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Storm (The Scorpion MC Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Delia Petrano

  “Yes Logan whatever you want, you name it and it’s done.”

  “Alright I’ll have to think about it until then let's watch Arrow.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  “Oh how much does Tessa approve?”

  “Her exact words were he’s the only person I will share you with. ” Logan smiles as he lays down on his bed.

  “God I love her for that she’s the best.” I laid down next to him and smile.

  “Yes she is.” My phone starts to vibrate I pick it up, and Logan glares at me. Yeah no cell phone on date nights.

  “It’s Tessa.”

  “I’ll let it slide this time.”

  Tessa- How is getting back on Logan good side going?

  Storm- Going okay it’s a work in progress and we are about to start watching Arrow so I have to go no phone during date night.”

  Tessa- I understand I hope things go well but I believe everything will be fine. I just know you two will be just fine. Have fun with Logan.

  Storm- Will do thanks for be supportive.

  Tessa- No problem sweetie.

  I put my phone down when I turn around Logan is looking at me.

  “What did she say?”

  “She wanted to know how I’m doing with getting on your good side.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “That’s it’s going okay and that it’s a work in progress.”

  “I guess we should start the progress.” I grab the remote and start Arrow, Logan scoots over to me and places his head on my shoulder and it catches me off guard but it feels good.


  Laying down in bed I grab the remote and start clicking through channels to find something to watch. I stop clicking through the channels when I find my favorite movie Die Hard. The door opens both Storm and Logan walk in to my surprise.

  “How’s my two favorite guys doing?” I ask with a bright smile.

  “Good.” They said in unison. Storm bends down and kisses me softly.

  “Logan have you decided what you want yet?” It’s been a week since Storm started making it up to Logan for missing their date and for being a dick.

  “No I haven’t and the fact I haven’t yet drives him crazy.” I couldn’t help but to laugh because it’s all over Storm face. Logan is the only person I met that makes Storm roll his eyes all the damn time it’s cute.

  “You two would make a cute couple.” I tell them and it catches Storm off guard, but he didn’t look upset.

  “Thank you.” Logan says softly, I guess I caught them both off guard with that statement.

  “I will be right back.” Storm says. After he leaves I pat the spot next to me on the bed.

  “Have you been thinking of anything?”

  “Not really he doesn’t have to make it up to me anymore.” I shake my head in disappointment.

  “He wants you to come up with something that you want to do. It could be anything and he would do it with no hesitation.”

  “I know, I just don’t have anything in mind. Everything is great.”

  “How about I give you an idea to think about?” I ask with a smirk.

  “Okay what is it?” He asks curiously.

  “Kiss him.” Logan mouth drops open in shock and I just smile at him.

  “No way have you lost your mind? Never mind don’t answer that. I’m going to scare him off. I enjoy his company. I know you all know that I’m bisexual because of a big mouth friend of ours, but that’s the one thing I won’t do.” I sigh but not in defeat I wasn’t lying when I said they would make a cute couple because they would one hundred percent.

  “He doesn’t care that you’re bisexual Logan.”

  “I know that, kissing him though is crossing the line that I can’t afford to cross.” Storm walks in drinking water. Logan bites his lip than stares at the TV this is going to be interesting. Storm sits on the bed with us and Logan moved away from Storm and he notices it, the hurt in his eyes makes me sad. I smack Logan, he looks at me and I point to Storm, he glanced at him than shook his head now both my guys are sad. I don’t know how to help them right now and it makes me feel useless.

  “I’m going to head out.” Logan says Storm turns around with more hurt in his eyes.

  “What? Why?” For the first time Storm sounds defeated and I don’t like it and It’s all my fault.

  “I have somethings to do.” Logan won’t even look at Storm.

  “Dalson gave you the day off remember.”

  “Yeah I know, James needs my help with something.” Storm’s hands went into a fist and I don’t know what to do.

  “You’re lying.” Logan head raises up with anger.

  “I’m not lying!” Logan yells. It’s a good thing the others are not here for things I don’t even want to be home for this.

  “Yes you are!” Storm yells back.

  “I have to go.” Logan was at the door when he touches it Storm’s face turns red.

  “If you walk out of this room don’t bother coming back.” Logan turns around fast and all you saw in his eyes was hurt and water like he was about the cry and it broke my hurt.

  “He doesn’t mean that Logan.” Logan looks at me with those hurt eyes and all I want to do is hug him.

  “You know this is your fault right?” He said to me.

  “Yes I do and I’m sorry.”

  “Why are you blaming Tessa for?” Storm looks confused and hurt all at the same time and it’s was all my fault that I hurt them both.

  “Because I gave him an idea…”

  “And now I can’t stop thinking about it.”

  “Does this have to do with what you want?” He asks with irritation in his voice.

  “Yes it does.” I tell him.

  “Logan I know you said you forgive me, but I still want you to pick what you want. We always do what I want now it’s your turn. Just do it or tell then I don’t care just don’t walk out that door, I meant what I said if you walk out of this room don’t bother coming back, calling and date nights will be no more.” Logan slowly opens the door my eyes widen with shock, Storm moves so fast I barely saw him slam the door close with Logan trapped between both of Storm’s arms.

  “Damn it Logan just do it already, turn around.” Logan slowly turns around and looks up at Storm and I’m just sitting on the bed waiting for something to happen.

  “Do it Logan.” He looks at me and I nod my head. Logan grabs Storm’s shirt pulls him close and kisses him. I fist pump the air with excitement. Storm bites Logan’s bottom lip then lets it go. I rub my thighs together to ease the sweet ache between my legs.

  “I’m going to go now.” Logan slowly turns around and opens the door, Storm slams it close again.

  “Turn around.” Logan slowly turns around with his head bowed.

  “You thought you would scare me off didn’t you?” Storm asks softly.

  “Yeah.” Logan says softly that you could barely hear him.

  “Look at me and say that again without the bumbling.” Logan looks into Storm eyes and you can see how scared he was to lose Storm.

  “Yes.” He bows his head again. Storm grabs his chin and lifts it up.

  “I’m not going anywhere. It didn’t freak me out or anything. Now would you please get on the damn bed. You wanted to hang out with the both of us more, Tessa is right there now go lay down and watch whatever she’s watching with us stupid.” He lays down next to me and a pout is on his face, it’s adorable.

  “You didn’t have to call me stupid.” Logan says with his pout face on.

  “If you stop acting stupid I won’t call you it.” Logan was about to say something but then closes his mouth.

  “I told you so.” I said teasingly.

  “Shut it Tessa.” I giggle to myself and I see a small smirk appeared on his face. I place my head on Logan chest and Storm puts his head on Logan stomach. I couldn’t help but to smile that went better than I thought it would.


  As I put on my black
boots I hear the door open, I walk out of my room and see Storm with a cup of ice coffee in his right hand from Dunkin' Donuts. God I love this man. Storm eyes are dark, he’s looking at me from head to toe and back up again, I bite my lower lip. Storm walks over to me and puts his finger on my lip to remove it from my teeth. Storm thrusts his tongue into my mouth. Feeling his tongue against my own, I moan into his mouth. Storm pushes me against the wall than lifts up my leg and wraps it around his waist. I push him back away from me.

  "No Storm, I have to be at work in thirty minutes."

  "I'll get you to work on time." He smirks and I kiss him.

  "Not happening Storm if you play your cards right, maybe you can get something afterwards." He leans in and kisses me.

  "I guarantee I will fuck you later." My body gets hot and achy when he talks like that. I grab my coffee from the table that I saw him put it on.

  "Lets go trouble maker." I open the door and he locks it up as I get into the car. I put the car stereo on For You by Liam Payne, the girls and I love this song. When Storm gets in the car he shakes his head.

  "I swear with you girls I'm always going to have this song stuck in my head." I laugh.

  "You're very welcome." He laughs. It doesn't take long to get to work. Storm parks the car and I kiss him goodbye.

  "See you later Storm."

  "See you later baby girl." I walk into the building and smile when I saw Kenzi.

  "Hey gorgeous, how's your morning?" Kenzi asks.

  "Pretty good how about yours?"

  "Not that bad, I bumped into Rain this morning getting my coffee and he hasn't been pushing me away like he's been doing."

  "That's great glad to hear that." She walks me to my office and I have two new manuscripts on my desk.

  "Talk to you later Tessa." I nod my head. I grab one of the manuscripts and start to read as I start to make corrections when my red pen stops working that's just great. I walk out of my office and went down the hall to the supply room, I grab a pack of red pens than left the room. I have a weird feeling that someone is behind me, I turn around and see Will. My eyes widen and I slowly start walking away from him.

  "Tessa you don't have to be afraid of me I'm here to warn you."

  "Warn me about what?"

  "You need to go somewhere safe. Rob he's coming here to get you."

  "Who's fucking fault is that you are the one who sold me to him!" I yell.

  "What the fuck are you talking about no I didn't. If Rob said that than he's fucking lying. Mom is the one who sold you to him, I just found out about it two days ago. I was going through some weird paper work agreement and she signed the papers. If you don't believe me look at the bottom of this paper. “He hands me the paper and I skim through it, she really did sell me to him. Why would he say Will did, I don't understand.

  "Why would he tell me that you are the one that sold me to him?"

  "I don't know probably to make you scared of me so you won't ask me for help. He did a good job because you are scared of me now. I know I never gave you a reason to trust me but I'm just trying to protect you like I used to." I wrap my arms around Will and hug him tightly and he hugs me back. I let go and see a small smile on his face that I haven't seen in a long time. He places his hand on my cheek and I feel relaxed and safe like I use to feel around him when I was little. My big brother always protected me even from our mom.

  "I knew she was up to something I just didn't know what it was that's why I kept you at a distance. I wanted her to think I didn't care so when I did find out I can keep you safe." I smile up at him this must have been hard for him all these years.

  "I forgive you Will." He smiles brightly and I haven't seen him smile like that in years. It's good to see it again.

  "Thank you Tessa that means a lot. Do you have somewhere safe to go?"

  "Yes, Storm has been protecting me." He smiles and honestly I thought he would be mad but everything I thought was true was a lie.

  "That's good. Does he love you?" Hearing my brother ask that question made me flush and he laughs.

  "It's been awhile since I saw you flush like that, I'll take that as a yes." I grab his hand and take him to my office.

  "Until I get off of work you can stay here in my office with me."

  "Sounds good."

  “Oh Will can I get that paper please.”

  “Sure.” Will hands me the paper and I put it in my bag.

  I put all my stuff away so I can go home. Today has been an eventful day, but a great one I have my brother back and that is great.

  “Come on Will, it’s time to go.” About to walk out the building when Will opens the door for me, I feel like I’m a little girl again with my brother watching out for me. When we step outside all I saw was Storm slamming Will to the wall and I wince.

  “Storm don’t. He’s not here to hurt me he’s protecting me.” Storm looks at me then let’s Will go.

  “Can you explain what’s going on?”

  “Well everything that I thought was true was a lie, Will didn’t sell me to Rob, my mother did.”

  “Why did he lie for it doesn’t make sense.” Storm says.

  “Because he wanted her to be afraid of me so she won’t ask me for help.” Will tells Storm.

  “That makes sense.” Will and I nod our heads.

  “Tessa you should call off work for a while say you have the flu that will buy you two weeks, Rob is on his way here and if I can sneak my way in here so can he. I need you to be your smart self and surround yourself with the Scorpions shit even the Devils I need you safe.”

  “Okay Will I’ll do that I promise.”

  “Good, Storm keep my sister safe that’s all I ask for.” Will says with a serious tone it’s been awhile since I saw him so serious.

  “Don’t worry I will.”

  “Where will you be staying at?” I ask.

  “A hotel. I will message you tomorrow so we can talk more and maybe hang out.” He say with hope in his voice. The fact the he wants to be around me makes me very happy.

  “I would like that, I will see you tomorrow and yes I will call in sick.”

  “You better.”

  “Didn’t take you long on getting back to your big brother role.”

  “Tessa I never left that role.” I smile at him. He kisses the top of my head.

  “By the way I like the red stripes in your hair it suits you.”

  “Thanks Will.” Storm takes me home and Erika was there, I explain everything to her that I found out today and her face drops open in shock.

  “Seriously your mom is something else, and I’m so happy that Will didn’t do this. He was always protecting you from a distance. I can’t wait to see him tomorrow.”

  “You and me both.” Having my brother back in my life is a great feeling, even though I didn’t trust him before ;I always did miss my brother and I’m happy to have him back in my life.


  When Will gets into my car he looks nervous and I don't know why.

  “Will you can relax nobody's going to hurt you.”

  “That's not what I'm worried about.”

  “What are you worried about?” For the fact that Will is Tessa brother I'm worried about him.

  “It's been a long time since I been anywhere near my sister and Erika and things didn't go well last time, especially with Erika.”

  “They are both looking forward to seeing you even Erika.”

  “Really?” Will sounds shocked. It's a little funny that he's nervous to be around the girls. When we get to the compound he looks even more nervous than when he was in my car.

  “Calm down Will. The girls are looking forwards to seeing you.” He nods his head before taking a deep breath slowly releasing it. We walk in the compound and right when we step in Tessa wraps her arms around Will’s neck.

  “I’m glad you're here. Erika had her doubts about you coming today.”

  “Why did she?” He asks nervously.

  “Well the last time
you two were in a room it didn’t go well.”

  “Yeah don’t remind me.” He glances at me and his eyes say I told you so. We walk more into the compound when out of nowhere Erika runs into Will’s arms. He was worried about nothing she’s obviously y happy to see him.


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