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Crash & Burn (Into The Fire Series Book 10)

Page 9

by J. H. Croix

  When I slipped my hand up around his neck, my fingers teasing his shaggy hair, I breathed a sigh of relief when he didn’t hesitate. Bending low, he fit his mouth over mine—a brush of his lips, a soft nip, and then his tongue swept inside when I arched into him.

  Dear God. Remy kissed like a god—a mix of soft and gentle, rough and hard, and the contrast sent me spiraling inside.

  One of his hands cupped my cheek, his thumb brushing across the crest of my cheekbone, before sliding it into my hair and gripping lightly. The subtle sting on my scalp was welcome. Every sensation he elicited was laced with pleasure.

  His other hand slid down my back, the heat and strength of it so delicious I moaned into our kiss. The sound seemed to spur him on. Cupping my bottom, he rocked his hips into the apex of my thighs. The feel of his hard arousal through the rough denim of his jeans elicited a gasp.

  Everything was sensitized—my skin tingled all over and slick heat built in my core. I’d been wet pretty much since Remy showed up tonight. He was so fucking sexy. He had a straight line to my desire, his presence all that was necessary to amp me up.

  With his tongue stroking against mine, I mapped my hands over his chest, savoring the hard planes and the contrast to my softness. He muttered something roughly when my nails scored his back through his T-shirt.

  Breaking free from our kiss, he murmured, “I don’t know how far you want us to go.”

  Although he hadn’t framed it as a question, I knew he was asking one. Sweet hell. This man was going to slay me—body, heart, and soul.

  Although Bruce had left scars, he never had a shot at my heart. Remy was close to stealing it already.

  “Oh, we’re not stopping,” I said, holding his gaze.

  If this was the only night I allowed myself this decadent pleasure, there wasn’t a chance in hell I was letting it pass me by.

  When Remy’s mouth curled into a slow smile, sending my belly into flips and my heart thudding hard and fast, I practically fell over.

  “Good thing we’re on the same page. In that case, where’s your bedroom, sweetheart?”

  One word, just a casual endearment, and I almost melted.

  Taking a shallow breath, I stepped back, catching his hand as I turned. Glancing over to check on Henry, I saw him deep in sleep in his favorite chair in the corner. I’d never brought a man home since I’d had him. Usually, he slept at the foot of my bed. I didn’t particularly mind if he did that, but I didn’t want an up close and personal audience, not right now.

  As I led Remy into my bedroom, I was beyond relieved I had gotten rid of every piece of furniture after Bruce came through my life like a wrecking ball. This was the modern world, and it wasn’t like I thought everything had to be fresh. But all of that held memories I didn’t want. Getting rid of everything connected to him had been cleansing.

  Stepping through the door into my bedroom, I nudged my elbow on the light switch, the two lamps in the corners flicking on low. At the sound of the door clicking shut behind us, I had a moment of intense anxiety. Before Bruce, I’d been reasonably confident when it came to sex. But in a matter of months, Bruce had ruined sex for me. He was perpetually unsatisfied and always blamed it on me. I knew now—far too late to stop what happened—that was a common issue with men like him.

  The effect was so destructive that Remy was the first man I had kissed in over a year.

  I beat back the sense of anxiety. For a moment, I was afraid I was going to freeze up. Wordlessly, Remy took care of that instantly. His hands slid down my sides where I had stepped into the room ahead of him. There was something about his touch, so strong and so sure, bordering on worshipful.

  “Turn around, sweetheart,” he murmured, the gruff sound of his voice like a hot caress.

  It was impossible not to do what Remy asked. Maybe that was a me thing, but I couldn’t imagine any woman saying no to him.

  Turning, I collided with his liquid hot gaze. Remy was all man—unapologetic, virile masculinity. And the way he looked at me—it’s a miracle I didn’t simply melt like butter.

  “What?” I asked when he stayed quiet.

  His gaze heated as his eyes dipped down to travel over my body and back up. “Oh, I’m just wondering how fast I can get all those clothes off.”

  I swallowed as heat flashed through me. The chemistry between us was so powerful, it overrode all the doubts crowding for space in my mind. The doubts that usually had me thinking too hard, wondering if I was doing the right thing, or the wrong thing. With Remy, it was all sensation driven by pure desire. It was such a relief not to think.

  I laughed and then shimmied out of my skirt, flinging my T-shirt to the floor with one hand. This time, when his gaze swept up and down my body, I could feel the burn of it on my skin.

  With an ache building between my thighs, I shifted my legs restlessly. Remy was right there in front of me, his lips dusting hot kisses over my shoulder, his hands, so big and rough, sliding over the curves of my hips. His hardness such a contrast to my softness.

  “Sweetheart, you’re just about gonna kill me.”

  I swallowed, meaning to say something. Whatever it was dissolved into a breathy sigh as he lifted me easily, striding a few steps to my bed before stretching me out over it. He straightened and reached behind his neck to pull his shirt off in one motion.

  I’d gotten a glimpse of his chest that afternoon at the fire station but somehow, I’d forgotten the glory. My mouth went dry, my sex clenching as he flung his shirt to the side where it joined my clothes on the floor. While I was busy absorbing the sight of him, he kicked his boots and jeans off and stood before me in nothing but a pair of briefs.

  His arousal was quite evident. I was acutely aware of the wet silk between my thighs. The thought of him filling me had my sex clenching.

  Before I had time to formulate anything remotely resembling a thought, Remy was stretching out beside me on the bed and pressing kisses in the valley between my breasts. My hands were greedy, mapping his chest, sliding down over his hard ass and rocking into him when he rolled partially over me.

  I wanted everything. All at once. But my want was quickly supplanted by the sheer torture he put me through. Pleasure and need collided as he explored me with his hands and mouth, sending sparks scattering through me.

  The entire world narrowed to this—Remy and me, tangled up together. He kissed me everywhere it seemed. I was restless, my hips rocking into him almost frantically. Meanwhile, he took his sweet time, leisurely making his way down my body, mapping kisses across my breasts and belly.

  One of his palms teased along the inside of my thigh as he pushed my knees apart, settling his broad shoulders between my thighs. Restless, I rocked my hips into his touch as he trailed his fingers over the wet silk. He rolled to the side, hooking his fingers over the edge of my panties and dragging them off so efficiently I barely even noticed.

  “Damn, sweetheart. All for me,” he murmured, the rough satisfaction in his words sending a wash of heat through me.

  He dragged a fingertip through my slick folds, eliciting little gasps and pants from me. I needed more.


  I must’ve said that out loud. Two thick fingers sank inside just as he put his mouth against me. I almost came instantly when his tongue swirled around my clit and he drove his fingers deeply inside. Remy made me crazy, so sensitized just by being near him, I was already at the edge.

  Dear God, the man’s tongue was talented. He drove me wild with lazy swirls over my clit, as if he had all the time in the world. He fucked me slowly with his fingers, pushing me closer and closer to the delicious edge.

  I was gripping the sheets as I gasped his name, a broken chant, begging and pleading. With another deep drive of his fingers, he sucked my clit into his mouth. Pleasure burst through me, shattering me, and leaving me ragged and boneless.

  I felt him draw away, instantly missing his closeness. Opening my eyes, I saw him produce a condom from somewhere. For a flas
h, I worried if he would even fit. Remy was a large man. He easily cleared six feet by several inches, with a heavy muscled body to match, and a long, thick cock to go along with the whole package.

  I barely had time to absorb the sight of him before he rolled the condom on, his rich green gaze pinned to me in the dim light. “Now’s the time to tell me if you don’t want things to go any further,” he said, his words gruff and intent.

  Ever since he sent me flying the other night, I’d been trying to tell myself this was just sex—way overdue, hot, and delicious sex.

  While that was quite true, the way I felt when I was with Remy was something more—something electric, that caught on the edges of my heart and strummed through my body, a chord vibrating only for him.

  “Don’t you dare stop,” I heard myself saying.

  His lips curled at the corner, one of his deliciously sexy half-grins. With his eyes locked to mine, his knee pressed down between my thighs, the mattress dipping as be brought his weight down over me.

  I was discovering that Remy didn’t do anything quickly. His hands slid slowly up my thighs and sides as his hips came to rest in the cradle of mine. The calloused surface of his palms sent sparks of heat across the surface of my skin as he cupped my breasts, briefly brushing his thumbs across my tight, achy nipples.

  Then, he was dipping his head, dusting kisses along my collarbone and up my neck before he found my mouth. His tongue slipped in, nice and slow, as I moaned his name into our kiss.

  When he rocked his hips against me, the hard length of him slid through my slick folds. I was soaked from need and the juices of my last climax, so wet my thighs were damp.

  It didn’t matter that I’d found my release only moments ago. All I wanted was more.

  Too soon, he drew away from the wet heat of our kiss, and I whimpered.

  “I need to see you, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  My eyelids were heavy, but I managed to open them, looking into his hot gaze. He rocked his hips again, the underside of his cock sliding over my swollen clit. Pleasure spun through me, eddies of my last climax—sharp, piercing, and sweet.

  “Remy,” I gasped, my voice ragged and needy, his name nothing more than a plea.

  “Right here, sweetheart.” With a subtle shift of his hips, I felt the thick head of his cock at my entrance, my legs shifting reflexively to make room.

  He slid inside me with slow deliberation, an almost painful tease of pleasure as he filled me. The stretch of him was so intoxicating, I could hardly bear it.

  It had been a while for me. Long enough that the fit was tight. Remy’s generous size didn’t exactly help matters.

  On the heels of a deep breath, he nudged forward slightly, and I cried out. Between the stretch of him and the pressure resting against my clit, I was already dancing along the edge of another release. All over again.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I felt as if I had tumbled into heaven. With Rachel’s slick, tight heat surrounding me, clenching me, it was all I could do to maintain any control. Her skin was silky, and her curves soft and lush. Having all of her bare and warm underneath me was about as close to heaven as I could imagine. Not to be blasphemous, but it was the plain truth.

  Her channel throbbed around me as her hips rocked restlessly into me. Her deep blue gaze was dark in the low lighting of her bedroom. I drew back slowly and sank inside again, a low groan escaping when she gasped, her body rippling under mine.

  I meant to drag this out, to savor it. But I couldn’t. It was too much, too good. I felt as if I was drugged with pleasure, with Rachel.

  Her legs curled around my hips as she arched into me. Her nipples were taut and damp as they pressed into me, every point of contact searing my skin and spinning around my heart, cinching tighter and tighter.

  “Fuck, Rachel, you feel so good,” I murmured on the heels of another surge inside as her channel clenched my cock tightly, holding it exactly where it needed to be, buried deep inside of her.

  She leaned up, her lips dusting hot kisses along my neck, every kiss sending jolts of lightning straight through me. Unable to hold back any longer, I rose up slightly and drew back. She took every inch as I buried myself inside her.

  “Remy,” she gasped.

  She set the pace for us, restlessly shifting her hips until I was drumming into her. I could feel her quickening, her breath becoming ragged, her eyes dilated, and her pussy clamping down around my cock. Reaching between us, I pressed lightly on her clit and watched as she flew apart, gasping my name.

  My own climax was already gathering inside, tightening at the base of my spine and then snapping through me like a bolt of lightning, the release so intense, I fell against her in the aftermath. Shifting my weight, I rolled us over until she was laying half on top of me while I was still buried inside of her.

  She rested her head against my shoulder, her breath coming in soft gusts across my skin, the sensation tangling up inside of everything else coursing through me. My heartbeat slowed gradually as I held her fast against me. I didn’t want to get up. Ever.

  The following morning, I woke slightly disoriented. As the haze of sleep cleared, I reached reflexively for Rachel, instantly missing her presence when I realized she wasn’t there. Rolling to my side, I saw the bathroom door was open and heard the sound of running water.

  I knew exactly where I wanted to be. Kicking the covers off, I strode quickly into the bathroom. Rachel’s form was blurry through the glass shower doors. My cock stirred at the thought of seeing her.

  Opening the door, I stepped in to find bubbles rolling down over her curves and her skin flushed pink. Her sweet ass—and damn, she had a sweet ass—was the first place my eyes snagged.

  “Mornin’, sweetheart,” I murmured as I slid my hands down over her wet curves.

  Her answering squeak sent a surge of blood straight to my groin. I discovered last night that I fucking loved the sounds Rachel made. Rough cries, soft gasps, little whimpers, and bossy orders when she got impatient. That might’ve been my favorite part.

  “Remy!” she exclaimed as she spun in my arms.

  “Oh perfect.” I immediately slid my palms up over the soft curve of her belly to cup her breasts. They were plump and heavy in my palms, her nipples immediately tightening when I brushed my thumbs across them, the soap making everything slippery and slick. “You sound surprised to see me,” I added.

  She drew back, her smile slightly bashful, paired with a naughty glint in her eye.

  “A little,” she admitted as her hand slid down and curled around my cock, which was standing at attention, more than thrilled to see her.

  As soon as I heard the shower, I had it in my head I would be climbing in here and burying myself in her core. She took the reins right out of my hands. With a firm push of her palm against my chest, my back collided with the cool tile behind me as she shimmied down and promptly sucked my cock into her mouth.

  “Fuck. Oh, Rachel.” I groaned, one palm slapping against the tile as I threaded my other hand in her damp hair and hung on for dear life.

  Her tongue slicked around the base of my cock as she drew up slowly, glancing through her wet eyelashes. She swirled her tongue around the tip, the sight alone almost making me come.

  I tried to say something, but the only thing that came out was another rough groan. I have no idea how long she was sucking on my cock. All I knew was the feel of her, the warm suction of her mouth around me, her tongue driving me wild, and then my release pouring into her mouth. Drawing back, she licked her lips and grinned as she straightened. Meanwhile, I was barely managing to stand with the hot water pounding down over us. Thank fuck I had a wall behind me.

  Somehow, I pulled it together and returned the favor. I was quite certain no man could resist Rachel’s sweet pink pussy, or the sounds she made when I buried my fingers inside of her and teased her with my tongue. I would die a happy man if I died with those sounds ringing in my ears.

we made practical use of the shower, Rachel made coffee and insisted on making me breakfast. I discovered last night she was an amazing cook, but I was fairly certain she made the best French toast I’d ever had in my life—light and fluffy with a dash of cinnamon, cardamom, and vanilla. Pairing that with rich dark coffee, and I was a contented man, all senses thoroughly sated.

  The only problem? I actually had to leave. Rachel had to go to work, and I needed to get to the station. I wasn’t due out for an overnight, but I did have a job, and unfortunately it didn’t involve staying tangled up naked with Rachel for hours on end.

  She chased me out of the kitchen, so I watched as she loaded the dishwasher, my heart thudding erratically in my chest. Looking for a way to collect myself, I glanced at the clock above the stove. Seven thirty a.m. I need to be at the station by eight. Slipping off the stool, I stood just as she closed the dishwasher and turned.

  With her hair down, her skin flushed from our shower, and not a lick of makeup on, she was so damn sexy, she stole my breath.

  “I gotta go,” I said quietly.

  She studied me for a few beats, and I wished I could see what the hell she was thinking. “I do too.”

  By some miracle, I managed not to tear her clothes off right then and there and take her in the kitchen. Between last night and this morning, I shouldn’t have felt such fierce need. But I did, and there was no denying its force.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Later that afternoon at the station, I poured a fresh cup of coffee in the break room in the back, joining Jesse and Beck at one of the tables nearby. Like most stations, we had a fully outfitted kitchen, along with a combo rec room-living room that had two televisions. One was used for the guys who liked to play video games, and the other for watching shows. There was a large sectional couch and a number of reclining chairs. Beyond that area was a glass enclosed workout room. A hallway toward the back led to a couple of bedrooms, with another hallway leading toward the front offices.


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