Obama Zombies: How the Obama Machine Brainwashed My Generation
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People magazine, 31
personal responsibility, 60, 115-16, 118, 124-25, 140, 180, 189, 197
Pew Research Center, 9-10, 31, 173-76
Phillips, Kyra, 14-15
Phish (band), 58
Pink, 53-54
Pitzer College: green initiatives at, 97
Plame, Valerie, 174
Pledge of Allegiance, 29
Plouffe, David, 7, 15, 35, 36, 37-38, 52, 53, 54, 206
Podesta, John, 205
political correctness, 76
politicians: trust of, 127. See also specific person
Politico, 13, 14, 104, 130
politics, Chicago, 15-16
Pollan, Michael, 117
Pomona College, 99
Poppel, Ed, 97
"Pork Invaders" (video game), 42
post-traumatic stress syndrome, 159, 165
postracialism, 5-6
poverty, 44, 71, 146, 162, 163-64, 190, 202, 205. See also welfare
Power Shift conference, 137, 138
presidents: as commanders in chief, 63-64, 74. See also specific person
Pressly, Jaime, 45
private capital, 17-18, 20
progressives, 198
Putin, Vladimir, 53
race: celebrities talking about, 30, 49, 153
and liberal media, 5-6, 9, 13, 18
Obama's Independence Hall speech about, 39
and online campaigning, 39
rap music, 56, 58-59
Rasiej, Andrew, 27-28
Rasmussen Reports, 191
Rather, Dan, 192
Rattendi, Julie, 117
Raven-Symone, 86
Ravindran, Vijay, 4
Reagan, Ronald, 85, 136, 144, 147, 207
recycling, 107
Red Hot Chili Peppers (band), 47, 86, 102
regulation, 43, 44, 89-90, 114, 122, 140, 147, 204
Reid, Harry, 183
religion, 30, 119, 189-90
Remnick, David, 173
Republican National Convention (2008), 77, 158, 159-60, 172
Republicans: and deprogramming of Obama Zombies, 196
and elections of 2006, 185-87
as Stewart targets, 174-76. See also specific person
"Respect My Vote" campaign, 58-59
Revkin, Andrew, 104
Rice, Susan, 3
rich: as paying fair share of taxes, 143-47
Rich, Frank, 186
Richie, Nicole, 45
Rieckhoff, Paul, 157
Rivera, Ray, 41
Roby, Claire, 91-92, 93
Rochester Institute of Technology, 94
Rock the Vote program, 117, 125-26, 151-56, 161
Rockefeller, Jay, 80
Roe v. Wade (1973), 150
Rolling Stone magazine, 31, 49, 192
Ronson, Samantha, 53
Roosevelt, Franklin, 8
Rospars, Joe, 31, 32, 36, 38, 41
Rothschild, David de, 86, 87
Rove, Karl, 179
Russia, 81
Saslow, Eli, 10
Schechtman, Jason, 52
Schmidt, Eric, 20-21, 22
Schubert, Bill, 66
Schultz, Ed, 81
Schweizer, Peter, 207
Selma, Alabama: Bloody Sunday in, 11
September 11, 2001, 66, 77, 78, 79
sex; and media adoration of Obama, 1-2
"shared sacrifice," 113
Sharp, Leith, 95-96
Sharpton, Al, 5
Shepherd, Sherri, 49
Shure, Joe, 116
Sicko (documentary), 175
Siddique, Asheesh, 82
Sifry, Micah L., 28
Silicon Valley: Obama campaign contributions from, 19-20, 21, 22
Silverman, Sarah, 29, 30
Simmons, Russell, 54, 59
Simpson, Ashlee, 45
Sirulnick, Dave, 165
Skidmore College, 94
slavery: Obama's apologies about, 73
small-town America: Stewart's comments about, 170
Smith, Heather, 117, 153-54
Smith, Marcie, 138
Snapp, Martin, 12
Snoop Dogg, 29-30
soccer debate, 82
social justice, 140-43
social networking, 31-34, 43, 205-6
Social Security, 43, 121
socialism, 17-18, 20, 142, 143, 155, 181, 182
Somers, Patricia, 77
Soros, George, 82, 207
South Carolina: Oprah-Obama rally in, 40
Southern New Hampshire University: McCain-MTV interview at, 160-61
Spain: green jobs in, 138-39
Sparks, Jordan, 83
Spears, Britney, 37, 83, 180
spending, 17, 20, 139, 146-47, 161, 185, 199, 200
Springs, Bonner, 158
Springsteen, Bruce, 54-55, 59
standard of living, 131, 142, 147
Stanton, Katie Jacobs, 21
Stephanopoulos, George, 4-5, 23
Stewart, Jon: Colbert as "fake correspondent" of, 188
Colbert compared with, 187
conservatives as targets of, 172, 175, 178, 179-80, 185
McCain interviews with, 183-85
as news source for youth, 191-92
Obama interviews with, 181-83
partisanship of, 169-76, 185
self-deprecation of, 176-78
Stewart, Neil, 199
Stewart, Nestor, 131-32
Steyn, Mark, 71
stimulus package, 20, 139, 199-200
Sting, 86
Stossel, John, 149-50
Strahan, Michael, 46
straw homes, 85, 88, 89
Students Against Militarism, 67
Styler, Trudie, 102
Summit of the Americas, 75
superpower, U.S. as, 75-76, 198
sustainability, 94, 95-96, 98
Sutton, Nikki, 35
"Swagga Like Us" (hip-hop song), 14
Swarthmore College, 150
swing voters, 197
talk radio, 19
Tannen, Deborah, 14
Tarantino, Tom, 158
Tax Foundation, 144
taxes: on capital gains, 140
and climate change, 98
and deprogramming of Obama Zombies, 197
and economic and social justice, 140, 142, 143
and health-care insurance, 113, 122, 125
and job 145, 146
and message framing, 204;and moneymaking, 202
and MTV's coverage of McCain, 159
rich as not paying fair share of, 143-47
terrorism, 65, 68, 71, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78-79, 80, 83
text messaging, 37, 39-42, 205
Thatcher, Margaret, 153
T.I. (rapper), 58-59
Timberlake, Justin, 29, 100
Time magazine, 4, 7-8, 9, 92, 173
Today show (NBC), 102-3
toilet paper: regulation on use of, 151
Tolkan, Jessy, 90-91, 137
Tomei, Marisa, 45
torture: Obama's apologies about, 73
Transportation Department, U.S., 4, 5
transportation energy, 107
"trash journals," 93
"Trayless Tuesdays" campaign, 94-95
trickle-down theory, 141, 145
Trippin' series (MTV), 99-101
"truthiness" factor, Colbert's, 185-86, 188
Tully, Shawn, 122-23, 124
Turkey: Obama's apologies to, 73
Twitter, 27, 83, 205
unemployment. See jobs
United Nations, 69, 72, 174
United States: and American exceptionalism, 74-75, 195
as evil dictatorship, 81-82
image abroad of, 65, 70-76
left's intentions for, 75-76
Obama's vision of flawed, 74-75
as superpower, 75-76, 198
University of California system; as Obama contributor, 19
University of Florida, 96-97
/> University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, 93
University of Pennsylvania; adultery novel classes at, 150-51
University of Southern California; student questions for McCain from, 160-61
US Weekly magazine, 31
USA Today, 77, 178
values, 76-77, 78-79, 121, 197, 201
Vanity Fair magazine, 187, 188
veterans, 156, 159, 164-65
Vick, Michael, 118
Vietnam War, 64, 72
Villanueva, Jose, 199
viral marketing, 30
Virginia: Crow PSAs in, 151-52
Virginia Commonwealth University, 152
Vote Vets, 156
voters: importance of youth, 196
independent, 197
quality versus quantity of, 149-51
registration of, 37, 41, 58, 59, 149-50, 152, 155, 161
swing, 197
undecided, 33-34. See also get out the vote
wage gap, gender, 133-37
Waide, Paul, 90
Walker, David, 121-22
Wall Street Journal, 98, 125, 179
Wallace, Chris, 179
War on Poverty, 146, 147, 205
Washington Post, 3, 10, 13, 70, 81, 179
Waters, Maxine, 156
Watson, Carlos, 18
wealth: creation of, 141, 200-203
generation of, 147
government as confiscating, 138
need for, 203
redistribution of, 44, 50, 60, 119, 121, 124, 143, 162
and rich as not paying fair share of taxes, 143-47
spreading the, 143
Webel, Charles, 78, 79
Weiss, Rick, 5
welfare, 146-47, 205
West, Kanye, 86, 103, 164
Whitaker, Forest, 29
White House Correspondents Dinner, 2, 186-87, 188
Wilco (band), 58
Will, George, 205
will.i.am, 25, 26, 28, 31
Williams, Brian, 9, 173, 192
Williams, Erica, 120-21, 122, 123, 163
Williams, Walter, 206-7
Wilson, Joe, 174
wind power, 97-98
Winfrey, Oprah, 12, 40, 48, 57
Winograd, Morley, 77-78
Wolffe, Richard, 5
Wood, Natalie, 56
World Trade Center, 79. See also September 11, 2001
World Trade Organization (WTO), 68
Wright, Jeremiah, 42
Yago, Gideon, 156, 160-61, 167
Yahoo, 37
Yearwood, Lennox Jr., 58
"Yes, we can," 13, 25-26, 203, 207
Young America's Foundation, 142, 207
Young Voter Pac, 154, 166
Youth Against War and Racism, 166
YouTube: and deprogramming the Obama Zombies, 205
as election campaign tool, 26, 27, 28-31, 37-38, 39, 43, 52
and fading of ObamaMania, 196
Murs video for, 155
"Petition to Redistribute GPAs" video on, 143
Zamarripa, Jennifer, 199
Zarate, Lorenzo, 164-65
zoo, starting your own, 85, 87
Zuckman, Jill, 5, 6-7