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Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler

Page 3

by Miranda Forbes

  Tom’s dick swung before him, hungry for more. Freya, the box of abandoned decorations by her side, beckoned for him to approach her.

  ‘I’m going to tie you up now.’ She tilted her head to one side as she spoke, ‘OK?’

  He didn’t answer, but nor did he protest when, taking the sticky tinsel strand she’d already used on me, she wrapped it around his wrists, fastening his arms behind his back. Then, sitting Tom down on the wooden chair that waited before his computer desk, she took two further pieces of tinsel, and secured each ankle to the chair’s legs.

  If Tom had wanted to complain, then he didn’t get the chance, for Freya stuffed a felt Christmas stocking between his teeth, wrapping it into place with a few twists of festive ribbon.

  Then taking me by the hand, Freya pulled me into her arms. We stood so close that our nipples rubbed together, the exquisite scraping of our tips re-enflaming my flesh. ‘I think Tom would like to watch us babe. A combined Christmas and house-warming gift.’

  ‘Sounds good to me,’ I flicked my eyes over Tom’s magnificently captive body, ‘what do you think?’

  He grunted something into his gag, which from the look in his eyes, and the flag pole state of his dick, I took to be a ‘yes’.

  I continued to observe him, and as I fondled Freya’s alabaster skin, inhaling her musky aroma, his deep eyes became wider and wider. Dropping to my knees, I widened my girl’s legs for better access. I swear I heard Tom cry out through his restraints as I moved my tongue to Freya’s pussy.

  Determined to give our neighbour a good show, I tugged Freya down on top of me. Soon we were a tangle of arms, legs and tits as we devoured each other’s bodies with our mouths, hands and eyes.

  While we writhed on the floor, I caught sight of the remaining two glasses of punch on the coffee table. Breaking free, I indicated for Freya to stay exactly where she was, flat on her back with her legs spread, as I picked up the nearest glass.

  Freya’s body tensed as I took a mouthful of liquid. She’d guessed what I was about to do even before I’d dribbled the mouthful of juice over her magnificent nipples.

  Evidently enjoying the erotic tableau we were creating for him, Tom’s gag was no longer functioning as such, and the muffled whimpers of lust he was making were getting clearer all the time, as he watched me lap Freya clean.

  I took another sip of punch, and spurted it up against Freya’s twitching pussy, enjoying the tasty combination of sticky alcohol and her natural juices, as she came beneath my lips.

  ‘Let me have some of that.’ As her body calmed, Freya took the other glass, and moving so we were laying face to pussy, we both took a large slug of drink, and continued to sprinkle the punch over each other.

  The idea of the effect we were having on our audience was doing almost as much for me as Freya’s languid lapping, and my stomach started to knot as I eased my hands between us, making a grab at Freya’s breasts. She copied my action, and as we massaged each other, we shuddered in mutual climax; our cries almost drowned out by Tom’s, who had managed to spit out his gag completely. ‘Fuck, you two are … fuck!’

  We both began to giggle, high on our own desire and the engineered state we had created in him. ‘Are you enjoying your present, Tom?’ Freya asked.

  ‘Oh hell yes, I mean, you are both just so … so …’

  I sat across his lap, squashing his dick between our stomachs, ‘Just so …? You never seem to finish a sentence, honey.’

  ‘You are just so damn hot.’

  ‘Thank you.’ I kissed him then, fully aware that Freya would be enjoying watching us together.

  I slipped off him, ‘Would you like to be untied?’

  ‘Oh yes.’

  ‘And if I did untie you, what would you do?’

  ‘I’d …’

  Freya cut across him, ‘You’d do exactly what we tell you to do – right?’

  He looked at her, and repeated her words, ‘I’d do exactly what you tell me to do.’

  ‘He’s a quick learner,’ Freya smiled at me as we undid his restraints. Standing Tom up, she rocked onto her tiptoes and whispered into his ear, ‘I know we promised not to sing to you, but it’s Christmas, and we are here as carol singers, so I think you’ll just have to put up with it.’

  He looked confused for a moment, before Freya ordered him onto his hands and knees, ‘We started to sing the Little Drummer Boy earlier, for a very good reason. Do you know that carol, Tom?’

  ‘Yes.’ His voice sounded gruff as Freya began to scratch her long fingernails across his back.

  ‘It has two particularly relevant lines for this situation.’

  ‘It does?’

  ‘Oh yes.’ Freya continued to tease her nails over his back and buttocks, while I positioned myself besides Tom’s face and inserted my right tit between his lips. ‘I shall sing the first of these lines to Carrie.’

  Freya, slightly off-key, sang, ‘Shall I play for you, pa rum pump um pum, on my drum?’

  ‘Please,’ I replied quickly, fascinated as Freya brought her palms down sharply on her new drum. Tom’s arse flinched as she began to slap him harder, making Tom grunt into my tit.

  ‘A beautiful drum, don’t you think Carrie?’

  I could only murmur a response as Tom’s mouth worked furiously over me, to deflect the now continuous drumming of Freya’s hands against his prone flesh.

  ‘How pretty your butt looks, Tom, it’s glowing a very Christmassy red.’

  She knelt down, and pushing a hand between his back legs, seized his dick, making him bite down hard into my soft flesh.

  I screeched as Freya took up the drumbeat again with one palm, while yanking at his cock with the other, making his mouth move with ever more corresponding ferocity.

  Freya looked me straight in the eye. I knew she was telling me he was close, and I braced myself as she sang, ‘Come they told me, pa rum pump um pum.’

  With a final smack, Freya squeezed his shaft hard, and Tom yelled into my breast, spurting his load across the carpet as he sank to the floor.

  High on power, I could tell that Freya was close to coming again, so I swiftly drew her to me. Standing over Tom’s body, we gave him one final show, as I stuck two fingers up inside my lover, working her off with four sharp thrusts.

  As Freya’s climax subsided, we observed our new neighbour closely. Tom, trapped between our feet, was staring up at us, grinning widely, looking as if all his Christmases had come at once.

  Christmas in Australia

  by Eva Hore

  This was to be the first Christmas I’d ever spent away from home. Instead of beautiful white snow, sleighs and snowmen, this Christmas was going to be spent in sunny Australia. The weather had been hot and I was shocked to hear that we were to have a barbecue lunch on the beach. Instead of the traditional roast pork, turkey, leg of ham, fabulous vegetables, and a delicious pudding with cream and custard sauce, we were to have salads and sausages. I was sad, disappointed and felt very homesick.

  I didn’t want to complain, but one day, while I was having drinks with some of the girls after work I couldn’t help myself.

  ‘You’re kidding. You’re really going to the beach for Christmas Day lunch?’ Mary asked.

  ‘Yep. For a barbecue. Can you imagine how horrified my parents would be if they knew? Back home we go all out. Decorating the house and tree, Christmas carols, cooking puddings and cakes. We even invite the whole street to a party in our home the first week of December.’

  ‘Well, you can still do all those things with us, Vanessa,’ Sonja said, trying to cheer me up.

  ‘But my cousins already asked me my plans. I told them I’d go,’ I said.

  ‘Then we’ll do something special Christmas Eve. Just tell them you’ve got to work. They won’t know. What do you say?’ Sonja implor

  ‘That would be great. Thanks,’ I said.

  ‘What about you, Mary?’ she asked.

  ‘Sorry, I spend Christmas Eve with my boyfriend’s family.’

  ‘Then I suppose it’s just you and me,’ Sonja said. ‘My parents have a gorgeous holiday cottage at Anglesea. We can celebrate there.’

  ‘Anglesea, where’s that?’ I asked.

  ‘On the Great Ocean Road. How long have you been in Australia?’ she asked.

  ‘Nearly six months.’

  ‘And you haven’t seen the Great Ocean Road,’ she said shocked. ‘Well you’ll love it. We can leave as soon as we knock off work. We’re closing just after lunch so we’ll be there by 2 p.m. Give us the whole afternoon to get things ready for Christmas Eve.’

  ‘That’s so nice of you,’ I said.

  ‘No problem. Must go. I’ll see you both tomorrow. I’ve got plans to make,’ Sonja said, rushing out of the bar.

  ‘You better watch out for Sonja,’ Mary said. ‘That might not be all she’s got plans for.’

  ‘What do you mean?’ I asked.

  ‘Haven’t you noticed? She’s had the hots for you ever since you started.’

  ‘She does not!’ I said indignantly, yet secretly pleased.

  ‘You mark my words,’ she said. ‘I’ve got to go too. See you tomorrow.’

  I sat there in my chair, the background noises fading out as I wondered about what Mary had said. Sonja was gorgeous. I never noticed her trying to come on to me. Was Mary making this up? Pulling my leg, making a joke like so many Australians loved to do. They were an interesting bunch of people. Happy, eager to help out. Was she just being friendly or was there more to it? I was intrigued and couldn’t wait to find out.

  I watched Sonja over the next few weeks and sure enough I caught her eyeing me when she thought I wasn’t looking. One night after quite a few drinks, we went to an Irish Bar, Bridies it was called. It was so crowded that our pelvises were practically grinding against each others as we danced. Her hand brushed my breasts a few times and after the cab we were sharing dropped some of her friends off, she stayed all squashed up next to me in the back seat.

  ‘You’re gorgeous. You know that?’ she said, slurring her words.

  ‘So are you,’ I giggled.

  Her hand was on my knee and she slid it up between my thighs, her eyes never leaving my face.

  ‘Come inside with me when we get to my place,’ she insisted. ‘We can talk.’

  ‘I can’t. I told my cousin to leave the key out for me. They’ll be mad if I don’t show up,’ I said.

  ‘Ring them and tell ’em not to worry,’ she said, licking her lips as she eyed my breasts.

  ‘They’ll hit the roof if I wake their kids up,’ I protested.

  ‘So you don’t want to come up with me?’ she said sulking.

  ‘I do, but I can’t. We’ll be in Anglesea in two days, we can talk all night if you want,’ I said.

  ‘We’ll be doing a lot more than talking,’ she mumbled.

  I wasn’t sure if I heard her correctly.

  ‘What?’ I asked.

  ‘Here’s my stop. See you tomorrow,’ she said, staggering out of the car.

  I watched her tottering on her high heels, trying to get the key in the lock. Finally she managed and the front door opened. As the taxi took off I cursed myself for not going in with her, for missing out on what I wanted and needed. Sex.

  The next day she was pretty quiet at work. I wondered if she had a hangover or if she was just pissed off with me. As we left work she reminded me not to forget to pack an overnight bag. We were still leaving straight from work.

  I work up early the next morning. Packed some sexy underwear, bikinis for the beach and a present I’d brought for her. I’d taken a long time in choosing it and I hoped I picked the right thing.

  I was excited all day. We’d decided to forgo our lunch break and leave an extra hour earlier. The boss was great. Said to have a good time. I was counting on it. It was a beautiful day and as she drove she pointed out different tourist sights for me. It was as though the air in her car was charged with electricity. I could feel a constant buzzing surging through me.

  We drove off the main road and down a winding track, amongst gum trees and thick bushes. Finally we came to a clearing and there on the water’s edge was a beautiful cottage. Well, it was really more like a house for the wealthy people back home but she insisted it was just their cottage.

  I didn’t realise her family had so much money.

  ‘Leave the bags, we’ll get them later,’ she said, jumping from the car. ‘Come on, I’m dying to see what you think.’

  Inside, the cottage was decorated beautifully. It had a country-style kitchen with all the modern conveniences, a lounge with a huge couch and lots of scattered cushions. There were lush plants everywhere, inside and out, which were thriving beautifully. It was truly a haven.

  Together we walked into the master bedroom. My eyes nearly popped at the king-size bed which dominated the room. All the walls were mirrored, as was the ceiling. The pillows and spread were in brilliant white and mosquito netting hung from the four poster bed.

  In one corner was a large spa bath, overlooking a beautiful garden with a rock wall. A waterfall cascaded down into a pond covered with water lilies. There were candles everywhere and scented flowers intoxicated my senses.

  Someone had obviously been here and opened up the house.

  ‘This is amazing,’ I said, my mouth dropping open as I took in the surroundings.

  ‘You’re amazing,’ she said, coming closer to me.

  My stomach flipped as she took my hand. She kissed the inside of my palm. I ran my hand through her hair, the other I placed at the small of her back, pulling her closer in to me.

  ‘You’re beautiful,’ I said.

  ‘I’ve wanted you since the first time I laid eyes on you,’ she whispered.

  We stood beside the bed holding each other. Then very tenderly we kissed. Her lips were soft and full. When she opened her mouth her wet tongue slipped inside mine.

  She kissed my cheek and nibbled my ear. Her fingers were on the buttons of my blouse, opening them. I pulled back allowing her to undo them all.

  She removed my blouse and then her hands unzipped my skirt allowing it to fall to the floor. I was left in my black bra and G-string. Her tongue on my cleavage gently trailed down across my breasts. Goose bumps covered my skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

  She ran her fingers lightly along the top of my bra, teasing me, slipping them in and out. I arched my breasts forward wanting her to release them, to free them so her tongue and mouth could explore without any restrictions. She knew this but left me quivering while she traced her fingers lightly down my stomach and into the top of my G-string.

  Kneeling, she ran her tongue along where her fingers had been. Gently, she touched my pussy through the fabric. Her fingers were hot and left a trail of fire wherever she touched. She opened my legs, her tongue running along my crotch, slipping in between the fabric, then her fingers were down the inside of my thighs.

  I watched her in the surrounding mirrors. Every angle provoked a new and erotic image for me. Whether I was seeing the back of her head nuzzling into me, or her tongue darting around, all of it made me hotter.

  ‘The door,’ I whispered, overcome with passion.

  ‘Don’t worry. We won’t be disturbed,’ she mumbled.

  Standing, she shook out her long brown hair. I ran my fingers through and unclasped the halter-neck top she was wearing. It dropped, exposing her beautiful full breasts, the nipples an inviting dark brown.

  I took one nipple and then the other in my mouth, teasing and sucking until they stood firmly on their own, pointing out, demanding more attention. I marvell
ed at the feel of them in my mouth as I rolled them around my tongue while my fingers pinched and pulled them lightly.

  I dropped her top to the floor and helped her out of her shorts, still watching her in the mirror. Pulling them down I saw she was wearing tiny red satin panties. She had fine, soft brown hair trailing down from her belly button into the unknown area that I was dying to discover.

  I inched them down slowly, very slowly, my fingers dancing lightly along her skin. When her pussy was totally exposed I gasped at its beauty. The lips were a pretty shade of pink, her skin so soft, her smell intoxicating. I lapped her pussy lips gently and removed her panties completely.

  ‘Oh, God,’ I moaned.

  She stood there naked. Tanned all over with only a small white patch which her bikini had covered. She was like a goddess. Tall, with large brown eyes, lashes that were long and black. Her lips were full and pouting. Her mouth was slightly open. I could just see the whiteness of her teeth as her pink tongue licked her top lip.

  Her hair fell all the way down to the back of her waist to her arse which was firm and round, just like a delectable peach. Her legs were long and sleek. I manoeuvred her to the bed but she stopped so she could un-clip my bra.

  All around I could see our reflections. It was as though there were a dozen people in here all touching, feeling and exploring each other. I wanted to throw her down on the bed, eat her pussy with fervour, but at the same time I wanted to preserve this wonderful feeling of euphoria.

  Her fingers on my breasts, as she lightly ran over them, were like stabs of lightning, igniting a spark inside me that set me on fire. Seeing her naked, touching me, wanting me, was driving me wild.

  I couldn’t stand it any longer and quickly pulled my G-string off. Together we fell onto the bed, our tongues exploring each other’s mouths. I couldn’t get enough of her. Her mouth and kisses were so sensuous. Her tongue soft, as it explored its way down my chin, onto my neck to linger on my nipples.


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