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Eliza Gayle Witch Bundle (paranormal romance)

Page 6

by Eliza Gayle

  Her skin crawled. She needed to find him, if only to reassure herself that he was okay. She rushed down the stairs to search for him, looking into each room only to find them empty. Still, she felt nothing, and as the minutes ticked by her anxiety ratcheted another level. She picked up her pace, beginning to run through the house. She had to locate him. Something was very wrong.

  Out of breath from her mad spree, she sat down at the bottom of the stairs. What did I miss? Where had she not searched? She got up and retraced her steps to the kitchen, looking with a closer eye for signs someone else had been here. Other than the aroma of the fresh brewed coffee she had made and the few dishes she'd used, the room was spotless.

  It was then she noticed the two doors at the far end of the room. A pantry, she presumed. Fear shuddered down her spine at the possibility of what she might find inside. Walking across the room, she yanked the door on the right open. Very much like ripping off a Band-Aid, just do it. When nothing fell from the closet she let go of the breath she didn't realize she'd been holding, a long sigh escaping her lips. Inside the large, walk-in closet was shelf after shelf of food supplies. Everything from jars of peanut butter to nacho chips. She'd have to keep this in mind when all was well again.

  Closing the door, she leaned against it, letting her head fall back onto the wood. Get a grip, Rena. There is no need to panic. She gripped the knob of the second door, pulling it open. Stairs. Winding down in front of her was a staircase leading into a pitch-black space. She searched the inside doorway for a light switch, not wanting to go down into a darkened basement. When her fingers touched on the switch she flicked it on, watching a soft yellow glow illuminate the stairway and not much else.

  Knowing she didn't have much of a choice, she began her descent into the basement. She walked with her mental shield completely down, trying to sense any sign of Graelen, Cash, or trouble. At the bottom of the steps there was enough light to see where she was going as well as get a partial look around. Her feet stepped on cushioned carpet, an unexpected sensation for a basement. She could make out low-lying furniture that were likely couches in the far corner, and here in the middle of the room stood a large pool table. It seemed the basement wasn't a basement at all, but a men's playroom. She snickered.

  Why am I not surprised?

  Continuing through the room and beyond the other toys, she headed for the double doors at the end of the room. These doors were made of heavy steel and they didn't just ease open. This was it. If trouble was to be found she imagined it would be inside the steel fortified room. With a sharp intake of air she pushed her shoulder against the door as hard as she could. When the door popped open easier than she'd expected, she found herself falling down onto her hands and knees.

  A wall of hot, humid air slapped at her, surprising her. The smell of chlorine assaulted her senses. Chlorine?

  She raised her eyes from the floor, squinting to adjust to the brightness, taking in her first look of the room. Her eyes widened at the sight before her. Where a normal estate like this might have included an indoor swimming area, not here. No ordinary pool for Graelen Scott. Before her was an elaborate swimming grotto complete with caves, waterfalls, and a black bottomed pool to mimic what one would find in nature. The area was breathtaking.

  Having grown up near many natural springs, surprising her family with a natural talent for swimming and diving, Rena grew giddy at the sight before her. That was when she noticed the man swimming across the length of the larger pool. His bare, sleek muscled arms sliced through the water, propelling him to the other side at a good clip. Unable to resist, she ran along the pool's edge, catching up with him before hastily removing her clothing and diving into the water, arching her body to place her right underneath him.

  When his hands reached around her waist to pull her to the surface, she couldn't resist a satisfied smile. Breaking the water's surface she choked on some of the water that ran from her hair to her face.

  “What the hell, Rena? You trying to scare me to death?” His booming voice sounded angry, but the undeniable spark of humor was what she saw in his eyes.

  “Me? What about you? You could have left me a note or something letting me know where you were. I just spent the last thirty minutes scared witless because I couldn't find you. And not only couldn't I find you, but I couldn't feel you, either.” She stopped and stood still. Reaching out. “I still can't. What's going on, Graelen?”

  “It's the water, it shields me.”

  “What do you mean it shields—ohh, water is your element. I was wondering about that. Wouldn't have pegged you as water, though.”

  “Yep, and in this room with this much water I am pretty hard to get to. Just being here restores all the energy you've been stealing from me these past couple of days.”

  For a moment she was shocked, thinking she was robbing him of his crucial protective energy. Until, she looked into his eyes and realized exactly what he was referring to.

  “Ohhh. You—you are incorrigible, teasing me like that.” She dove for him but he easily moved from within her grasp. He swam over to the edge of the waterfall and dove underneath it, reappearing on the other side. She followed. As she moved closer to the waterfall the water warmed quite a bit, soothing her own sore muscles. When she came up on the other side of the fall she realized it was a spa on this side tucked inside the cave.

  It was hard to even imagine that she was still inside a house. There were exotic plants blooming sweet smelling flowers among the bank of rocks, the light filtering into the cave even resembled bright sunshine. Graelen had created a paradise in his home.

  “You like?”

  “Oh, Grae, it's incredible. I have always been drawn to the water but this—” She waved her arms around. “This is beyond anything I could have imagined.”

  “Good, I'm glad you like it. I spend a lot of time here whenever I can. My magick is strong here, and it makes even simple spells work better.”

  She arched her brow, curious to learn more about his magick. “So what exactly can a water witch like yourself do?”

  “Almost anything I want.” The look on his face pure mischief, and she wondered what he was up to. She didn't have to wait long to find out.

  She startled when long, warm fingers stroked her foot, caressing her ankles before traveling up her leg.

  She looked at Graelen all the way across the spa, not moving an inch. “How?”

  “Water is mine to command. To bend and use as I will. As long as I respect it, it will do as I wish. I can shape it, convert it and move it.” The fingers she felt on her legs continued to move up her legs, skimming the surface with a light sensual brush. She gasped at the sensation. She tried to remind herself it was just water but it didn't feel like water. It felt identical to the sensations of Graelen running his hands across her body.

  As the caressing water continued to move, her pussy throbbed, aching to be touched.

  “Oh, Grae, you should stop.”

  “Should I really? You really want me to stop?” Just then a thick finger glanced across her clit, shooting a streak of pleasure throughout her. She pitched slightly forward before the water caught her, cradling her head above the surface. More fingers touched her, massaging her backside, streaking up and down her thighs.

  When the first touch of what felt like a tongue swiped across her swollen labia, she cried out with the need to come, caught herself, and held on to the sensation. Part of Rena's mind concentrated on the hot tongue lapping at her slit, while the other part pictured how many pairs of hands were touching her. One. Two. Three. With Graelen's magick he could give her—

  “Ohhhhhh…” One of the fingers massaging her bottom dipped into her crease and began pushing its way into her smaller, tighter hole.

  Graelen chose that moment to walk forward and join in, dragging his calloused finger across her clit. Rena screamed, unable to hold it back this time as her orgasm exploded, muscles clenching tight within her. Graelen continued to stroke her as she rode o
ut her orgasm hard against his hand. Thinking of three men taking her all at once pushed her farther than she thought, it was a while before she caught her breath. When she finally collapsed she realized she was now cradled in the warm embrace of his arms.

  “Let's go to bed, Rena.”

  She heard the water of the adjoining shower shut off and she jumped back in Graelen's bed to wait for him to join her. And this time she wouldn't be tied up. She smiled as she recalled their fast and furious lovemaking. Too bad he wasn't still lying next to her now. Her body craved more of his demanding touch.

  “Already awake, I see.” His voice rumbled through her, further inflaming her need.

  “Mmm hmm.” She rolled towards his voice and drank in his appearance. Low riding faded pants molded to thick thighs. His chest was still bare and her gaze roamed over every smooth, golden inch. She admired the hard contours of bone and sinew, the tightness of his abdomen that trailed beneath the waistband of his pants, leaving her with an uncontrollable itch to rip them from his legs, freeing his cock for her exploration.

  She licked her lips and dragged her gaze back up to his brilliant green eyes that were twinkling with amusement as he stood watching her perusal.

  “Like what you see, baby?”

  She nodded and scrambled off the bed, sinking onto her knees in front of him. She watched his rapidly growing erection as she contemplated her plan. Wait for his permission, or take what she wanted?

  “I need you again.” Her simple statement resulted in a deep groan from Graelen.

  She spied the glowing hunger in his eyes just before she lowered her lashes to focus once again on the bulge in front of her. Feeling quite bold this morning, she decided to go for it. Her shaking fingers fumbled with his buttons for a moment until finally she was able to glide his zipper down, one tick at a time before freeing his rigid shaft.

  His hands slid through her hair, grasping tightly as he wrapped it around his hands. She pulled in a lungful of air just before he tugged her mouth onto his cock head, his size stretching and filling her with an intoxicating blend of submission and control. Her tongue made sweeping, swirling motions around the tip devouring the salty essence of his pre come.

  “Oh, fuck, Rena.” His voice was harsh and uneven as his hips bucked forcing himself deeper in her mouth.

  As their essences bonded together, as they did every time they touched each other, her mind crowded with unfamiliar images. Two young men racing around a track trying to out do one another, then they were fighting in a boxing ring, not each other but rather as a tag team against two much larger men. The larger pair looked plenty capable of winning the match, but together the two men seemed unstoppable.

  The next image of them stopped her cold. The same two men in bed with a beautiful red-headed woman between them.

  The three of them engaged in rough and raw sex. The woman was on her knees on the bed while one of the men stood in front of her, brutally thrusting his enormous cock deep into her throat. She had a leather strap buckled around her head with a ring over her mouth, holding her mouth in perfect position for his driving sex.

  Her torso and arms were wrapped in a black leather harness and the second man was gripping the harness along her back for leverage, enabling him to pound himself mercilessly into her pussy. Yet despite the near violence of the scene, tenderness was evident in the way the men gazed upon the submissive woman and in the way their hands touched and glided across her slickened skin. She sensed a gratefulness in them for the gift they were receiving.

  Rena discovered a much darker side of herself while watching these two men ruthlessly fuck their companion in her mind. It was by far the most erotic image she had ever seen. Cream slicked her pussy and the top of her thighs.

  When the man grinding his cock into the woman's backside turned in Rena's direction she was shocked to see the man was none other than her lover, Graelen. His sharp features and intense green eyes—wait, that's not—

  On a sharp intake of breath understanding bloomed in her mind as she realized she was seeing and feeling Cash's memories and emotions.

  Graelen had managed to link Cash into her mind, so while she sucked Graelen's thick cock, Cash shared with her some of his thoughts and memories. This kind of power added a whole new level to the unique intricacies of twins. She smiled inwardly as she placed another swipe of her tongue around Graelen but heard both men moaning from the pleasure.

  Holy hell, Cash could feel everything his brother could. Each and every sensation as she licked and teased Graelen's engorged shaft. Overwhelmed with arousal, she didn't know what to do. Could she do this? She started to pull off of Graelen to object, but his grip on her hair tightened and he held her in place.

  “No, Rena, don't pull away. Let me share this with my twin. It's what I need.”

  She wavered, trying to comprehend what she was hearing.

  “Please, Rena.” His words came out on a harsh broken sigh, letting her know just how much this meant to him. Her own emotions shifted, opening her to him further. It was a slippery slope and she was definitely falling.

  She loosened her head and neck in a show of submission as she took him in deeper than ever before while gripping the rest of him with a tight fist. Both men groaned when she relaxed her throat and swallowed, taking another inch deeper into her mouth. The musk and salty taste of Graelen built her own arousal to a near frenzy as more moisture leaked onto her bare thighs. His flesh jerked in her mouth as she began a gentle sucking motion to go along with the circling motion her tongue created on the sensitive underside of his erection.

  Cash's demanding voice invaded her mind. Touch yourself, Rena.

  Her hips jerked forward at his command as she slowly slid one hand down her torso to the patch of damp curls guarding her pussy. Her fingertip grazed her clit, halting her movements as a zing of delicious sensation pulsed through her.

  “No, not there, not yet. Keep going.”

  Following his instructions, she guided her finger slowly, inch by inch, inside. The sensitive tissues vibrated inside her as inner muscles grasped around her.

  “Very good, Rena, now harder.” Adding more force to her stroke, she did as she was told.

  Graelen's hands alternately caressed her scalp and tightened their grip on the hair, creating an erotic fusion of pain and pleasure. Her own moans of pleasure vibrated against his taut skin as his body shuddered against her.

  “That's it, Rena, suck it harder.”

  She increased the pressure on his already heavy cock as his hips pumped him in and out of her mouth. With every reaction from Graelen she received an equal if not stronger response from Cash. His body was on fire and she felt the fever through Graelen.

  The heat building in her mouth coincided with the pulsing need of her own body. She dared a glance up at his face to find his features contorted in pleasure. Her fingers sought out and found his scrotum and lightly scraped the area with her nails, digging a little deeper when she reached his inner thighs.

  “Oh hell, Rena, you're fucking killing me.” His desperate moans were strained as she felt the head of his cock swell deep in her mouth. She suckled him harder, scraping the velvety skin with her teeth.

  “Now, Rena, now! Come for us. Rub your clit and come for us.” This time she heard both men plead with her. Cash's voice still edged with darkness and need where Graelen's graveled voice carried a softer emotion. But, clear from them both was the need. They needed her to come with them. She strummed her thumb across her sensitive nub of flesh once, then twice before ecstasy ripped through her forcing a scream from her lungs that vibrated across the cock in her mouth muffling the sound.

  “Oh, Goddess, yes!” Graelen's control was gone. “Fuck!” His breath came fast and hard as she relentlessly caressed him with her mouth and hand. She wanted his come. She needed him to know that she was more than just his empath. She was his woman. She belonged to him.

  He released his connection with Cash, unwilling to share the moment he bonded wi
th anyone.

  Her sex squeezed again when the first blast of semen erupted into her mouth. His wild cries tore through the room as he came long and hard giving her every last drop. She didn't stop when it ended. She continued to lick and suck until he pulled back from her releasing his still hard cock from her mouth.

  “You're mine now, Rena.” In the throes of a passion induced euphoria, Rena let down the rest of her mental guards to give Graelen a gift. The gift of her total submission.

  Expecting a soft flow of emotion, she instead was blindsided with a white-hot searing pain roaring through her body. Her blood-curdling scream reverberated around the room, she gripped her belly and collapsed forward onto Graelen.

  “Rena.” Graelen pulled her into his arms tight. “What is it? What the fuck? What’s wrong?”

  Her body, racked with a pain she couldn't bear, shook violently in his arms. “It's Cash again. Cash is hurting me.”

  Chapter Six

  Graelen rushed down the corridor to find his brother to do the only thing he could to save her. Find his brother and force him from their home, right after he kicked his ass. That traitorous thought sent a slice of bitter coldness through his body. For his entire life all of his focus had been to find a way to keep his family together. Yet now, when his brother fought the darkness more than ever, he would be forced to choose between his twin and his woman. He'd hoped that allowing Cash to share Rena through a mind link would bond them, if tenuously. But Cash was even darker than he'd first thought. His emotions were out of control. Graelen had to face the facts that his brother was addicted and dangerous.

  Why now? Why here? A warning voice whispered in his head. Was he missing something? Something important that would affect their lives. What the hell good did it do him to have this fucking power if it couldn't help him at times like these?


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