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Virgin Next Door

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She didn’t even want to phone them now to see if she can make alternative arrangements with them for another interview.

  The diner wasn’t hiring either. It would seem jobs were scarcer than they were when she moved in.

  “How bad are things?” Eli asked.

  “Not bad yet, but I can work this out. Believe me. I know how to work my way around a strict budget.” Only her budget could usually pay for everything, and she just had to decide on noodles for dinner, or more noodles.

  No freaking out, though. She wasn’t going to admit defeat or say she had screwed up until she had to put her house back on the market.

  “Is there anything I can do to help you?”

  She held her hand up and shook her head. “No, nothing. I got this handled.”

  She wasn’t used to people willing to help her. Whatever problems she faced, she would do it alone.

  They cleaned up the mess in his backyard, and she offered to help clean his home.

  He handed her a mop while he took care of cleaning the floors and carpets.

  Within a couple of hours, it was late, and they both sat on his sofa, drinking a beer. She didn’t usually like beer but today she was going to make an exception because she really needed one.

  Tipping the bottle back against her lips, she took a long pull, closing her eyes afterward.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I will be. I’m sure you know what it’s like for your life not to go to plan. First, there’s college, and you’re supposed to have so much fun.”

  “You didn’t have fun?” he asked.

  “I did. In the beginning, but it started to affect my studies so the parties came to a complete stop with me. I didn’t even get to the part of enjoying crazy sex.” She burst out laughing. “I’m probably one of the few women to leave college still a virgin.” She emitted a large laugh, even though she didn’t find it funny. Then reality dawned on her. “Oh, boy. That was an overshare.”

  “You’re still a virgin?”

  “I better go.”

  “You don’t have to, Ann.”

  She turned to look at him. His dark eyes, their intensity trapped her into place, keeping her from running, moving, doing anything.

  He had her, all of her.

  “Yeah, I’m a virgin. I better go.” She got up, finding one of the trash bins to put the empty beer bottle in. She went to the door and he was close by. So close.

  This was wrong.

  She went to open the door but he slammed his palm against it, stopping her from leaving.

  “Do you want to remain a virgin?” he asked.

  She closed her eyes, counted to five, and turned to look at him. He captivated her like no man or boy ever had.

  “No.” She licked her lips. “I’m not propositioning you.”

  “I know. I’m propositioning you,” he said.

  This couldn’t be happening, but he stepped closer. The small distance they had ceased to exist. He pressed his body against hers, and she had to tilt her head back to look at him. He was taller, bigger, and heat flooded her body. The touch of his body sent hers even higher.

  “What do you want?” she asked.

  “How about you start by telling me what it is you want from me?”

  “I don’t … know. I’ve never done this before.”

  “Well, Ann, I can tell you that I want to fuck you. I want to pop your cherry and show you how good it can be between a man and woman. I’m good. I’ll have you screaming my name and aching for my dick.”

  “Wow,” she said.

  “What I don’t want is you thinking this could be any more than that. I’ll fuck you and you’ll fuck me. Katie will never know. I don’t want any other woman, just you in my bed, at my beck and call.”

  “No other commitments?”

  “If that’s a problem, we’ll stop talking, pretend this never happened, and go about our lives.”

  “And if I want it to happen? If I don’t have a problem with this being some fun?” she asked.

  “Then next Friday. Katie’s back at my parents’. I’ll have the house alone, and you’ll come to me. I will expect you completely naked and wet. I’ll make it good for you. I won’t hurt you.”

  He stepped back and opened the door for her.

  She didn’t stop as she walked next door to her house. Eli walked with her.

  He stepped into her house and suddenly, even with the door open, he had her pressed up against the nearest wall. His hands grabbed her, holding her in place as he ravished her mouth in a searing kiss.

  Her nipples hardened, and her pussy went slick. She didn’t want him to stop, but within the next second, he was gone, leaving her standing there, amazed, a little shaken as he closed the door behind him, going back to his own home.

  What the hell just happened?

  She flicked the locks into place and checked the doors and windows before going to her room.

  There on her unmade bed were all her notes, calculations, and life going down the toilet staring back up at her. She wouldn’t admit defeat yet. There was still time.

  Bringing her fingers to her lips, she touched them, feeling how swollen they were from his kiss.

  He was a damn good kisser, and she didn’t have a doubt he knew it too.

  He could kiss better than anyone.

  She didn’t say she hadn’t been kissed, but in her experience, it had been sloppy and horrible. Nothing like what she just experienced.

  Shaking the thoughts from her head, she took a quick shower then climbed into bed and went over the sums plaguing her life.

  She hated this. This wasn’t how she imagined the first few months of her life here was going to be. Checking her bank account, she saw how little she had. There was enough in there for one month’s mortgage, and then she would struggle unless she got another job.

  After grabbing her laptop, she began to look for any upcoming jobs or places she still hadn’t checked. The library post had been filled already, as had the receptionist job at the dentist. The thought of working at the dentist didn’t exactly fill her with joy, though.

  The accounting firm wasn’t hiring at the moment, but she made a note to send them a copy of her résumé. She was good at what she did and was a hard worker.

  She’d gotten jobs through college by just sending in a résumé.

  With a new plan for the next few days, she closed down her laptop, lay down, and stared across the room.

  She was lonely.

  Her lips still tingled.


  Her next-door neighbor.

  Was it corny to accept his offer or just plain stupid? She didn’t know and the truth was, could she keep it as no commitments? If her life became really fucked up, she had no doubt she’d be able to keep her shit to herself.

  After all, if she didn’t pay her mortgage, she was as good as gone.

  She thought about the curse of the houses. If what people said was true, did it mean Eli was her true love?

  No. She scoffed at the idea.

  It wouldn’t be possible and there was no way two houses at the bottom of a street could bring two people together. It just wouldn’t happen.

  Not ever.


  It had been a long time since he’d wanted to see his daughter go.

  Eli smiled at his parents as they drove Katie away.

  One week had been too damn long.

  He should have taken her the night she offered herself up to him. Those plump lips, her tits, her ass. All of Ann was a temptation he wasn’t going to deny himself. His cock was already starting to thicken.

  Entering his home, he closed and locked the door, wondering if she would come through the front door or the back. In the kitchen, he put the kettle on.

  Alcohol was out of the question. He’d never taken a virgin, but being a gentle and tender lover wasn’t exactly rocket science.

  It had been too long since he last had sex, and all week, when he was alone in his show
er, he would think of Ann while touching his dick, imagining her tight heat. The feel of her wrapped around him.

  The only thing he could wish for was going into her bareback. He’d never been inside a woman without a condom on, but he wasn’t going to take a chance. Even Katie’s mother had been a split condom, not because he wanted to feel her.

  Whatever Ann was doing to his head, it would end tonight.

  There was a knock at the door.


  He went back to his front door, checking to make sure it was her. It was.

  Opening the door, he looked at her, smiling.

  Her cheeks were red, and her hair was pinned up. It looked like she’d just taken a shower and she now wore a plain yellow dress. The thin straps showed him she hadn’t taken the time to put on a bra.

  No complaints from him.

  Banding an arm around her waist, he pulled her inside. “About fucking time,” he said, taking possession of her mouth.

  She melted against him and he ran his hands over her body, going from her back, down to her ass, cupping the globes, and back up to her face. “Do you need food? A drink?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t want to wait.”

  “Good.” He was tired of waiting.

  Taking her hand, he led the way up to his bedroom, closing his daughter’s room on the way past.

  “I’m going to let you take charge here, Ann. You tell me what it is you want me to do to you,” he said.

  “I don’t … I … please, don’t make me, I’m nervous.”

  “Do you want me to take charge?”


  “You’ll tell me if it’s too much? If I’m hurting you?”

  “I’m a big girl. I can take it.”

  “You want this?” he asked.


  “Good.” He stepped up close to her. “Because I want this so badly as well.” He walked to her back and captured the zipper. Slowly, he eased the dress down her body. The expanse of her creamy back let him know as he got to the base that she wasn’t wearing panties or even a thong.

  She was stunning, and he couldn’t resist touching her as he cupped her ass. “Do you have any idea how much this pleases me?” he asked.

  She moaned, pressing back against him.

  “You’re fucking exquisite.” He kissed her shoulder.

  He was nowhere near done with her. He wanted to fuck her so badly, but first, he’d make her so wet.

  After sliding his hand up her body, he held her tit, running his thumb across her beaded nipple. So tight, puckered. He pinched the bud and moved to her other nipple, working it between his fingers, tightening his hold on her.

  They were so big and he loved how they felt against his palm. Still, he’d be sucking on them later as he knew she’d taste just as good.

  Once he’d caressed down her stomach, he held her pussy within his hand. She gasped as he slid a finger between her slit.

  She opened her thighs wider and he had no problem taking full advantage of the way she felt against him.

  Fuck, she was beautiful, even more so than he imagined. So wet. He didn’t press inside her. He also wasn’t going to get her off standing up.

  Eli guided her to the bed.

  “Wait, I want to see you naked as well,” she said. “If I’m naked it’s only right you should be as well.”

  He nodded. Stepping back from the bed, he removed his shirt, followed by his boxer briefs, and then he stood before her in all his naked glory. His cock was already hard with pre-cum leaking out of the tip.

  He wanted her and there was no denying his need. It was so fucking strong and he didn’t give a fuck how nervous she looked. By the time he’d taken her tonight, she wouldn’t be afraid.

  Wrapping his fingers around his dick, he pumped it a couple of times. Letting himself go, he went to his drawer and pulled out the box of condoms he’d purchased for tonight. He took one, placing it within her palm.

  “Don’t let this go.”

  He nudged her up the bed, spreading open her thighs so he could get a nice look at her pretty cunt.

  So juicy.

  So ripe.

  So pretty.

  She had a sweet-looking pussy. The fine hairs around her lips neatly trimmed.

  Spreading the lips of her cunt, he slid his tongue between them, grazing her clit before moving down to her entrance, but he didn’t penetrate her, just touched her, wanting to let her get used to the feel of him.

  He went back to her clit, sucking her into his mouth before using his teeth to create an edge of pain, then soothing it out with his tongue.

  Back and forth, he worked her body, feeling her getting close to orgasm. As she catapulted over the edge, he watched her, replacing his tongue with his fingers. The sounds she made echoed around the room, and he couldn’t get enough of them. They were so fucking sexy and he’d gladly listen to her all fucking day.

  She was something, all right.

  Taking the condom from her hand, he tore into it, throwing the empty wrapper to the floor. With his condom in place, he went between her thighs, stroking up and down and bumping her clit before pausing at her entrance. She was still experiencing some aftershocks.

  He could go slow, let her get accustomed, but all his life, he’d never taken the easy route. In one hard thrust, he pushed through her virgin wall, going balls deep inside her.

  She cried out, her body going tense as he worked his cock inside her. He closed his eyes, holding still as she panted against his ear.

  The pain was clear and he hated it. He didn’t want to cause her any kind of pain, but it was impossible not to. Most women felt pain the first time.

  Kissing her neck, he wrapped his arms around her.

  He was never affectionate with the other women he fucked. Ann was already different. Even though they had a vague agreement in place for no commitments, it didn’t mean for a second she knew what it truly entailed.

  Kissing her, he tried to calm his dick, which pulsed from the tightness of her heat.

  “Ouch,” she said. “I knew it was going to … I didn’t expect … that.”

  “I’ve got you.”

  “You don’t have to stay still. I’m not expecting you to, you know, stop.”

  He lifted up and he saw tears in her eyes. “I’m going to wait for you.”


  “This is your first time and it’s what you deserve. I can’t guarantee it’s going to be the best moment but I can tell you, you won’t forget tonight—but not for any wrong reason.”

  “Have you done this a lot?”

  “Take a virgin? No.”



  “A little. I guess I figured you were experienced.”

  “I’m not saying I’m not, Ann. What I’m saying is I’ve never had a virgin. I know how to make a woman feel good, and I’ll have you coming on my cock in no time. For now, just relax. Let your body adjust to mine.”

  “I can feel how hard you are,” she said. “Does it hurt?”

  “No, not in the way you think. It’s incredible, really. I like it.”


  Her cheeks turned an even darker shade of red. “You know, seeing you blush won’t ever get old.”

  She chuckled. “I don’t know why I’m embarrassed. It could have something to do with the fact we’re talking while you’re inside me, and well, I doubt you had many women who wanted a full-blown conversation midway through sex.”

  “How about we agree not to talk about any of my previous partners? I’m not comparing you. I will never compare you, and it’s only us here, right now, at this moment. Do you think you can do that?”

  She smiled. “I’d love to.”

  “Good, because there’s nothing else I’m interested in than to know you’re ready for me to fuck you.”

  Chapter Four

  She was a virgin no more.

  Ann looked at her reflection in the mirror, trying to see
if there was any sign of what just happened.

  She wasn’t a virgin.

  Not even a little bit.

  Eli had taken care of the condom and she’d excused herself to use the bathroom. He’d only let her go after he’d taken care of her virgin blood. He was also dealing with the sheets.

  He had a caring nature about him. She wondered if he even realized it.

  Shaking the thoughts from her mind, she tried not to think. It was impossible not to, though.

  Pushing some of her hair off her face, she looked at herself. There was nothing different. Sure, her lips were swollen, and she had kiss marks on her neck and her breasts. Between her thighs was tender, but she couldn’t see any other change. No miraculous moment that declared her as a woman.

  “Are you going to keep looking in the mirror all night?” Eli asked.

  She turned to find him leaning up against the doorframe, still naked. His cock was flaccid, and he didn’t try to hide himself. Not that there was any reason to hide. He was … well-endowed. She’d had him inside her.

  “No, sorry.”

  “What are you looking for?” he asked, coming to step up behind her.


  He chuckled. “Let me guess, you want to know if you can tell you’ve been well and truly fucked?”

  “I … I don’t know. Maybe.”

  “Well, I can see it. Your body is a dead giveaway, but it’s your eyes. They’re bigger, more aware. You know what you can have, and it turns you on. Am I wrong?”

  “You’re not wrong.”

  He smiled.

  She gasped as she watched his hands come up, holding her tits. She leaned back against him and his cock began to stir at her back.

  “Now, you’re going to be sore, Ann. Do you want me to show you more, or would you like to wait?”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Good.” He held her as he stepped back from the mirror. “Touch your pussy for me.”


  “You heard me. Touch your pussy. I want to watch you.”

  She looked at him in their reflection.

  His hands on her breasts. His gaze on her.

  She slid her hand between her thighs and this time, he groaned. “You tasted so good. Do you know I’m going to spend a lot of time thinking about your pussy on my face?”


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