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Miami Hot: #1 (Miami Heat Series)

Page 32

by Joyce Jordan


  “Did your sister tell you about our little trip to Orlando yesterday?” Conrad asked Sam.

  Sam looked at Conrad in confusion. “You went to Orlando to drop off Sere, yet she’s still here?”

  “No, Sere went back but things didn’t work out. It’s so fucked up,” he said. “That’s Lucas,” Conrad said as another knock sounded. “Can you open for him please?”

  Sam stood up and opened the door for his boss. He cocked his head when he realized Lucas was a little unsteady.

  Lucas laughed. “I’m fine. Just got rudely woken up, that’s all.” Lucas walked into Conrad’s kitchen and helped himself to his hangover ingredients. He took one long swallow and pronounced himself alive. “Okay, so where’s the breakfast?” he asked.

  “Take a seat, while I fill Sam on the activities from yesterday,” Conrad told him.

  Lucas grimaced. “That was one fucked up afternoon and evening.” He took a seat next to Sam, wondering if it was too late to go back and beat the shit out of Sere’s ex..

  “Sere left Miami according to plan, but when she walked into the apartment she shared with her boyfriend, she found him fucking another woman.”

  Sam choked on his coffee. “Sorry,” he said coughing. “Please tell me you’re joking?”

  Both Conrad and Lucas shook their heads.

  “So she called Moira, in tears, obviously. Moira couldn’t even hear half of what she was saying, but at least she was clear enough to dispatch the fact that she had walked in to find…” Conrad waved the spatula in his hands, then added food to the two plates in front of him. He pushed them towards the two men.

  “His jet was already on the way back, and Moira intended on going there anyway, so we took my jet and flew to Orlando. Moira had asked her to take a cab to The Orlando, so at least we knew she was safe and sound.” He took a sip of his coffee. “We don’t know the whole story, but Moira does. Anyway, after a while we headed over to her apartment where they packed her clothes and one of the guards drove her car back to the hotel.

  Sere made up her mind to move back to Miami, so we came back with her last night. Her car will arrive sometime tomorrow with one of Lucas’ employees coming to Miami.”

  “Well, I’m glad she’s rid of him. I never liked that guy,” Sam swore. “Since she wasn’t Moira, I couldn’t really say anything. But I did warn him that if he ever hurt her, he would have to deal with me.”

  “Well, if we had known, we would have taken you with us.” Lucas laughed. “I know there was a time in my life when I screwed around. But never before I broke it off with the previous girl.”

  Conrad touched his jaw and more laughter errupted. He smiled sheepishly. “Don’t remind me of that day in my office,” he said rubbing his jaw as if it still ached.

  Sam grinned. “You got off lucky because at least you loved my sister,” he said. “Now this George character is more of a user to me. So I just hope he doesn’t come sniffing for her. if he does, then I may need you two to put your billions together and bail me out.”

  “The bodyguards roughened him up some, so it may be a while before he does. If he even has the guts, that is,” Lucas told him.

  Conrad took the used plates and washed them in the sink. “Let’s go and join the girls outside,” he said after he had cleaned the kitchen. “Grab a beer each,” he told them as he poured orange juice into two tall glasses.


  Moira wrote a little note for Sere. She promised to try and leave work early so they could swim later that afternoon. And hoped Sere would make good use of the full service hotel like amenities provided. She was glad Lucas had promised to offer her a job if it didn’t work out with her old boss. She picked up her bag and joined Conrad by the door. He drove her to work, and even walked her into the empty kitchen. Moira had to shoo him away so she could work.

  She quickly got back into her old ways of doing her job. She looked at the menu her team had written for Monday. She was mixing dough for muffins when Jeff Best walked in.

  “Oh my God, Moira!” he said hugging her. “You nearly scared me to death.” He grinned at her. “Welcome back.”

  Moira grinned back. “Thanks Jeff. How has it been?”

  He lifted his eyebrows. “We survived. But although I’m genuinely glad you are back. I’m more happy about the fact I won’t have to get up at ungodly hours of the morning anymore.”

  Moira roared with laughter.

  “Trust you to be honest. Thanks Jeff. But seriously have you guys been okay?”

  Jeff nodded. “We have. Stu helped a lot. Although whatever we made was never as good as yours. We used the same ingredients, so I’m not sure where we went wrong sometimes.”

  “Give me a week to settle down and we’ll look into that. In the meantime, how about you and me wow today’s breakfast crowd? I have a few recipe secrets up my sleeve,” she told him.

  “I say we fill the cafeteria and keep them coming for more,” he said grinning at her.

  After that, they got into a rhythm. Moira set the ingredients aside and started the mixtures, and Jeff took over using the cake mixtures. As the first group of Ford Kitchen employees walked in a little after 6:30am, word quickly spread about the return of Moira. By the time the first group of breakfast hungry King International employees walked through the doors, the kitchen was filled with tantalizing aromas. People lined up to buy the usual eggs, sausage, bacon and hash browns, and then walked further down the line and just couldn’t resist Moira’s temptations. She sat close to the end of the line giving samples and people couldn’t resist asking for more to buy.

  As the crowd thinned she went back and made another batch, then left Jeff making another as well. With the eight o’clock crowd, they were swamped. They ran out close to nine, and Moira had to promise to make more the next day. Keep them hungry for more, Moira said under her breath.

  After that she went back into the kitchen and started preparing for lunch. “Hi, Vinny. Christi,” she said. “Sorry, I couldn’t greet you properly back there. It was like a madhouse.”

  Vinny Pacheco and Christi Sanchez both hugged Moira.

  “I’m glad you are back,” Vinny told her.

  “Me too,” Chisti agreed. “I really missed you.”

  “Everyone has been asking about Memorial day. They were hoping you would make some treat like Valentines day,” Vinny said.

  Moira chuckled. “Yes, I have something planned. We can talk about that end of the week,” she told them. “For now, let’s see how we can feed the lunch crowd. And hopefully bring the house down.”

  “We tried, but it was never the same,” Christi said forlornly.

  “Don’t worry about that now. We have less than two hours before lunch is served. I need each of you on a different station.” They all moved in sync. Moira moved around making sure the ingredients were correct. As the first crowd walked in for lunch, they had several cakes cooling. Jeff and Vinny were making the icing for the chocolate cake. The rest were being served bare. Christi was preparing more fruit cups.

  “Moira! Moira!”

  Moira turned to the voice and grinned at Jeff Myers. “Hi Jeff.” She walked out of the kitchen and joined him a few feet away from the people in line for ordering food.

  “Hi stranger,” he said. “You disappeared. Where were you?”

  Moira laughed. “I took a mini vacation.”

  “One that even Sere and your brother didn’t know about?” he asked in disbelief.

  “I had a few things I needed to think about. Without anyone bothering me. And besides they knew I was okay,” she added. “But I’m back now. How are you?’

  “I’m okay. Glad to have you back,” he said. “Can we find a table to sit and talk?”

  Moira shook her head. “Not today Jeff. I just got back. Rain check?”

  “I’ll hold you to that. Maybe dinner where you won’t need to hurry back to work.”

  They both didn’t see the walking dynamite that was barrelling towar
ds them. The crowd in the cafeteria parted as he made his way towards the two friends reuniting. “Jeff,” he nodded, then turned to Moira. “Baby,” he said then slammed his lips against hers.

  Moira held the wolf whistles getting louder and louder then beat against Conrad’s chest.

  “What’s going on Moira?” Jeff asked with anger.

  “Hands off. She’s taken,” Conrad growled at him. He turned to the crowd that was still making noise. Conrad smiled at them and lifted his hand for silence. “I guess this is as good a time as any to introduce my girlfriend to you all. Most of you already know her as the pastry chef. Pastries and desserts are not the only things she’s good at,” he said with a huge grin.

  Moira was so mortified, and her face went even redder as the crowd roared with laughter and drum rolls on the tables. She turned and ran into the kitchen then to the office.

  Before she could slam the door shut, Conrad pushed his way inside. He pulled her to him and took her mouth in a harsh kiss. “Mine,” he roared.

  Moira undid his buckle and as she unzipped his pants she unlocked her lips from his and dropped to the floor. She took his cock into her mouth and sucked hard.

  “Ah fuck!” Conrad groaned.

  Moira pumped him fast and hard with one hand and teased his balls with the other. Her tongue flicked his mushroom head every few seconds. When he tensed Moira took him whole into her mouth and he errupted into her mouth. Then she cleaned him with her tongue and tucked him back into his pants. “You need to leave,” she told him.

  “Baby, I want to be inside you right now.”

  “Conrad, that little show in there wasn’t necessary. What were you thinking? I told you, me and Jeff can never be anything.”

  “I’m not sorry about Jeff,” he said angrily. “He wants into your panties.” He cleared his throat, “The rest maybe…”

  Moira laughed mockingly. “I seriously doubt you are sorry about that either.” She walked to the desk and took the chair behind the desk. “You need to leave.”


  “Now Conrad,” she told him. And when he still didn’t move, she said, “I know you want my pussy, but you’ll have to work for it. Just pray I don’t kill you first.”

  Conrad sighed and left the office. Well, that looked promising he told himself. He nodded to Jeff Myers as he walked out of the cafeteria. He was sitting with a group of his co-workers sullenly eating his lunch. Conrad’s mood lifted significantly. He whistled as he neared the table and opened the door leading out of the café.

  Moira left the office and packed a little box for her friend Janet. She gave it to Christi and asked her to deliver it and then gave her a sealed envelope. “Give the box to Janet, and then ask to see Conrad and hand him the envelope,” she told her. “Don’t leave without a response,” she added.

  Christi smiled mischievously. “Moira, I know it’s non of my business, but please I’m dying here. Just tell me he’s a good kisser? Please?”

  Moira laughed. She bit her lips then nodded.

  “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said hugging her tightly. “I knew it and I’m glad it’s you who caught his roving eye. Ooops,” she said with her hand holding her mouth. “I meant gorgeous eyes.”

  Moira tuned Christi around. “Go now,” she said. “No more roving eyes. He’s dead meat if he tries that with me,” she told the young girl.

  Her eyes grew huge, then she swallowed and walked away. She took the elevator to the top floor and found Janet on the phone. As she hung up, Christi walked closer and smiled at her. “Hi, Moira sent me with this box for you. And then she asked me to deliver this envelope,” she said waving it in her hands, “personally to Conrad. I mean Mr. King.”

  “You can drop it off with me, I’ll see he gets it,” she said. “And thanks for the box,” she added as she opened it.

  “Ummm, Janet. I’m afraid I can’t leave it with you. She said to personally hand it to him. Not that she doesn’t trust you or anything, but you know Moira…”

  Janet laughed and told her to walk through. Christi knocked and opened the door. “Mr. King,” she said in awe.

  “Conrad will do,” he said. “You’re Christi right?”

  “Yes,” Christi said bobbing her head. “Here,” she said handing over the envelope. “You are supposed to read it and give me a response to take back,” she said.

  Conrad smiled, wondering what Moira was up to now. “Take a seat,” he told her. “Do you know what’s inside?” he asked afraid to open Pandora’s box.

  “No, sir,” she said shaking her head.

  Conrad took a huge sigh and used his letter opener to cut along the length of the envelope. With slightly trembling fingers he pulled out the small piece of paper inside. He looked at the door behind where Moira sat, in Stu’s office. “What the…?” Then he laughed with appreciation.

  Invoice no. 5301

  To: The personal account of Conrad King

  Date: May 10th

  Description of goods:


  Lunch pastries and dessert

  [Delivered to Janet Klusky]

  Total: [credit not accepted]


  How does one deliver pastries for two hundred dollars without an order? And who eats that much dessert? Conrad pulled his wallet out and dropped two hundred dollar bills and added a twenty with the invoice then took a fresh envelope and sealed. He gave the envelope to Christi who smiled and took it from him.

  “Thank you,” she said and walked out of Conrad’s office. She was wondering what it was all about. She was very curious and was wondering what her boss was up to. She grinned as she delivered the envelope back to Moira.

  “Any problems?” Moira asked her. She opened the envelope and chuckled at the extra twenty bucks.

  “Not really. Once Janet realized I couldn’t leave the envelope with her, it was easy.”

  Moira handed the bills to Christi. “The twenty is your tip. Apparently the CEO was happy with your delivery skills,” she said with a laugh. “As for the two hundred, have a receipt printed from the till for me. It’s for the pastries you delivered to Janet,” she explained.

  Christi’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “You charged him two hundred dollars for those pastries?”

  Moira smiled. “Plus special delivery fee,” she said. “Now go, while I prepare tomorrow’s menu.”

  When Christi skipped out of the office, Moira called Sere and told her she would be leaving shortly. Sere told her she was doing fine and was enjoying the day in the pool downstairs with some of the residents. “Okay, I’ll look for you there,” she said as she hung up.

  She quickly checked her supplies and sent an order to Stu for things that were running low and new ingredients she wanted for some new items she wanted to try out. Three quarters of an how later, she was ready to leave. Moira said goodbye to her team and left. With no wheels of her own, she was forced to ask for a ride. She walked up to the security desk and asked for Mitch. After some back and forth and a call to Conrad did he assign a driver to take her home. Moira rolled her eyes at the whole secret service treatment as she was walked to the car.

  Moira arrived at Conrad’s penthouse and went to change into her swim suit. She came back downstairs and went looking for Sere. She found her talking to some cute guy who was all over her.

  “It’s not rebound. We are just talking,” Sere whispered into Moira’s ear. “Peter, this is my best friend Moira. Moira, Peter,” Sere said in introductions.

  Moira shook Peter’s hand and liked his firm grip. “So, Peter, what are you doing here in the middle of the afternoon?” she asked.

  Peter laughed. “I saw this beautiful girl walk by my boutique this morning, and simply couldn’t resist.”

  “Oh, you own a boutique here?” she asked in surprise.

  “That I do. You should both come by. I’d love to fit you into some of my new collection dresses,” he told them.

  “He has beautiful
items,” Sere said smiling at Peter.

  “Well, well, well,” Moira said to Sere as Peter bade them goodbye. “He’s hot.”

  Sere laughed. “I know. Bad timing, unfortunately,” she said with regret.

  Moira was in the shower an hour later when Conrad walked in to join her. He relieved her of the shampoo bottle and took over washing her hair. He didn’t bother with a washcloth, but soaped his hands and washed her body from top to bottom. He lingered around the breast and pubic areas. Moira screamed inside as Conrad grazed those areas but never really touched the way she wanted to be touched. Tired of his teasing she soaped her hands and returned the favor. She repeatedly flicked his nipples and he groaned in agony. She washed his pubic area, and bumped into his cock but never touched it.

  Conrad groaned and slipped two fingers into her. Moira whimpered and gripped his cock in one hand. Her hands couldn’t even touch each other at the tips. He was huge and his mushroom head was red and moist. Not with soap or water. He was slowly oozing cum. Moira soaped her hands and washed his cock, then rinsed it with running water. She spread the cum all over the head and Conrad reacted by dipping his fingers inside her. He leaned into her, “I want you now,” he said harshly and flicked her nub twice. Moira cried out as she climaxed.

  Conrad lifted her leg and placed it behind him and pushed past her entrance. “Ah, baby,” he groaned into her mouth. “I love you.” He lifted the other leg and pounded into her against the wall.

  Moira fisted her hands in his hair and pulled him back. She looked into his eyes with glowing eyes. “Conrad,” she whispered. “Fuck me hard.”

  Conrad trembled against her and started moving. Moira hung onto his neck, her lips and teeth playing with his earlobe and talking dirty into his ear. Conrad reared back and plunged deeper than before. They both groaned in ecstacy. Moira’s whispered yes excited Conrad and he repeated. After the third time, he moved at the speed of lightning and trully fucked her like never before. Moira climaxed and kissed him, biting his lip in the process, and Conrad joined her as he too climaxed loudly against her lips and pounded harder into her in his excitement.


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