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Feathered Dreams: Book One

Page 15

by Brittany Putzer

  But it is easier said than done.

  I shake the memories from my thoughts and stare in front of me. The project I had started a few months ago to help boost egg and meat production with the Palace’s chickens was now almost complete. I sigh and step back. I admire the hard work that was done to transform it from a caged chicken barn to a free-range chicken run and coop.

  I hear soft footsteps behind me and turn to see Christian’s assistant, Tim, walking over. His dark eyes sparkling, as he accesses my watery situation.

  “Lady Ann. King Christian requires your immediate attention.”

  I look down at my drenched pants and cock a brow at him. “He said immediately?”

  He nods and smirks at me. I groan inwardly and grab his outstretched arm. I turn a smile to Dan and his crew.

  “I hope you guys have a good night, you earned it. I will see you all again tomorrow, bright and early.”

  They all smile, as they start cleaning up their tools and materials. I smile as I watch them, knowing their Christmas bonus will be greatly appreciated. I took my pay and split it amongst the crew for their hard work and dedication. I do not need it at the moment and I know their families could use it for the holiday.

  I sigh, as we walk inside the Palace. I look around at the Christmas decorations. There was tinsel, wreaths, and many twinkling, bright lights sprawled all over. It makes my eyes water as memories of my mom’s favorite holiday passes through my mind.

  As we ascend the stairs to the 3rd floor, I take a deep breath. My encounters with Christian always take a toll on me. Even though we have not been in a relationship for a few weeks now, I still feel an almost electric current when he is near. Tim knocks on Christian’s office door. We walk in. Tim releases my arm and smirks towards Christian.

  “Your highness. Lady Ann is here to see you.”

  Christian lifts his brilliant, blue eyes off the papers he is scanning. He drops the pen that he is holding, as his gaze drifts across my body. “My goodness, Lady Ann you must have had a busy day.” He sets the papers down and leans back. He nods towards Tim. “Thank you, Tim. You are excused.”

  Tim nods and smirks, as he shuts the door.

  “Ann. Why are you all wet? What happened to you?”

  I look down and smirk, as I run my hand through my wet, chestnut hair. “King Christian, it is the new fashion. What do you think?” I bat my lashes.

  He groans softly. I see laughter sparkling behind his tired eyes. “Does this new fashion involve every man being able to see through your shirt? Plus, bonus, almost through your bra?” He quirks a brow.

  I look down and examine myself more closely. Crap! My white shirt is now totally see through and the light grey bra is not helping the situation. I shrug as my face pinkens. “I was going to change but you said you wanted to see me immediately.”

  Christian rubs his face. “Yes, I did say that.” He sighs. “Thank you for coming quickly, Ann. Would you please have a seat.” He motions for the chair in front of his desk.

  I rub my hands on the back of my jeans and dirt sprinkles the floor. “Never mind sitting, Ann. You can walk around the desk and get closer. That way I do not have to shout.”

  His eyes never leave me, as I walk over. This shirt was a big mistake. His eyes start to glaze with a smoldering look. He shakes his head. He clears his throat and redirects his attention to my eyes. “The autopsy came back for my father and, unfortunately, he passed from a heart attack.”

  I frown and watch him strain to read the words. I walk to him and place a hand on his shoulder. Then I offer a tissue from his desk. He grabs my hand and holds it in his warm strong one. He looks up at me before he continues to read. “The report goes on to say that they are waiting for blood and tissue results. They have not been able to rule out poison.”

  My body runs cold.

  Who would have wanted him dead?

  About the Author

  Brittany Putzer was born and raised in Central Florida so the need for sunshine (and coffee) is imbedded in her DNA. Laughing is a must in her world and she invites her readers to join her.

  She always strives for her writing to be quirky, fun, and adventurous. With colorful sprinkles of twists and turns, strong female characters, sweet kisses, and, on occasion, dramatic cliff hangers...

  Growing up, she turned to books to escape her real-life obstacles because it was easier to pretend to be a wizard, vampire, or damsel in distress. She is stronger because of everything she has endured and hopes her books can help those reading them remember how strong they really are…if only they keep moving forward and keep fighting the good fight.

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  To Karen who I maid that smells so goo (inside pre-editing joke). And to God who gave me the imagination to conjure this book series. Also, to my lovely family who I couldn’t have done this without. Love you Charlie, Charles, Paul, Melody, Alicia, Becky, Kathie, my parents, Hannah, Biena and all my furry, feathered, scaled, and non-furry companions that help me through this mundane life. I wish I could list you all, but you know who you are! Your love has helped me soar through this publishing process with grace (and a few tears). I’ll be forever grateful for your support.



  Cover art by Rae Lumpkins.

  Edited by an associate of Karl Wiggins, Melody Bernal, and Alicia Barber




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