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Seriously Sexy Stocking Filler

Page 4

by Miranda Forbes

  Her hand stole its way down, caressing, feeling between my thighs. I splayed my legs, opening myself for her. She teased me, her fingers dancing on my lips, pinching my clit, but never entering my pussy. I gyrated my pelvis, trying to force her fingers inside my cunt, but she kept me at bay.

  Butterflies were dancing in my stomach as I anticipated her mouth on my pussy. I could hardly wait. I wanted her so badly. I wanted her mouth, tongue, fingers, everything inside me and on me at the same time.

  Pulling her closer to me I ran my hands down her bum and squeezed. Then I lightly ran them over and into the crevice, tickling and nipping the skin around her hole. She moaned and whispered my name as I rolled her onto her back and made my way down to her pussy.

  Opening her legs, I stared at her pussy, mesmerised by its beauty. I opened each fold to lick and breath in her scent. She whimpered quietly as I continued, lapping her gently, then I pulled back her hood to nibble her clit. I felt it harden. Excited, I sucked it into my mouth, rolling it around my tongue. She squirmed seductively, arching her back, enjoying the sensation of what I was doing. Then, while her clit was electrified I caressed my teeth over it, bringing her to her first orgasm for the night.

  She grabbed my head with both hands and pushed my mouth hard onto her pussy. I sucked in her juices, my tongue probing inside, darting backwards and forwards. I sensed her urgency. She was holding my head tightly, her pelvis bucking into my face. She screamed out and arched and climaxed again.

  She went wild then, squeezing my head with her thighs, coming over and over. Finally, she released my head and pushed me onto my back, falling onto my pussy. She opened my legs, attacking me hungrily, sucking me into her mouth. Her tongue was thick and sensuous as she licked, long and hard, just like a cat cleaning its fur, roaming over me.

  I was already hot from tasting her as she brought me to my own orgasm. My juices flowed while she inched her fingers inside me. I gyrated enthusiastically as she finger-fucked me furiously. With her thumb working hard on my clit, I screamed in ecstasy as I explode with passion.

  We both lay there panting, holding each other, kissing, exploring and touching. Neither of us wanting to let the other go. We were enjoying the sensation and feelings of love and passion we were experiencing and then sated we briefly fell asleep in each other’s arms.

  We woke not long after and with that wonderful session of lovemaking behind us, we decided to fill the spa, throwing in bubble bath, salts and an assortment of scented oils. With bubbles pouring out of it, we filled champagne glasses, and laughingly toasted Christmas.

  The jets in the spa tantalised and caressed our already fevered bodies. Sonja’s skin glowed as the water bubbled around her. Soap suds slipped over her gorgeous breasts and I lifted her partly out of the water so I could suck on them. Her nipples quickly stood under the pressure of my teeth, and she squealed in delight as a jet gushed through her pussy.

  I giggled as she slipped from my hold, her clasp that was holding her beautiful hair fell loose, allowing it to float around her like a shawl. I held my breath and put my face under the water, onto her pussy, blowing bubbles of my own around her swollen lips.

  Coming up for air, she grabbed me and sat me on the edge of the spa, opening my legs to suck my throbbing pussy. The sensation of her hot mouth with water trickling down released another orgasm. I held her head tightly between my legs and then opened them wider as she carefully managed to insert her whole fist inside me.

  Her fingers probed until they found my G-spot and then with her massaging me internally and her tongue deep in my mouth, I totally lost control. I slid back into the water unable to stand, with my legs wrapped around her waist.

  When I recovered I lifted her onto the edge of the spa and made her turn over so her arse was facing upwards. I spread her cheeks and ran my tongue from her pussy up to the crack of her arse. I licked gently around her hole, and then back down to her pussy where I buried my head.

  Her moaning excited me, so I slipped my finger into her hole, gently pushing it in and out in time with my tongue. She tilted her arse up and spread her legs wider. I pushed in further and faster, until she collapsed, drained of energy.

  We clung to each other in the spa, kissing deeply, declaring our love for each other. I felt a jet of water shooting at her back so I lifted her, forcing her legs backwards, hearing her squeal in delight as the water shot into her sensitive pussy. She rolled over on her back, with me holding her afloat, opening her legs so the jet shot into her hole as well.

  Giggling, she pushed me towards the edge of the spa. She made me open my legs, bending my knees so they touched the porcelain and with my pussy only inches away, the jet shot straight into me.

  When we were finally finished, I rose and as she went to follow, I heard her laugh as water dribbled out me. She grabbed me, pushing her head between my legs, turning herself around so the water fell onto her face, and into her waiting mouth.

  I squatted over her, feeling the wonderful sensation of her wet mouth, watching the release of the water from the spa as she drank from me.

  Exhausted, we dried each other and lay naked on the bed, both on our backs, so we could see our bodies in the mirrored ceiling. It didn’t take long for us to feel energised again. We fingered each other’s pussy while watching ourselves in the mirror.

  Totally and deliciously fucked we slept like babies in each other’s arms. We woke Christmas Eve morning, eager to explore each other’s bodies again.

  ‘Wait,’ she said, rising from the bed. ‘I’ve got something for you.’

  Naked she left the room only to return with our overnight bags.

  ‘Did you go out there naked?’ I giggled.

  ‘Sure, there’s no one around for miles. Later, we’ll go down to the beach. It’s totally private. No need for bikinis, we can do whatever we like.’

  ‘Oh God, Sonja,’ I said happily. ‘That was the most amazing night I’ve ever had.’

  ‘Well, there’s more of that to come,’ she said. ‘But first, here’s your present.’

  She handed me a beautifully wrapped parcel. I blushed furiously wondering what could possibly be inside it. I tore at the paper, eager to see the contents as she snuggled up to me on the bed.

  I laughed loudly. Inside was a huge dildo. Black. She lifted it out for me, showing me the switch that begins the vibrating. It was so powerful that it practically turned in on itself. The speed went from a slight buzzing to a down and out hammering. She nudged my pussy with it. Eagerly, I opened my legs as she slipped it in. It was fucking fabulous.

  Later, she opened the closet door and I saw many more dildos in different sizes and colours. She had whips, toys, sexy lingerie, handcuffs and so much more. My passion rose again when I heard her generously ordering my Christmas lunch.

  ‘I want it delivered by 12.00 noon. There’ll be the two of us,’ she said. ‘In the formal dining room, yes, that will be fine. No, I’d like Monica to serve.’

  ‘We’ve got a couple of hours before lunch. Is there anything you’d like to do?’

  ‘Everything,’ I said, ‘and more.’

  ‘Good,’ she said, falling back onto the bed. ‘We’ll run the spa and relax before lunch. We’ve got a long day ahead of us. There’s so much I’d like to show you. I want this to be a day you’ll never forget.’

  And I never have. It was the best Christmas of my life. After the long relaxing spa, we rested in bed with champagne, cheese and fruit. I was startled when I heard a bell ring.

  ‘That’s our lunch,’ she said rising.

  ‘Our clothes,’ I said dumbfounded, as she proceded to leave the room.

  ‘Darling, we don’t need them.’


  ‘You’ll see,’ she said, taking my hand and leading me out to a part of the cottage I hadn’t seen.

  I was sel
f-conscious, walking nude through the rooms. The aroma of the turkey and pork, assaulted my senses, making my stomach growl for food as she turned into a sun-filled room. I tried to pull back as we entered the magnificent dining room. The table was laid out with beautiful china, crystal glasses, and a huge flower arrangement which dominated the table. Then as my eyes quickly scanned the room, I saw a maid, standing there, wearing only a white frilly apron, her huge naked breasts rising and falling as she breathed.

  ‘Thank you, Monica,’ Sonja said, as the chair was pulled out for her. ‘Vanessa can sit here on my right.’

  I was speechless as Monica held the chair for me.

  ‘Thank you,’ Sonja said. ‘We can begin with the first course.’

  I watched her sexy arse leave as she sashayed out into the kitchen. Sonja was giggling.

  ‘You should see your face,’ she laughed.

  ‘Well this is certainly not how I expected to celebrate Christmas Eve,’ I said.

  ‘You think this is something,’ she said. ‘Why don’t you ring your cousin and say we’ve had car trouble and you won’t be able to make it tomorrow. You can spend the next few days here with me. There’s lots Monica and I would love to share with you for Christmas.’

  And they did. We used every toy in her cupboard and she introduced me to things I didn’t think were possible. We never did make it down to the beach, but on the way home Sonja promised that we’d spend another holiday up there and next time she was bringing a crowd.

  Oh, and her gift. I bet you’re wondering what it was. Well, I’m not going to tell you but believe me when she said she’d never experienced anything that big, hard and wonderful before.

  ……. Only Comes Once a Year

  by Kitti Bernetti

  If only she could have talked, she would have complained bitterly when they took her out of the box. ‘Ouch,’ she wanted to yelp, ‘can’t you be more careful?’ After all, she was the star of the show, when all was said and done. The fairy was the one who went on top. The only one, mind.

  She sniffed, the world of humans was soooo unfair. ‘Hrrmph,’ she thought ‘I often wonder if it’s worth it. Three hundred and fifteen days a year shoved in tissue paper, then being imprisoned in a box marked ‘Christmas decs’, is not my idea of fun. No one likes to be put away. I’m a gorgeous girl, my talents are wasted …’ Sometimes she’d chat to the others while they were lying there, packed like sardines in the dark. They often daydreamed about unpacking time.

  ‘I look forward most,’ said the floppy clown, ‘to stretching my legs.’

  ‘Flippin’ heck not again,’ she heard the soldier’s narked voice and imagined his dark eyes rolling to the sky.

  ‘Trouble is’, went on the clown, ignoring the soldier, ‘when they put me back, they fold me up. You would not believe how trying it is to have your knees tucked under your armpits. The only thing I’ve had to look at for eleven months is the sole of my shoe. If I have to read ‘made in Taiwan’ once more I shall go stark staring mad.’

  ‘You are stark staring mad and if you mention those bloody shoes again, I swear, the first night of freedom on the tree I’m going to ambush you from my branch and stick my sword up your big fat arse.’

  ‘Hah! The only stiff thing you’ve got is a tin whistle and that’s full of holes. You haven’t got a sword and you know it. Swordless, swordless,’ taunted the clown in a sing-song voice. Oh oh, this was threatening to be a bad one thought the fairy as she peered upwards through her perspex box and saw the soldier’s tissue paper rustle agitatedly. The soldier knew he couldn’t get out but it wouldn’t stop him trying. He’d work himself into a frenzy and then there’d be tears.

  She liked the soldier. True, he was foul-mouthed and aggressive. But she found that dead sexy. Sometimes after listening to a good row, she’d feel wound up like a coiled spring desperate for some relief. She’d fantasise about the soldier’s strong tinny hands on her body and imagine him giving her commands. It made her go all wiggly. She tried not to think about him. Being hot and bothered, and packed so tightly you couldn’t use your hands was no fun. There’d be no relief from her frustration ’til they were all up there on the tree.

  ‘Please don’t fight,’ the fairy heard the brown bear’s voice calming and regular. He liked to counsel. He felt it went with his warm persona and squishy fur. ‘Fighting doesn’t make it any better. We all have to get along. Teach me to change the things I can and to accept the things I cannot change.’

  ‘Oi, curly. Just shut the fuck up you namby-pamby twat.’ Snarled the soldier. He was terribly rude, but they had heard it all before. Endlessly.

  The clown was silent. He could do a sulk better than any of them. The box resonated with unheard indignation. Minutes ticked by.

  ‘I just like to get out,’ the fairy recognised the low sexy voice as that of Santa Claus. ‘The smell of pine, and the sight of humans enjoying themselves does it for me.’

  ‘It’s different for you,’ whinged the clown. ‘It’s your season. You’re always up there near the top with Fairy Sparkles.’

  ‘It’s got nothing to do with being at the top.’ Santa Claus got in quickly before the clown could launch into another moan. ‘I’d enjoy it wherever I was.’

  ‘Oooooh, oooooh,’ it was the silver star’s tremulous little voice. ‘Can’t you feel that? Be quiet and feel the vibration. He’s coming for us. It’s time, it’s time.’

  She was right. The hatch opened, flooding the attic with light. And then they were moving! Down the ladder, and into the lounge. It was warm from the log fire and the air was pungent with the aroma of mulled wine. The lid was opened and the woman, who wore a bright red dress peered inside. ‘Darling look. There’s our fairy, she’s so gorgeous. It’s silly but I really look forward to seeing her each Christmas.’ The fairy glowed at the compliment. Her mood dampened when she realised, as usual, that she was being laid aside to be unwrapped last. All the others would be up on the tree before her. Then again, she supposed, the star of the show should be left till the end to make her big entrance. The fairy lay and watched the man and the woman unwrap each decoration and select a special place for it to go on the tree. The soldier smiled, and gave Fairy Sparkles a secret wink from his branch. He also licked his lips and fingered his tin whistle in a lascivious way that made her incline her pretty face away from him as a punishment for being smutty.

  Fairy Sparkles watched the brown bear unscrunch his face and stretch his paws, twirling on his silver thread with a smile from ear to ear. The clown nearly had apoplexy as his foot got tangled, twisted towards his face, and he was left swinging looking at the sole of his shoe again. But it was OK. Everything was OK now they were going up in their rightful places.

  There was music and laughter. The man chased the woman round the tree and poured her endless glasses of champagne. A splash landed on Fairy Sparkle’s lips and she lapped it up with her tiny pink tongue. Never before had she swallowed anything so absolutely, sublimely divine.

  ‘Me next,’ she thought, ‘me next,’ as she watched the silver star and the coloured glass balls unwrapped and placed on the tree. Her minute china heart fluttered inside her breast. Finally, the woman unwrapped the tissue from Fairy Sparkle’s body and smoothed out her tutu and wings. It was as much as the fairy could do not to squirm with pleasure. The champagne had made its way to her ballet shoes and she felt quite fruity. She might even, when it was dark and the people had gone to bed, climb down the branches and visit the soldier with his nice red uniform and long tin whistle …

  There. There she was finally, on top of the tree. Mistress of all she surveyed. She looked down. The soldier stared up her skirt. Beneath her she saw Santa Claus in his sleigh. He looked up and grinned. His smile was full and generous and his eyes twinkled. Shame about the white hair and beer belly. He was surrounded by tiny packages wrapped in shiny jewel-coloured paper. Two re
indeer munched contentedly on pine needles when the people weren’t looking. They certainly weren’t looking now thought Fairy Sparkles as she watched them collapse on the floor in front of the fire.

  They lay on the sheepskin rug and kissed. Fairy Sparkles was intrigued how hard they kissed, she could see the woman’s lipstick smeered across the man’s chin. Unbelievably, he took a swig of champagne from the glass, held it in his mouth and kissed the woman again without swallowing it. The woman gulped, swallowing his champagne, giggling as it trickled down her face and round her neck. Greedily, the man lapped it up and Fairy Sparkles found her wings trembling as she looked at the man’s tongue explore the woman’s ear. Fairy Sparkles stared wide-eyed. Were the others watching? She looked down and saw that every decoration’s eyes were glued to the floorshow before them. The only exception was the bear whose paws were clamped firmly over his eyes.

  Then, the man picked up a chocolate liqueur cherry between his teeth and tried to say something like, ‘d’you know where I’d like to put this?’ except the last word came out as thish. The woman couldn’t stop laughing, pressed her hands coyly against her skirt and said in a husky voice, ‘I think I can.’ Without further encouragement, the man disappeared under her skirt, and started bobbing up and down. The woman squealed unconvincingly ‘No, you mustn’t,’ as his muffled voice said, ‘Mmm, this is the most delightful cherry I have ever tasted. Whoops, I’ve lost it. No, there it is again, there it is. And this one’s even better. Mmmmm this one’s tastier, I’m going to have another nibble.’

  Without warning everything went silent. The man’s head bobbed faster and faster now, the woman’s legs spreadeagled in the firelight. The decorations stared open-mouthed as they saw the woman claw the rug, sinking her red finger nails into its curls. ‘Oh God,’ she whimpered, ‘oh God, no, yes, no. I’m nearly there, nearly there. Don’t stop, don’t stop,’ she was yelling now, and her crimson high heels dug into the rug as she grabbed the man’s bobbing head. ‘Nearly there,’ her voice sounded strangled as she let out a yell, followed by a moan, then a long satisfied sigh. As the man emerged, mouth covered in chocolate, the woman looked him in the eye. Then she shot off and ran up the stairs. ‘Don’t you run away,’ cried the man, ‘it’s my turn now.’


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