly smile until she saw Tony's hand wrapped around Hanna's, then her expression suddenly changed into something vicious.

  "Well, who's this?" she asked with annoyance as she paused in front of the bar.

  "Hello, I'm Hanna," Hanna held out her hand. "I am a huge fan of your music," she smiled. Perfect. Just as she had rehearsed it.

  "Really? Because from what I hear you mutilated it," Kimberly replied with a flip of her blonde curls.

  Hanna was a little shocked by the woman's words and wondered if she was joking.

  "Kimberly everyone really likes the remix," Tony said as he gave Hanna's hand a su
pportive squeeze. Kimberly could be a bit of a diva sometimes.

  "I'll let you two listen to it together, I am sure you will like it too," he assured her. "I just need to have a quick chat with the manager of the club, I'll be right back," he promised.

  As soon as the door closed behind him Kimberly fixed Hanna with a withering look. "So let's hear it," she said coldly.

  Hanna was so nervous that she could barely start the music. She could feel Kimberly's critical eyes on her, and she was certain that she was not enjoying the song.

  "Ugh, this stinks," she rolled her eyes. "Turn it off please."

  Hanna was mortified. She knew there was a chance that Kimberly would not like it, but she did not expect her to be so harsh about it. She stopped the music, but Kimberly was not done.

  "That is a horrible remix," she said as she stood right in front of Hanna. "I am going to do everything in my power to make sure it never gets released, understand me?" she arched a pencil thin brow.

  "Feel free," Hanna replied sharply. She was not one to back down from a fight. Now she was beginning to understand where Kimberly was coming from. A woman that was that vindictive could only be jealous of one thing. She had seen the way she had looked at Tony when she saw Hanna holding his hand.

  "You can be as much of a bitch as you want," she said calmly, though her eyes were flashing. "But it won't change the fact that both Tony and the record company likes the song and besides, Tony has a lot more experience and talent than you could ever dream of having." She flipped her hair just as Kimberly had, making it clear that she knew exactly where the woman was coming from.

  "We'll see, I'm the star, and you're nobody," Kimberly retorted, although her cool exterior had melted into pure rage.

  "You're the star," Hanna asked with a small smirk. "Then why is it that the guy of your dreams is sleeping in my bed and not yours? It doesn't matter how famous you are, if you're that ugly on the inside," she turned on her heel and started to stalk out of the room.

  Tony was walking in the door as Hanna was storming out. He glanced between the two women, trying to figure out why they both looked so upset. He was certain that Kimberly would like the song, everyone else had after all. Yet Kimberly looked as if she was fuming, and Hanna was blinking back tears that she was refusing to let fall.

  "What happened?" he asked with concern as he attempted to grab her arm. Hanna paused, but she refused to turn around. She did not want to give Kimberly the satisfaction of thinking she had made her cry. Hanna did not want to cry, but she was so surprised by the way Kimberly had acted. Once she had admired the singer, but now she felt as if she was just another fake in the music business. All smiles and generosity until you got to know them better.

  "I'll tell you what happened," Kimberly said confidently. "I told her the truth about that piece of garbage she calls a remix."

  "Kimberly, the remix is already a hit with everyone that has heard it!" Tony attempted to reason with her. He felt awful that Hanna had endured such cruelty from Kimberly, and even worse knowing that it was because of her affection for him. Kimberly had been coming on to him for some time but he always turned her down. She was not his type, and he had done his best to make that clear, but he had to be careful not risk losing the fantastic opportunity he had working with her.

  "No way," Kimberly insisted as she perched on the edge of a bar stool. "It's my music, and I get to pick what gets played. That remix is never to be played, if it is, then I will make sure you never work for any artist again," she said sternly. Kimberly at the height of her career actually had the power to be able to make this happen. He frowned as he realized he was not going to be able to get her to change her mind. Hanna stared at him wondering if he was going to stand up for her.

  "I can't believe you got me into this," Hanna hissed as she turned away from him.

  "Hanna please," he started to say as she headed for the door again.

  "No," she replied shortly. "You two deserve each other," with that she slammed the door closed behind her. She knew she could find her own way back to the hotel. Tony rushed out after her, leaving a smirking Kimberly behind him. She had certainly gotten her way. Of course she actually did like the remix but it was more important to her that Tony remained single. She was sure that one day she would be able to convince him that she was the one he should be with. That would be very hard to do with Hanna in her way.

  Outside of the club Tony caught up with Hanna.

  "Hey wait a minute," he demanded.

  "No," Hanna said through gritted teeth. "I want nothing to do with you, or this place, or Kimberly Cole, just leave me alone."

  Tony sighed as he realized that she had a right to be angry. He had promised her something that was now not going to happen because Kimberly was being snotty.

  "Hanna, I swear if there is anything I can do," he sighed and tried to reach for her hand.

  "You've done enough," she snapped back, and paused as she glanced around the parking lot. "But maybe you could give me a ride," she added quietly.

  "Here," he handed her the keys to his expensive car.

  Hanna was surprised as she looked up at him. "Seriously? You would trust me to drive it?"

  Tony held her gaze intently as he folded her fingers around the keys to the car. "I trust you with anything Hanna, I'm asking you to give me a second chance. Just go to dinner with me tonight, okay?"

  Hanna frowned as she really did not want to go to dinner. In fact she wanted to get on to a plane and fly home. She just did not want to sit for sixteen hours again so soon.

  "Alright," she finally agreed. Tony really had bent over backwards for her. But it still bothered her that he had not stood up to Kimberly the way she had expected him to. It was like Kimberly owned him, or he felt Kimberly was more important than she was.

  Either way she had the chance to drive that amazing car so she accepted the dinner date. As she drove back to the hotel however, Kimberly's words and the way that Tony had just backed down kept replaying in her mind.

  "I love your remix Hanna, you deserve everything," she said mockingly to herself as she parked the car. "Unless of course Kimberly disagrees. Because we all must bow down and worship Kimberly," she was fuming again by the time she got back to the hotel room.

  She tried to rest but her heart felt broken. She had really wanted to get along with Kimberly and was looking forward to being on stage with her, she did not think there could be anything more amazing than that opportunity.

  “Bitch,” she muttered to herself as she got dressed for dinner. “She can have all the fame she wants, but she's not going to have Tony,” she said flatly to herself in the mirror. She made sure every raven hued strand of hair was in place before she turned and headed down to the dining room.

  Rachel and Kyle were already there. Rachel was excited to hear all about Hanna's visit with Kimberly. She had texted and called Hanna all afternoon, but Hanna had turned her phone off.

  "How was it-" she started to ask but as soon as she saw Hanna's face she stopped. "Oh Hanna, what happened?" she asked with a frown as her sister sat down across from them.

  "Well, Kimberly Cole is a bitch," Hanna said as she picked up a menu to select something to eat. "She didn't like the song, and she told me she will make sure it doesn't get played."

  Kyle winced and offered her a sympathetic look, but Rachel went on the warpath.

  "Oh that bitch," she growled. "If I get my hands on her Hanna I will-"

  "Hello all," Tony said quietly as he joined them at the table.

  Hanna avoided his gaze.

  "Can she really do that?" Rachel demanded. "Aren't you the one who makes those decisions Tony?"

  Tony cleared his throat and stared hard at the table. "Well, actually, if I go against her wishes, I would likely get fired, and even blackballed by the record company. It's a delicate thing to work with celebrities."

  Hanna was not pleased as she glanced over at Tony. She did not want to hear more about why Kimberly would get her w

  "This is ridiculous," she belted out and threw down her menu. "I can't believe that you don't have the balls to stand up to some prissy little princess," she pushed back her chair and started to leave, but Tony grabbed her wrist firmly.

  "Calm down," he requested as he looked up at her.

  "I will not," Hanna retorted with Rachel and Kyle looking on. They both knew the wrath of Hanna's temper and were not about to interfere.

  "Take a walk with me," Tony said sternly and stood up from his chair, still holding her wrist in a tight but not painful grasp.

  "Fine," Hanna replied but she was not happy about it. She allowed Tony to lead her out of the dining room and into the open air beyond it. As they walked down a narrow path, mostly isolated from the other patrons of the hotel, Tony spoke quietly to her.

  "Just trust me," he pleaded. "I would never leave you hanging, I just have to be careful about this."

  Hanna frowned as she glanced at him. "What are you going to do?"

  He leaned close to her and whispered in her ear.

  When the two returned to the table, Rachel and Kyle looked up curiously. They did not expect Tony to come back in one piece, or at all. Yet Hanna leaned over and planted a light kiss on his cheek before happily ordering her meal.

  "Lovely night," she said quickly.

  Rachel leaned across the table to speak to her sister. "What was that all about?" she asked, referring to the walk.

  "Nothing," Hanna replied, but her eyes held a secretive sparkle.

  Chapter 9

  The night of the big show finally arrived. Rachel was really worried about Hanna as it was still obvious that she would not be playing her song, yet Hanna was acting as if nothing was wrong. She had been smiling and very affectionate with Tony every time that Rachel saw her. Now it was time for the show and Rachel went looking for her so that they could drive together. When she opened the door to Hanna's hotel room she was first surprised by how much nicer it was than hers, and second annoyed because her sister was nowhere to be found.


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