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Adira's Mate

Page 16

by April Zyon

  She was panting, sweat rolling off of her body, but she held back her climax. She knew that it would be worth it. He would always ensure that she had everything she needed. She gasped, her body tightening again on him. “Yes, please, Sir,” she begged in desperation.

  It seemed to be an eternity before his other hand drifted over her ass, his one finger rubbing lightly to her puckered hole. He increased the pressure a little, but didn’t slide that digit in. He was teasing her, testing her, pushing her to her limits and beyond. Fintan was watching her with an intensity. When she thought she couldn’t last another moment, he pressed a finger into her ass.

  Adira screamed as she came. The silent approval for her to climax was all she had needed. She gasped as a second powerful orgasm rolled into the first one. She was gasping for air, desperate and needful for more. “Thank you, Sir. For allowing me to come.” She was panting as she said that, pushing back against his fingers and mouth as she did so.

  He pushed her through another body-shuddering climax before he withdrew his fingers and pulled his mouth from her body. Moving from his position, Fintan eased up behind her, wrapping his hands around hers and gently pulling her fingers free of the death grip they had on the headboard. Settling back in a seated position with her in his lap, he massaged each of her hands one at a time. “Are you all right?” he asked, pressing kisses to her cheek and shoulder.

  “Oh yes, I’m very good.” She was leaning against him and smiled. “Thank you for that. It felt incredible.” She wiggled against him and smiled. “However, I truly feel like I need you inside of me as well. Are you still in need or was that all that you needed to ease your ache?”

  He gave a snort against her cheek. “You are wiggling on my lap, Adira. Can you not feel that my need has yet to be eased? Silly female,” he muttered. Giving her another kiss, he told her to flex and relax her hands a few times while he watched carefully. When he seemed satisfied she was truly all right he helped her to turn in his lap to face him. His cock rubbed against her overly sensitive clit and rested against her belly.

  Adira wrapped her legs around his waist and leaned her forehead to his. “I feel your need. I feel your desire.”

  Running his hands up and down her back, Fintan kissed her. “Lift up,” he said against her mouth. “Lift up, and I’ll slide in so you can ride me. I like watching you as you move.”

  She liked it too, a great deal. She loved watching him as she rode him. Lifting, she shifted slightly so that she could take him into her body, then began to slide slowly down his cock. She cried out and arched back as his cock began to fill her. “I love the way that you feel inside of me. I will never get used to the way that this feels, how incredible and how perfect that it feels.” Knowing how they connected, feeling the pulse of his heart in his cock as he pumped inside of her pussy.

  Another kiss to her lips as he slipped his arms around her. “Ride me, Adira. Slowly,” he told her. Then she got a deeper kiss, one where he made love to her mouth while she tried to remember what he’d told her to do.

  Adira rode him slowly. She took her time as she brought them together. Her hands were wrapped around his neck and she kissed him back. This was them making love, something she would always want and always need. “Perfect,” she whispered against his lips and rode him, clenching on his cock as she slid up and down his long, hard shaft.

  Fin’s lips curved against hers. “Agreed, you are definitely perfect.” He kissed her again before she could come up with her standard protest. Still smiling, he nipped at her lips, teasing her into another slow kiss while his hands drifted over her back.

  She didn’t argue with him. She knew she wouldn’t win. Instead she happily moved with him and knew that the two of them would always be like this, always want each other desperately. “I love you, Fin. Always.”

  “As I love you, Adira. Always,” he whispered. Fisting a hand in her hair he tipped her head back so he could kiss, lick, and nibble on her throat. His other hand moved to cup her ass, pressing a finger into her anus just enough to give her some additional sensations.

  “I love when you touch me there.” She was rocking just a bit faster on him. “One day I want you to take me there too, need for you to be there again. I love the way that it feels when you do.” She loved the way that it felt when he was inside of her ass and spanking her as he rode her hard.

  “Tomorrow,” he said. A promise, she knew. Fintan was always careful in his words, yet also very giving. If he said he’d do something, he followed through on the promise no matter what. “Right after I give you your surprise.”

  She whimpered while she rode him. “I have nothing to give you,” she said with a frown, her forehead to his. “I came into your life with nothing, you’ve given me so much.” She just had herself to give to him, and she gave herself freely to him.

  “You’ve given me so much, Adira. You gave me your trust when I’m not sure I truly deserved it. You’ve given me your love, your heart, your very soul. And now you’ve given me a child to cherish alongside his, or her, mother. I’ve given you material things, Adira. Not a one that holds a candle to what you’ve given me, and continue to give me each day.”

  “You give me all of that as well.” She brushed her cheek to his, rocking against him as she did so. “You give me your heart, soul and body. You are good to me. Always. You might give me things, but you give me so much more than that. You have given me a home. A future, and our child,” she added and kissed him once more.

  His teeth caught her lip as she drew back, lightly scraping the tender flesh. “Then we are even. What I have for you is merely an extension of everything, Adira. A symbol of all I feel for you, and the future I hope we’ll have together. Long, and plentiful if you were wondering.”

  She brushed her nose to his and kissed him again. “More,” she whispered against his mouth and began to move just a bit faster on him, just a bit harder.

  He tightened his grip on her hair, drawing her head back so her throat was bared to him. Fin’s hot mouth covered the spot where neck met shoulder, and he scraped his teeth repeatedly to the spot. When she began to tighten around him he bit down a little. At the same time he pushed his finger deeper into her anus and used that odd hold to control the motion of her hips.

  “Fin.” She sobbed his name and pushed harder against him. She had her eyes closed and head back. Her hands were in his hair and held his head to her neck, begging for more without saying a single word. It was all in the movement of her body with his, how she held on to him and moved with him.

  Slowly he tightened his teeth on her shoulder and thrust his finger ever so slightly to match the roll of her hips. He was leaning back a bit now, changing the angle of her thrusts and causing her clit to drag over his cock.

  “I’m so close.” That was the only warning she could give him as she rode him faster. “Fin, please tell me that you’re close.” She was panting as she sped up, rocked harder against him and demanded more from him.

  His growl was all he gave her. Which was good enough for her. Normally she’d have waited for a verbal cue from him, but in this instant that growl was more than enough. Especially when he let her hair go to land a slap on her ass before squeezing the cheek hard.

  Adira allowed her head to fall back then and she screamed. She climaxed again, her pussy clenching his cock tightly, and she demanded that he come along with her. She was desperate for him, needed everything that he had to give her.

  Fintan’s head snapped back away from her as he let out a yell. She could feel his cock pulse inside of her sheath before the heat of his seed slid over her inner walls. With a shudder he gathered her closer to him and fell back onto the bed. His breathing was ragged as he cradled her close and stroked her back.

  Adira was gasping for air and had her eyes closed. She was smiling as she lightly stroked his chest. Words couldn’t express to him just how amazing that had been, how fabulous their loving had been. She pressed a kiss to the center of his chest and pulled ba
ck to look up at him. “Perfect.” That was all she could say because it really was just that, perfect.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Fintan was dawdling. There was no other word for it. Whenever she assumed they were ready to go and see the surprise he’d promised her, he would come up with some other task he needed to see to. He was really starting to annoy her, all except for that mischievous look in his eyes. It was likely the only thing keeping her from demanding to know what the surprise was.

  Finally Adira looked up at Fintan and pushed the stop on the lift that they were in. “Now, please tell me why you keep putting off giving me whatever surprise it is that you have for me? It’s really starting to get to me, babe,” she admitted. “Please, tell me what the surprise is? You know that I’m dying to know.”

  “I’m just waiting for,” he paused when there was a beep. Holding up a finger he touched the earpiece but didn’t say anything. He was listening, and a look of relief finally crossed his face. Touching it again, he pulled it free of his ear and dropped it into a pocket. “I’ve been waiting to hear that it was all set. We had a small delay due to an air relay short. Now we can proceed with going to where your surprise is.” Reaching out, he pressed in a code for the lift and she immediately felt the shift in direction.

  “Okay, I’m a little nervous. I won’t lie. I’ve never seen you asking anyone for help with the surprises that you give to me. Well, except for our wedding and since we’re already married I don’t see us getting married again.”

  “I couldn’t very well run off to see to the staging of things with my promise to remain close, now could I? But Markus has assured me, under dire threat to his life expectancy, that everything is as it should be.” Stepping off the lift, he tucked her hand through his arm. They were on the hydroponics level, and if she wasn’t mistaken they were heading straight for it.

  “I love it down here.” He knew that, of course. “Did we get more new plants and seeds that we need to take care of?” she asked while they walked toward the bays. “Oh, are we meeting up with another destroyer so that we can get the seedlings that I asked Bracken to find for us?”

  Fintan shot her a look that was a cross between confused and frustrated. “No, and no.” Shaking his head he muttered something under his breath she didn’t get. It sounded Craegin, but nothing she’d learned so far assisted in deciphering it. At the door to hydroponics he dug out a blindfold and moved behind her. “I need you to wear this until I have you in position. Only when I tell you to remove it can you, understood?”

  “Of course. I happen to love when you blindfold me.” He had only done it once so far, but she loved it. She had her eyes closed and once she was in the blindfold she squeezed his hand when he took hers. “Lead on, Fin. I will follow wherever you go.”

  “I’m going to move slightly ahead of you, so hang on to my arm and use your other for balance. We’ve never done this with you walking, so it could be disorienting. I’ll guide you in. There won’t be anything in our path. At least if Markus hopes to keep his job, that is.” Fin released her hand, then guided it up to his arm just above the elbow. Once she had a solid grip he began to move at a slow but steady pace. She heard the doors slide open, and a few moments later as the humid air of hydroponics wrapped around her body, they slid shut behind them.

  She moved along with him, tightening her hand on his arm only once. “Wait a second. I’m feeling all turned around,” she told him and stepped in closer to his heat. “Sorry, I hate this. I love the blindfolds, but you’re right. I’ve never done this while we were walking, so it’s taking me a moment, okay?”

  “That’s fine, little wife.” He stopped moving to give her the time she needed to feel slightly more oriented in the space. She still had no clue where they were really, but the spinning sensation had ceased. When she gave the word he began moving again, but slower. Finally he stopped and eased her hold on his arm. “There’s a chair directly behind you to sit on.” Fin took her hands in his to help her settle down.

  Adira nodded and reached behind her for the chair, then sat. Once she was sitting in the chair she leaned back and relaxed a bit. “Okay. Now what? Can I pull off the blindfold yet?”

  “In a moment,” he said. She could hear him moving around, and moving things around. Then silence, absolute and total. Another couple of minutes dragged by before she heard him come back to her side. A little more shuffling, and he finally told her to remove the blindfold.

  Adira removed the blindfold and allowed her eyes to adjust to the darkness. Her eyes then went wide. She was stunned. There were candles that were strewn all over the bay, the overhead lights were all out, and there before her was Fin on his knees with a wooden box in his hands. “Fin?” she asked, then smiled. “This is wonderful, beautiful.” She was stunned. The whole area was filled with romance and that made her love him all the more.

  He took the blindfold from her and set it aside. Then he placed the wooden box on her lap but kept a hand resting on the top. The latch was already open so all she’d have to do was lift it. “In my culture this is often more revered than marriage. I think the two should go hand in hand, personally. I only waited to ensure that you were truly comfortable in our life before offering this to you, Adira. And it’s also something I want you to think about before agreeing to. Open the box,” he said, sliding his hand off the lid to rest on her knee.

  Lifting the box, she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the large silver choker type necklace in there. The piece was at least three inches from top to bottom and she knew that if she put that on it would cover most of her neck. “This is beautiful, but I don’t understand.” She stroked her fingers to the piece and looked at him, watching him. She paused and saw the loop on the back of the necklace and cocked her head to the side. “What is this?”

  “It’s a collar,” he told her. He was watching her with that reserved expression on his face. The one he used when talking with his crew, no emotion showing and everything he was thinking tucked neatly away. “In Craegin culture it’s a visible sign that a man has fully claimed his woman. She is his in all ways, not only his but his equal. There is no higher form of proof to the culture that a couple is on equal footing in all things. It’s also a sign that we are in full agreement in our lives, that we have some form of understanding that works for us, and that no other may ever question without repercussions.”

  “I love it,” she said with a nod. “I want that. I love the idea that you will be mine and everyone will know that I’m yours. We are in full agreement in our lives, all parts of our lives. Will you put it on me?” She belonged to him, so having the collar was only a reinforcement of that fact.

  “Of course,” he said softly. Easing to his feet, he lifted the piece from the box and moved around behind her. “The clip is very easy to use, yet secure. Never wear it in your bath, or shower. It would only cause the clasp to seize because of the moisture.” He settled the piece around her neck and fastened it. When he let it go she was surprised by how light it was, and how little it truly interfered with the movement of her head.

  “This is incredible.” She touched the piece and looked up at him with a grin. “How? How in the world were you able to get this and me not know that you had gotten it for me? How did you know how large to make it?” The choker was tight to her neck, but not enough to hurt or cause her any discomfort.

  “I know every inch of your body intimately, Adira. It wasn’t all that hard to figure out the size required. Getting it made, and out here, was an entirely different challenge, but one I’ll share some day.” Taking the box from her lap he set it aside before pulling her to her feet with her hands in his. As if by some cue, low music began to filter through the space, and Fintan pulled her into his arms. “I should warn you, for as light as I am on my feet in most things, when it comes to my skills of dancing I appear to be missing a key gene.”

  “That’s okay, I won’t tell if you won’t.” She moved into his arms and held on to him as they began to m
ove, began to dance. “Thank you. For my surprise. It’s perfect.” She had gotten the markings on her body with his name and now this.

  “I told you I had a surprise in store for you,” he said. “I always deliver on my promises, little wife.” His arm tightened around her waist while he trailed his fingers up and down her arm slowly.

  “You really do.” He never failed to amaze her. “So we’re bonded in all ways now, aren’t we? You carry my name on your body as I carry yours, I wear the choker that you gave to me, we are married, and we have a child on the way. We are forever. Nothing will ever come between us. Right?”

  “Right,” he said simply. Then he gave her one of those rare, full-out smiles of his. “I think I’ve managed to find every way possible to ensure you are mine for the rest of time, Adira. But if I’ve forgotten anything, do tell me so I can make sure I do that too.”

  “No, there is nothing that you’ve forgotten,” she assured him with a grin. “So, now that we have done everything that we possibly can to tie ourselves together, what is next?” She loved that they were in hydroponics together, alone. “Why hydroponics, by the way?” she asked suddenly.

  “It was the only spot on the ship that didn’t feel like, well, a ship.” He gave a lazy shrug as he watched her. “I was originally planning on waiting until we could be back home, but I hated the idea of waiting that long. Under the circumstances this was the best I could manage. I even had the cooks make some of the honey tea you like so much. I figured since it was a special occasion we might as well break into the reserves for a little of it.”

  “Really?” She moved closer to him and hugged him tightly. “You are really so good to me.” She praised him and kissed the underside of his chin. “Yes, this is the perfect place for this. We married on a destroyer, why wouldn’t we connect together with this necklace on a destroyer as well?”


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