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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 31

by Joyce Jordan

  “Yes, but you fried my brains and now I need to regroup,” Moira said.

  “Is it about the limo?”

  “Not for today, but I hope you won’t insist on me using it everyday? And the whole bodyguard thing has to go,” she told him.

  “Baby, I just got you back, so can you please give me time to adjust,” he said kissing her shoulder. “I just need to make sure you are okay before I feel comfortable enough to let you wonder alone. Besides as my girlfriend, baby mama rather, you will need some kind of protection, but we can talk about that later. For the weekend, I just want to hold you and know that I am not dreaming.”

  “That’s not fair, but I’ll give you the weekend, then we can talk on Monday,” Moira agreed.

  Conrad sighed a huge silent sigh of relief. He needed to tread carefully, but he wasn’t willing to ever let her travel anywhere alone. By extension of her being his girlfriend, more so his baby mama, when the news got out, she could be just as a huge target as him. He would compromise on her driving her own car but would always have a tail. But once the baby was born, all bets were off. Infact a couple of months before then, he intended on working his way to having her agree to his demands. No, maybe requests. Demands were what had gotten him in trouble the last time.

  Her body went soft as she succumbed to sleep.

  “Go back to sleep,” Conrad said as she woke up to the ringing of her phone in the other room.

  “No, that’s Sere’s ringtone. I need my phone,” she said trying to get up. The ringing stopped only to start again. “Conrad…”

  “I’ll get it,” he told her and walked out of the bedroom, going to look for the phone. It was in the side pocket of her handbag which she had dropped to the floor when she had kissed him outside his office. Conrad picked the purse up and by he time he got back to the bedroom, the ringing had stopped again.

  Moira pulled her phone out of the side pocket and the ringing started again. Worried, she answered, “Sere?”

  “Oh, God. Moira. Thank you for answering,” she said crying.

  “What’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

  “It’s George. I found him in bed with someone. Our bed Moira…” Sere started crying again and Moira couldn’t hear a word after that.

  “Where are you honey?”

  “Outside. I can’t… I can’t…”

  “I know. Hold on okay?” Moira said and quickly turned to Conrad. “Sere’s in trouble. I have to go to her.”

  “I understand. I heard some of what she said. Get dressed and I’ll get the jet ready,” he told her. “Can she get to The Orlando? I’ll have Lucas make arrangements for her to get a room to stay in while we are on our way.”

  Moira leaned forward and kissed him. “Thank you Conrad,” she whispered. “Sere, we are coming there honey. Can you get to The Orlando? Get a cab, I don’t want you driving in your state. Call a cab while I get dressed and I’ll call you right back, okay?”

  Sere agreed and Moira hung up, then quickly found something to wear. She picked her purse up from the bed, and joined Conrad who was in the living room on the phone with Lucas. “I’m ready,” she mouthed to him.

  “Lucas’ jet was already on it’s way back, but he wants to come too, so he’s coming to pick us up in a few,” Conrad told her.

  Moira nodded then went to get a glass of orange juice from the fridge. Conrad got back to his call and Moira watched him as she stood against the fridge drinking her orange juice. A little over five minutes later, he was motioning to her. He took her hand as they took the elevator to the first floor. As they got into Lucas’ limo and pulled away, Moira noticed a couple of SUVs follow them out. She probably should start getting used to this, she thought to herself.

  “Conrad told me about what Sere found when she got home. I’m sorry for the pain she’s going through, but any man who does that to a woman he’s in a committed relationship with doesn’t deserve her,” Lucas said to her.

  “Thanks Lucas. You’re right. George certainly doesn’t deserve Sere. I bet he thought she was coming back home on Sunday. Who knows how long this has been going on and she wasn’t even aware of it,” Moira cried out with heat.

  Conrad squeezed her fingers. “She has you, so she’ll be okay, baby.” He lifted their joined fingers to his lips.

  Moira squeezed back in acknowledgement. The rest of the ride to the airport was silent until they were seated in the jet. Moira leaned back and rested her head on the head rest. She got an extra pillow from the hostess. Conrad encouraged her to go and sleep in the bedroom, but she declined. She lay back and as the plane took off, she dozed.

  Conrad gently shook her awake as the jet descended into Orlando. She brushed her hair and touched up on her lip gloss. Three SUVs were waiting for them as they touched down. Conrad helped her down the stairs and into the SUV. They drove off as soon as everyone was buckled up. They quickly made it to The Orlando and Moira was surprised that Sere was in the penthouse suite. She found her lying down on the couch with a box of tissues next to her. She woke up as she heard the door opening.

  “Oh honey,” Moira said as she walked up to a tearful Sere. “Are you really going to keep crying over that loser?”

  “Oh, God. You’re right. Why am I still crying?” she wailed.

  “It hurts?”

  “Not really. But finding them in our bed took me for a shock.”

  “Yeah, that was tacky.”

  Sere snickered. “At least he could have gone to the girl’s place or booked a cheap motel,” she hiccuped.

  “Maybe the girl is married or has a boyfriend at home too,” Moira suggested.

  “Bastard. You could be right.”

  “He doesn’t deserve you.”

  “Damn right, he doesn’t,” Sere said angrily.

  Moira laughed. “I brought muscle. You want them to go beat him up?” she asked.

  Sere laughed. “Oh God, Moira. Thanks. I really needed to laugh and not feel sorry for myself.”

  “A beautiful girl like you doesn’t need to feel sorry for herself. Come back to Miami and you’ll have men falling all over themselves at your feet.”

  “You’re my friend so you are biased. But I think I do like the idea of coming back home. Miami has always been home to me,” she said. “But I don’t know how soon I can do it. I’d have to talk to my old boss and see if I can transfer.”

  “In the meantime, how about you tell me everything from the beginning,” she said.

  “Okay, let’s get comfortable then. But didn’t I see Conrad come in with you?”

  “Yes, and Lucas too. I guess they made themselves scarce to give us some privacy,” she told her. “They came to support you. Whatever you need. We should probably go and pack your things from your apartment. If we can’t take you to Miami tonight, then I’ll have Conrad put you up here until you can move.”

  “Oh, Moira. You are making me cry again,” she wailed.

  Moira smiled. “As long as they are happy tears, you can cry all you want.”

  “Yes, they are. I’m done with sad tears over George. He’s been calling me since I was in the cab coming over here. Saying how sorry he is. It was a momentary lapse of judgment on his part, and that it won’t happen again.”

  “Was this the first and only lapse, or has it been going on for a while?”

  “My gut tells me it’s not the first time,” Sere replied. Then she went on to tell her the full complete story.

  “I’m sorry for what you’ve been going through. If you think you can work it out, then maybe you should try. Either way, I’ll stand by you,” Moira said.

  Sere squeezed her hands. “No, I’m done. Going over it with you just now has cleansed me and shown me what I didn’t want to believe all along. I want to come back to Miami, not because I’m running away, but because I feel that’s where I need to be right now. If it means I’ll have to take a leave of absence in the meantime, I will. But I don’t want to stay here a second longer than necessary.”

Okay. Just don’t rush into any decisions.”

  “No, I’m not. I think I’d like to go and collect my clothes now. Just clothes, I’m not taking anything else. And my car.”

  “Okay, let me call the boys and we can be on our way,” Moira said. “Go clean up in the bathroom over there,” she told her pointing to it.

  As Sere walked over to the bathroom, Moira went searching for Conrad and Lucas. “Hi,” she said when she found them.

  “Is she okay?” Conrad asked.

  “Yes, now she is. We need to go and collect her car and clothes from her apartment. She’s moving back to Miami, but is not sure if her old boss will allow her transfer.”

  “I’ll talk to him,” Lucas said. “But if she wants she can always come and work for me. Good accountants are hard to come by,” he added.

  “Really? You’d do that for her?” Moira asked in wonder.

  “Yes, honey. She matters to you, so I would. Besides I know she’s good at her job. Sam told me she does his taxes,” he said laughing.

  “And did he tell you how he messed up the previous year’s taxes before she took over?”

  Lucas chuckled. “Yes he did. He says he dreads talking to her when the tax season gets close.”

  Moira laughed. “Yeah, she can smell errors from miles away. I think she’s ready,” Moira said when she heard movement from outside. She walked back into the living room with Lucas and Conrad beside her. They both took her into their arms and promised to help her with whatever she needed.

  “Thank you,” Moira heard Sere say to each one.

  She took her friend’s hand and they walked out of the penthouse, into the waiting elevator and down to the first floor. When they got to the apartment, both Conrad and Lucas’ bodyguards held George outside as she and Sere packed in peace. George had pleaded to Sere as soon as she opened the door, surprised to see a whole troop of people coming inside. Sere had looked the other way and marched into the bedroom. They filled three suitcases with clothes and still had many more not packed. Sere doubled up trashbags and they threw clothes inside until they were done. She packed her cosmetics in her travel bag, and made sure she hadn’ left anything behind, then they both walked outside and found the bags already loaded into the SUVs outside.

  “Let me have a word with George before we leave,” she said to Moira. “I’ll be fine,” she quickly inserted when she saw the worried look on her friend’s face. Sere went back indoors and George followed her. “All I just need to say to you is that you are a piece of trash. When you decided to cheat on me, the least you could have done was not do it in our bed. Our bed, George? Seriously? How twisted is your mind?”

  “I’m sorry Sere. Please forgive me, I promise never to look at another woman ever again,” he begged.

  Sere snickered. “There are some things I can forgive, but I’m sorry I can’t forgive you about this one. Maybe if it had happened in some cheap motel. But in our bed? That’s just unforgiveable. How am I supposed to ever sleep in the same bed, and the same apartment ever again?”

  George grimaced and opened and shut his mouth like a fish. “We could move, baby. I’ll talk to the leasing office…”

  Sere walked towards the door. “You can forget it. Forget about me. I’m out of your life for good. I’m just glad the apartment was in your name when I moved in. I’m not taking anything, even some of the items we bought together.” She looked at him with pity. Whether he was really sorry, Sere couldn’t tell. Her emotions over the whole issue were still a little high. “Take care of yourself,” she threw at him as she shut the door. Conrad took her car keys and gave to one of the bodyguards who drove her little Honda Civic back to the hotel.

  “Let’s have dinner and then decide if we are returning to Miami tonight or tomorrow,” Conrad said.

  “Thank you. I think I can eat something now,” Moira told him. She took Sere’s hand and they walked together back to the SUV’s parked just below the stairs leading from the second floor where Sere’s old apartment. They sat in the back row seat and quietly held hands.

  When they got to The Orlando, they had dinner. Sere tried to eat, but her appetite wasn’t fully back yet. Maybe in another day or two, Moira thought to herself. She, herself, also ate little. She saw the worried look on Conrad’s face and was thankful when he didn’t comment. They all agreed to go back to Miami that same evening.

  Chapter Thirty

  The next morning Moira was up early and because she was worried about Sere, she kissed Conrad good morning and went to Sere’s bedroom. She found her still asleep and crawled into bed beside her, then instantly fell asleep. A couple of hours later Sere woke her up as she tried to get out of bed.

  “Morning Sere,” she yawned to her.

  “Morning. I know you are worried about me, but you didn’t have to leave Conrad’s bed to come to me.”

  “Conrad is a big boy. He’ll be fine. It’s you I’m not sure about,” she replied.

  “I’m fine now, and I know it’s going to get better. I’m glad you came for me, because if you hadn’t I’m not sure if I’d have allowed George to suck me back into his life or done something worse.” Sere moved closer to Moira and hugged her tightly. “Thanks for being my friend, even though you have just come out of something yourself. I’m not sure if I’ll ever want to move for a guy again.”

  Moira frowned. “Don’t say that. Maybe one day you’ll meet a better man and you can’t judge him based on what George did.”

  “I don’t know Moira, but I guess I’ll take it one day at a time,” she turned and got out of bed. “You think Conrad will be okay if I made the use of his pool today?”

  Moira grinned. “I’m sure he’d love to play nursemaid to both of us all day. How about breakfast after we shower and then spend the day at the pool?”

  Sere walked into her bathroom. “You just said the majic words, my friend. See you in a few,” she said smiling back.

  Moira got out of bed too, and walked back to the master bedroom. She passed Conrad who was in his office, then back tracked. “Hi,” she said and sat in his lap.

  Conrad opened his arms wide when Moira motioned for his lap. He pulled her to his chest and sat holding her for a few minutes. “Everything okay with Sere?”

  “She’s getting there.”

  “Okay. So what are your plans for the day?’

  Moira smiled with delight. “I was hoping you would be kind enough to feed Little Bo Peep, her mother and her godmother. Then spend the day with us by the pool. But if you’re busy…”

  “Never too busy for you baby,” he told her, kissing her forehead. “How hungry for food are you, because I could help wash your back.” Conrad took her mouth and held her head back. “Because we have another hunger we need to feed.”

  Moira whimpered with need. “Conrad!” She sighed and kissed him back. “I need you, but we have a guest.”

  “I know.” Conrad looked at her with heat in his eyes. “Later baby,” he said and stood up, dropping her legs to the floor. When she was steady, he guided her out of the office. “Is it okay if I invite Lucas and Sam?”

  Moira nodded. “I’ll be right out. I need lots of bacon,” she said and closed the master bedroom door. She didn’t bother washing her hair since they intended to spend the day swimming. She took a quick shower and wore her two piece bikini set, then put on a short summer dress on top.

  Sere was already being fed by Conrad when she walked out. Moira was glad to see that Sere’s appetite had returned and so had Little Bo Peep’s. As promised she ate the majority of the bacon. The fat didn’t bother her. Infact the greasier it was the more she liked it. She took the fat that Sere removed from her slices and gobbled them up.

  “Baby, I’m sure its the pregnancy, but are you sure all that fat is good for the baby?” Conrad asked with worry on his face.

  Moira smiled. “I don’t know, but this is what my body is craving, so that’s what I’m eating.” She looked at the last pieces in the center of the table with regret.
She was full and hoped she didn’t sink to the bottom of the pool. She ate the last piece of her egg and dropped the fork onto her plate. “Now, I need a few minutes of sleep. I feel so lazy, I’m not sure I can go back to work tomorrow,” she said with a frown.

  “You know you can always quit work and stay home fulltime,” Conrad said with a smile.

  Moira laughed. “Yeah, but let’s not go there.” She got up and took her plate to the sink. She felt rather than heard Conrad behind her. He pulled her back to his front and rubbed her tummy slowly. They both turned as Sere walked to open the door after someone had knocked.

  “It’s probably Lucas or Sam,” he said and dropped his head to steal a kiss from her. “I’m glad you are back. I really missed you, baby.”

  Moira wove her fingers into his hair. “I know. I missed you too.” She looked ahead and saw Sam walk in. “We have company,” she told him with a quick kiss. “Maybe later?” she asked.

  Conrad groaned. “You can bet on it,” he hissed and squeezed her against him before he released her. “Morning Sam. Breakfast?” he asked.

  Sam nodded before he greeted his sister. He was wondering why Sere was still around. He thought she had left yesterday but then assumed his sister had managed to talk her into staying.

  “You’ll find us out by the pool,” Moira said to Conrad and Sam as she pulled Sere outside. “Here, let me do your back, then you can do mine.” Moira took the sunscreen and liberally rubbed it onto Sere’s back. When she was done, Sere did the same to her back, then they both sat rubbing their arms, legs and fronts. “I’m going to lie down for a little while. Digest all that food I gorged down, then I’ll join you inside the pool,” she told her friend.

  “I’ll just swim a couple of laps then join you. I’m sorry, I think I’ll just die if I don’t try the pool, like right now,” she said and walked over to the deep end and dived in.

  Moira smiled in happiness and relaxed happily on the pool lounger. She slipped her sunglasses on and looked right up to the cloudless sky. It was perfect. A perfect day. Soon enough it would be crazy hot to sit outside in the direct sun all day. At that time, she would have to move towards the shade, but they intended on spending the whole day outside.


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