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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 18

by Joyce Jordan

  When he heard her locking from the inside, he climbed into the cab and had him drive him to Lucas’ hotel. When he entered the club he found it packed to the brim with bodies gyrating on the dance floor. Conrad looked at the women there who would have attracted him before, but didn’t feel a thing. He grabbed a beer at the bar then went to find Lucas. He found him making rounds of the club, chatting to people.

  He smirked when he saw him and then came over to join him. They got a corner cleared for them and sat to enjoy the show.

  Chapter Twenty One

  The next morning Moira woke to her body aching in interesting places. She rolled out of bed and took a long, hot shower. By the time she was dressed, the coffee was done. She poured some into her travel mug and hit the road. As usual she was the first one at work. Her days were reverting back to be short since she was picking up the training of Sofia.

  That afternoon they met and went over some of the stuff they had done before she fell sick and she was pleased to find that Sofia was a quick learner who still remembered most of the little tricks of the trade. They outlined what the rest of the week would look like and set to work.

  Moira reached home tired and still needing to catch up on sleep. She got to hear about the success of the Valentine’s themed party from yesterday before Sam left. She took a nap as soon as he left, then woke up two hours later feeling nice and refreshed. She spent the rest of that evening on the phone with Sere. They exchanged Valentine’s stories and giggled like little girls. She hung up and Sere warned her about keeping the relationship from Sam a secret.

  With all the warnings coming from different people, Moira finally decided to lay it on the table with Sam and let the chips fall where they may. That Thursday she came home a little early and caught him making something to eat.

  “I need to talk to you about something,” she told him.

  “Sounds serious. Is everything alright?” he asked.

  “Everything’s fine. But I need to take a shower while you eat.” Moira chickened out and bought herself more time. When she heard Sam washing his plate, she came out of her bedroom.

  “You’re skittish. So I’m guessing this is something I won’t particularly like hearing.”

  Moira grimaced.

  “Okay, why don’t you just rip the baid aid,” he told her.

  “Okay, but I need you to promise that you won’t overreact,” she said with another grimace.

  “Okay,” Sam said slowly, enunciating each word. “So shoot.”

  “Conrad and I are kind of together, like dating,” she breathed out.

  “Come again?”

  “Conrad and I…”

  “I know, I heard. What the fuck Moira?”

  “Sam, you promised you wouldn’t overreact,” she cried out.

  “I am not overreacting. I am a concerned brother,” he told her. He paced the kitchen, then stopped in front of her, “Did he force you? Come onto you while he was playing caregiver?”

  Moira laughed. “No and no.”

  “Well that’s a relief,” Sam said and moved away. He banged his hand on the island, “But motherfucker, that slimy piece of shit.”

  “You are overreacting again,” Moira warned. “It’s not like I am underage. I know what I am doing. I know it’s nothing serious, just…” she breathed out, “sex.”

  “Okay, if you say you know what you are doing, I’ll have to trust you. But if he mistreats you, all bets are off.” Sam said.

  “Ah, are you sure?” she asked puzzled.

  “Positive. I know I have to start trusting you more, so just make sure you are using protection because I am not yet ready to be an uncle.”

  Moira beamed, “Thanks Sam,” she said.

  “Okay kiddo, I have to go to work. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He dropped a kiss on her cheek and was out of the door.

  Moira stayed glued to the floor wondering what had just happened. It had gone better than she had expected. Should she trust her good fortune or wonder if maybe someone had replaced her Sam with an alien? She called Conrad and told him about her conversation with Sam. Conrad laughed and told her that maybe he was coming around, or she had just thought the worst all along. She made dinner, ate and cleaned up while talking to him. Finally Conrad let her go, when he realized she sounded sleepy.


  Moira was glad it was a Friday. It had been an intense beginning of the week. She made an extra large box for William which she took to Janet when there was a bit of a lull in her schedule. When she didn’t find Janet at her desk, she dropped the box on her desk and left a note. When she was about to turn and go, she decided to find out if Conrad was busy. He had told her he didn’t have any meetings for that day, and would most likely be in his office all day.

  When she knocked and he answered for her to enter, she opened the door and was shocked to find Sam seating in his office. Moira gasped then walked further inside. “What’s going on?” she asked. They seemed to have been sharing some kind of joke before she came in. Conrad turned slightly and that’s when Moira saw the red mark on his chin. “Oh my God! What did you do Sam? You promised you wouldn’t overreact.” Moira reached Conrad and looked at his chin which seemed to be swollen and turning an ugly color.

  Sam ignored her and laughed when Conrad grimaced at the pain when Moira touched the swelling.

  “It’s okay baby. He just needed to say his piece, and now he has said it,” Conrad told her.

  “So now you are both sharing brandy at this time of the day? What kind of idiots do that?” Moira scolded them both.

  “It’s five somewhere,” Sam told her.

  It didn’t get better when they both laughed. But she did feel better when Conrad immediately cried out in pain. “Serves you right,” she told him.

  “Ow baby! You could at least kiss it better,” Conrad said to Moira’s retreating back.

  She went back to work and left the two fools. Didn’t matter if they beat each other to a pulp. Sam going behind her back, beating Conrad and they both had the nerve to share a brandy after that? She was so pissed she hoped she didn’t have to see either that day becaue she wasn’t sure what she would do. She was radiating violence and one thing for sure she wouldn’t do after that would be to share a brandy with her victim.

  She took her time getting home, meeting some friends after work. By the time she got home, Sam had left for work, which was just dandy with her. Tomorrow would be soon enough to see her. Unfortunately the other half was lying in wait for her. She had totally ignored his calls all day. Immature, yes. And most likely not his fault. But since no one could tell her what really happened, it was easier to blame them both instead of choosing sides.

  “What do you want Conrad?” she asked as she got out of her car. She locked the car and walked to her apartment with him on her heels.

  “Is today, ignore Conrad day?” he asked, then simply took her keys and opened the front door.

  Moira walked in and switched on the lights as she moved from room to room, concurrently shutting the drapes as she made her rounds. When she came back from her rounds, he told her to pack an overnight bag. Moira was about to refuse, then saw he was itching for a fight. Clearly getting his calls ignored was not something he was used to. She made a u-turn and went to her room then packed a change of clothes for the next day. No way was she staying all weekend. She had plans for the next day which she didn’t relish being disrrupted. She met him back in the living room, pacing. His nostrils flared as he grabbed her waist with one hand, and the other hand went to hold the back of her head. “Are you going to ignore me all day?” he asked her. He pulled her head back slightly and Moira had to drop her bag and hold onto his shoulders. “If you have something to say, say it, and don’t give me the cold shoulder,” he rasped. “Is this about this morning?” he asked.

  Moira nodded.

  Conrad sighed. “Moira you know there was nothing I could do about it. Your brother felt slighted. And as irrational as it may seem. He needed to let it
out of his system. I hope you can understand that,” he told her.

  “I know, I’m sorry. It’s just the scene I walked into this morning… You have to see it from my point of view. And then I see the two of you drinking like you were celebrating something. It’s kind of twisted for people who had been fighting shortly before that.” She shook her head and dropped her head onto his chest.

  “That’s how men deal with issues. We fight then forget about it and move on. But I’m sorry we scared you,” he told her. He pulled her closer and rubbed her back. “Please tell me we are okay?” he asked.

  “We are fine, but let me just leave a note for Sam. I don’t want him to get worried when he comes back and finds me gone,” she said as she pulled away from his arms.

  “He knows,” Conrad said with a guilty expression. “And before you jump to conclusions, I told him if you agreed, you would be spending the night at my place.”

  “Is that right,” Moira laughed. “Somehow I don’t remember agreeing, but rather told as if it were a foregone conclusion.”

  He smirked. “That’s just semantics baby.” He grabbed her overnight bag which she had dropped to the floor. “Come, let’s go.”

  Moira shook her head and grabbed her purse then followed him out of the door. They picked up pizza on their way which they ate sitting on the floor in Conrad’s living room. Moira was still taking meds, so still couldn’t drink anything alcoholic. She accepted the glass of orange juice, thankful that tonight was her last day for the meds. Which was good timing considering the plans she had for the next day.

  Before long Moira was fast asleep. Conrad carried her to his bedroom, undressed her and put her to bed. She woke up thirsty and alone in the big bed. She made a mental note to remember to pack a robe next time. She took Conrad’s robe which was way too big for her. She rolled the sleeves until she could see her hands and tied the belt tightly, so it wasn’t hanging too much. She made her way to the kitchen and manged to find a glass in the dark. When she opened the fridge, the light from the opened fridge helped her pour the orange juice without spilling. As she turned back to return the pitcher of juice, she saw a shadow and screamed. The pitcher dropped and shattered. Moira wanted to run back to the bedroom and lock herself, but the fear of glass shards pricking her rootted her to the spot. In the next second the lights came on and she saw Conrad moving swiftly to her. About to take a step, he told her to stay. She looked down at her feet and found glass close to her bare feet. He came from the other end and lifted her onto the island table. When she sat he took a papertowel and cleaned her feet, then turned and cleaned the mess on the floor.

  “I’m sorry I broke your pitcher,” she said.

  “My fault, I shouldn’t have scared you like that,” he told her. “I can get you more juice tomorrow. Is water okay for now?”

  When Moira nodded, Conrad filled a glass with cold water from the fridge, and added crushed ice as per her instructions. She drank greedily from the glass, then he took it from her and left it in the sick. He carried her back to bed.

  “Wait, my legs are sticky. Some of the orange juice splushed on me. And I think it got onto your robe too. I can have it washed for you.”

  “No need. I have someone who takes care of my laundry,” he said as he changed direction and let her stand in the shower then removed the robe from her body.

  Moira stood to the side and when the water was to her liking she got under the spray, making sure she didn’t wet her hair. When she came back to bed, she found Conrad undressing. He pulled the top sheet down for her.

  Moira got in between the sheets and turned to watch him as he finished undressing. “What were you doing in the kitchen? Your side of the bed seemed like it hadn’t been slept in,” she said.

  “I was in my office, then I heard a noise and came out to investigate,” he told her. He switched off the side lamp and got in beside her. “I should have said something before I spooked you. Are you okay?”

  Moira palmed his cheek. “Yes. But it’s almost midnight. Have you been working all this time?”

  He opened his mouth and sucked the tip of her thumb that was at the corner of his mouth. “No self respectful male sleeps before ten,” was his response.

  Moira laughed. “The events of Tuesday night seem to say otherwise,” she corrected him.

  He laughed too. “Baby, we fucked. In between I allowed you to rest by sleeping, while I watched you. I never slept until after 2am.” He pulled her to lie on top, and continued, “I was so ernergetic there was no way I was going to sleep after dropping you off, so I detoured and went to the club.”

  Moira placed her hands on his chest and rested her chin on top of her hands. “Okay, that’s kind of weird. Met any girls there?”

  He squeezed one butt cheek. “None that made my pulse beat. And besides none of them were my type.”

  “And what is your type?”

  “You,” he said and pulled her up until her lips were over his. “Just you, baby.” Then he lowered her head down to meet his.

  Moira raised her arms then rested her forearms beside his head. She moved her hands and threaded her fingers through his hair. She took control of the kiss and luxuriated in it as she kissed him with abandon and glided across his body as he caressed her from head to butt. She felt his cock swell between them then felt a slight dampness as the kiss continued. Further down, Moira was all damp, and she knew she was dripping onto him. She whimpered when Conrad caressed the sides of her breasts but wouldn’t move close enough to touch them. She took his bottom lip between her lips and pulled and he groaned. Moira rose up and thrust her tongue, then finally he held her breasts in his hands and tweaked the nipples. She cried out as she gushed out cream which soaked his cock. Conrad held her hips then moved her up and down his body, her cunt gliding along his cock.

  “Ah! Conrad,” she whispered.

  “Open you eyes and look at me.”

  Moira opened them and saw the naked desire in his eyes. He was hanging by a thread but still continued the torture.

  “Please, I need you inside me. Now.”

  “Reach down and slide me inside,” he told her as he lifted her. “Don’t look away.”

  Moira shook as she placed his cock to her entrance. As she sank onto him, his eyes went dark and narrowed. When he was all in, Conrad pushed her up and then pulled her back down onto his cock. Moira shook and shivered with excitement.

  “Don’t close your eyes.”

  Moira opened them again and they watched each other as he moved her body at his will. As he increased the speed, they started moving in sync and they met in the middle. When he continuously hit her g-spot, Moira shuddered and flapped around while he held tightly, and repeated hitting the same spot. The orgasms flowed, one into the next, unending until Moira cried that she couldn’t take it anymore. Conrad twisted his body and pumped several times until he harshly cried out and pumped hot seed into her, spasmed below her, then crushed her to his body before he turned them to their sides.

  He kept one hand on her butt and brought the other to her head, pulled her head slightly back, “Look at me,” he said, then crushed her mouth to his.

  Moira sighed into his mouth. She felt his need for her in the kiss. This man she had just met recently was at her mercy. It was humbling. She didn’t refuse him although she was bone tired. She never knew sex could be this exhausting. And to think she hadn’t even done any work. He had taken control of her body and used it to his satisfaction. They had both come in torrents but still he wanted her. Most men would have turned to the side and been fast asleep. But Conrad was an insatiable beast, she was coming to learn.

  “You are trembling, baby.” Already her body so attuned to his was waiting for the next phase. “You feel it too, hmmm.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. With their bodies still connected, Moira felt Conrad fill her up rapidly. “Ah!,” she cried out as she grabbed his bicep to steady herself.

  He lifted her leg and wrapped it around his thigh, then
he flicked her nub and she climaxed, and he fucked her through her climax. “Kiss me.”

  Moira latched onto his lips and as they dueled, Conrad lifted her leg higher and fucked, harder and faster. She let go of his mouth and screamed until they both came and lay limp. When he could move, he turned her around and placed her back to his front, then they slept.

  As the sun was rising, Moira was on her back and Conrad eating her pussy. As she came he entered her in one swift thrust. “Good Morning, baby.”

  “Conrad, faster.”

  “In a minute. It has to last me all day. So we will go nice and slow for now,” he told her. He grazed her nipples with his teeth and each time Moira sucked his cock with her pussy. He took her slow and deep, and the orgasm was slow and long holding Moira helpless for a long time. “Ready baby?” he asked her as he started upping the tempo. Two long strokes then three short ones. Two long strokes, then three short ones. And again, then he changed to four long strokes, two short ones. Four long strokes, two short ones. And again and again. Then it was repeated long strokes until Moira came twice before Conrad joined her on her third time. “Must be a record number of orgasm for a morning fuck,” he said laughing.

  “I wouldn’t know, but I sure hope for more of those,” she replied. She stretched, feeling good. “God, I feel like my body doesn’t belong to me anymore.” She relaxed into his side and dozed off.

  It was late morning when he kissed her awake. “Wake up. We need to leave soon,” he told her. “Your brother invited me for lunch at your place.” He chuckled when she raised an eyebrow. “It was more like, a command, and I’m not sure it’s one that I can ignore.”

  She noticed that he was already dressed, looking sinfully sexy. No man should be allowed to look that sexy. She smiled, “I could tie you to the bed and you could then have a legitimate reason to ignore the command.”

  Conrad open and shut his mouth several times like a fish flapping in shallow water. He stood and took a couple of steps back when Moira let the sheet drop. “If I didn’t know better, I would say you are trying to get me in trouble. Your brother has a mean left-hook and it’s not something I care to experience so soon from the last one.”


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