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Adira's Mate

Page 15

by April Zyon

  Settling her back on her feet, Fintan shocked her by going to his knees. The kiss he pressed to her belly, though, stunned her. Then he rested his cheek to her belly, sliding his arms around her, and held her gently.

  She had her hands in his hair and smiled. “Yes. I am having your baby. A little general just like you,” she said with happiness filling her. “You are going to be the best dad ever in the history of ever,” she told him as she let her fingers run through his hair. “So I take it that you are happy with this illness that seems to be plaguing me right now?” Her lips were twitching as she said that.

  “Much happier now that I know the reason for it,” he said. He gave her another gentle squeeze, another kiss to her belly, then got to his feet, dislodging her hands. Catching her hands, he kissed each of her palms lightly. “Give me a few minutes to pass along some orders, than you and I are going to go and have lunch. After that we will go to our room so you can have a nap. No arguments, Adira. You haven’t been sleeping very well since we got on the ship. Now you need to get all the rest you can.”

  “I haven’t been sleeping well but now I know part of the reason,” she said and hugged him tightly once more. “God I love you, Fin. So much.” She kissed the bottom of his chin and pulled back. “Now, go and leave your orders so that we can go eat, because I’m starving. I am, after all, growing a baby.” She snickered. “And are you going to tell them the good news?”

  “Not yet, it’s bad luck to say anything too early in a pregnancy. We’ll wait for the first three months to pass before saying anything, if you’re all right with that of course. It’s mostly superstition passed down through the generations, but I’d really rather not do anything to jinx us or our child. Silly, I know.”

  “Nothing is at all silly when it comes to you. You make me happy. We are in this together. Just know that likely everyone will know about our child before we tell them, simply because of how you treat me.”

  Fintan drew back to look at her. “Are you saying that you think I’ll be even worse than I am now?” he asked. Arching a brow, he gave a haughty sniff. “Sadly you may be right, but you are my wife and it’s my right to treat you as I see fit. Even if they guess, they wouldn’t be crass enough to mention anything until we give the announcement. Tradition and all.”

  “Fin, you know that I love how you act around me. How you treat me. Yes, I know that you will be worse now that I’m carrying the Little General, but I’m good with that as long as you are. Now, you said something about food? I’m hungry, love, and I’m now eating for two. Feed me?”

  “Yes, little wife, I did mention food.” Shaking his head, he gave her a kiss before drawing out of her arms. He took her hand and guided her out to the command deck once more. He left her near the guard while he went to attend to what he needed to. It didn’t take him very long to get everyone moving with their assignments. Then he was back at her side again.

  Adira slipped her hand into his and smiled up at him. Giving his hand a squeeze, she nodded and allowed him to get them moving toward the mess hall. Once they were there she started to pick out food she wanted, laughing when Fin grumbled something under his breath about the food she was eating.

  Once seated at the command staff table, with the guard off to get his own meal, Fintan leaned in slightly. “I do have a question for you, Adira. How will that Little General moniker work if we end up having a girl?”

  “What says that she can’t be a general as well?” Adira knew that had they been on an Imarian vessel, there would be no way that a female could be in the military. “Although, I would prefer our daughter, if we are blessed with one, didn’t join the service. She would still be our Little General, however, because I have a feeling she will rule over everyone in her orbit of influence.”

  “If she chose to join the Armada, she could very well rise to the level of general or beyond. Unlike your military we don’t limit our females to only certain tasks. I’d prefer she didn’t either, but that may very well be that protective streak I apparently have, according to you, kicking in. As to the rest.” He gave her a small smile. “She’ll only be taking after her mother. Don’t give me those big, innocent eyes, Adira. I see how everyone on this ship jumps to do absolutely anything you ask when you give them a smile. Every day I feel as if I’m more of a token figurehead around here.”

  Adira got just a bit sad. “I would rather she didn’t. My brother is still out there.” She hurt inside knowing that he wasn’t there and that one day she and Fin might one day face Petr out in space. “As for you and being protective, I love it. It makes me feel all kinds of warm and fuzzy. Please never stop being you?”

  Reaching over, Fintan covered and squeezed her hand gently. “I won’t stop. I doubt I could, even should I try.” He rubbed his thumb to her hand lightly. “Eat your food so we can go and have our nap.”

  “That sounds lovely.” She pulled back from him and began to eat. As she ate, Adira noticed that he was back to tasting her food first and that had her frowning. “Is there something I should know?” she asked when he pushed another cup of food her way. “Why are you tasting my food again? I noticed it yesterday as well. Is all well?”

  “It’s the only way I can get any of these dishes these days,” he said. “Someone, not naming names, keeps taking all the last portions. As I said before, I’ve apparently become a figurehead around here, because the dining hall staff only save you a dish while I’m left wanting.”

  Adira was snickering; she couldn’t help it. “Oh mercy. You are too cute,” she told him. “But you know that they do look up to you. They do honor you and hold you in great respect. I believe that they do this for me because of you. You are good to them. That’s why Markus refused to take your position. You are a great commander. You are a leader of men and it’s all so natural to you that you don’t even realize just how much you mean to them. I see it, though. How they look up to you.”

  He merely let out a grunt and went back to eating off his own plate. When he finished he pushed it aside and leaned back in the chair. His attention was fully on her while she ate her food at a slightly slower pace. Fintan seemed all about getting the food in and getting moving while she preferred to savor and enjoy her meals.

  Once she had finished eating, Adira shifted so that she could lean against him. “Thank you for feeding me. I’m feeling so much better,” she told him. “After the shot from the doctor and now food. So much better. That reminds me, I need to go back by there and pick up the pills she has for me.” So that she could feel a bit better in the mornings when he left her. “I typically feel okay until you leave me in the mornings. That’s when I start to feel sick.”

  “It’s the bond likely helping to ease the queasiness. The closer we are to one another the more effective it is. I’ll have to make sure I’m around long enough for you to take the pills, and for them to kick in before I head off each day. I’ll see what I can do about my schedule to add a little more flexibility to it. As everyone will likely know what’s going on before day’s end, I doubt it will shock them greatly if I change things up a little.”

  “Too true, especially since the guard that was with me this morning followed me to medical. I’m sure that he’s well aware of what’s happening.” She shrugged and stroked her hand over his arm. “I would appreciate anything that you could do in order to be with me in the mornings. After that I’m fairly good, just tired and hungry. But that’s typical.” For pregnancy, that was. “I’ll ask her to run a scan on the baby when we hit our trimester to ensure that all is well with him or her. Once that happens we will have a better idea of what my body needs to make sure that this pregnancy goes without a hitch.”

  Nodding, he put his free hand over the one on his arm. “Whatever you need, Adira. All you ever have to do is ask, little wife. You know that, yes?” At her nod he squeezed her fingers. “All right, time for you to get in some sleep. Let’s go back to our rooms so you can rest.” Getting to his feet he helped her out of her chair. Then he stac
ked the dishes they’d used, and took them back to the kitchen. She’d noticed he did that after every meal they took in the dining hall. While others left their dishes on the tables for the staff to take care of, Fin, Markus, and a couple of others always cleared their dishes away.

  Once he had put the dishes away in the kitchen, she wrapped her arm around his middle and lay her head on his shoulder as they walked away from the mess hall, the whispers starting the moment their backs were turned.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Adira woke to a soft caress to her cheek. From the puff of air that came at regular intervals she knew it was Fintan’s nose brushing up and down her skin. She could feel the weight of his warm hand resting over her belly, his fingers spread to cover as much of her as he could. “Did you sleep well?” he asked softly.

  “I did,” she told him and shifted under him slightly. “Did you rest well?” she wanted to know. Her fingers slid over his hair gently. “I feel good too. I think waking with you like this makes all the illness go away.” She moved so that she could wrap her leg around his waist. “What plans do we have today, Fin?”

  “Nothing at all, just ensuring you rest as you need to. Tomorrow we’ll get the medication you need from the doctor and spend a lazy day together. I think the crew can manage to keep us going the right way without me for a day. They managed it for three months, so I have full confidence in them. And I’ll have to decide when to give you your surprise as well. I’m still unsure when would be best.”

  “Now is a good time.” She pulled back and looked at him with a grin. “Just telling you, that is. I love surprises, so anytime at all that you would like to give it to me is perfect. I say the sooner the better.” She was snickering, breaking into small giggles. “As for your crew, I have full confidence that they will keep us going. They rather like you, husband, and they want to make you proud.”

  He made that face again. He’d done it several times before, usually when she mentioned his crew and their feelings toward him. It was as if he was uncomfortable with the mere idea. Fin didn’t seem to mind when someone mentioned the obvious respect the crew had, but mention anything further and he got weird. “I’ll think about when to give you the surprise a little longer. It’s a bit…” he trailed off. “Let’s say that it has a seriousness to it as well and leave it at that for the moment.”

  That had her frowning but she nodded. “All right, when you are ready, I’m ready.” She touched her fingers to his cheek and smiled. “You are who is important to me. If you say that it needs to wait then I also need to wait. Now, how about the two of us do something about being naked here in this bed together? Please?”

  Up went one of his eyebrows. His lips curved slightly as well when he tipped his head into her touch. “What exactly did you have in mind, little wife? You really should be resting, so I’m not sure what plans you have that could facilitate that.”

  “I had a wonderful nap.” She shifted slightly so that she could rub her body against his once more. “I have another need that I would love to have filled. I need you, Fin. I want to feel your hands on my body again, your mouth on me, and your cock inside of me. Please?”

  Interest filled his eyes as he looked down at her. “Is there anything else you would like, Adira?” he asked. She felt his hand on her belly, sliding lower to cover her mound, his fingers slipping down to brush lightly over her clit.

  “Everything.” She lifted herself against his hand and closed her eyes as she moaned. “I’m yours. I give my pleasure into your control.” Because he would never deny her and he would always ensure that she received as much pleasure as she could handle, and then some. “The question truly is, what is it that you want, husband? What have you been holding back that you want to do to me, with me?”

  “I don’t think there is enough time left in the day for the entirety of that list. Some of which won’t be happening while you are carrying our child. Others I’ll have to see if they could harm him, or her, before we try them. And then there are still others that I fully intend to show you. Not tonight, though. Tonight is for us. It’s for pleasure, and for connecting, rejoicing, and celebrating the new life you will one day be bringing into our world. Tomorrow we’ll get back into more interesting adventures.” Lowering his head, Fintan pressed a kiss to her throat, his tongue flicking out to slide warmly over her skin.

  “Our child is safe inside of me. I doubt that you could do anything to hurt him or her, because it would cause me too much pain.” She had tilted her head to the side to allow him more access to her neck. “I look forward to any and all adventures that we will have in our lives. I know that they will be wonderful.” She tightened her hand on his shoulder and tugged him closer. “Please,” she whispered in need, her leg rubbing his thigh hungrily.

  “Patience, Adira,” he said quietly. Fin bit her neck in a gentle reprimand while his fingers stroked lower between her folds. Slipping them into her body, he began a slow thrust while he nibbled and licked along her neck.

  “I’m trying.” She opened her legs wider for him and arched her neck. “Fin.” She loved the way that he would twist his fingers inside of her pussy, his thumb stroking her clit as he did so. “That feels so good.” She was now rocking faster against his hand as he stroked her.

  “That’s the idea, Adira.” He let out a snort before nipping at her jaw. Shifting slightly, he began to kiss his way down to her breasts, dragging his teeth lightly over her nipples before latching on to suck and toy with the tight buds.

  Her hand fisted in his hair. She shuddered when his teeth lightly scraped her nipple and cried out as he suckled at her breast. “Fintan.” She moaned his name loudly. “There. Heavens, please.” She was lost in the feelings, lost in simply being loved on by her husband.

  He was moving his fingers in and out of her pussy faster, his thumb pressing to her clit as he rubbed the tight nub. Moving to her other breast, he sucked her nipple into his mouth and flicked it with his tongue. With his free hand he cupped her other breast, his fingers moving to tug, squeeze, and lightly flick her nipple.

  She was lost in the feelings, in the emotions that were rolling off of him as well. She was rocking against his fingers and hand. “Please, Sir.” She gave in and told him with that one single word what she needed. “Please, I need. Only you can give me what I need.” Her hand on his shoulder was clenching, releasing, and trying to tug him closer.

  His teeth clamped down on her nipple and tugged. Lifting his head he looked at her. A quick kiss to her lips, demanding and forceful. Then he drew back. “On your hands and knees, ass up in the air,” he ordered. Fintan didn’t move his hand between her legs though, just gave her a look and waited for her to figure out the maneuver.

  Adira nodded and shifted slightly. “Yes, Sir.” She was soon on her hands and knees, her shoulders on the bed and ass in the air. She was moaning and found herself pushing back against his hand that was still buried between her legs. “Is this how you need me, Sir?”

  “Closer to the headboard so you can hold on to it. Don’t dislodge my fingers, Adira,” he warned right as she started to move. Fin was keeping up the thrusting of his digits in and out of her pussy, but as she moved she quickly figured out the pace to move since he seemed determined to torture her a little.

  Her hands were on the headboard now and she was opened fully for him. “Is this where you need me, Sir?” she asked and clenched her pussy against his fingers. She shivered in reaction to the hard thrust of his fingers, the brush of his thumb to her clit. She was so close to coming but knew she had to wait. She couldn’t climax without his permission.

  “Knees wider, and further back. I want you stretched out so there’s no chance you can hit your head, Adira. That’s better,” he said when she wiggled into position. She also got two hard slaps to her ass that pushed her closer to the edge of orgasm.

  “Yes, please, Sir, may I come?” she begged as he worked her body just on the edge of brutally, what she loved, what she needed. She eagerly soaked
up the feelings of his roughness, his torturing her body as much as he did himself.

  “No,” he said. Then he withdrew his fingers from her pussy. Cool air drifted over her damp folds, adding a new sensation. The bed moved slightly and soon enough she felt him blow a concentrated breath over her throbbing clit. “How close are you, Adira?” he asked. Looking down she saw him on his back, his head between her legs, looking up toward her.

  “I’m close, it won’t take much for me to come,” she told him as she clenched her pussy to keep from coming. “Please, Sir. I want to come. I need to come.”

  “Not yet,” he said. He put his hands on her ass and pressed down so her pussy was closer to his face. “When I slide a finger into your tight little ass you may come, not before. Not while I’m playing with you, licking you, or stroking that tight bud. Only when I press my finger in. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir. I understand. I can’t come until you slip your finger into my ass.” She fisted her hands into the headboard, clenched her teeth to keep from coming. “I am yours,” she whispered and shuddered again. She loved the way that he was treating her, the way that he would make her wait to climax. It was perfect and everything she had always needed.

  “Yes you are, Adira. All mine.” He pressed on her ass a little more so his mouth could latch onto her clit. He began to suck hard, no build up, very little warning, and he was using his teeth as well. One of his hands slid around to press a couple of fingers into her pussy again, stroking in time with each draw of his mouth.

  She shouted, her hands tightening impossibly, her knuckles going white. “Please, Sir, I’m too close.” She was ready to explode. Her whole being was shaking now. “More. I’m begging. Please.” She didn’t mind begging him. It was her right as his wife to plead for more.

  His only answer was to suck harder on her clit. Meeting his gaze she could see the command there, don’t come until he gave her the nonverbal permission. There was a warning there as well. She couldn’t disobey him, no matter what.


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