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Under His Protection (Brie's Submission Book 14)

Page 4

by Red Phoenix

  “What?” he asked gently.

  Mary looked him dead in the eye. “That fucker used the handle of my mother’s rolling pin so I could never use my virginity to ‘enslave a man to hell’.”

  Faelan wrapped Mary in his arms, fighting the urge to punch something. She needed his compassion, not his justified anger.

  Mary remained stiff and unyielding in his embrace, eventually pulling away. “It wasn’t like it was sexual or anything.”

  “But he violated his own daughter—an innocent girl,” he stated, his voice gruff with emotion.

  “Innocent?” Mary’s laughter was cold. “My mom was a cunt and my dad an abusive asshole. So what do you think that makes me?”

  “A girl who endured hell.”

  Mary closed her eyes and shook her head. “Nope. I am a product of my heritage. That’s why I will never have kids.”

  Faelan lifted her chin. “Mary, what they did…that’s not on you, it’s on them.”

  Mary shrugged and looked away.

  He turned her head back and gazed into her eyes. “Only a woman with strength could survive what you did. But you didn’t just survive, you overcame it. Graduating early to pursue a career as a pharmacist to help others—you did all that because it’s who you are.”

  “I was such a fucking sap…”

  Faelan grasped her chin and repeated, “That is who you are. Smart, uncompromising, and compassionate.”

  Mary laughed. “Compassionate, me? Hah! I would like you to find one other person who would call me that.”

  “Anyone who has ever received medication from your hand would say so. What else would you call a woman who chose her profession solely to protect people?”

  “Foolish?” she suggested with a sarcastic grin.

  “No, Mary.” He cupped her face in both hands. “You lost connection to your truth because of your abusive upbringing. I want to help you reconnect.”

  Mary snorted dismissively. “What? Now you’re my spiritual advisor?”

  “I am your Dom—the man charged to guide and stand beside you.”

  Mary stared at him for a long time. “You don’t know who I am.”

  “You’re wrong. I see you very clearly.” Faelan touched the center of her forehead with his fingertip. “It is you who can’t see.”

  She shook her head and snarled, pushing away from him. “Don’t you dare put me on a pedestal. I promise it will come crashing down on you.”

  “Mary, I see your flaws and…I get them. You don’t need to hide anything from me. I accept and love you for who you are.”

  “Why do you do this, Faelan?”

  “Do what?”

  “Get all understanding and sweet on me? I need you to be a man who won’t back down.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m forcing you to face your biggest fear. As much as you say you want me to Dominate you, you fight me whenever it gets real.”

  “The fuck I do…”

  “Do not mistake my acceptance of your flaws as weakness, Mary. I am not a lesser man for loving you. I am the only man strong enough to break through that impossible wall you have built around you.”

  “Fuck you! I don’t need you to save me.”

  Faelan caressed her clenched jaw. “Trust that I know exactly what you need, and I will get you through to the other side.”

  “There you go again, getting all mushy on me,” she complained.

  The girl had been rejected, battered, and bruised, never knowing what it was to be truly loved. Faelan understood that about her, and unlike all the other men who had passed through Mary’s life, he was determined to help her reconnect with the innocence that had been taken from her—stripped away by the very person who was supposed to protect it.

  She had only known pain, using sheer grit and cold resentment to survive. He knew there were those close to him who questioned why he stayed loyal to her. Why put up with her constant outbursts and distrust?

  But he was a man on a mission.

  It had taken patience to wait until the timing was right. Tonight would bring to fruition what he’d envisioned for her that night two years ago.

  “I will be collecting my debt after work.”

  “What? You expect me to get excited about vanilla sex with you?” she said with disinterest as she finished getting ready for work.

  He planted a deep, possessive kiss on those teasing lips. “I will leave you breathless when I’m done.”

  “That’s mighty big talk considering all the things we’ve done together.”

  “Just you wait,” he answered with a wolfish grin. “There are clothes laid out for you on the bed for tonight. Follow the instructions and meet me at the designated location.”

  She gave him a quick peck on the lips, smiling. “What exactly are you up to, Mr. Wallace?”

  He didn’t answer as he put on his jacket and headed for the door.

  “I hate vanilla you know,” she said behind him.

  He smiled to himself and turned to face her. “Come here.”

  Mary made her way to him, a smirk on her lips.

  Placing his finger on those sarcastic lips, he commanded, “Trust me.” He stroked the collar around her neck for emphasis.

  She flashed him a look before darting her eyes to the floor.

  “Where’s the trust?” he insisted.

  Mary took a deep breath, letting it out slowly before replying, “Fine. I concede.”

  He chuckled at her answer. “No. You must submit. There’s a huge difference.”

  She pursed her lips, but eventually acquiesced. “I submit, Master.”

  “Good. After work you will cleanse your entire body and make it acceptable for sacrifice.”

  She flashed him a naughty smile. “Sacrifice? Now you’re talking.” She paused for a moment, visibly shivering. “I can’t wait to see how this ‘vanilla’ night plays out…”

  Faelan knew she would have hesitated had he shared his true intent—and he wasn’t about to let Mary bolt.

  As he guided her out the door ahead of him, Mary suddenly blurted, “Oh, I forgot something. Don’t wait for me.”

  Faelan smiled as he left, knowing Mary would run to the bedroom to see what her instructions were. He’d kept them purposely vague.

  The note read:

  Dress with minimal makeup and your hair down. A cab will pick you up at 7:00. Everything I want you to wear is in this box. No peeking until you get my text.

  He laughed to himself. If she dared to peek, she would only find another note admonishing her for her disobedience.

  There might be a spanking in your future if you fail to obey…

  He looked back at the apartment, thinking of Mary with lustful amusement.

  After Faelan finished his workday, he changed into the suit he’d stashed in the car. It was the same one he’d worn at the hospital when he’d collared Mary. He understood how close he’d been to losing her that day. Despite her fears, she’d knelt at his feet.

  It was a significant commitment for both of them.

  He wanted to remind Mary of her courage by wearing the suit tonight. Her trust then had meant everything to him, and this evening he would reward it.

  Faelan gave the night manager instructions before heading out of the store, amid the whistles from some of the female cashiers who were appreciative of his more stylish attire. He never responded to their flirtations, but he certainly enjoyed the attention.

  Easing into his cobalt Mustang, he revved the engine several times before heading out, feeling an incredible burst of energy anticipating what he had planned for the evening.

  Faelan texted Mary, knowing she was headed home in LA traffic.

  Your clothes are hanging behind the door in the spare room.

  It was a test.

  Aren’t they in the box? she typed back.

  He smiled, gratified to know she had obeyed, although he was certain Mary had suffered the entire day wondering what the box contained. It was proof that s
he was making significant progress.

  She would never see this coming…but he knew she was ready for it.

  He sat at the bar waiting for Mary to enter the restaurant. He enjoyed the anticipation as he watched others come and go.

  She arrived dressed in the simple black cocktail dress he’d picked out for her. It accented her striking blonde hair and shapely body. He watched with pride as several men turned to admire her.

  Mary was a stunning beauty.

  Faelan stood up and called out to her when it was obvious she didn’t see him.

  She turned her head with an amused smile on her face. “So, what’s the idea behind my subdued getup? Minimal makeup and just look at these shoes.” Mary lifted her exposed calf up to the delight of the men around her and pouted as she caressed the heel. “Four inches? You know I prefer six.”

  One of the men beside Faelan lifted his glass to his mouth, chuckling into his drink.

  Fealan appreciated Mary’s sexual reference and shot her a wicked grin, glancing down at his crotch. “Don’t worry, doll. I’ve got what you need right here.”

  The other men watched her for a reaction. Mary fed on their attention and leaned over seductively, whispering loudly in his ear so they could hear, “Why don’t we skip dinner so you can show me that bad boy?”

  Faelan knew every man at the bar was wishing she were his date for the evening.

  Too bad…

  He took Mary’s hand and kissed it, winking at her. “You’ll need sustenance if you’re to survive what I have planned tonight.”

  “Oh…” Mary purred. “I love the way you sweet-talk me.”

  Faelan nodded to the waiter to let him know they were ready. Placing his hand on the small of Mary’s back, he guided her away from the hungry vultures and over to the private booth he’d reserved for them.

  “Are we going to do it here?” Mary asked excitedly as she sat down.

  “No,” Faelan answered, taking out a thin wrapped box from his jacket and sliding it over to her. “A gift.”

  She laughed. “Oh, let me guess—a box of condoms.”

  “Open it.”

  Mary ripped at the paper and looked surprised to see a flat velvet box with a clasp. She held it in her hands and looked at him questioningly.

  “Open,” he commanded again with a charming smile.

  Mary undid the clasped and lifted it slowly. She said nothing, a stunned expression on her face.

  Faelan waited, in no hurry as she took it in.

  Mary reached out to caress the necklace with a look of reverence.

  “I remember you said it was your favorite.”

  She simply nodded, her eyes focused on the necklace.

  “I bought it a few weeks ago in anticipation of the movie releasing on the big screen, but felt it was right to give it to you now. Would you like me to put it on for you?” he asked when she didn’t respond.

  “No. Not yet. I want to admire it a bit more.”

  Mary caressed the red ruby that represented the rose, then ran her fingers over the intricate mosaic of the Beast dancing with his beauty outlined in gold.

  “I’ve never seen anything this beautiful before.”

  Faelan chuckled, pleased by her reaction. “Glad you like it.”

  “No,” she stated, turning toward him. “You don’t understand. This means more to me than you can ever know.” Her bottom lip trembled as she looked down at the necklace.

  Mary nodded as she stared down at it for several moments, seeming too moved to speak. Finally, she said, “No one has ever taken my love of Disney seriously—and my dad was brutal about it. But…that’s because nobody understood that these movies saved my life when I was a kid. I needed to believe in magic and in a land far, far away. I lived the lives of every princess that came along, believing deep down that someday my prince would come. That belief was the only thing that kept me hanging on when I was ready to give up.”

  “I’m grateful they had that unique impact on you,” Faelan said with sincerity, truly appreciating their significance in her life.

  She gave him a wistful smile. “I never found out who sent me the movies, but the instant a new Disney movie came out, a copy of it would arrive on my doorstep. I always figured it had to be one of the neighbors, but no one ever ’fessed up.”

  “It let you know someone cared.”

  Tears welled up in her eyes. “Yep,” she choked out.

  “It became a lifeline back then.”

  Mary nodded, looking as if she were going to cry. “I can’t tell you how many times I watched them all, but this one,” she said, caressing the necklace again, “this one has always held a special place in my heart.” She looked up at him, all sweet and vulnerable—a vision of the girl she’d been once. “Would you?” she asked, handing the necklace to him.

  “Of course.”

  Faelan took it from her and fastened it around her neck, adjusting it so that it complemented her collar. He smiled at her with pride afterward. “Perfect.”

  Mary looked down at the necklace, unable to keep from touching the stones. “I’ve never seen anything this exquisite before.”

  “I didn’t want to buy you simple costume jewelry, so I enlisted Celestia’s help. She knows a few people in the fine jewelry business.”

  “Does she now?”

  “She’s friends with the artist who created this necklace, which is how I was able to purchase it for you. The man uses precious stones such as sapphire, emerald, amber, amethyst to create the mosaic.” He shrugged and laughed. “Plus a few others I’ve never heard of.”

  “It’s stunning. A real showstopper.”

  “Like you.”

  Mary looked up at him with tenderness. “I will never forget this, Faelan.”

  He leaned over to kiss her, but when he tried to pull away, she wrapped her arms around him, kissing him more deeply, confessing in a soft whisper, “I don’t want this moment to end…”

  “Lucky for you, the night is just beginning.”

  After dinner, Faelan surprised Mary by taking her to a dollar theater to watch the original Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. It was amusing sitting amongst a bunch of children, while they were dressed in their fine clothes. Mary totally ate it up, especially when some of the girls pointed to her and whispered something about a “princess”.

  Mary giggled—an actual giggle came out of her pretty mouth. Faelan shook his head, amazed at the magic spell this movie seemed to evoke.

  Faelan spent the whole movie sitting back and observing Mary as she watched the show with rapt attention. It amused him that her lips moved throughout the movie as she mouthed every word. There was no doubt that the poor girl had truly watched that show hundreds of times. For some reason, instead of it becoming mind-numbingly boring to her, it only added to her adoration of it.

  After the lights went up, the girls around her approached Mary and one was brave enough to ask, “Are you a princess?”

  Faelan stepped in and answered for Mary. “Yes she is, but you have to keep it a secret.” He put his finger to his lips. “If the enchantress finds out, she will turn my beautiful princess into a pill bottle. She works as a pharmacist, you see.”

  The girl nodded but looked at the others, unsure what to make of Faelan’s answer.

  The smallest one in the group piped up. “So does that mean you’re her prince?”

  Mary took over. “He’s actually a big fluffy wolf, but was turned into a man to protect me.”

  The little girl walked up to Faelan and started petting him. “Nice puppy.”

  Faelan gave Mary a stern look, but then smiled down at the girl.

  “What are you doing, Francesca? We don’t touch strangers,” a woman cried, grabbing the girl’s hand. She looked up at Faelan and her voice caught for a moment.

  “I…ah…sorry for my daughter’s actions.”

  He grinned. “Not a problem.”

  The woman continued to stare at him as a blush slowly crept up he
r cheeks. He wondered if she’d recognized him from the documentary.

  “Mommy, he’s not a prince, he’s a dog.”

  “Wolf, actually,” Mary chimed in.

  The woman shook her head, certain she hadn’t heard clearly. “Anyway, we’d better be going…” She hurried off with her daughter trailing behind her. The little girl looked back as they left and waved as they made their way out.

  “That was adorable,” Mary exclaimed.

  “What’s adorable was watching you during the movie.”

  “Why?” she asked, sliding her arm around his.

  “The way you react to everything…it makes me smile.”

  “As long as you’re not laughing at me.”

  “Not at all.” Faelan stopped in the middle of the theater hallway and turned to face her. “I love you.”

  She smiled, the kind of smile that reached all the way up into her eyes. “I love you, too.”

  He had to step back as a little kid ran between them and he laughed. “That’s what I get for bringing you to a dollar theater.”

  Mary wrapped her arms around his waist, under his suit jacket. “I’m glad you brought me here. It makes me feel like a kid again, in the best way.”

  “Anything for you.” He kissed her on the nose and guided her out of the noisy theater.

  “So where to now?” she asked, swinging their hands as he walked her to the car.

  “We’ re headed home.”

  “Sacrifice…” she whispered, giving him a seductive smile.

  “Sweet sacrifice,” he answered.

  “What does that mean?”

  Faelan opened the car door, raising his eyebrow as he said, “Get in and find out.”

  Mary slid into the seat gracefully and looked up at him. “Even if it’s lame, I want you to know everything so far makes up for it.”

  Faelan chuckled as he shut the door.

  She still didn’t trust him…

  His Innocent

  Once they arrived back at the apartment, he helped her out of the car and murmured in her ear, “I want you to imagine that you and I have only recently met and we’ve just ended our very vanilla date. I am inviting you inside because I’m really into you and I’m hoping you’ll stay awhile.”


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