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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 19

by Joyce Jordan

  Moira knelt on the bed, and Conrad took more steps back. His nostrils flared as he saw what the sheet had revealed. She smiled at the power, and stepped out of bed, then stretched. His eyes bulged and he fisted his hands. She walked slowly towards him and he stood there like a frightened animal. When she was a few steps away, he turned tail and ran like a little kid. Moira laughed as she heard him tell her she had less than an hour to get ready.

  She stood under the hot shower and didn’t move for so long, she thought the water would grow cold on her. When she heard Conrad moving around the bedroom, she shampooed her hair, then soaped herself and let the water clean her from top to bottom as it ran down her head then her body. When she was squeeky clean, she shut off the water and stepped out of the shower stall. She walked into the bedroom and collected her overnight bag. Conrad had stripped the bed, but was nowhere to be seen. Chicken she thought to herself, and smiled.

  She found her toilet bag and took her toothbrush and found toothpaste in the bathroom, then brushed her teeth. She squeezed lotion from her little travel sized bottle onto her palms, then sat down and rubbed herself from top to bottom. She made a mental note to replace that for her trip to Orlando. She would probably need to pack by midweek so she wouldn’t panic at the last minute. She pulled fresh undies and laid them on the bed, beside her jeans and top. She collected her clothes from the chair, and threw them in her overnight bag.

  Moira went back to the bathroom and switched the hair-dryer on and semi dried her hair. Once all the excess moisture was gone, she pulled it into a ponytail, then went back to the bedroom and dressed. She remembered she had left her shoes in the living room, so she went looking for them.

  Conrad had coffee and a croissant waiting for her. She sat and ate while he was finishing up a call. She washed her cup and plate then left them in the dishwasher to dry.

  “You look great,” he told her when he hung up.

  “So do you,” she returned the compliment.

  He picked the bag she had dropped close to the door. Moira grabbed her handbag and then they left. They passed by the coincierge desk where Conrad left instructions about housekeeping and dropped a grocery list.

  When he took her hand and they started walking outside, she asked, “You don’t buy your own groceries?”

  “Ocassionally. But this is a full service building. This building caters to people who want the hotel experience without being in a hotel per se. They take care of your laundry and dry cleaning.” Conrad ushered Moira into the car as he handed the valet guy her bag. Not surprised that he had more than two cars, she luxuriated in the faint sunshine through the open top. When he joined her, he continued telling her about the building. “The difference is the bedding is your own. Your own furniture, pots and pans and so forth. Because of the millions of restaurants in Miami, I didn’t see the point in having a full service one, so instead I just included a coffee shop.”

  Moira nodded in understanding.

  “Then I a have another building that is in some ways the opposite of this one. It is fully furnished, no laundry service, but there is a fully equipped laundromat in the building, no dry cleaning service in that one. But I have a dry cleaner we work with that gives a discount if the residents choose to use them. It also has the coffee shop too. No coincierge service. Oh, and you bring your own bedding and kitchen utensils.”

  She cocked her head at him. “And as the owner you get to live in the penthouse?”

  He laughed. “Yup.”

  “Are they for rent or to own?”

  “Rent. I’m playing around with the idea of whether I want to build something else and have the option to own. The problem with that is people will want to re-design the interior and the renovations can be disrupting to the other residents. And if someone doesn’ have enough money to do them all at the same time, it could be months of renovations.”

  “Makes sense. Never thought about it that way,” she said thoughtfully.

  They made the rest of the trip in silence. He found an empty spot close to their door and parked. He turned to her and gave her a deep wet kiss, then got out and came to open her door. He linked their fingers and took her overnight bag, then they walked to the front door. Moira used her keys to open the door and as they entered Conrad squeezed her her fingers. Relax, he mouthed to her.

  “Wow, you made it,” Sam said as he looked at his wristwatch and smirked at them.

  “Barely,” Conrad agreed. “Although it wouldn’t have been my fault if we hadn’t.”

  Moira elbowed him and he grunted. She took her bag from him and walked to her bedroom. She saw them doing some manly greeting and rolled her eyes. If she didn’t know better she would have thought that they were BFF’s or something close to that.

  She grabbed a coke on her way to join them outside. She took the chaise lounge and lay down intent on enjoying the winter sun and let the two men do their bonding. At that thought she snorted and had a private laugh.

  She woke an hour later, to the smell of meat grilling. Her mouth watered and her stomach growled in hunger. Just in time she realized as she sat up and looked over to the outdoor grill. Sam was in his favorite ‘Kiss the chef’ apron and piling meat onto a platter. He brought it over to the table and she turned to see another face.

  “Hi Lucas. When did you get here?”

  “A while ago. How are you beautiful?”

  “Great,” she answered and picked up her empty can of soda and threw it in the trash. “Need any help, Sam?”

  “No, everything is ready. Let’s dig in.”

  “Wait,” Moira said. Everybody froze. She leaned over and kissed Sam’s cheek, then sank into the outdoor chair. “That’s the tradition,” she clarified. “You want to eat you need to follow the instructions on the apron.”

  Conrad and Lucas looked over to Sam’s apron. Sam looked down at his apron, then all three looked at each other and went green.

  Moira laughed at their expressions and wished she had thought to take a video. Would have been an instant YouTube hit.

  “That wasn’t funny,” Sam groaned beside her, then added salad and a roll to his plate.

  “Baby you are going to have to pay for that.”

  Lucas laughed. “Oh, come on. I think it was genius.”

  “Thank you Lucas. It was a Kodak moment for sure,” Moira replied and snagged a couple of short ribs. She added a little bit of salad and a roll. She got another coke from the little cooler box beside Sam. Looking at the number of empty beer bottles, it looked like the men had already done some considerable damage in the their beer quota. In a few more hours they would probably be tipsy and then interesting things would start to happen. She ate silently listening to the back and forth conversation on sport. Seemed every time men met, all they could talk about was sport. And with the Super Bowl coming up, it just added fodder to the fire. Or wait, was it already over? Moira couldn’t remember. She cleaned her hands, then discarded the trash, and sat back down.

  When her cell rang, Moira jumped. She hadn’t realized what time it was. She pocketed it, and smacked Conrad with a kiss and ran back into the apartment. “I’ll see you later,” she shouted as she left. She flew and grabbed her handbag and car keys and was out of the door in no time. Her heart was pumping because she had forgotten to tell Conrad her plans for the afternoon and evening. He was going to be royally pissed. Not that they had made plans together, but still, Moira just had an inkling.

  She had promised to meet up with an old high school friend for some retail therapy then later go clubbing. Sue always was a lot of fun. Never a dull moment with her. From time to time they hooked up but hadn’t done that for a while when Moira had excused herself due to pressure of work. Now with her new job and weekday work schedule, it was easier to have a weekend life and meet old friends again. She dialed her back as she got into traffic and apologized for being late. Fifteen minutes later she made it to the mall and found her next to the Macy’s inside mall entrance.

  “I’m sorr
y I lost track of time,” Moira said as they exchanged hugs and air-kisses. They wandered aimlessly entering stores that had items that caught their eye, but for the most part they just enjoyed each other’s company and talked about nothing and everything. Moira found a few pieces of jewelry she liked and added to her collection. A few shops were still running Valentine’s sales and they capitalized on that. Another two pairs of shoes didn’t hurt, except her closet may need re-arranging to find the pairs a spot to sit on. Moira decided she needed to do a little spring cleaning before spring came around to get rid of some stuff she hadn’t worn for years. With that in mind she decided to layoff more shopping until she had accomplished that.

  They separated at 5pm when Moira went to have her hair down and Sue went home. She promised to come and pick her up since she was on her way to the club anyway. Moira drove the short distance to the complex where her hairdresser was. Two hours later, she was out of there looking wild and dangerous as per her hairdresser, Carlos. She laughed and kissed his cheek goodbye. He promised he would look her up at the club if he came.

  When she got home, she saw the guys still sitting outside. No one realized she was back, so she walked stealthily to her bedroom and ran herself a bath. With less than an hour to spare, she got dressed and put on her make up. She made the most of the nice warm winter night and wore something light and short with high but comfortable shoes. She accessorized with long earrings that glittered every time she moved. She answered the call from Sue telling her she was five minutes out. Moira was ready. She spritzed cologne and quickly took her ID, credit card, cell and some cash then stuffed it all into her tiny clutch purse.

  “Hi guys,” she said as she sat in one of the outdoor chairs. Yep, they were all slightly drunk.

  Different versions of, “Where are you going?” came at her from all three directions.

  “I’m meeting some friends. I’ll be back later, just don’t wait up,” she told them.

  “Are you wearing that?” Conrad asked heavily.

  “Yes. Something wrong with it?”

  “It looks amazing,” Lucas replied.

  “A little too short for my liking, especially since I won’t be there,” Conrad told her.

  Moira got up and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, “When I get back, you can fuck me in it.” Then she straighted, and said to them all, “Okay, I’ll make sure I don’t bend. Night boys.”

  Moira entered the apartment then walked out through the front door to wait for Sue. Sue flushed her lights and Moira walked over to her car. Her boyfriend, Dave was driving. They had a live band playing Jazz music tonight and the place was already packed. Dave got them inside with no problems. Moira needed to keep a level head tonight, so she started with a glass of sprite. Sue and Dave joined the crowd on the dance floor, while she nursed her sprite checking the vibe of the place. Only after she had done two shots did she join the bodies gyrating on the dance floor.

  It was getting hot, and Moira wondered how the place would be in summer time. “Hey Summer, Jane, Sarah,” she said greeting the rest of the ensemble. “You girls look hot. Are you here for the music or the single men?” she asked laughing.

  “Both,” Sarah replied her, and joined the throng. Summer and Jane soon joined too and they danced as a group which was later dismantled as guys joined in the mix. It was a lot of fun and Moira wished Sere was still in Miami. When the band took a break, Moira rushed to the bathroom. Already a line was forming and she waited in line. A few people down, she noticed Jane waiting too. They grinned at each other. She used the bathroom and waited for Jane, then they went back together. They joined Summer and Sue who were at the bar. Sue’s boyfriend, Dave was chatting with some guys.

  “So, what are we toasting to?” Jane asked. A line of shots was in front of them.

  “To friendship,” Summer said.

  “To girlfriends,” Sue chimed in.

  “To hot ladies,” Jane added.

  “To girls, who are friends, and are smoking hot,” Sarah said and giggled.

  “To us,” Moira said. Everybody clicked their glasses and took their shot. Another set of shots arrived courtesy of some guys at the end of the bar. Some interesting eye exchanges happened after that. Moira laughed and thought that maybe her friends were lucky after all. She ordered a sprite after that. These shots sometimes could get you fast and since she had decided to take a cab back home, she needed to be wide awake.

  The band started again and the girls shot back to the dance floor. One of the boys from the bar hooked up to Moira and they danced for the next hour. The guy had clearly had one too many, although he tried to be a gentleman during the dance, but Moira could see that he thought he was getting lucky tonight. She snorted and thought of Conrad. He probably had gone back to his penthouse by now. That whispered comment would have sobered him right quick.

  Moira took a break and went to sit by the bar. Her dance partner followed and they talked about his job. He told her he worked in the hospitality industry, to which Moira raised her eyebrow to say, ‘doesn’t everyone in Miami?’. With more prodding she found out he worked the front desk of one of the chain hotels. He promised her a discount if she looked him up. Moira laughed and told him she would if she were ever in need of a hotel room.

  When the crowd started thinning Moira realized it was after midnight. She saw Sue across the room and waved to say she was leaving. She waved back and made a phone sign to say ‘call me’, to which Moira nodded then excused herself to her dance partner. He followed her outside and offered her a ride, and Moira said, ‘I don’t think so’ to herself. If he didn’t think that was an open invitation to her apartment, then he would think he had the license to take her to his place or hotel room for that matter.

  Moira was lucky to see a couple of cabs slow down. She waved one over and quickly got in. She smiled at dance partner’s sad face and gave the driver her address. What a night, she thought as she leaned back and relaxed. Thirty minutes later she was home. She paid and got out then walked across and entered the apartment. When she closed the door, she removed her shoes and walked barefoot. She passed by the fridge and got herself a glass of orange juice. She added crushed ice and drank the glass straight up.

  Moira entered her bedroom and almost screamed when she found Conrad in her bed, sitting. He switched the bedside lamp on and smiled at her. “Did you have a good night?’

  “Yes. But what are you doing here?” she asked him.

  “Waiting for you.”

  “Yeah right. And Sam was okay with that?”

  He smiled sheepishly. “Well, I kind of gave the impression that I was too wasted to leave.”

  “And he bought that?” Moira asked laughing.

  He pushed his chest out and beat the center. “It was a great perfomance, if I do say so myself,” he claimed.

  “Is Lucas here too?” she asked as she moved closer to the bed and dropped her shoes and purse at the foot of the bed.

  “No, he opted for a cab. He will be back tomorrow to pick up his car.”

  “I see no reason why you didn’t do the same as Lucas?” Moira said and sat on the edge, close to his legs.

  He grinned. “Apparently, I was more wasted than Lucas, so couldn’t even be trusted inside a cab.”

  She laughed. “You seem to be quite pleased with yourself.”

  “Very. I seem to remember promises of fucking in that short dress,” he said and pulled her towards him.

  “I’m stinking,” she cried out when Conrad nuzzled her throat. “I need to take a shower.”

  “Later,” he said and arranged her to straddle him. “First, I want what’s due to me. Kiss me. I missed you today.”

  Moira leaned towards him and kissed him. She cupped his cheeks and took her time. She teased him and smiled at his frustration. He held her thighs then pushed his hands under the dress and moved up her body. Moira deepened the kiss but retained control. She knew it was just a matter of time before he took that control away from her. But i
n the meantime, she enjoyed the freedom of being in control. More the illusion. She trailed kissed all over his face, reached his ear and bit then sucked the left earlobe. He grunted. Moira moved to the right side and did the same. She felt him squeezing her, then he relaxed. She moved to his neck and tilted his head, then rained kisses all over his neck.

  Moira bit him in surprise when he tore her panties off her.

  “Were you a good girl tonight?” he asked as he palmed her mound.

  “The best,” she told him and he laughed.

  He pushed two fingers inside then told her to lean back. His other hand prevented her from falling by holding between her shoulder blades. He moved his fingers slowly inside her, and when he added a third finger and increased the pace, she rode his fingers until she climaxed. Moira dreamily leaned back forward then felt her dress tear from the neck to the hem. Before she could react, he had impaled her on his cock and was furiously moving them both. “Look down,” he told her.

  Moira looked at their joining, his cock was sliding in and out of her. The pace was frantic and she was burning up but couldn’t turn away. What she was seeing turned her even hotter, the best porno she had ever seen. “Conrad,” she cried out.

  “Yes, baby. Don’t look away. Touch your pussy lips, but don’t touch the nub. I don’t want you to come yet. Yes, baby. Open them up. Fuck, look at how pretty.”

  “Oh, please.”

  “Soon baby. I’ll take care of you. Open, show me. Yessssss! Moira! Come with me baby, now. Now!”

  Moira spasmed and milked Conrad’s cock as he swelled and shot a stream of cum into her. He grabbed her head and swallowed her scream. She lay limply against his chest trying to catch her breath. “My dress,” she mumbled.

  He chuckled. “If I promise to replace it, will I be forgiven?” he asked.


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