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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

Page 3

by Eliza Gayle


  “Yes, it is. I need to think about what happened tonight. Figure out how it fits the puzzle. That's what I do.” She slid her feet into her slides and started towards the door.

  “Rena, stop. It's the middle of the night. You can't leave now.” He strode over to her side and put his hand on her arm. Immediately she felt his concern clear to her core. Like a warm blanket on a cold night, he wrapped her up with genuine interest in her well being, lulling her into the safety of his arms.

  “Graelen. It's fine. I'm going back to my hotel for the night and see what I can work out. I'm not leaving town. I need to find the answers as much, if not more, than you do.” She slipped herself free from his touch and walked to the door, picking up her backpack from the chair. Without another word she slipped quietly from the room.

  Graelen tunneled his fingers through his hair in frustration. He could stop her easy enough; with a thought he could lock down the house. But, he suspected holding her prisoner wouldn't get him what he wanted. And what exactly did he want? From the moment he’d heard her voice through the comm system he was entranced. The new sense of power she created within him had him on edge, and he wanted to use it. And, to complicate things more, he'd barely been able to resist forcing himself on her, sinking his cock deep within her.

  His cock twitched and energy tingled along his spine as the vision of her supple body beneath him filled his mind. When he looked down his fingertips sparked with the excess energy, sending little vibrating pulses throughout the region.

  He ached.

  Maybe he needed some time to think things through as well. Yet… Letting her wander back to a nearby motel alone did not sound like a good idea. In a split second decision he decided to follow her to make sure she got there safe. Call it gut instinct or whatever, but something had his senses screaming in protest. Besides, keeping an eye on her from a distance might clear his mind as well as give him more insight as to what else she hadn't told him.

  Grae jerked open the bedroom door and headed down the stairs two at a time. When he exited the front door, he saw her car just passing the outer gate. He reached in his pocket for his keys.

  “Shit.” He didn't have his keys and didn't have time to go back for them.

  He stood still as stone and opened himself to the elements—seeking, searching. A light breeze swirled around him, tickling his skin, awakening him to his surroundings. From nowhere came a female whisper on the wind. Trouble's coming.

  He jumped in his Mustang and, with a warm thought directed towards the engine of the car, his eyes darkened and the engine purred to life. A satisfied smile crossed his face as the power singed his nerves, giving him a jolt of sensation fueled by adrenalin that wasn't unlike a high from some of the finest designer drugs. Too bad it only lasted a few seconds. A man could get used to that. That final thought left him frowning. An attitude like that was exactly what would destroy him if he wasn’t careful. Wishing for more every time he used was the first step towards becoming an addict, and with every passing year the urge to resist grew weaker.

  Graelen jerked the car in gear and charged after Rena. Enough bullshit.

  Minutes later he caught up with her and followed her back to a small motel on the far edge of town only a few miles from his house. He considered looping the block and giving her time to get inside before he followed her in. Instead he pulled in directly behind her.

  Her car door opened and he quickly considered his options for convincing her he wasn’t a stalker freak. She was barely out of her car when a gunshot rang out and slammed into the window next to where Rena stood. Shards of glass flew into her face as her screams rent the night. Graelen was out of his car in seconds and dug deep for the power to throw up a protection sphere around Rena as more shots continued to fire in her direction.

  “Rena!” Graelen yelled at her through the constant racket but she was in full panic mode as she pressed up against his shield. He knew she would be safe for now and turned his attention in the direction of the gunfire. A rooftop across the street. Studying the fire patterns, he counted only two gunmen from the separate flashes when a shot was fired. Gathering more energy from the moisture in the air and focusing on his hands, he formed a large crackling power ball and flung it at the roof.

  It struck the edge of the building, sending bricks and electrical sparks in all directions. The gunshots immediately ceased and he heard one male guttural scream from that general direction. Graelen gathered that he'd at least hit one of his targets. He started to run toward the building to cut them off, but without warning darkness began creeping through him, like black oil filling his veins. His motion slowed to a stop as he realized too late that someone nearby was using.

  Shit! He attempted to move his feet, his intent to run over to Rena, but the spell being woven around him rendered him helpless. He tried to use his own power to free himself but nothing happened. The only way to fight it would be to call up the dark magick, the kind he had to avoid at all costs. One of these days, at any given time, he would go too far and the darkness would take hold and never let go. It was too dangerous, but the only choice he had as he watched Rena alone. His protection shield wouldn't hold for long if he didn't break free.

  Taking a slow deep breath, he opened his mind to the deeper power within, and the tight binds holding it in began to unravel, allowing it to rise and weave through his body. His vision sharpened, becoming crisper and more focused as the hold on him began to recede. Glancing at Rena, he found her watching him closely. Her movements had calmed but she looked at him with fear, stark and vivid, glittering in her eyes. The spell had woven through him multiplying like a virus, weakening his power source. His body fought it, but he feared it wouldn't be in time. His protective bubble around Rena was deteriorating fast and he didn't have more than a couple of minutes left.

  “Hang on, baby, I'm going to get us out of this,” he reassured Rena.

  “Graelen, I can feel it. It's so dark and heavy, it's taking control of your body.” Her voice trembled with the fear he'd seen in her eyes. “What is it?”

  “Damn it, Rena, close your mind. Someone is using me to get to you. If you don't shut him out we’ll both lose.”

  “I don't know how to stop it.” Her voice rose with panic. “This power—this energy is more powerful than anything I’ve experienced. It hurts.”

  “Focus, Rena. You can close your mind to it. Take a breath and relax, then just imagine a door shutting in your mind. Open it wide and then slam it shut.”

  He watched her take a few deep breaths and close her eyes, releasing the tension lines in her face. Convinced she would concentrate on the task he gave her, he once again turned inward and focused on breaking the spell. He had to trust that she would be strong enough to do as he asked. There simply wasn’t time for any other option.

  Whoever held him was a force to be reckoned with. However, even at this distance he could probably pull in power from his twin, if he hurried. He relaxed and let the spell continue to weave around his body, but freeing his mind to open to his brother Cash.

  Hear me, brother. I need your help.

  Only a few moments passed before he felt his brother join the connection. A dark power, stronger than before—something more powerful than he had expected—rushed forth to fight the damage caused by the spell. Its bonds began to weaken but it wasn't happening fast enough. The protection on Rena was nearly gone, and Graelen sensed a presence approaching her. He had to break it now! He seethed white-hot anger when, with one last push from Cash, he freed himself.

  Running over to where Rena crouched protectively on the ground, he quickly scooped her up in his arms. The presence was dissipating, but he wasn't taking any chances. I'm getting her the hell out of here.

  “Come on, baby, I've got you now.” He carried her back to his car, setting her gently inside. After scanning the area to be certain no one else still lurked, he ran back and grabbed her stuff from the front seat. No way would she be staying i
n a motel alone. He needed to find out who was responsible for this attack and why. In the meantime, she’d be safe at his house where he or Steven could watch over her.

  “Graelen, what the hell just happened? Why in the hell was someone shooting at me?”

  Obviously she was more coherent than he'd thought. She went straight to the important question. No tears, no incessant babbling, but directly to the analyzing of what had just happened. She was a rare woman indeed, one he wanted to get to know better. One he wanted to protect from whatever or whoever just happened. And one he knew was destined to destroy him.

  Chapter Three

  Rage burned through him as he watched the woman drive away with Graelen. The blackness flowed freely and the desire to destroy overwhelmed him. What is she doing here? And why would she help one of the evil ones?

  He had to find out their plans. With Samhain approaching all of their powers would be stronger, even his own. He would definitely need a boost, and he knew just where to get it.

  “Boss.” He turned towards the voice calling him. “Charlie didn't make it. Whatever that asshole hit him with burned a hole right through him. He didn't stand a chance. What the hell is going on here?”

  His energy surged and built.

  “Your eyes, sir. They—They—Black—” The idiot backed up, holding up his hands.

  “You and Charlie failed to get the girl. It was a simple task. Not too much to ask for.” He inched forward.

  “I'm sorry, sir—”

  “Shut up.” He raised his hands to show the energy forming in his palm. “Clearly you were not the right men for the job. All that's left for me to do here is clean up the mess.” He flung the energy at the coward cringing in front of him, striking his heart and absorbing the fear and shock emanating from the man. He looked down at the limp and empty dead body, the beginning of a smile tipped up the corners of his mouth. His power rolled through him like the churning seas of a hurricane. More. He needed more.

  Relief washed over Rena when they drove through the gates of Graelen’s estate. The ordeal had scared her more than she cared to admit. The entire ride here her hands had shook uncontrollably until finally she’d slipped them under her thighs. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she would probably be safer with him than at her cheap motel with its flimsy chain latch to keep people out.

  Neither had spoken the entire ride back to his home, the silence filling the car until it threatened to choke her. She assumed that, like her, he was trying to figure out what the hell happened back there. She doubted men firing on her from a rooftop, with weapons more powerful than varmint rifles, were just random criminals. The more likely scenario was that someone targeted her. But why? What would someone want from me?

  Generally people don't chase after historians. It wasn’t exactly a dangerous profession. Plus a loner like her didn't even get out much. She frequently spent days on end working in her office at the museum. And lately her obsession with the Tarot had kept her at work. She hadn't left the building for weeks until she decided to come out here.

  Wait. Her body stiffened as the possibility dawned on her.

  “Graelen, do you think this has something to do with the Tarot cards I brought you?” She turned in her seat leaning closer to him.

  She brushed his arm with her fingers and the same small spark of energy crackled between them. Her hand tingled, and it was damned annoying. But she took a form of comfort in being close to him and his power, even if she didn't really understand it.

  He braked the car to a stop in front of the house killing the engine before turning to look at her. “You're playing with fire every time you touch me like that.”

  She jerked her hand away, dumbfounded by his statement.

  “We have a lot to talk about, don't we, Rena?” He leaned close to her, stopping scant inches from her mouth. “Looks like you're not going anywhere any time soon.” The planes of his face maintained his cool appearance, but the heat in his gaze gave away his true thoughts. “Like it or not, I'm in control now.”

  His statement should have offended her, scared her even, but instead her already thrumming pussy pulsed and her nipples tightened to painful hard points of flesh. All she could focus on were his lips so close to her own. She noticed a tiny scar on the side of his lower lip, and without thought she reached up and ran her finger across the tiny patch of skin.

  “No,” she whispered across his mouth before tentatively touching them with her own, igniting the firestorm within them. His mouth slanted over hers with a rough, demanding pressure. His tongue pushed through her lips, seeking out the deep intimacies of her heated mouth. Her calm shattered with his musky taste and hungry kiss.

  She didn't understand this connection between them. But his close proximity had her body heating quickly in preparation.

  Thoughts of Tarot cards and guns fled her mind to be replaced with warm skin, biting teeth, and power. Yes, as the intensity of his kiss continued to devour her mouth more of his power seeped into her. With every added touch her body sizzled from the energy he carried. His sexual wants and needs towards her flooded her system. As her body softened under the onslaught, his power changed. Something dark struck her mind.

  “Get out of the car, Rena.” His sudden withdrawal startled her as his order seeped into her lust soaked brain. “Unless you want me to fuck you right here like a sex starved teen, get out of the car.”

  Too confused by his sudden surge of anger, Rena grabbed up her stuff and fumbled for the door handle. Stepping into the night, she gulped in the fresh air in an attempt to clear her mind. He made it so hard for her to think straight.

  Graelen stepped up behind her. Close. His heat seeped through her clothing to wrap around her. His head dipped until his lips grazed her neck. She couldn't breathe. Not with the delicious sizzle of his mouth on her skin.

  “Are you ready to dance with the devil?” His whispered words sent shivers along her spine. He hadn't touched her and yet his voice had malevolently entwined her. Something about this incredible man made her want to rip off her clothes and beg him to take her.

  Right here and right now.

  For a brief moment she wondered if he had cast a spell on her. Could a spell cause her body to tighten at his nearness? Could a spell cause her pussy to clench in desperate need every time he touched her?

  Without another word he grabbed her bags and walked through the open doorway of his house. That he expected her to blindly follow was clear and, despite her reluctance, she did just that. The man was far too powerful and alluring for her to deny. At least, not yet. He’d saved her back at the motel, not to mention he held the answers to her questions about the meaning in the Tarot. And it was those answers she sought that had threatened her sanity for weeks now. She wasn't about to back down now.

  This time when she stepped into his home the butler wasn't there to escort her. In fact, the house had taken on a dark, eerie quality she hadn't noticed before. As Graelen led her down the corridor and up the back stairs she found her gaze wandering, absorbing the history of the house. The front of the mansion held priceless antiques, lending itself to a typical old money, formal feeling. But here in the back of the house it held items that intrigued her. Items she was certain were part of a history they didn't normally share with anyone. She noticed books with ancient leather bindings that she would love to get her hands on, statues she was sure would honor any museum to carry, and priceless memorabilia that—

  She stopped cold in her tracks, goosebumps rising across her flesh as a familiar touch brushed through her mind, calling to her in much the way that damned Tarot card had. “Graelen, wait.”

  She turned around to search for what had touched her, and there on the wall above the hall table hung a tapestry. The fabric was weaved with rich gold and green colors and a woman's figure was silhouetted against a mountainous background. The tapestry appeared quite old, threadbare in some spots with minor damage and fray around the edges. Nothing remarkable about it stood out t
o her, but she was drawn to it anyway. She placed her things on the carpet and moved towards it for a closer inspection.

  “Rena, what is it? What are you doing?” Graelen's voice questioned from behind her, but she brushed it aside.

  She had to go to the hanging. She needed to touch it. Graelen mumbled something else under his breath, but she was too involved with the brush on her mind compelling her to move forward.

  Standing in front of the old tapestry, she focused on the sharper details—the woman featured in the scene was lounging in a garden, reading a book. There were faint symbols on the book she could barely make out. Leaning closer, she realized it was the same four symbols from the cards. The ones that stood for empath.

  Oh, my God.

  Yes, despite Graelen's rejection of her theory of the symbols, she knew she was right. The empathic symbols from the card were repeated here. Now she just needed to figure out what it meant and why did it draw her in. Her hand reached up, and the instant her fingers touched the fabric Graelen wrapped his arms around her waist and molded his hard body along hers.

  The shock of emotion was instantaneous as she felt the pain and heartbreak of forbidden love from the tapestry blend with the lust infusing her from Graelen. It took her breath away as she fought a well of desire flowing through her body. Her nipples tightened as this ridge of his hard cock nestled along the seam of her ass, the heat radiating through the fabric of her pants.

  Her breath grew choppy as his hands roughly moved across her belly toward her aching breasts. She could feel his loss of control, the giving in to his lust and nothing could stop it. Hell, she didn't want to stop it. Only one thing could quench the fire coursing through her.


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