Feathered Dreams: Book One
Page 14
The King stops and looks down at me. His face red. “Are you questioning me and accusing me of not trusting my son?”
“Of course not, but…”
“No buts Ann. I know best. Always. And it would be wise to remember that. I think it is time for you to go back home permanently. Where you belong.”
“If I’m nothing and not a threat, then it shouldn’t matter if I’m here or at home, right?”
“How is your neck healing?” I put my hand on my neck as the King steps closer and closes the gap between us, pinning me to the palace wall with his body. He whispers in my ear with narrowed eyes. “Because as much as I don’t like hurting women, I can make that bruise look like child’s play.”
I swallow and stand tall. “Why do you feel you have to bully everyone around you to get your way? They are your children.”
He laughs and it’s a wild sound. “Oh, Ann, I’m not bullying. This is just a warning my dear.” He runs a hand under my chin. I cringe and try to pull back. “Stay away from my children. This is your one and only chance. I can make you disappear. Or maybe I should pay your father a visit first?”
He releases my chin.
“Do we understand each other?”
“Yes, what?”
“Yes, my King, I understand.”
“Good girl, Ann. I hope you have a safe trip home.”
He walks back into the Palace without a backward glance.
When he has turned the corner, I sink to the ground taking deep breaths with my face in my hands. I hear footsteps and Vinny comes around the corner.
“Ann, are you okay?” He kneels next to me.
“Prince Christian told me to stay close but hidden just in case.”
“You knew the King was crazy?”
“No, but I wanted to keep a close eye on you, especially if Christian is worried.”
I suck in air and tell him what happened between me and the King.
“I feel like I’m going to throw up Vinny. The King hides it well, but that man is insane.”
“Ann, you know I’ll do whatever I can to keep you safe. I can find some other guards willing to help too.”
“Vinny, please, I can’t have anyone else getting hurt because of me. I’ll do what he wants and leave. Do you think the Queen knows about this?”
“I don’t think so. She is the kindest woman I know, and she has always been on your side. I have a feeling this has been hidden from her.”
“It will be alright Vinny. Don’t do anything stupid, remember, you have a wife to look after now.”
“Yeah, she is pretty lucky, isn’t she?”
“Vinny could you please tell the Princes that I am safe and going back home. And that I… never mind, that’s it.” A silent tear falls.
A man with dark hair and green eyes walks over in jeans and a black collared shirt. He smiles at me as he comes closer.
“Lady Ann?”
I try to remember where I have seen him before.
“I am the contractor, Dan, for the chicken coop. We spoke on the phone.”
I shake his hand. “I’m sorry sir, but I have been removed from the project you will have to speak to the Queen.”
His young, weather worn face creases as he frowns.
“Please, Lady Ann, I have men that need a paycheck for their families. It should only take a few minutes and a signature. Then I can make my men happy and pay them to get started.”
I know how hard these men work and how hard it is to find well-paying jobs. This could be my last good deed before I leave.
“Okay, Mr Dan, this way.”
Vinny gently grabs my arm. “Ann, are you sure this is a good idea?”
I nod and wave Vinny off. I show Dan around and we review the building plans. He makes some adjustments, we shake hands, and I sign off for the work to officially start.
Dan beams. “Thank you, Lady Ann this means a lot. It is nice to see a Lady around here that actually cares about the people.”
“Thank you, Dan. Compassion is something I think we all need more of in this crazy upside-down world.”
I look up into the sky and frown, as I see the sun getting low and darkness rolling in. I was hoping to see the project through, but I trust the Queen and Dan to do a decent job with it.
Two Sides
I get the rest of my things before heading home and Karen embraces me in a tight hug.
“Ann, I was so worried when Vinny told me what happened to you. It seems Prince Christian isn’t the only one that needs counseling around here. The King is out of his mind to threaten you like that.”
“You are the closest thing to a sister that I have, Karen. Please stay in contact and visit me often on the farm. Don’t forget about me, or all the great times we had together.”
Karen wipes my tear away with her thumb. “Ditto sis.”
“Vinny have you come to get all weepy on me?”
“Not me. I only came by to let you know I told the Princes what you wanted me to.”
“Thank you for watching out for me. Make sure you do the same for Karen and my boys.”
Karen tells me, “I called for a car to take you home and it is waiting for you outside. Do you want us to walk you out?”
“No, it is easier saying goodbye here.”
A driver is waiting for me and we start our drive down the long driveway.
The driver pulls over and turns off the car. My heart races as I look out the dark window but don’t see why we have stopped. I’m terrified that the King is coming for me. I look at the driver and it’s Christian watching me in the rearview mirror.
“Christian what are you doing?”
“I couldn’t let you go without saying a proper goodbye. Ryan wouldn’t hear of it.”
I pale and look around outside. “But what about your dad?”
“I’m sorry about him. I never thought it would get this far.”
“So, it’s true? He is the reason you chose Mary?”
He passes me back a velvet box. “This has been in my pocket for some time. I had it custom made, but since my dad has forbidden me to marry you, you can keep it as a parting gift instead. To remember our adventures together and to remind you what could have been if things were different.”
I open the box. Inside is a beautifully designed, gold and diamond, engagement ring with a chicken in the center. My vision blurs from the tears forming. It was the most thoughtful gift I have ever received.
“That was the exact reaction I always imagined.”
“Christian it’s perfect. But I can’t take this. You are marrying Mary and it would be inappropriate.” He smiles sadly and pushes the ring on my finger.
“It’s a perfect fit for the perfect lady.”
“I’m sorry you got mixed up in all this, Ann. I honestly didn’t mean for you to get hurt. Please keep the ring, I want you to have it. You deserve that and so much more and I’m sorry I can’t give it to you.”
“And I would do it all over again, or some of it anyways—the good bits. What about Mary? Does she know about your dad?”
“She was hesitant about the engagement after she knew I was asking you. But dad took care of that. He scared her into submission by threatening to hurt her family if she left the Palace. It’s not the best way to start a marriage but what can we do.”
“What about your mom?”
“She has no idea that my dad is the way that he is. And he would murder anyone who told her. She loves him and is blind to his ways. He keeps threats and violence private and he has his own guards that he uses when needed. The ones who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and keep it quiet.”
There is a rap on Christian’s window. We jump and a muscled guard gestures at Christian to wind the window down.
“Good evening Derek, how can I help you?”
Derek smirks and my arm hairs stand on end and my blood runs cold. This must be one of the guards Christian was talking about and I bet he doesn’t want
to have a tea party.
“Prince Christian the King requests your immediate presence, please.”
Christian weighs his options and tries to figure out an escape route.
“Of course, Derek. And what about Lady Ann?”
“She is my responsibility. I’ll make sure she gets where she needs to go.”
Before Christian can protest Derek opens his door and flashes a silver blade.
“My Prince I’m ordered to take whatever measures I need to. Please meet your father like a good little boy and leave Ann to me.”
Christian’s eyes flare in anger. I get out of the car before the situation gets out of hand.
Christian jumps out too.
“Ann. Stop. You don’t know what he’s capable of.”
Derek pushes Christian back into the car and grabs my wrist. He pulls me to him with the knife blade against my back.
“Go to your dad my Prince. We don’t want any bloodshed, do we?” He purrs into my ear.
“Please go Christian. I’ll be fine.”
Vinny is approaching us with his hand on his gun in his side holster. He watches Derek.
“Prince Christian do you need my assistance?”
I yell a warning to Vinny. Before it’s out, Derek clasps a hand over my mouth.
“This is below your pay grade soldier. Step down and return to duty. This is official business from the King.”
Before Vinny can draw his weapon, I see a flash of silver. He falls to the ground writhing in pain with the knife sticking out of his stomach and blood soaking through his blue uniform. Christian runs to him and applies pressure to the wound. I clamp down on Derek’s hand and I scream. I feel a poke in my back, blood trickles down my spine, and I wince. Watching Vinny and Christian on the ground my energy seeps out of me and I stop fighting.
Derek points his knife at Christian.
“This is your fault boy, I warned you.”
Then he throws me over his shoulder and starts walking towards the Palace. I can’t tell where we are going as the tears keep streaming. What will happen to Vinny? I can’t believe how fast this has escalated. Vinny is hurt and I’m at the guard’s mercy.
Derek sets me down roughly on a small cot. I’m in a cell with bars at the window. It’s cold and dark with a cot, a small toilet, and nothing else. I glare at Derek and pound my fists on his chest.
“Why did you do this? Vinny didn’t do anything to deserve being stabbed. You’re a monster!”
Derek laughs as he shoves me away. “He got in my way and I have my orders.”
He pulls his knife out and runs the blade across his fingertip.
“Ann, you should be more worried about yourself. The King ordered you to leave and yet here you are. What were the two of you planning on doing—Eloping?”
“No, we weren’t eloping. I was going home.”
“How stupid do you think I am?” He pins me to the wall and runs the knife along the bruise on my neck and whispers close to my ear.
“I’m going to have fun with you later sweet Ann. But first, I need to check in with the King and have your guard friend’s accident erased.”
He puts his knife in his belt and leaves the cell, locking it behind him. “Until later my Lady.” He bows and walks away.
His manic laughter echoes on the bare walls.
Loose Ends
Time passes slowly as dread covers me. I look at the engagement ring Christian gave me. I twist it in my fingers. There is an inscription. To my hen.
I lay on the cot and curl into a ball. I’m so exhausted that I drift off into a dark sleep.
I hear a door shut and I look around wildly in the dimly lit cell.
It sounds like Karen, am I still dreaming?
“Karen? Is that you?”
I jump up.
“Karen. You need to get out of here before Derek comes back. The cell is locked and unless you have the key, you can’t help me. Get away before he catches you. But before you go, please tell me, how is Vinny?”
“He’s in the hospital wing. He’s incredibly lucky Christian got him there in time. The doctors think he’ll make a full recovery. Don’t worry about Derek.”
I tilt my head in confusion.
“Listen Ann, I can’t go into details but just know you are safe, and everything will be better in the morning.” She whispers.
“What? Karen what do you mean?”
She pulls her hands away. “Have I ever let you down?”
“No, you haven’t.”
“And I don’t plan on starting to, today.”
I hear her footsteps get softer and softer. I wait, hoping she’ll come back, but nobody comes. I sit back on the cot and stare at the spot that she disappeared.
Somebody is shaking me and I wake, startled. As my eyes focus, I see a pair of icy eyes gazing down on me.
“Oh, Ann, I thought I was going to lose you forever.” He embraces me.
“Christian, what’s happening? Where’s Derek?”
“The King passed away in his sleep last night.”
“What? How? Are you okay?”
He nods. “He wasn’t a good man to be around, but he was my father. My mother is beside herself with grief. She found him this morning.”
I pull back, shocked.
“Wait. That means— you’ll be King.”
He nods solemnly. “Let’s get you out of here.”
The palace is in confusion, people are crying and wearing black. Christian opens Ryan’s door and leads me inside.
Ryan looks up from his bed with dark circles under his eyes and hair ruffled. I question who received less sleep, me or him.
I run to him and he hugs me.
“Christian told me what happened. Did they hurt you?”
“I got off a lot easier than Vinny. I have a scratch and a few future nightmares. I’ll live.”
He looks at Christian, as he rubs my back.
“Thank you.”
Christian sits on the edge of the bed.
“Things are going to get intense around here, are you up for it?”
Ryan nods.
“A wedding and a funeral?”
“And a Coronation.”
I stare at Christian and wonder how he feels about being King. No matter what happens, Ryan would have his back. Although the King is gone, I get the feeling the country will be in good hands in the coming years between Christian as their leader, and Ryan as his ally. I look down at his hand in mine and the ring on my other hand and wonder what my future holds. Would Christian pursue me again now that he can choose who he wants? Or will he step aside and allow Ryan to?
Thank You
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I hope you enjoyed Ann’s first adventure and will continue to read what happens in her life. She is strong and has so much compassion to offer the world.
You can continue to look forward to twists and turns, crazy characters, lots of feathers, and even some loss in this five-book series.
See Ann again, in all her feathered glory, as she continues her adventure in Book 2: Plucked – coming in 2021! Swipe for a sneak peek...
After King Mark dies suddenly, many are left asking questions. It is up to Ann, Prince Ryan, and King Christian to fit the pieces together. Could there be a murderer amongst them? Can they find out before another life is taken? Will Christian marry Lady Mary, who his dad forced him to get engaged to before his untimely death? After everything that has happened, can Ann choose who to trust her heart with?
Releasing 2021
Chapter 1 The Mess Within
I squint into the empty, black pipe. I groan loudly. “Okay, try it again Dan!”
I hear muffled, heavy footsteps, as the contractor goes to t
he water faucet. All of a sudden, my face is assaulted with black sludge and debris. I sputter and spit loudly while rubbing my face. Then clear running water starts flowing out of it. I grumble and try rinsing my hands. I hear husky laughter behind me, as the construction workers watch me struggle. I stand and shake it off. “Well, boys. It is working now.”
Dan walks over green eyes sparkling. “Sorry, Ann. The water pipe must have been clogged.”
“Well, that is just one problem fixed on our list, Dan.” I wipe my face and look around the newly built chicken pen and yard. The smell of fresh cut wood gets caught in the cool, afternoon breeze. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in.
Only a month had passed since King Mark had suddenly died in his sleep. It felt like a lifetime ago. A lot had happened since then. The funeral was a significant public ordeal. The royal family required everyone’s assistance getting it together, especially King Mark’s mourning wife, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth had found her husband dead in his bed early that morning. Since she never knew of her husband’s evil intentions, the loss was a great one to her. I stood, by her like the daughter she always had wanted. I made sure she was taken care of, and that everything ran smoothly.
The young Princes Ryan and Christian had the Coronation to plan and execute. They both studied and prepared for the big event, which was the day after their father’s funeral. Even though their father was not necessarily the nicest, I could tell they were both hurt over his death. Especially when they saw how it affected their mother. Both of them were very patient with her. Their love for her had no bounds and that made my heart soar with pride.
The love triangle between the Princes and me is confusing to say the least. Most of the time we were together, Christian always seemed drawn back. While Ryan seemed carefree. But that was because of their father. He demanded Christian choose Mary and send me back home. Which I did, but Ryan came with me and a relationship started to blossom. Then we ended up back at the palace because Ryan needed emergency surgery. King Mark tried to send me back home by threatening me and my family. The night that I was sure he was going to kill me, he ended up dying in his sleep. Now I am trying to do whatever is needed of me, here at the Palace. While trying to forget what I had with each of them and move on.