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Under His Protection (Brie's Submission Book 14)

Page 3

by Red Phoenix

  “It is,” he agreed. “Now breathe in…”

  Faelan stroked himself while waiting for Master O to command she breathe out. When the order came, Faelan heard Mary’s gasp of pain as the needle penetrated her nipple.

  “And now for the other.” The man growled huskily. “Breathe in and hold.” He paused for several moments, drawing out the anticipation before commanding, “And breathe out…”

  Mary gasped again and then moaned afterward.

  “And now my kiss…” he ordered in a deep voice.

  Master O took a picture afterward of Mary lying on the bed looking sexy in her blindfold, each of her nipples pierced by long silver needles. Her relaxed smile spoke to the pleasure she’d enjoyed in the exchange.

  Faelan orgasmed several times that evening to the sound of Mary’s cries of pleasure and pain, catching the euphoria in her voice when she began to fly from the subhigh inspired by Master O’s unique art.

  It was a long and very satisfying session for them all.

  In Faelan’s mind, Master O was simply an instrument. An instrument he’d employed for the pleasure and vindication for his submissive. He felt no jealousy toward the man, toward any of them he invited to play with her.

  They were simply a means to an end.

  By accepting his collar, Mary had finally made an outward commitment to him. He would honor that commitment by slowly unraveling the thorny vines that still bound her heart.

  There would come a day when she would break free. She was destined for more. He would see that she achieved it, that was his goal and his relentless pursuit.

  In the meantime, he would bide his time exploring the limitless depths of BDSM with her—the two of them having a passion for kinky and challenging experiences. When she finally reached the other side, it would be a glorious victory for her and absolution for him and his past.

  Faelan had trouble going to sleep after such a stimulating session, leaving him ample time to lie in the dark and reminisce about the changes that had come over Mary since the day she’d knelt at his feet in the hospital and offered him her total submission.

  He hadn’t dared to believe it was real until the moment he’d wrapped his belt around her neck as a makeshift collar and pulled her up to kiss those sexy lips, claiming Mary as his.

  Since then, he’d seen significant changes come over her. Knowing Mary’s harsh exterior, he was pleased to discover she had the gentle heart of a caregiver. In his weakest moment, as he struggled to recover from the transplant, she became his strength, coaxing him back to health with her tender but demanding hands.

  No task was beneath her as she made sure every instruction from his physician was followed to the T. Being a pharmacist by trade, she held the doctor’s instructions in the highest regard and worked tirelessly to make Faelan whole again.

  It was humbling to see a woman so proud and closed off from the world become an angel of mercy at his lowest points. She was proof that their dark pasts did not have to define their futures, now that they had one another to rely on.

  It gutted him whenever he thought of Mary’s father hurting her. What would she have been like if she’d grown up in a normal household raised by two loving parents?

  The truth—he’d probably never have met her had that been the case. Mary would have already graduated from college with a doting husband by her side, and started on her family of 2.5 kids.

  Mary needed him. That was the only reason Faelan had earned her collar and devotion.

  But if there had ever been any doubt about her feelings toward him, they’d been erased during his recovery. In his hour of need, she’d come to him and accepted his collar, albeit reluctantly.

  Giving Faelan that level of commitment seemed to have opened Mary up, allowing her to embrace another side of herself that he’d always suspected was there.

  Still unable to sleep, Faelan turned to lie on his back and started stroking his cock again as he thought back on one particularly erotic bandaging session. It was the night he gave Mary her sub name.

  “Faelan, don’t you move a damn muscle. I’ve got soup on the stove and bread in the oven. Now let me help with those bandages before you reinjure yourself.”

  “There’s no need to fuss over me,” he growled, tired of being in pain and being helpless like a baby in front of his newly claimed submissive.

  “Look, I’m only following your doctor’s orders,” she stated. “Don’t even think of trying to help. Lie there and be a good boy.”

  He grabbed her wrist and pulled her to him, ignoring the pain. “I’m not a boy, Mary, and you can’t expect me to lie here passively when you bend over like that.” He glanced at her tantalizing cleavage.

  “I want you to play with my girls, Faelan,” she answered, pulling away. “But only after I redress your wounds and you eat.”

  “What if I say no?”

  Mary smiled mischievously. “Then I’ll get some rope and tie you down until I’m finished. Either way, these bandages are getting redressed.”

  Faelan conceded, but he noticed the seductive way Mary went about her business: bending down at an angle that gave him the best view of her breasts, and lightly brushing his skin with an erect nipple as she meticulously followed the procedure of cleaning and dressing his wound.

  After she was finished, Mary bent down dangerously close to his lips and whispered alluringly, “And now I must get your lunch.”

  Before he could grab her, she was out the door laughing in wicked delight.

  Faelan shook his head in frustration and amusement. Ever since collaring her, he’d felt like a new man. A man with purpose and a good woman to love.

  Thank God, Ren Nosaka had agreed to the transplant even though Faelan had resented the offer in the beginning. He’d been ready to die when the Asian Dom arrived. Truly, if it hadn’t been for Nosaka’s persistence, he wouldn’t have agreed to the surgery and would be dead right now.

  That was a sobering thought…

  It was a stroke of pure genius when Brie suggested Mary take her place when she suddenly had to leave for China.

  Faelan had given up on ever seeing Mary again. When she walked through that hospital door, he was unprepared. The look of shock and betrayal on her face when she saw his condition hurt him deeply.

  It wasn’t until that moment he realized what a coward he’d been. Whining about the insidious itching and crippling pain when he should have been concentrating on one thing—healing.

  When she ran from him, Faelan had a moment of clarity.

  He immediately called his mother and asked her to bring his best suit. He’d let the girl push him away before, and he wasn’t about to let that happen again. A collar around her neck would take the pressure off them both.

  Not having to worry about how tomorrow would affect their lives allowed them the time and freedom to find their way together.

  He understood the level of commitment he was asking from her. He’d avoided it before, responding to her restless nature. But they both needed stability.

  With her willing submission came a transformation in Mary. A calmness and assuredness he hadn’t seen before. It was reflected in simple things like the way she relaxed against him when he held her and her soft, even breathing at night—now that her night terrors were a thing of the past.

  For the first time, he felt the allure of a real future together.

  Mary came back with a tray of food. What he noticed first as she walked into the room was her unbuttoned blouse, exposing those lovely breasts she’d been teasing him with.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” she said as she walked over to him, swaying her hips seductively.

  Faelan reach out his hand and caressed the swell of her breast. “I’m definitely hungry for these.”

  “And they’re all yours as soon as you eat everything here.”

  He glanced at the tray, surprised by the amount of food she’d prepared. Not only was there a huge bowl of soup, but a hunk of bread and a dish of spaghetti squ
ash. “I’m not even hungry. No way I can eat all that.”

  Mary wiggled her breasts in front of him. “Are you sure you aren’t hungry?”

  He lunged forward to kiss one and groaned in pain from the effort, falling back against the headboard. “Oh God, that hurts…”

  Mary set the tray down and rushed to him. “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t mean for you to hurt yourself.”

  Although he was suffering real pain, the moment her breasts were close enough, he grabbed her around the waist and brought that sweet nipple to his mouth. Mary struggled unconvincingly as he sucked and nibbled on her delicious flesh, momentarily forgetting his pain as his cock stiffened between his legs.

  “Oh, I see how it is…taking advantage of your nurse. I could have your head for this.”

  Faelan unzipped his pants and exposed his rigid shaft. “Are you speaking about this head, per chance?”

  “You’re so bad,” she teased.

  “Why don’t you lick it and tell me how bad it is.”

  Mary smiled up at him as Faelan pushed her head toward his crotch, groaning in satisfaction when her lips made contact.

  “You’re pretty tangy, mister.”

  “Suck on it, nurse. I’m sure if you swallow it whole it’ll go down smoothly.”

  Faelan felt a stabbing pain in his side, but he ignored it, enjoying watching his cock disappear down her throat far too much. No one could deepthroat a man like Mary. She was in a class all by herself.

  He leaned his head back, using the pain as a vehicle to propel the intensity of his orgasm. Chills covered his skin as he felt his mounting release build.

  “Oh God, don’t stop,” he commanded as he came, grabbing the back of her head and pumping his seed deep in her throat. Mary never gagged, taking his thrusts with gusto.

  White-hot pain shot through his body at the end of his climax, taking his breath away. It added to the intensity of the experience and he cried out in animalistic passion after it passed.

  “Was it satisfying?” she asked, gently licking his cock as she looked at him with those lustful eyes that stirred his soul.

  He petted her hair. “You are a slice of heaven in a crazy world.”

  Swirling her tongue around the head of his cock, she smiled. “Can’t say I’ve ever been called that before.”

  “Well, you are, my sexy angel.”

  Mary laughed. “I think you must be feverish. This girl ain’t no angel, baby.”

  He pulled her up and held her close. “You are my angel. You’ve given me a whole new life.” A name came to mind and he shared it with her. “I’ve wondered what your sub name would be because nothing seemed to fit. I know what it is now.”

  She pulled away to look at him. “I’ve been curious myself. Have to admit I was getting slightly concerned since you haven’t given me one yet. But then, I’d rather not have one than be forced to answer to some ridiculous nickname.”

  “It’s Celtic in origin, like mine. You pronounce it Awn-ya although it’s spelled quite differently. Any guesses to the meaning?”

  Mary shook her head. “Not making a fool of myself by guessing, but I do like the sound of it.”

  “The name means radiance.”

  “Radiance?” she questioned with a laughing snort.

  He took her face in his hands and told her solemnly, “You guided me out of the darkness. You, Mary Wilson, are my angel of light.”

  She looked at him strangely, saying nothing. He was unsure if she was considering a polite way to tell him the name sucked, but as her eyes pooled with tears, he realized he’d hit the mark with the name.

  He smiled at her. “There’s no reason to cry.”

  “You don’t understand,” Mary said, swiping at her tears. “I’ve been called a whore all my life. I came to believe it and even embraced the title. But you…you’re changing me.”

  “No. I’m only exposing what’s already there.”

  “It scares me,” she confessed.


  “I don’t know.”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “There’s no reason to be scared, awnya. I love you and would never hurt you.”

  She settled against him but was tense in his arms. However, as the minutes passed she eventually relaxed in his embrace. “Awnya, huh? I could get used to that…”

  He brushed her blonde hair back to gaze at her, his heart overflowing with love. Mary seemed to grow uncomfortable under his intense gaze, however, and pulled away.

  Taking on the role as his nurse, she announced, “So now that you’ve got your fun, my naughty patient, it’s time for you to eat!”

  Mary remained a complicated woman, but it made him love her all the more.

  Mystery Package

  Mary had just returned from Italy the day before, and was heading out the front door determined to restock their dwindling grocery supply when he heard her cry out in surprise.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She came back inside with a stunned look on her face, holding up a DVD to him. “Did you do this?”

  Faelan felt the hairs rise on the back of his neck. “That didn’t come from me.”

  The smile on Mary’s face disappeared as she stared at the DVD case. “If it wasn’t you, then…?”

  “It must have been your mysterious benefactor,” Faelan finished. He was unnerved that the man had returned to Mary’s life—and he was certain it was a dude, although the person’s identity had never been discovered. Even more unsettling was knowing the man had tracked Mary down to this place.

  Faelan remembered the day when Mary had shared a sweet childhood memory of an anonymous donor leaving gifts on her doorstep. Faelan thought it was endearing at the time. However, it took on a whole different tone now that she was an adult.

  “Did the person leave you any clues?”

  “No, like before it’s just the DVD. But it’s the latest Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast, and it doesn’t come out in theaters for two more weeks!” Mary squealed in delight.

  “Don’t you find it a little odd that your benefactor started up again after all these years?”

  “Hey, I’m not about to look a gift horse in the mouth, buddy.” She danced around in a circle as if the movie was her partner. “It’s not every day you get your hands on the newest movie before it’s released in theaters.”

  Faelan could see how happy Mary was by this unexpected gift. Rather than upset her, he kept his misgivings to himself.

  Mary ran over to place the DVD in his hands. “You hold on to this, and I’ll be right back. I’m adding popcorn and Skittles to the list so we can watch the movie in style.”

  Faelan looked up at her incredulously. “You do realize I’m a man.”

  “Oh baby, come on.” She pouted prettily. “Watch it for your little subbie…”

  “What do I get if I watch it?”

  She gestured to the movie case, moving her hand up and down like Vanna White and stating in an announcer’s voice, “If you watch this piece of American art with me, you will win free access to your subbie’s body.”

  “I already get that as your Master,” he answered drolly.

  She leaned over him, whispering, “You can cross a hard limit.”

  He cocked his head. “Anything?”

  Pressing against him, she answered, “Yes.”

  “Disney it is then.”

  Mary jumped up and down, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before running out the door. He had to admit, seeing this side of her was entertaining and sweet. Still…

  Faelan looked at the colorful case with the dancing couple in the ballroom and shook his head. The man who left this on their doorstep was clearly sending a message. Somehow this stranger knew that this was Mary’s favorite show, and that she was now residing here.

  It didn’t sit right with Faelan, but when Mary returned she was a bundle of childlike joy as she settled against him with her bowl of popcorn, and he couldn’t help feeling differently. She was just too damn ador
able like this.

  “I can’t believe it,” Mary gushed. “I’m watching Beauty and the Beast in my home before everyone else sees the movie.”

  When she said the word home, Faelan suddenly felt more at ease. Mary was content here, something she had never experienced before. Was it possible his feelings of jealousy stemmed from the fact he was content as well and was simply afraid of losing this?

  Wrapping his arm around Mary, he made the conscious decision to accept this mysterious gift and reap the rewards of it for himself. “Do you know what I am going to have you do for me?” he growled in her ear as the intro music filled the room.

  She looked back at him, her eyes sparkling. “No. What?”

  He walked his fingers slowly up her thigh. “Vanilla sex.”

  “No! You can’t be serious.”

  Faelan bit her shoulder, causing goosebumps to cover her smooth skin. “Oh, but I am…”

  Faelan had envisioned this encounter with Mary for years—ever since that night when she’d bared her soul to him, explaining how she’d lost her virginity as a young woman.

  “You’re telling me your father stole your innocence?” Faelan pressed when she shared the circumstances with him.

  She glared. “That’s not what I meant.”

  Faelan caressed her cheek, looking at Mary with compassion and tenderness. “I want to know what happened to you.”

  Mary growled. “It’s not like he had sex with me, if that’s what you’re thinking.”

  “Okay…but a little explanation here would help.”

  Mary stared at him warily.

  Faelan understood this was a rare opportunity being given to him, a gift of trust, and he took hold of her hand, meeting her gaze. “No judgments here. I only want to understand.”

  Her eyes softened. After several moments, Mary finally spoke. “My sixteenth birthday…”

  Faelan felt his hackles instantly go up, his heart already breaking before she said another word.

  “My father told me he was stopping me from ruining the life of another man—like my mother had.” Her voice suddenly became distant, soulless. “The bastard tied me up like he had hundreds of times before, but…” She shook her head and looked down at the floor, her bottom lip trembling.


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