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Feathered Dreams: Book One

Page 5

by Brittany Putzer

  I knock on the door. Opening it I blink when I see my dad sitting in a hospital gown, laughing with our neighbor Suzie.

  “Ann? Is that really you?” Dad opens his arms for a hug.

  “Dad, I thought I was going to lose you. What happened?”

  “I wasn’t feeling well. Then I started having chest pains and Suzie brought me to the emergency room. It’s nothing major. They are just keeping me overnight for observation.”

  “Why was the power off at the house? And the chickens were hungry and left with no food.”

  My dad blushes and Suzie clears her throat.

  “Jack, honey, I’ll be right back. I’m going to check my voicemail real fast.” She smiles at me. “It’s nice to have you home, Ann.”

  I fall into a chair near my dad.

  “What did Suzie just call you?”

  “Ann. I’m sorry. I forgot to pay the bills. I mean, you always did that for me. And to be honest, I haven’t been home a lot. I have been over Suzie’s. I’ve been lonely for a long time, my darling and you know nobody will ever replace your mom, but we are dating.”

  I jump up from my chair as my face turns red. “What? So, you just abandoned the chickens. And our home. Would you have carried on with your girlfriend and left the hens neglected until they starved?”

  He looks tired and more his age than I’ve seen in a long time.

  “Ann, that is not what happened. Suzie is a wonderful woman, but no one will ever replace your mother or our chickens. Wait a minute why are you home, sweetheart?”

  I stare down at my feet with a frown. “Sorry dad, I let you down. I’m not princessy enough to be a princess and Prince Christian sent me home.”

  Suzie comes back in and my dad beams at her. She holds his other hand and I pull my hand away from my dad.

  “I’m going to take a walk and get some air.”

  There’s a television in the corner of the waiting room. The news is on and showing pictures of Prince Christian and all of the girls in the competition—including me.

  “Tonight, we are pleased to announce the shortlist of the Prince’s favorite girls. Let’s give them a hand and wish the Prince good luck in this life altering decision. In other news, one of the girls let it slip that another girl had a secret crush on Prince Ryan and that is why she was sent home. Naughty naughty. Now Prince Ryan is with his fiancé, trying to patch things up.”

  I block out the rest of the news report.

  I realize I signed up to be open to scrutiny when my dad entered me into the competition, but I’m furious that my private life is laid bare—and on national television, too. I call Christian and an unknown male voice answers.

  “Prince Christian’s room. How may I assist you?”

  “Is the Prince available, please?”

  “May I ask who is calling?”


  I hear mumbling in the background and Christian comes on. “Ann, how’s your father doing?”

  “He’s sleeping with our neighbor, apparently. I leave for five minutes and she slides right in. Oh, and he blames me for not remembering to pay the bills. I mean who does that? He is a grown man.”

  Ever the diplomat his best answer is, “Oh, well, that is interesting. Is your father feeling better?”

  “Oh, sorry. Yes, they are keeping him overnight for observation. So, I’ve just been watching the news, congratulations. It looks like you were able to narrow your search.”

  “Yes, I guess congratulations are in order. I’m sorry you had a rough night Ann, but I’m glad your father is feeling well.”

  “Thank you for the ear but I should get back in there before visiting hours are over and the dad-stealer gets engaged to him or something while I’m away getting coffee.”

  He chuckles and clears his throat. “I understand. But, Ann may I make a suggestion?”

  “Yes Christian?”

  “Try and go easy on your neighbor. You can sometimes come off as, well, a little abrupt.”

  “Really? Well that makes two of us.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  “Oh, come on, you know exactly what I mean. If we’re talking inflexibility, you take the cake with your set-in stone standards for an impossibly perfect wife.”

  There was silence on the other end of the phone.

  “Have a good night, Ann.”

  And he hangs up.

  I blink down at the phone. I guess our new friendship didn’t include me sharing my opinions.

  I try to appear calm when I get back to dad and Suzie and I watch them interact. They pause in their conversation.

  “Ann, sweetie there is no need for you to stay here with me. I promise I’m fine, and I’ll be home tomorrow after the doctor makes his rounds.”

  I get up and hug my dad.

  “I see how it is, dad. You’re kicking me out after everything I did for you.” I elbow him. “I’m glad you are feeling better, though.” I kiss his forehead. “I’ll see you in the morning. Try and get some rest.”

  Before heading home, I buy some chicken food at the feed store. When I arrive home, I feed and put the chickens away in their pen. After finding Pecker in her bush I give her a kiss and hug and shut her away with the rest of the girls.

  “Good night ladies. Sleep well. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  That night I stare at the ceiling and replay my hospital visit. I turn to my side and feel a warm tear roll down my cheek. My dad sent me back home so easily. Was he disappointed with me because I was sent home?

  I toss and turn until I fall into a fitful sleep, dreaming that it’s raining white feathers all around me. I’m running towards a dark shadow, but I don’t know what it is. I can feel that it is important but no matter how close I get I end up further away. Soon the white feathers flood the area and suffocate me.


  I wake before the rooster crows. I feel exhausted but start my old routine—and a big cleanup of the house and farm. Cleaning clearly hasn’t been on top of my dad’s agenda while I’ve been away. After a cup of coffee, I feed, water, and clean the chicken yard. After that I come inside to make some fresh eggs for breakfast. As I finish eating and wash my dishes, dad and Suzie come through the front door, laughing and holding hands.

  “There’s my baby girl.”

  He comes over and hugs me.

  “I’m so glad to see you feeling better, dad.”

  “I’m going to shower and wash this hospital smell off of me. Could you keep Suzie entertained while I’m gone please?”

  Suzie sits on the couch and pats a spot next to her.

  “What’s going on, Ann? What happened at the Palace? Did you not like it? Or was it him you didn’t like?”

  I ignore her invitation at comradery and cross my arms over my chest.

  “Maybe he didn’t like me.”

  “No, I don’t think that’s it. How could anybody not like you?”

  My lip trembles as her words sting.

  “Well, you’re wrong.” I slump on the couch next to her, battling tears. “Physically we have a connection but it’s, well, I don’t know. Every time we are together, it’s like he is two different people. One person wants to be with me and will let me in. Then the other is closed off and closed minded. He sent me home saying I don’t fit the mold for a queen.”

  A few tears fall. I realize I’m being petulant and its half to do with Prince Christian and the other half is because she’s muscled in on my dad the minute my backs turned. He is my dad—and he is all I’ve got in this upside-down world.

  Suzie grabs my hand.

  “Oh, Ann, I’m sorry. You are a strong, independent woman. And sometimes that scares men. They feel less needed and respected. Maybe what you two need is a compromise? If you rely on him a little and he on you? And the mold crap? Well, that is ridiculous, and he’ll see it eventually. Physical characteristics come and go, they change with each season. You need to love someone and want to be with them for what is on the inside.”<
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  “But it is too late. I have already lost him.”

  “Oh Ann, it’s not over until you hear those wedding bells. Don’t give up if that’s what you want, my dear. I’m always here for you, Ann, if you ever need me. And I promise I won’t let your dad slack on his responsibilities again.” She pats my leg and moves to the kitchen.

  Our phone rings, she answers it.

  “Ann, it’s for you.”

  “Hey Ann, it’s Karen.”

  “Karen? Oh, man, I’ve missed you. What is going on at the Palace? Did you get stuck on toilet duty, yet? Or does Lady Mary have you massaging her feet?”

  “Very funny, Ann. Actually, this morning I turned in your report. The Queen asked me to call you and see if you would come back and read the report to a committee tomorrow.”

  “Karen, that’s crazy. My dad only got out of the hospital this morning, and I can’t leave again so quickly.”

  Suzie pokes my side and mouths, “It’s not over.”

  Karen continues. “Ann, this is a great opportunity for you. Think about it. If you’re offered a job, it’ll be a considerable amount of money. Not to mention the experience, and contacts you’ll make. Plus, there’s the biggest bonus of living with your best friend again.”

  I laugh and feel my body relax.

  “Karen, I don’t know.” I bite my fingernail, as images of Christian flood my mind.

  My dad comes into the kitchen and wraps an arm around Suzie.

  “What doesn’t Ann know?”

  Suzie whispers in his ear.

  “Oh Ann, tell her yes. I’ll drive you to the Palace myself if I have to.”

  “Dad.” I groan and I hear Karen laugh.

  “Actually, Queen Elizabeth offered to send a car to pick you up. It can leave as soon as you say yes. Come on Ann. Do It. Don’t make me beg.”

  “Oh, so this hasn’t been you begging?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Fine, but I expect to see you in the car when it arrives.” I can hear her jumping up and down.

  “Awesome, I’m on my way. See you soon.”

  I turn to pack, and I blink at Suzie and my dad as they watch me.

  “So, Prince Christian asked for you to come back?”

  “Actually, dad, the Queen has asked me to speak to a committee. She hopes to raise their egg and meat production and because I had a few ideas for their husbandry and produce, she’s asked me to consult on it.”

  “That is wonderful, Ann. I’m so proud of you. The Queen wants my girl to raise her chickens. I’ll make everyone sandwiches to celebrate.”

  “Don’t get excited, dad. I’m only helping them rebuild their chicken coop and teaching them how to free range, that’s all.” Although my heart swells with his words.

  When I’m ready to leave and waiting for Karen, I eat with dad and Suzie.

  “Are you sure you’ll be alright without me?”

  “I’ll be more than alright sweetheart. I’ve got a great nurse looking after me. And I know you’ll hurry back if I need you.”

  Dad answers the door and Karen flies in. I introduce her to dad and Suzie, and I give her the grand tour. I show her the chicken yard, the house, and the property. She loves our fruit trees and large garden. And because she’s become such a good friend, I even show her our family cemetery in the back where my mom is buried next to my grandparents.

  “This is beautiful, Ann. No wonder you love it so much.”

  I take in a long breath as we look out into the yard.

  “It’s definitely hard to leave this place again.”

  We get back inside and give everyone hugs.

  “Well, your chariot awaits, my Lady.” Karen grins and gestures a bow.

  I force a smile. After being sent home, I’m not a Lady in the Palace, I’m just another servant helping the Queen. And it’s a good reminder of how much things will change when I go back.

  “Thank you for coming to get me, Karen.”

  Karen locks arms with me and we put my bags in the car. I hug dad—and even Suzie and remind them to pay the bills and keep an eye on the chickens until I get back.

  Karen talks to me about her life in the car and how her and Vinny have been hanging out more. I get the feeling they may be building more than a friendship because of the way her eyes glitter, as she talks about him and the things they do together. I love listening to her and watching her expressions, and I wonder if she knows she is doing them. I know she’s falling for her friend, even if she doesn’t.

  After a while, she asks me to update her on my life, so I tell her about my dad and Suzie, the house, chickens, and Christian and our last phone conversation.

  “Hey, I’m sure everything will work out, Ann.”

  She pats my hand gently and I pray she’s right.

  I’m staying in Karen’s room again and it’s late when we get back. She gets us some food and we eat in the room then climb under the covers early.

  In the morning, I lay awake in my bed. I bet the roosters are not even crowing yet. I slip out of bed quietly. Then there’s a knock on the door. It’s one of the Queen’s maids.

  “Good morning, Lady Ann.”

  “Actually, it is just Ann. I’m not in the competition anymore.”

  “I’m sorry, just Ann it is then. Queen Elizabeth has asked me to collect you and bring you to her quarters.”

  “Her room? But, why? Isn’t that off limits?”

  “Ann, I am only doing what I’m told to do.”

  Karen is stirring and she waves her arm at me.

  “Go already. It’s my day off and I need my beauty rest.”

  I follow the maid out. We walk a new route through the servant’s quarters. It’s busy and people brush past us with trays and towels. The palace is quiet except for the servants. The maid knocks on a set of heavy wooden doors.

  “Come in.” The Queen answers.

  My face turns red as I realize I’m still in my old, night gown. But the tension leaves me when I go in and the Queen is in a pink, silk night gown that hugs her frame.

  “Ann, it’s wonderful to see you again. You know my dear, it has been quieter without you.” She winks at me. “I hope your father is home and doing well?”

  “Yes, my Queen. He’s feeling better and at home.”

  “That’s good to hear, Ann. Now we may speak about other business. I know that since you left you have been going by Ann, but that needs to change. If you want to improve the welfare of our livestock, then you need the committee to take you seriously. For that you need a suitable title, my girl. Also, I need you to look your best today. Most of the committee is male and the only way to get their attention is, well, you need to look great and be confident. Now, what do we have here?”

  She moves through her closet and pulls out all kinds of styles of dresses, shoes, and jewelry. She motions for a maid to grab them. Then she stops fidgeting with her closet contents and looks at me. “If you want to leave, I understand. This is your chance to turn me down and head home. However, if you stay, I promise it will be in your best interest and you will make some positive changes.”

  I need coffee, it’s too early to take all this in.

  “I have never given up at anything before, but I have to be honest, I’m not looking forward to going back to wearing dresses and being called a Lady again.”

  She laughs and sits next to me. “I find your honesty refreshing. I understand. I never wanted any of this either.” She motions to her room. “I just fell in love with a man and everything fell into place. Ann, here are some things for you to try on. You can go into the bathroom and change whenever you are ready.”

  I close my eyes as her maid works on me. The maid pokes, pulls, and powders and when she’s done, she says, “Okay, open your eyes.”

  I peek with one eye, then the other. My hair is pulled up, my face painted with lipstick and gloss, my dress is light blue with little gold flecks, and my shoes, thank goodness, are flats.

  “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure, Lady Ann. How about we show the Queen?”

  The Queen is in a beautiful lavender dress with light pink accents. She beams at me.

  “Absolutely beautiful. Great Job, Adrie.”

  “Thank you. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself. I’m great with animals and books, but not so much with people.”

  “I’m confident that you can win them over. Have more faith in your abilities, Lady Ann. Are you ready, my dear?”

  I swallow, grateful for my empty stomach. She opens the door and ushers me into a huge ballroom with tables and a podium. Not many people are here, but I expect that to change. The Queen guides me to a table on the stage. “Lady Ann, we will sit up here. They will serve breakfast to everyone. After that I will make a short speech and introduce you. Then you can read your report to them and we’ll open the floor for questions and hold a vote.”

  The blood drains from my face as my eyes dart from the podium to the Queen.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll do great.”

  King Mark enters in a blue suit and leans down to kiss the Queen’s cheek, then turns to me.

  “Good day, Lady Ann. I’m pleased you could come back to the Palace for this opportunity. The Queen has been very enthusiastic about making these positive changes.”

  I’m distracted by the wonderful smell of fresh coffee. The butlers serve us, and the room fills up. The Queen was right about the ratio of men to women, there are a lot more men. I squirm on the inside but try to look calm and confident.

  Christian comes in and I feel my world shift. My lips pull back in something that might be a smile. He fixes his expression into a more neutral one, as he greets the people close to him.

  I lean towards the Queen as she sips her coffee and whisper, “Did Prince Christian know I was coming for this meeting?”

  “I guess it must have slipped my mind.”

  Christian approaches and kisses her cheek. He nods at me as a greeting. The King turns to him and they talk to each other.

  The waiters serve our food and it smells delicious but, in this dress, and with my speech looming I only poke at it. We eat with little conversation, and I can feel Christian’s eyes on me, but I sit tall and behave appropriately.


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