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Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3)

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by Delia Petrano

  “Come for me baby girl.” He thrusts hard and fast hitting my sweet spot making cross eye and come all at the same time and Storm wasn’t far behind me. That was the best orgasm I ever had in my life and I plan on having a lot more with him. Storm pulls out and lays next to me.

  “The guys told me about the conversation you all had yesterday and you are moving in with us starting in the morning.” I laugh.

  “Yeah I didn’t think Marco was giving me a choice on that.”

  “He wasn’t he’s dead set on it and so am I.”

  “You really want me living in your house?”

  “In our house in my room like I said before you are mine and I don’t plan on letting anybody have you. I meant every word I said.” I smile to myself then lean towards Storm and kiss him.

  “Alright I guess I’m moving out.”

  “Yes you are, get some sleep we will be busy tomorrow.” I move closer to him I didn't expect this happening when I called him but I have to say I'm glad it did.


  Grabbing the last bag in the house Marco walks in with a smile on his face.I love seeing the guys happy, before they got with their other halves they were miserable and didn't think they deserved to be happy not until Erika drilled it into their heads.

  “Are you ready to go home Tessa?” Marco asks.

  “Yes Marco take me home.”

  “Glad to.” The Scorpion men are like the most bossiest men I ever met in my especially when it come to their girls. When we got home Emily runs into my arms and I pick her up.

  “I'm so happy you're living with us now.”

  “I am to sweetie. What do you want to do today?” I ask and Emily smiles up at me, she definitely knows what she wants to do.

  “Movie day.” I nod my head.

  “Now that sounds fun go pick out all the movies you want to watch.” Emily got up and went to the movie stand and start picking movies. Emily puts a stack of movies on the table.

  “What movie are we watching first?”


  “Great choice Emily.” She puts the movie in, Marco grabs Emily and sits her in his lap. Storm sits next to me and Rain is on the other side.

  “What movie are we watching ladybug?” Storm asks.


  “Of course your favorite movie.” Storm puts an arm around me and I lean in to him and relax as the movie starts.


  Waking into the compound I see Devin walk out of Felix’s office, when he sees me he waves me over. When I get to him he has a determined expression on his face.

  “What's wrong Devin?”

  “Nothing bad. Dad just wants to talk to you.”

  “Anything I should know?”

  “Just that he has his dad speech face on.” That makes me nervous as hell like I'm a little kid again getting into some type of trouble for whatever stupid thing I did wrong.

  “Which one the I'm in trouble speech face or the stop being stupid speech face?” No matter which one it is they can all be scary as well and you wishing you didn't do whatever the fuck you did wrong.

  “The second one.” I sigh seriously I didn't do anything wrong I think. Devin grabs my shoulder and squeezes it in a good luck my brother plus a look that says I'm glad I'm not you, and I don't blame him. We have all been there and it's not fun at all. Rain hasn't been here for long but Felix took him in as his own just like the rest of us. Rain has been getting those speeches, when we get those speeches we are like deer in headlights. I take a deep breath then slowly let it out. Opening the door I see Felix’s face and it says we have a serious issue to talk about.

  “Hey Dad what's is it that you want to talk about?”

  “Have a seat Storm.” Yeah that's not scary at all, what did I do wrong to get this punishment. I sit down in a chair across from him nervous as hell.

  “Am I in trouble did I do something wrong that I’m not aware of?”

  “It depends. Have you been acting stupid or stubborn lately?” That question has me thinking. Usually I would come up with something smart to say but this is dad and he doesn’t look like he’s in the mood for my smart mouth. I need to play smart here.

  “Maybe most likely can you tell me what’s this is about Dad?”

  “Tessa of course.” I exhale slowly. I should of known this would come up eventually.

  “Okay so this is stop being stupid conversation.”

  “Yes it is Storm, I don’t know why I have to have these conversation with you boys all the damn time. Tessa is a great woman that needs to be taken care of and to be cherished. Why can’t you boys just let yourselves be happy? You love her she loves you I don’t see what the fucking problem is.” Felix yells and it scared the hell out of me, but I see his point I understand it we are all stupid when it comes to the person we want.

  “Dad, I get what your saying and I told her in our own way that I want her, I really do. But am I good enough for her?” Felix gets up walks towards me and squeezes my shoulder.

  “ Is that why you have been distant from her the last few days?”


  “Son she’s loves you with everything she has in her soul. I can tell by how she looks at you, if she didn’t think you were worth her time or love she wouldn’t be with you at all. You do understand that right kido?”

  “Yes Dad I understand you always could put things in perspective.”

  “I just want what’s best for my boys. Now stop being stupid and go talk to her.”

  “Alright dad thanks.”

  “It’s what I’m here for.” I grab my phone and send a quick message.

  Storm- Hey baby girl I’m coming home and I would like to talk to you if you will let me.

  To my surprise I didn’t have to wait for long for a reply.

  Tessa- Alright I’ll be waiting for you at home.

  As I’m driving home a lot of things have been running through my head and if I’m being honest I needed that speech to get my head out of my ass. Ever since Tessa moved in I have been keeping a distance as much as I can like a dumbass, I just hope she can forgive me for my stupidity. When I get the door open, it was quiet too quiet and it creeps me out. I walk throughout the house and nobody is home, that explains why it’s quiet. I hear something fall towards my room that I share with Tessa. When I walked in she is packing and my fear started taking over my body. My hands started to shake so I ball them up into fists.

  “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Packing. What does it look like I’m doing?” Hell no over my dead body. I grab the bag from her hand and throw it to the floor she turns around and all I see is anger.

  “What the hell Storm?”

  “You are not moving out.”

  “Just from your room not the house.” The fact that she wants to leave my room pisses me off even more.

  “Hell no that’s not happening either.” Tessa crosses her arms. She is baiting me I can feel it, she has a wrinkle on her forehead and that only happens when she is thinking about something.

  “Give me a good reason why I should stay in your room.” Great now I have to explain things to her. I had hoped that I never had to.

  “First off this is our room, plus that’s why I told you I wanted to talk.”

  “So you can explain why you been acting like a dick.”

  “Yes and I’m sorry for that, as you should know I don’t have a good past. My childhood was not good at all not until I turned ten and Felix took me in.” Tessa grabs my hands and leads me the the bed.

  “I kinda had a feeling your past had something to do with why you have been so distant lately. Just know wherever you tell me won’t change how I feel about you.” I turn my head and put it down. That will all change once she hears my story and I really don’t want that at all. She’s the light in my darkness. Tessa grabs my face with both her of hands and lifts my head up to look into her eyes.

  “You really think things will change after you tell me don’t yo
u?” I sigh in defeat, I hate feeling like I can’t win, and that my life will once again be destroyed.

  “Yes I do.” Tessa kisses my lips softly with a small smile.

  “I guess we are just going to have to wait and see won’t we?” I nod my head slowly. I take a deep breath then slowly release it .

  “I was born in a very bad predicament. My parents gave me and my brother to people that use kids for their own amusement and agendas. Rain protected me as much as he could.”

  “That's what big brothers are for. So your parents gave you to bad people?”

  “Yes that's correct.”

  “What happened to you and your brother?” I take another deep breath and slowly breathe out. I hope she doesn't think of me differently. I was scared to tell Erika this story and it turned out great to my surprise hopefully this one will too.

  “When I was seven years old they made my brother and I help them kill an innocent man, usually I was the decoy to distract people to lead them somewhere until I turned seven. I was involved in a lot of people's deaths, if I ever said no to them, they would hurt Rain or some other child. One time I did tell them no that I wouldn't do it anymore they killed a little boy in front of me to make a point. I had no other choice. When I was ten, Rain got me the hell out of there, he woke me up late at night we snuck on a train until we got here. He told me to run when they caught up to us; so I did what my big brother told me to and I ran until I ran into Felix. Felix took me in that day and and I haven’t seen my brother since that day. I didn't see my brother for fifteen years until Erika found him and brought him home to me, well to all of us.” I didn’t look up at her. I can’t bear to look into her eyes and see disgust in them.

  “Storm look at me.” Tessa says in a soft tone but I couldn’t do it.

  “Storm look at me!” God this is so much deja vu right now. Tessa lifts up my head, I see her eyes and they’re full of sadness and anger. I don’t think it’s towards me, she leans in and kisses my lips so softly that I thought that I was in heaven.

  “Storm you and your brother went through something horrible that you had no control over what’s so ever.And for the fact that you did bad things to help other kids stay safe makes me love you even more. You and your brother have nothing to be ashamed of or feel guilty about. ou did what you had to do to survive. Nothing you say will change how I feel about you. I love you Storm and I love your brother. You both are my family, we stick together no matter what. Nothing changes Storm, I love you with every fiber I have in me, and I’m happy that you trust me so much to tell me about your past it means a lot to me.” She leans in and kisses me. I wrap my arms around her waist. Knowing that her feelings didn’t change put a light in me I didn’t think I had. The fact that the two most important girls in my life still love me and doesn’t judge me for my past means everything to me.

  “Does this mean you’re staying in our room?”

  “I’m not going anywhere Storm.” Tessa gets off the bed. She grabs her bags and starts to unpack which brings me great relief.

  “By the way your boyfriend is not happy with you right now.”

  “What? Why I didn’t do anything?”

  “The fact that you don’t deny him is fucking adorable.” I couldn't help but to laugh, this is not normal but she's fine with it I think she actually enjoys it.

  “Have you meet Logan? It's hard to deny him with all his flirtiness and for the fact that it doesn't bother you means a lot.”

  “I love your bond with him most people would think a straight man having a strong bond or relationship with a bisexual man is weird. I on the other hand love it and I don't mind sharing you with him but just with him. Nobody else can have you.” I lean in and kiss her.

  “Can you tell me why he's mad at me? I honestly don't know.”

  “What is today?” What does this have to do with anything? I start to think but I honestly don't know what today is and that's not normal for me I always keep track of everything.

  “To be honest for the first time I don't know what today is.” Tessa shakes her head in disappointment and that's never a good sign for anything.

  “Today is Monday.” Seriously it's Monday where is the time… oh fuckkk.

  “I missed our date night. Fuck me sideways.”

  “Bingo.” Tessa says as she points at me then shakes her finger at me. I grab my phone and dial Logan’s number.

  “Hello.” He sounds mad and far away all at the same time and I hate it.

  “Logan I’m…”

  “Logan is not here right now. You can leave a message and when boyfriend stops acting stupid, he will get back to you.” I sigh Logan is really mad at me. I look up at Tessa and she is shaking her head.

  “Logan don’t be like that. I’m sorry that I forgot, shit I didn’t even know today was fucking Monday, fuck this so has not been my week.” He still hasn’t said a word.

  “Logan please talk to me I fucked up I know I have been doing that a lot this week.”

  “You think you have pissed off both your girlfriend and boyfriend in the same week.” Finally.

  “It’s good to hear your voice.”

  “Is it now, if you shouldn’t make it to our date, a phone call would’ve been fucking nice but no you haven’t called me in three days.”

  “I’m so sorry it’s not that I couldn’t make it, it was that I didn’t know what day it was because I was so far up my ass. Logan, I am so fucking sorry I promise I will make it up to you.”

  “How are you going to do that Storm?” Ouch I didn’t think him calling me by my name would hurt but it does.

  “What happened to you calling me Stormie?”

  “I only call my boyfriend that.”

  “Are you breaking up with me Hot Shot?” I swear if he say yes I’m going to to flip the fuck out. I look at Tessa and her eyes widen with shock.

  “Depends if you can make it up to me or not I have to go bye.” He hangs up the phone. I throw my phone at the wall and it shatters and Tessa jumps.

  “I’m guessing that did not go well.”

  “No it didn’t, you and Logan are my other halves and I can’t lose either one of you. He’s my best friend and I have to come up with a way to make it up to him or I will lose him. I refuse to let that happen.” Tessa smiles up at me like I said the most perfect thing.

  “Well I don’t know why you are still here. The other half of ours needs you.”

  “I know I just haven’t come up with a plan yet.”

  “That’s fine. Just wing it do things that you both like to do and I’m pretty sure you both still have to watch Arrow.”

  “Yes, but that won’t be enough.”

  “It will be a start though. Go to him.”

  “Alright I’m going.”


  I have been outside the Devils compound for two hours thinking on how I should do this.

  “Hey Storm, how long are you going to stay out here?” I turn around and see Dalson with a smirk on his face.

  “Busted how’s Logan?” I ask.

  “very pissed and the fact that he’s thinking of ending things with you is making him miserable. He’s taking his anger out on all of us. Go to him he’s in his room miserable and eating ice cream.” I nod my head I wave goodbye as I start walking towards the building. Taking a deep breath outside of his bedroom I let it out as I open the door. Logan glances at me then glares. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now.

  “Hey Hot Shot.”

  “Don’t hey Hot Shot me! What are you doing here?”

  “I told you I will make it up to you. After Dad gave me one of his speeches I’m thinking more clearly now.” I grab his hand and pull him close to me.

  “I fucked up, I know that. I always get to this place where I don’t think I deserve to be happy and I didn’t think I was good enough for Tessa so I started keeping my distance from her, I lose track of time and I’m so fucking sorry.” Logan hugs me and that takes me by surprise.

You’re an idiot you know that right?” That’s an understatement.

  “Yes I know.” He laughs and it was a great sound to hear.

  “Good, so do you have a plan?” He asks curiously.

  “No Tessa told me to wing it so that’s what I’m doing and I love that she approves of our relationship. So I was thinking we can start with watching a season of Arrow and then whatever you want to do.”

  “Whatever I want? He flashes mischievous grin.


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