Obama Zombies: How the Obama Machine Brainwashed My Generation
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medical care distinguished from, 124-25
and MTV election coverage, 160
and Obama integrity, 17
and Obama power grab, 17
and personal responsibility, 115-16
poll about, 52
public negotiation about, 111
regulation of, 43, 114, 122
as right/entitlement, 115, 118-19, 121
and Rock the Vote efforts, 154-55
and "shared sacrifice," 113; and special interests, 111
and Stewart-Obama interview, 182
and taxes, 113, 122, 125
and uninsured, 109-10, 155
universal, 44, 116, 141, 155
Health Care for America Now, 154
Health Choices Administration, 123
Health Choices Commissioner, 123-24
Health Insurance Exchange, 123
Heartland Institute, 114
helping others, 201-2
Heritage Foundation, 123
Hill, Jonah, 29
Hilton, Paris, 175, 180
Hilton, Perez, 117
Hip Hop Caucus, 58-59
Hip-Hop Team Vote, 59
Hoffman, Dustin, 29
Hollywood: and climate change, 89, 101-2
and deprogramming of Obama Zombies, 196
importance to political campaigns of, 45-61
and success as core tenet of conservatism, 60. See also celebrities; specific person
"Hollywood Declares Themselves" (YouTube videos), 29-31
Holmes, David, 102
Holmes, T. J., 14-15
Homecoming (MTV documentary), 164-65
hope, 13, 23, 151, 152, 203
Hot Air, 119
housing: regulation of, 43
Howett, Ciannat M., 96
Hu, Kelly, 48
Huffington Post, 13, 75, 120, 189
Hughes, Chris, 31-33, 35, 43
Hughes, Dudley J., 105-6
Humphreys, Gabriel, 115
"I got a crush on Obama" (song), 28
immigrants: and economic and social justice, 141
Independence Hall (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania): Obama speech at, 39
Indiana University: Clinton rally at, 51-52
individualism/individuals: and core principles of conservatives, 43, 60, 198
and function of government, 204-5
Internet as promoting, 43
and message framing, 203, 204-5
and moneymaking, 203
Obama's comments about, 60
rights of, 204-5
and successful entertainers, 60. See also freedom; personal responsibility
inflation, 132, 133
Inhofe, Jim, 104
International Energy Agency, 90
Internet: importance to election campaigns of, 26, 27-29, 31-32, 35-36
as promoting individualism, 43
iPhones, 20, 43, 206
iPods, 90
Iran, 67, 68, 69, 81, 83
Iraq War: celebrities comments about, 29
Colbert's comments about, 187
and elections of 2006, 185
Hayes-Stewart comments about, 174-75
as major issue in elections of 2008, 165
and McCain as warmonger, 81
and McCain-Stewart interview, 183-84
and MTV interviews, 159-60, 163, 164
Obama comments about, 72
poll about trust of McCain versus Obama concerning, 64
spending for, 146, 147
young Americans having served in, 155
Irvine, Martha, 52
Islam: Obama's exaltation of, 74
Islamic radicals, 73, 78
Jablow, Jen, 191-92
Jack Johnson Band, 58
Jackson, Carissa, 166
Jackson, Jesse, 5
Jacoby, Susan, 190
James, LeBron, 55-56
Japan: post-World War II reconstruction of, 25-26
Jay-Z, 14, 55-56, 59
Jeter, Derek, 83
Jobs, Steve, 22
jobs, 22, 131-32, 133, 137-40, 145, 146, 199-200, 202
Joe the Plumber, 50
Joel, Billy, 55
Johansson, Scarlett, 26, 49
Johnson, Lyndon B., 146, 205, 207
Johnson, Sasha, 4
Jones, Emil, 16
journalists: campaign contributions of, 11
"fake," 192; female, 1-2
MTV, 165-66
as prostitutes, 3-7, 15, 17, 22
Stewart's comments about, 179. See also specific person
Justice Department, U.S., 4
justice, economic and social, 140-43
Kaiser Family Foundation, 125
Kass, John, 15-16
Kennedy, Edward "Ted," 32, 130
Kennedy, John F., 12, 40, 49, 85
Kennedy, Robert, 151
Kerry, John, 32, 161, 177, 181
Kiedis, Anthony, 47
King, Martin Luther Jr., 56, 66, 157
Kleeb, Jane Fleming, 154, 166
Kleeb, Scott, 166
Klein, Joe, 9
Kolasa, Matthew, 192
Kurtz, Howard, 179
Kutcher, Ashton: video by, 45-48
LaBoeuf, Shia, 29
Larry King Live (CNN-TV), 153, 175
"Last Chance for Change" concerts, 56
Lauer, Matt, 172, 178
Laws, Tirann, 165
Lear, Norman, 28-31, 161
Lee, Brian, 157
Leibowitz, Jon. See Stewart, Jon
Leno, Jay, 104
liberals. See specific person or topic
Limbaugh, Rush, 19, 81, 180
Lincoln, Abraham, 49, 50, 73
Live Earth concerts, 85, 86, 87, 102-3
The Live Earth Global Warming Survival Handbook (Rothschild), 85-89
Lohan, Lindsay, 53
London Daily Mail, 103
London Sunday Telegraph, 188, 189
Lopez, Joshua, 157
Ludacris Band, 103
Lumpkin, Beverley, 4
Maddow, Rachel, 76
Madoff, Bernie, 200
Madonna, 48, 86, 103-4
Maguire, Toby, 29, 45
Malkin, Michelle, 206-7
Malone, Kobutsu, 166
Marxism, 141, 151, 181
Matthews, Chris, 11-12, 19, 137
Matthews, Dave, 49-51, 57
Mayer, John, 58
McCain, John: attack ads of, 38
and Ayers issue, 65
biographical background of, 64
campaign contributions for, 22
and climate change, 108, 161
and deprogramming of Obama Zombies, 187, 195-96, 197
and economic and social justice, 141
and economy, 157
foreign policy experience of, 63
and gender wage gap, 133
and Iraq War, 159-60, 183-84
journalists' views of, 6, 10
as maverick, 197
media coverage of, 10
and message framing, 203
as military man, 63, 64, 159-60
MTV coverage of, 158, 160-61
and Palin candidacy, 7, 53, 54, 170
as POW, 6, 7, 64
reaching out to young voters by, 108
Republican National Convention acceptance speech of, 158, 159
salaries of female staffers of, 136
Stewart's comments about, 170, 171, 178
Stewart's interviews with, 183-85
and taxes, 159
text messaging by, 41
use of online tools by, 26-28, 36, 39, 42
as warmonger, 80-81
McLaughlin, Andrew, 21
McLeod, Jaime, 166
media: and climate change, 89
and deprogramming of Obama Zombies, 196
"drive-by," 19
and health care, 111, 117
and media titans, 19-22
as Obama supporters, 1-23
White House credentials for, 3
th-targeted, 99-104. See also journalists; specific person or organization
Media Matters, 171
Medicaid, 121, 122
Medicare, 121, 122
Medill News Service, 58
Mellencamp, John, 49
Mendes, Eva, 100
message framing, 203-5
Microsoft, 19-20
microtargeting, 34, 41
Middlebury College, 96
Milano, Alyssa, 45
militarism, 67-68
military: and benefits of American power, 82-83
and core principles of conservatives, 197
criticisms of, 81-83
distrust of, 82
diversity in, 158
expansion of, 81
liberals versus conservatives in, 81
and McCain-Stewart interview, 183-85
need for, 83
number of youth having served in, 155
military (cont.) and patriotism, 157-58. See also Afghanistan; Iraq War; veterans
minimum wages, 29, 129-33
Miss California, 76
Mitchell, Greg, 189
moneymaking, 200-203
Moore, Demi: video by, 45-48
Moore, Michael, 166, 175, 207
Moore, Timothy, 57
morality, 76-77, 78-79, 121
Morrissey, Ed, 119-20
MoveOn.org, 154, 190
Moyers, Bill, 30
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Obama compared with, 12
MSNBC, 6, 11, 18, 57, 161, 179
MTV: and climate change, 89
election coverage by, 156-67
presidential forums of, 160-61
Trippin' series of, 99-101. See also MTV/MySpace forum; Rock the Vote program
MTV/MySpace presidential forum, 68, 70-71
multiculturalism, 71, 150, 151
Murphy, Cait, 134-35
Murs (rapper), 155
musicians, 57, 89. See also specific musician
Muslims: American, 77
Obama's apologies to, 73-74
MyBO (my.barackobama.com), 32, 33-34, 36-37, 42, 206
Nader, Ralph, 161
National Security Council, 7-8
National Association of Colleges and Employers, 135
National Council of La Raza, 154
National Guard, 81
nationalization, 17
Native Americans: Obama's apologies about, 73
natural gas, 98
NBC, 11, 102-3, 172, 207. See also MSNBC; specific person
Neighbor-to-Neighbor (online calling-and-canvassing tool), 33-34
neology, 17
Neumark, David, 132
New American Foundation, 20
New Jersey: health care in, 112
New York: health care in, 111-12
New York Observer, 11-12
New York Times: Ayers comment to, 66
and climate change, 100, 102, 103, 104-5
Cowan comments about Obama to, 9
health care story in, 117
Homecoming documentary story in, 164, 165
on Hughes' social networks site for Obama, 32-33
on Lear, 30
Obama story on militarism and nuclear disarmament in, 67
and Obama's use of online campaign techniques, 42
and Roby garbage gift, 91, 92
at Stewart breakfast, 179
Stewart profile in, 172-73
and Stewart's partisanship, 185
and "Trayless Tuesday" campaigns, 94-95
New York University, 98
New Yorker magazine, 173
Newsweek magazine, 5-6, 8, 92, 173
Nine Inch Nails (band), 58
Norman, Christina, 162, 163
Norman, Noah, 13
North Korea, 67, 69, 83
Northeastern University: Stewart performance at, 169-70
Northwestern University: Obama speech at, 116
Novak, Robert D., 172
nuclear power, 98
nuclear weapons, 67-68, 69
Omagazine, 57
O-phone, 41-42
Obama, Barack Hussein Jr.: as apologizer, 69, 72-73
college years of, 15, 67, 141, 153
at Columbia University, 67
Democratic Convention acceptance speech of, 140-41, 156, 157-58
energy of, 9
experience of, 7-8, 49-50, 63, 199
as hip president, 13-15
image of, 11-15
as inspiring, 13, 51, 183, 198
op-ed writings of, 67, 70
physical fitness of, 10
as reformer, 16
salaries of female staffers of, 136
swearing-in party of, 21. See also specific person or topic
Obama Girl, 28, 31, 196
Obama, Michelle, 141, 158, 201
Obama Zombies: deprogramming of, 195-207
and fading of ObamaMania, 196. See also specific person, organization, or topic
ObamaCare, 122, 123, 124
Occidental College: left domination of, 150
Office of National Drug Control Policy, U.S., 4
Office of Science and Technology, White House, 5
Ohio: Crow PSAs in, 151-52
Jay-Z concerts in, 56
Obama (Michelle) campaign in, 201
Obama web operation in, 33, 34
Ohio State University: Springsteen concert at, 55
oil, 20, 139-40
Olbermann, Keith, 76-77
ONE campaign, 152
O'Neill, June, 134
O'Neill, Tip, 12
"Only You Can Silence Yourself" video campaign, 31
Oprah (TV show): Obama on, 33
O'Reilly, Bill, 180, 188, 189, 191
O'Rourke, P. J., 202
Ortega, Daniel, 75
Oxtoby, David W., 99
Page, Clarence, 2-3
Page, Larry, 21
Palin, Sarah, 7, 38, 53-54, 55, 137, 159, 166-67, 170, 171
Parks, Rosa, 56
patriotism, 77, 141, 157
Peace Corps, 203
peace studies, 78-80
Pearl, Daniel, 71
Pearl Jam (band), 58
peer pressure, 34
Pelosi, Nancy, 156
Pennsylvania: Springsteen concert in, 55
Pentagon: bombings of, 66, 79
People for the American Way, 30