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Feathered Dreams: Book One

Page 6

by Brittany Putzer

  The Queen turns to me.

  “Here we go, Lady Ann.”

  “Good morning ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming to our annual committee meeting. I hope everyone enjoyed their breakfast.”

  We applaud politely and she talks about how well the committee has been running and how implemented improvements are coming on. She says how excited she is to introduce a new idea for everyone to vote on.

  “Here to guide us today is my new friend, Lady Ann.”

  Everybody claps as we switch places and she whispers, “You can do this.”

  I’m standing in front of what feels like a hundred people. I swallow and will the sweat not to ruin my make up before introducing my report. I talk about chickens, egg and meat production, sanitation, and share numbers of data and predictions. As I talk, I realize how silly I was for being nervous.

  Soon I conclude by finishing my report and open the floor to questions. The first few were about the startup costs and timeframes of any down time.

  Then somewhere in the crowd a male voice asks, “Are you single?”

  I am thrown off as everyone laughs, and I feel my face get warm. I move on quickly.

  “Any other questions?” And we are back on track. “Thank you for your time and consideration ladies and gentlemen. I hope that I have given you enough information to see the viability of my proposal this morning.” I step off to applause and the King takes my place at the podium.

  “Thank you, Lady Ann. If there are no more questions let us vote. All those in favor of the new changes raise your hand.”

  It was unanimous. “All those opposed?” Nobody raises their hand. “Then it is resolved, and we will move forward with the modifications. Thank you for joining us and enjoy the rest of your day.”

  “You did wonderfully, Lady Ann. Welcome to the team.”

  The Queen helps me down the stairs. I’m introduced to so many people it is a blur of faces and names. Until most of them file out and Christian comes over with his dad.

  “Prince Christian. King Mark.” The King gives Christian a look and says goodbye to people as he leaves.

  Christian touches my elbow to get my attention.

  “Lady Ann, that was very well executed. I’m impressed with your speech making. I look forward to learning more about your countless other abilities.”

  “As we all are.”

  A new male voice comes up behind Christian. I turn to a man of medium height with wavy brown hair and dark eyes in a light grey suit.

  “Who would have guessed such a beauty could be intelligent, too?”

  I look from Christian to the new guy hoping to be introduced. When that doesn’t happen, I extend my hand to the man.

  “I’m sorry I don’t believe we have been introduced yet. I’m Lady Ann, and you’re?”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Lady Ann. My name’s Kevin. I work here in the finance department. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of each other.”

  I pull my hand back from his. “It’s very nice to meet you too Kevin.”

  He turns to Christian. “I can’t imagine why you let her go. But I’m not complaining.”

  The Queen walks past me and suggests, “Let’s get changed and we can start our work.”

  Before we reach the Queen’s room Christian asks, “Lady Ann, wait a minute, please.”

  I pause and look at the Queen then at Christian’s door.

  The Queen pauses to reply. “Christian dear, we have a lot to do in the office. Is there any way this can wait?”

  “This will only take a minute, mom.”

  “You have five minutes, Christian. I’ll be with Adrie when you are done talking to Christian.”

  My eyes grow wide as the Queen closes her door and leaves me with Christian.

  “Yes, Prince Christian?”

  “I will not bite, Lady Ann. Come inside my room please.”

  I step inside the massive bedroom. On the walls are pictures of faraway places and him with important people. I run my hand over a picture of him as a little boy at the beach. You can see how happy he is as he holds a shell up to the person behind the camera. He is more carefree than earlier, but he has lost the innocence he had as a boy and his spark of life that was so apparent in the photo.

  “Could you please excuse us for a moment, Jerry?” He asks his butler.

  Christian steps closer to me and puts his warm hands on my face and I stop breathing.

  I swallow hard. “I thought you wanted to talk?”

  “Hush, I only have five minutes.”

  He dazzles me with one of his rare and carefree smiles. He touches his lips to mine and my world spins. I forget about being sent home, and all I want are his kisses and his passion to fill me. I can feel how much he wants to be with me. There is magic in his kiss. It’s perfect. But as the kiss deepens my conscious takes over. All his harsh words when he sent me home are on repeat in my mind. I pull away from him.

  “Christian, I thought you said we could be friends. Please, we can’t do this.”

  “Of course, we can. Your lips, my lips—together, its simple really.”

  “You told me to leave, I am here strictly on business and that’s it. And if you can’t handle being friends, I can change it to only being co-workers.”

  My back hits his dresser as I put distance between our hot bodies. There’s a picture on it in a beautiful silver frame. It is the picture of me that Ryan took.

  “Christian, what’s this? Where did you get this picture?”

  “I wanted to remember you.”

  “You tell me one thing and show me another—I don’t know where I am with you. You need to control yourself and stop sending me mixed messages, it’s not fair.”

  The queen doesn’t mention my conversation with Christian when I return to her.

  “Ann, we need to discuss some things before you leave.”

  I cringe. “Of course, my Queen. What would you like to discuss?”

  “Which bedroom are you staying in?”

  “I’m staying with Karen, in the servant’s quarters. She was my maid and we’ve become good friends.”

  She purses her lips. “Well, for the time being I would like you closer to the office. I think it would be best if we have Karen be your maid again and move you into a guest room here on the third floor.”

  “My Queen I have no problem moving up here if you want that, but I’m worried about Christian. I think he is having a hard time focusing on the remaining girls and I don’t want him to think that I’m still one of his participants.” My face is burning.

  “I have noticed how Christian is around you and I am embarrassed to admit I was hoping he would ask you to marry him. You offer him a fresh perspective and experience.”

  “What? But it’s too late, he sent me home.”

  “The rules say he has to choose from the selected girls, and you were one of those selected.”

  I try to process what she is telling me.

  “Does Prince Christian know this?”

  She nods but frowns. “Ann, I’m his mother, so I can say this to you. My son is naive. He thinks he has to behave a certain way as the future King. And naturally, he feels that his chosen Queen should behave in a similar manner. I know what I would like him to do, but I can’t make his choices for him. But never mind all these what ifs. If it would make you more comfortable, I would put a guard outside your room and have him escort you around. But it won’t stop the natural forces at work. Whatever will be, will be. Now, we have work to do and I want to finish it before Christmas.”

  My head is spinning with the Queen’s words as I follow Adrie to my new room. I thought this competition nightmare was over. And yet I feel an eerie feeling that it has only begun. I need to put my foot down and make sure Christian knows how I feel.

  I glance around my new room. It’s another extravagant suite. It’s beautifully decorated, clean, airy, and lots of natural light. I thank Adrie and fall onto the bed as she closes the door.

sp; Would Christian decide he made a mistake and choose me? I put my finger to my mouth remembering the kiss we shared.

  Karen comes in with a huge grin. She twirls around the room.

  “Oh Ann. This is beautiful. I’m so glad to move up here with you.” She falls on to the bed next to me, “Thanks for bringing me back. I hated kitchen duty.”

  “Hey, stop complaining, it’s better than toilet duty. And if you ever call me, Lady Ann when we’re alone I’ll ask the Queen to put you on it.” I grab a pillow and hit her in the face.

  She grabs a pillow too and gives as good as she gets. Feathers are flying when there is a knock on the door and Vinny pops his head in.

  “Hello ladies. I heard a couple of special ladies have moved up here. And as I’m going to be taking more duties on this floor, I’m at your service should you need anything.”

  We look at him, then at each other and without having to say anything we throw our pillows at him.

  He laughs and tosses them back.

  “I’m so glad to have my friends around. I missed you both.” I say. “Now get out Vinny. I need to change. I have to get to work and save some chickens.”

  Karen opens the fully stocked closet. “Okay, Mistress Ann, it’s time to play dress up.” We go through the dresses I have been given and change into a light blue sundress and Karen polishes my face and pulls my hair up.

  I look in the mirror and have never felt so blessed. I have never had so many beautiful things, but they pale in significance next to having two new best friends.

  And I realize that while my life on the farm was idyllic, it has been lonely since my mother died and with the farm being so remote, since leaving school, I’ve lacked having friends of my own age.

  “Thank you, Karen.”

  She winks at my reflection. “Now go knock them dead.”


  I stop short in front of the office doors. Vinny plows into my back as he follows. “Sorry Ann. Is there something wrong?” He asks as he glances around with his hand near his holster.

  I release the insecurities floating around me and hold myself tall. I walk into the Queen’s office and I’m relieved that Christian isn’t around. We work on designs for the new coop, a fenced enclosure, feeders, and water troughs. By lunchtime we are pleased with what we’ve achieved and our stomachs growl.

  I go to my room. With my hand on my doorknob I pause hearing noises coming from the dark hallway in front of me.

  Vinny puts his arm out. “I wouldn’t go that way if I were you, Ann.”

  Curiosity gets the better of me. I see two shadows. My heart thumps, somebody’s giggling. Christian and Mary are standing in the corner with wild, lips swollen from kissing, and red necks. My heart that was pounding rapidly before seems to stop and break. They hear me and pull apart with guilt written all over their body language. I feel their eyes on my retreating back, but I keep walking with Vinny on my heels.

  My face goes into my pillow.

  Vinny didn’t want me to find out like that, and it’s as though the words are being dragged out of him as he tells Karen, “Prince Christian was kissing Lady Mary in the hallway. I warned Ann not to go that way, but she didn’t listen.”

  Karen has her hands on her hips and is ready to commit murder.

  I tell them about this morning’s kiss with Christian and how I thought we had a mutual understanding.

  “I feel jealous and angry, when I should feel happy and relieved that he has moved on.” I rub the back of my neck as I replay the scene in my head. “I didn’t realize seeing him with another woman would affect me like this.”

  I blow my nose and fix my makeup, then I eat my steak and mashed potatoes determined not to think about Christian and Mary.

  I give Karen a tight hug and make my way back to work with new determination. I don’t want to talk about it anymore but appreciate the support and kindness of my friends.

  It’s quiet in the office and doesn’t seem like anybody is back from lunch. I focus my energy into getting things completed. I run numbers and make to do lists and soon the volume of things done is greater than the amount of things to do.

  It feels like I have been sitting in this chair all day and my butt is numb. Kevin from breakfast knocks on my office door.

  “What can I do for you, Kevin?”

  He gives a mischievous smile and I begin to think he may say something inappropriate.

  “Do you have the financial report for the building?”

  “Here you go, all done. And it includes labor and parts.”

  “Well done Ann, you work fast. I’m impressed. The Queen needs to approve it before we continue, but she is downstairs with the family and Prince Ryan.”

  “That is great. I didn’t realize he was back.”

  He looks at his watch. “Well, I’m going home for the day. Unless you want me to take you out for dinner?”

  “No, thank you Kevin, but I appreciate the offer.”

  “Well, maybe a rain check. I may not be a Prince—but I can still show a girl a good time. Have a good night Ann, don’t work too late, honey.”

  I pour over the papers running numbers and looking at the designs. Excitement rushes through me at the thought of seeing the chickens free and happy for the first time in their lives. They’ve never seen grass, trees or felt the sunshine on their wings and I can’t wait to see their reaction.

  Another knock pulls me out of my thoughts, and this time it’s Ryan.

  “Well, well, look at what we have here. I was surprised when I heard about all of your exciting events. Leaving us and coming back as part of the team. You know how to make an impression.”

  I jump up and we wrap our arms around each other. “Miss me?” Ryan asks.

  I laugh at his question and pull away as the Queen, King, and Christian walk in.

  The Queen says, “I’m sorry we left you to it, Lady Ann, but we had a surprise at lunch.”

  “No problem. I triple checked the financial report and it is ready for your approval.”

  She beams at my progress. “Lady Ann, that’s fantastic. You’re a fast worker and if the details and attention to details is as good as the speed at which you work, then I made a sound business decision in hiring you. Forgive me. I’m going to head to bed early tonight, but I’ll look at it first thing in the morning.”

  The King looks at his sons conveying some kind of message with unspoken words and walks out behind her with his hand on the small of her back leaving me and the princes alone.

  I cock a brow. “Your mom looks exhausted and your dad looks agitated.”

  Something passes between them, too.

  When nobody speaks, I target Ryan. “Did she catch you making out with Lady Mary too?”

  Ryan turns a laugh into a cough , but it’s Christian that responds to my sarcasm. “I don’t need to, nor want to explain myself to the help. Remember who you’re talking to and don’t use that tone around me again. You’re here because I’ve agreed to it. I can easily revoke your employment, don’t for one second think that I wouldn’t have the Queen’s backing if I forced the issue.” He hisses and brushes past Vinny as he goes.

  I turn to Ryan. “He seems touchy tonight. He must be feeling guilty.”

  “I’ve bought something for you. But I left it in my room. Want me to go get it and bring it back, or do you want to come with me to get it?”

  “Lead the way.”

  Ryan’s room isn’t as clean or well organized as Christian’s. But it feels homier and he has drawings and notebooks on the desk which shows that it’s a working room. It’s lived in whereas Christian’s room is stark and—like him—all about show. I look at Ryan’s drawings. He was a wonderful artist. Mostly focusing on landscapes and buildings.

  “Close your eyes.” Ryan asks with his hands behind his back. “Please? I didn’t have enough time to wrap it.”

  I play along. I close my eyes and outstretch my hands. He gives me a medium sized box and I gasp. In my hands is a bran
d-new high-tech camera.

  “Ryan it’s beautiful. Thank you so much.”

  “Open it and try it out. It may not be any good. A camera is a personal thing, you know, it has to fit the photographer.”

  “Thank you, I’m confident it will be a picture-perfect match for me.” I watch his tired eyes. “Ryan you look exhausted, is everything okay?”

  There's a knock at his door and Christian lets himself in, already speaking to Ryan. “Ryan we…” He stops as he sees me with Ryan.

  Christian purses his lips.

  “Ryan, we need to talk. Privately.”

  His intrusion and demands for me to be dismissed like a person that has no consequence is disrespectful. “Can you possibly give me a few more minutes with Ryan, Prince Christian?”

  Christian glares at me.

  Ryan reaches for my hand as a show of support. “Lady Ann, please give us a moment to talk. You should test the new camera by taking some before shots of the chicken coop.”

  I push past Christian and make sure the door slams just enough to make my displeasure known.

  I hear yelling behind Ryan’s closed door.

  “Well, you move on fast! How dare you treat her like that.”

  “Me? What have I done wrong, Ryan? Ann and I are just friends.”

  Vinny speaks behind me, making me jump.

  “Are you ready for dinner?”

  I look up sheepishly. “Thanks for that, Vinny.”

  “I figured that wasn’t a conversation you’d be interested in.”

  After Vinny is gone and it’s just us girls, I explain to Karen the highs and lows of my day. She listens and rubs my back.

  “Ann you have had quite the day. I hope tomorrow goes better for you. Would you like me to order food for you?”

  “I’m hungry, but I would rather change and walk down to the servant’s break room to eat with friends.”

  I change into jeans and a white t-shirt and I let my hair down and put sneakers on. Together me, Vinny, and Karen go for dinner.

  It was weird sitting with Karen and Vinny in uniform and me in casual clothes. But I love the company and peaceful environment. I glance around and make sure we are alone.


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