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Virgin Next Door

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Eli,” she said.

  “Do you want me to stop talking dirty to you?”

  “No.” She liked it, a lot more than she thought was possible.

  “Good, because I wasn’t going to stop. I like to say it like it is, Ann. Your body was made for a cock. My cock. Now shove a finger inside yourself. Let’s see how wet you are.”

  She did as he asked, expecting to feel pain, but it didn’t hurt. There was a slight soreness but nothing too horrible.

  She added a second finger without his instruction. His lips went to her neck, biting down over her pulse, sucking on her. He massaged her breasts, teasing her nipples and pinching them.

  The pleasure went straight to her clit, and she melted against him, wanting more, no, needing it.

  “Now play with your clit. Come on, Ann, I want to watch you come.”

  “I want you,” she said.

  “You don’t get to order me around, baby. I’m the boss. You will do as I say.”

  She whimpered but she didn’t stop. Stroking her clit, she watched him as he kept kissing and nibbling at her neck.

  He’d already brought her to one orgasm. She didn’t think it was possible to even have a second, but she should never doubt him because watching him, she came, and did so hard.

  She whimpered, not wanting him to stop.

  He held her up as she let go into the orgasm.

  When the pleasure began to ebb away, he moved her so she gripped the edge of the sink.

  “Don’t move.”

  He disappeared into the bedroom only to return seconds later. She looked over her shoulder to see he’d put a condom on.

  Eli stood behind her, running his hands down her back, going to her ass. He grabbed her ass, tilting her body at the angle he wanted.

  “That’s perfect.” He spread the cheeks of her ass, and his cock slowly slid inside her.

  She watched him in the mirror as he pushed, inch by glorious inch within her. When he was seated to the hilt, his grip went back to her hips, running up her body to cup her tits then down again.

  He was in no rush, and she didn’t ask him to stop.

  From this angle, he felt bigger, deeper than he had before.

  Licking her dry lips, she watched him.

  “Your pussy is so fucking tight. One of these days, I’m going to have to take you without a condom. We’ll get you on the pill.”

  “I’m already on it,” she said.

  His head jerked toward her.

  “I have bad cramps. The pill helps a little.” It didn’t always and she still suffered with the cramps, only she stopped complaining about it.

  “Fuck, I’m clean,” he said. “I’ll get you a full workup.”

  “I’m clean.”

  “Soon then, I’ll take you without a condom and you’ll get to feel all of me.” He pulled out and slammed back in.

  It wasn’t painful, far from it. The pleasure was on the next level. She closed her eyes as he did it again.

  She loved the feel of his hands on her hips, holding her in place as he took her.

  Opening her eyes again, she didn’t want to miss a moment of it.

  He sped up, thrusting deeper, harder, and it consumed her, set her on fire, made her want more, ache for more, hungry for his cock and desperate with need. This wasn’t like anything she’d ever felt before in her life. Staring at him now, she watched him, completely enraptured as he held her tightly and continued to fuck her.

  Touching herself, she stroked her clit, and he groaned.

  “Yeah, come all over my cock, baby. Let me feel how much you want my dick. Fuck yeah.”

  She closed her eyes as a wave of pleasure rushed over her. She hadn’t come yet but was close, so very close.

  Biting her lip, she tried to hold off, but with his thrusts, the depth, it was like it set her off, and when she came, she screamed his name.

  “That’s it, baby. Know who is fucking you,” he said. Over and over, he pounded inside her and this time, when he came, she held still, feeling every single pulse, wondering in the back of her mind what it would be like without a condom.

  There was going to be no way she’d ever survive without one. He already consumed her. She’d opened her eyes to watch him let go.

  Resting her head on her crossed arms, she panted. Took a deep breath in, and a long one out.

  He kissed the base of her back, pulling out of her. “I think that’s more than enough for you for one night. Come on, it’s time I feed you.” He pulled her into his arms, and in truth, with him surrounding her, it was the best place she wanted to be.

  Tilting her head back, she didn’t even need to ask him for a kiss, he simply placed his lips against hers and kissed her.

  She once again closed her eyes, basking in the touch of his mouth.

  “Come on, I’m going to feed you.”

  He took her hand and even on shaking legs, she was shocked by how easy it was for her to follow him.

  Don’t go getting any ideas. This isn’t a relationship. Enjoy it inside, don’t let him see.

  When they were downstairs, he pulled on one of his shirts and handed her another. She had been too busy scolding herself to see him pick them up on the way downstairs.

  “You always think of everything.”

  “It’s the businessman in me. I have to make sure I’m one step ahead of the game.”

  “Is that what you are?” she asked. “Always one step ahead?”

  “Yep.” He winked at her. “Now, how about I cook us up some pasta?”

  Her stomach rumbled and he laughed. “Pasta it is.” There was no way his smirk could be sexy, but it was.

  “I bet it’s hard on these nights, right?” she said. “You know, without Katie.”

  “It can be. I love my daughter a great deal but having some me time is much needed. Have you ever thought about having kids?” he asked.

  She giggled. “Don’t worry.” She saw his horrified look. “I won’t see that as a curious question into dating. I’ve got my feet firmly on the ground and that’s the way it’s going to stay.”


  Eli didn’t know what it was about her. The truth was he’d never been curious about what a woman wanted or didn’t. This was indeed a first for him as well, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it.

  Women weren’t in his future.

  A bed partner was.

  Now, all his decisions had to include his little girl. If he was completely honest, being around Ann wasn’t really a good idea.

  She was the neighbor and well, he had responsibilities that extended beyond fucking the woman who lived next door.

  If she got pissed off, this could hurt his little girl. Rather than dwelling on his fuckup though, he pushed all his worries to the back of his mind. He didn’t need them. Far from it. Ann didn’t seem like the kind of woman to come up against him and hurt him or his child if she didn’t get what she wanted.

  He got to work making Alfredo sauce for the pasta, taking out all the necessary ingredients he needed.

  Every now and then, he glanced over at Ann, watching her as she stared at him.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Oh, you mean about my, er, you know…”


  “I don’t know how you can do that,” she said.

  “Do what?”

  “Be like a dad one minute and this dirty-talking man the next.”

  He winked at her. “It takes a hell of a lot of practice but it can also be really fun. I like to surprise you.” He chuckled as her cheeks started to heat.

  “I don’t think I can ever get used to it.”

  “Well, I won’t talk to you like that around Katie, if you’re worried, unless I whisper. I have no interest in my daughter dating, or you know, becoming a teenager.”

  She laughed. “What do you think you’d do if she was the kind of teenager to talk back, and sneak out at night, or even smoke?”

  “Ah, you see, I’ve got ways to deal wit
h that.”

  “You do?”

  “Hell, yeah, first you take away their funding. Credit card pleasures will cease. That will be one of the first punishments.”

  “Wow, she has her own credit card?”

  “Not yet, but when the time is right, I want her to taste independence. I’ll be there all the time, so it won’t be real, but she can learn money, and how to deal with it. That kind of thing. Then of course taking away all of her privileges.”

  “I’ve got to ask, were you a good kid or something?”

  “Me, hell, no. I was a nightmare. There was nothing good about me.” He winked at her. “Looking back, I sometimes wonder how my parents didn’t kill me. I was a horrible kid. I would go out late. I didn’t have a cell phone back then, so no way of getting in touch with me. Dad would come cruising around the streets looking for me.”

  “And who would have thought it, the rebel kid turned into such an astute businessman.”

  “Not me, that’s for sure. I don’t know. I guess some kids have this rebellious stage.” He shrugged. “I’ve got no doubt Katie’s going to give me a run for my money, and she’s a female. I’m going to have to get a shotgun ready for the men who are going to want to date her. I’ve already started to take shooting lessons.”

  “But you don’t have a gun yet?”

  “No gun. I figured being able to shoot accurately would be best.” He finished their pasta and served it up on two plates. There was a lot of it, but he figured she needed some sustenance.

  “I think that is the most ideal.” She followed him into the sitting room. He waited for her to sit before handing her a bowl.

  She took it, saying thank you. “This is really, really good.”

  He watched her take another bite, close her eyes, and then another before opening them. “You haven’t poisoned it, have you?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “No, not even close.”

  She smirked. “Sorry, I figure I should ask, just in case.”

  “Don’t worry. I haven’t done anything stupid like that. I know what I’m going to be wanting again and again.” He squeezed her thigh and he heard her gasp.

  “It’s going to take some getting used to.”

  “Yes, and I want to lay some ground rules,” he said. “No matter what, Katie will always come first.”

  “Of course. I have no doubt. She’s more important. I mean, most important.” She nodded.

  “Now, my parents do take Katie regularly, so I’m thinking on the weekends she’s away, you can stay here or I can come to you. We can work it out. Then when she’s around, I want us to be careful. I know she’s grown attached to you.”


  “Yes, and I don’t want to upset her, especially as this is just a bit of fun.”

  “I understand.”

  “I would appreciate it if you don’t push her away though. If you’re still happy to be her friend.”

  “There’s really no reason for you to ask. Believe me, I adore her, and I would be more than happy to be her friend. She’s wonderful to be around.”

  He glanced at her, staring into her face, her eyes, wondering if there was a hint of a lie. He didn’t see anything. Just the truth.

  This woman, she really was something else, and he couldn’t put his finger on it. Damn it, he didn’t believe in the fucking curse. He knew the previous owner, a woman, had fallen for her neighbor, but it couldn’t have been real as there were two men. Unless … he didn’t have a fucking clue because he didn’t give a fuck about other people.

  He didn’t waste his life in knowing other people’s business. None of it was his problem. The only ones he cared about were his own.

  Houses bringing couples together was pure bullshit.

  Then why are you fucking your neighbor?

  There was no reason to listen to the voice inside his head. He made his own rules, not some fucking houses.

  “She really is something, my little girl. You know, I didn’t know how to be a dad. I know my dad was there for me, and he gave me a pretty good start, even with everything I put him through. Still, between work, and being an asshole, in the early years, I organized nannies. Katie was raised by a lot of them. I tried for a couple of weeks. Diapers, feeding, and I struggled. My parents were away at the time, and instead of admitting defeat to them and watch my business crumble, I got a nanny.”

  “Nannies are cool. You know you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself, Eli. Raising babies is hard, at least I’m guessing so.” She shrugged. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “I don’t know. I don’t even know why I’m telling you this. There are times when we’re out I’ll see a new family. A new baby. Like a couple of months ago, we went to the beach. There was this family a couple of feet away from us. Even over the chatter and noise of everyone, I could hear them encouraging their young kid as he took his first steps.” Eli smiled. “I never saw Katie’s first steps. I never heard her first word, or even heard her first giggle. I came home one day to the nanny tickling her, and it was the most beautiful sound in the world.”

  “I bet it was. You shouldn’t feel guilty.”

  “You’re just trying to make me not feel so bad.”

  She rolled her eyes. “No, not at all. You shouldn’t feel guilty because look at what you’ve given Katie. You missed all of those firsts, but there will be other kids if you ever have a full relationship. Besides that, you get to be here for more firsts, and you’re going to be ready for it. Katie hasn’t turned out so bad, and it’s not like you’ve turned your back on her, or anything. You’re still here.” She took his hand, their food already finished. “If it helps, I know she loves you more than anything else in the world. You mean everything to her, and you always will.”

  He locked their fingers together. “You think so?”

  He wasn’t used to feeling vulnerable or weak. Not that he felt it now.

  “I know so. You’re all she talks about. As well as dogs and ponies.”

  “Weren’t you supposed to be getting a dog?” he asked.

  She pulled her hand away from him. “Yeah, I was going to but something came up and I can’t do it now.” She shrugged. “Can I use the bathroom?”

  “Are you allergic?”

  “No, I just, I have to be ready and secure. I’ll get a dog when I am. No worries.” She took his bowl from him and he watched her go, knowing there was more to it than he realized.

  Chapter Five

  Ann hadn’t been wrong. Missing the bank interview had been a big mistake as they didn’t call her back, nor did they want to arrange a new time. They had told her in no uncertain terms they weren’t the kind of people to be made fools of. When you had an appointment for a job interview, you kept it.

  The accounting firm loved her résumé and was keeping it on file, but again, nothing there. There were also no openings coming up either. She was, for all intents and purposes, on her own.

  Still no placements at the diner either.

  Glancing through the paper, she checked each job, wanting to find something. She didn’t have long. A part of her had wanted to ask Eli if he had any openings, but there was no way she would ever ask him that now.

  She imagined he was used to people taking advantage of him. She refused to be one of them.

  Rubbing above her eye, she groaned. This wasn’t good.

  There was a position at the DIY store and she circled it. This was one place she could work. She worked odd jobs growing up.

  She wasn’t the kind of woman to do a job by halves. Drinking her coffee, she checked for another one. A cleaner at a hairdresser. Again, none of these places would put her degree to good use but they were hard-working, good-paying jobs. She needed all the help she could get. After also finding dog walker openings, and even an opening at a pet grooming place, she grabbed her bag and headed out of the house.

  There was no car next door, and this weekend Katie was staying with her father.

  They had been able to see ea
ch other a couple of times throughout the week since he’d taken her virginity.

  Tucking her hair behind her ear, she waved at a couple of passing neighbors. She saw one or two whispering as they looked her way, but she refused to care. There was nothing wrong with having a healthy sexual relationship.

  Eli didn’t do anything by halves, and whenever he was around her and they were in private, he would kiss, touch, or say dirty things about what he wanted to do to her, and she loved every single second of it.

  Just thinking about it now made her hot and ready.

  Damn it. The man was a machine but in all the right parts.

  No, she wasn’t going to go to potential job interviews thinking about sex or Eli. Right now, she had to focus on just earning a living, enough to pay for her mortgage and feed herself. That was all she needed.

  For now, she was forgoing handing in a résumé and instead planned an attack approach. In person, showing them just how good she was. It was a risk, but one she was willing to take.

  The first stop on her map of finding work, dog walking.

  She went to the house where an elderly lady was waiting. It turned out she was fifteen minutes too late. She scrubbed the job off her list but the lady was kind enough to give her another address for another lady not too far from where they were.

  Writing it down, she saw it would be best to come back to the lady as she had to head into town now.

  The DIY shop was closed for lunch. If she wanted to make it to the other places, she was going to have to hurry.

  The next stop was the groomer’s. Entering the scents of dog and cat, she smiled as she caught sight of a poodle, a Labrador, and a couple of cats.

  Going up to the counter, she waited for the manager to come out. The woman was in her mid-forties with blonde hair and a sweet smile.

  “I’m afraid I can’t hire, sweetie. I already have a full-time groomer. You’re a couple of days late. If you want, if there is another opening, I’ll keep your details on file, and we can give you a call.”

  There was no way she was going to refuse work, and so she quickly wrote them down, hoping like hell this woman found her some work.


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