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Hitler Page 132

by Ian Kershaw

  Dohnanyi, Hans von 536, 541, 820, 825

  Döllersheim 1

  Dollfuss, Engelbert 317–18, 350, 401

  Dollmann, Friedrich 804

  Don river 644, 650, 719, 721, 723, 729, 736

  Donets Basin 638, 641, 644, 709, 754, 772

  Dönitz, Karl: dissuades H from scrapping Geneva convention 905

  in Führer Bunker 923

  and German surrender 959, 961–3

  held in high favour by H 941, 950

  and Himmler’s offer to surrender 943, 947

  imprisonment 964–5

  loyalty to H 899, 900, 959

  promises new submarines 863, 889

  replaces Raeder 761

  responsibility for northern zone of Reich 919, 925, 934

  and Soviet advances in the east 814

  substitutes for H at ‘Heroes’ Memorial Day’ 798

  to be head of state after H 950, 952

  urges H to leave Führer Bunker 929

  Donizetti, Gaetano 20

  Dorpmüller, Julius 925

  Dorsch, Xaver 799–800

  Dortmund 762, 894

  ‘Dr Koester’s Anti-Gas Pills’ 869, 870

  Dragoon, Operation 866

  Dresden 709, 893, 894, 905

  Dresdner Bank 222, 451

  Drexler, Anton: and chairmanship of NSDAP 95, 103, 111

  and failed putsch (1923) 134

  founding of German Workers’ Party 82–3, 84–6

  and H’s membership of German Workers’ Party 75–6

  and H’s refounding of NSDAP 163

  My Political Awakening 75

  drugs 869, 870, 902, 923

  DSP (Deutschsozialistische Partei; German-Socialist Party) 81, 100–101, 232 Duesterberg, Theodor 193, 194, 226, 254–5

  Duisburg 728, 762

  Dulles, Allen 961

  Dünaburg 626

  Dunkirk 557–9

  Düsseldorf 224, 728, 762, 892, 912, 968

  Dutch East Indies 579

  DVFP (Deutschvölkische Freiheitspartei) 141–2, 165

  DVP (Deutsche Volkspartei; German People’s Party) 197, 199, 240, 289

  dysentery 639–40

  ‘Eagle’s Eyrie’ (Adlerhorst; Führer Headquarters) 882, 888, 894

  ‘Eagle’s Nest’ (Berghof ‘Tea House’) 494, 495

  East Indies 579

  East Prussia 205, 470, 475, 517–18, 535, 586, 624, 635, 687, 814, 859, 879, 888, 890, 892, 894, 905, 914

  ‘East Wall’ 471, 521, 631

  ‘Eastern Aid’ (Osthilfe) 251

  eastern expansion 152–5, 177, 180, 475, 486, 712–13 see also expansionism; ‘living space’

  Ebermannstadt 508

  Eberswalde 921

  Ebert, Friedrich 108, 165

  Echtmann, Fritz 958

  Eckart, Dietrich: anti-Bolshevism 152

  Auf gut Deutsch 95

  and German Workers’ Party 83

  holidays with H 123, 177

  on H’s megalomania 112

  introduces H 116

  and NSDAP 93, 95, 98, 100, 102–3

  and Thule Society 82

  völkisch poet 75, 94–5

  Economic Staff for the East 634

  Ecuador 453

  Eden, Anthony (later 1st Earl of Avon) 333, 336–7, 407

  Edward VIII, King 369

  Egypt 485, 717–18

  Ehrhardt, Hermann 106, 107–8

  Eichmann, Adolf: advocates Jewish state in Palestine 453

  and badges for Jews 679–80

  development of genocidal policy 594, 595–6, 678, 681–2

  and extermination camps 688

  favours pogroms 455

  and ‘Final Solution’ 330, 696, 965

  forces emigration of Viennese Jews 450

  hanged 965

  and Jewish expulsions 574, 681–2, 795

  and ‘Madagascar solution’ 577

  rise to power 330

  runs ‘Jewish Department’ of SD 330, 415, 577

  Eicke, Theodor 311

  Eicken, Karl von 849

  Eifel 556, 881

  Einsatzgruppen (task forces): Czechoslovakia 518

  Einsatzgruppe A 670

  Einsatzgruppe B 670

  Einsatzgruppe C 670, 674–5

  genocidal programme 668, 670–72, 674–5

  Operation Barbarossa 618

  Poland 518–20, 521, 522

  Soviet Union 668, 670–72, 674–5

  and Wehrmacht 671–2

  Einsatzkommandos (‘task forces’) 618, 670, 674–5, 689

  Einwohnerwehr (Citizens’ Defence Force) 94, 107, 120

  Eisenhower, Dwight D. 866, 884, 893, 945, 962

  Eisner, Kurt 66–7, 70, 132

  Ekaterinburg 590

  El Alamein 727, 730

  Elbe river 927, 930, 935

  Elberfeld 167–8, 762 elections: Landtag: (1924) 132, 141;

  (1929) 192–3, 196–7, 200;

  (1931) 222, 227;

  (1932) 227–8, 230;

  (1933) 284

  Reich Presidency: (1925) 165; (1932) 224, 226–7

  Reichstag (1924) 132–3, 141–2, 144, 165, 178; (1928) 187, 190, 204;

  (1930) 198, 199, 202, 204–6, 209, 223;

  (1932) 224, 230, 231–2, 235, 240–42;

  (1933) 264–5, 272, 277–8, 299–300;

  (1936) 353, 356;

  (1938) 414

  Elisabeth, Czarina of Russia 918

  Elser, Georg 537, 545–7, 816

  Elsterwerda 927

  Eltz-Rübenach, Paul Freiherr von 254

  Emsland 395

  Enabling Act (1933) 263–4, 281–2, 317

  Engel, Gerhard 515, 524, 583, 586, 589, 593, 653–4, 725

  Engelhardt, Philipp 55

  Engels, Friedrich 49

  England see Britain English Channel 704

  Epp, Franz Ritter von 190, 283

  Erbersdobler, Otto 210

  Erfurt 687

  Ewige Jude, Der (‘The Eternal Jew’; film) 525–6, 593

  Erzberger, Matthias 86, 108

  Essen 894, 918

  Esser, Hermann: compares H with Mussolini 110

  dominant Esser clique of NSDAP 167, 169, 170

  expelled from NSDAP 103, 163

  flees to Austria 140

  gutter journalist 70, 98

  and GVG 141, 144

  H defends 69

  and H’s refounding of NSDAP 163, 164

  and north German NSDAP 167

  reads H’s final proclamation 907

  reunion with H (April 1942) 709

  Estonia 487, 677 ‘ethnic cleansing’ policies:

  Berlin 452, 454, 461–2

  Poland 518–27, 549, 573–5

  Soviet Union 683

  Ethnic German Self-Protection (Volksdeutscher Selbstschutz) 519

  Etzdorf, Hasso von 536, 542

  eugenics 530

  Euskirchen 556

  ‘euthanasia action’ programme 187, 528–35, 536, 548, 687, 688, 715, 965

  Evian Conference (1938) 462

  Exeter 708

  expansionism 152–5, 180, 360, 368, 388–91, 448–9, 472–3

  Falaise Pocket 864–5, 867

  Fallersleben 490

  Far East: conflict in 361, 385

  Farinacci, Roberto 769

  Fascism and Fascists: in Italy 151, 762, 768, 769, 774

  legend of heroic ‘seizure of power’ 110–11

  salute 120

  Fatherland Party 82

  Faulhaber, Michael 373

  Feder, Gottfried: antisemitism 92, 95

  in Bavarian revolutionary period 70

  and H’s refounding of NSDAP 164

  lectures 73, 75

  ‘philosopher’ of NSDAP 98

  Reichstag deputy 190

  and Thule Society 82

  Fegelein, Gretl (née Braun) 491, 922, 942

  Fegelein, Hermann 922, 942, 945, 946

  Felix, Operation 592

  Fellgiebel, Eric
h 830, 831, 833, 843, 846, 847

  Felsennest (Rock Eyrie; Führer Headquarters) 556, 748

  Feltre 767

  Fifth Army (Soviet) 641

  Fighting League of the Commercial Middle Class (Kampfbund des gewerblichen Mittelstandes) 285, 286

  films: H’s love of 293, 325, 377, 430, 781

  Der Ewige Jude (‘The Eternal Jew’) 525–6, 593

  The Great King 702

  King Kong 293

  Kolberg 858, 908

  ‘Traitors before the People’s Court’ 847

  ‘Triumph of the Will’ 319

  ‘Final Solution’: Eichmann and 330, 696, 965

  extended to all corners of Nazi imperium 775–6

  and genocidal link in Mein Kampf 467

  halting of 878

  Himmler and 715–17, 764–5, 776–7, 878

  and H’s last Testament 949

  and H’s public speeches 801–3

  ideology of total annihilation 695

  and Nazi atrocities in Warthegau 527, 549, 677

  secrecy of 715–17

  and territorial resettlement of Jews 596, 669, 678, 682–5, 714–15

  Wannsee Conference (January 1942) 690, 695, 696–7

  Finland 499, 551, 552, 569, 584, 585, 586, 718, 793, 868

  First World War: armistice 560–61, 961

  German defeat xxviii, 47, 59, 60–61, 62–3, 731, 887, 961

  H as dispatch runner 54–5, 57

  H promoted to corporal 53–4

  and H’s antisemitism 41–2, 56–7, 58, 62–5, 150

  H’s fanaticism 56–7, 61–2, 326, 850, 852, 887, 910

  H’s Iron Crosses 55, 59

  losses 53, 54, 59

  the Marne 58–9

  mustard gas attacks 59–60

  outbreak 51–2

  the Somme 51, 57

  Verdun 107

  as vital to H’s future 47, 51–2, 78, 631, 850, 852

  ‘world war’ term 693

  Ypres 53, 58 see also Versailles Treaty (1919)

  Fischlham 490

  Flensburg 961, 962, 963

  Flick (corporation) 451

  Florence 582, 583

  Florian, Friedrich Karl 912

  Foch, Ferdinand 560

  ‘For the Protection of People and State’ decree (1933) 276–7, 278–9

  ‘Foreign Armies East’ department 888

  Forster, Albert: hanged 965

  ‘head of state’ 506, 517, 526–7

  NSDAP leader in Danzig 492, 494

  proclaims Danzig’s reincorporation in Reich 509

  Förster, Helmuth 666

  Four-Year Plan 364–8, 397, 402, 403, 460, 461, 474, 634

  Fournes en Weppes 54, 57

  Foxl (terrier) 56

  France: African possessions 581, 582, 583

  Allied advances in 806–10, 813, 851, 861–7

  and Allied assault on Germany 892

  and the Anschluß 407, 408

  boycott of German goods 286

  and Czechoslovakia 423, 424, 433, 439, 442–3

  D-Day landings 804–6

  deportation of Jews 578, 594, 689

  fortification of Atlantic coast 786

  ‘Free French’ 583

  French Indo-China 579

  French North Africa 732–3

  and Geneva Disarmament Conference 297–8

  German invasion 557, 559–60

  and German rearmament 334, 336

  as Germany’s ‘arch-enemy’ 151, 154, 169, 208, 334, 471

  influence in eastern Europe 331, 332

  and Memelland 481

  navy 560, 562

  obstacle to German expansionism 388, 390

  occupation 561–2, 712, 732–3, 866

  pact with Soviet Union 332, 337, 351, 352, 354, 364

  and Poland 503–4

  rearmament 480, 496

  and remilitarization of Rhineland 351, 355

  Resistance 866

  right-wing funding 118

  Ruhr occupation (1923) 118, 119, 121, 151, 170

  and Saarland 332, 333

  treaty with Belgium (1921/35) 334

  Vichy government 561, 578, 579, 580–83

  Franciscans 382

  Franco, Francisco 362–3, 368, 384–5, 497, 580–81, 582, 592

  Franco-Prussian war 7

  François-Poncet, André 443, 444

  Franconia 109–10, 205, 339–40

  Frank, Hans: Bavarian Justice Minister 278

  and death of Geli Raubal 221

  deportation of Polish Jews 669, 687

  and development of genocidal programme 694–5, 715

  envoy to Italy 369

  General Governor in Poland 517, 669

  and Heß affair (May 1941) 614

  and H’s imprisonment in Landsberg 145

  on H’s speeches 88–9

  and ‘Jewish Question’ 574–6, 578–9

  and Leipzig Reichswehr trial 207

  and Mein Kampf 147

  and Nazi atrocities in Poland 522, 526, 574–6

  Poland as ‘transit camp’ for Jews 669

  and removal of Jews from Vienna 595, 596

  and Thule Society 82

  trial and execution 964

  Warsaw rising (1944) 868

  Frank, Karl Hermann 433

  Frankfurt am Main 454, 689, 914, 915

  Frankfurt an der Oder 891, 920

  Frankfurter, David 455

  Franz Eher-Verlag 147

  Franz Ferdinand, Archduke 51

  Frederick I Barbarossa, Holy Roman Emperor 176

  Frederick II ‘the Great’, King of Prussia 97, 112, 157, 181, 213, 379, 666, 702, 743, 781, 852, 882, 902, 909, 915, 918

  freemasonry 165, 369, 449

  Freikorps 106, 107, 170, 190

  Freikorps Adolf Hitler 917

  Freisler, Roland 707, 741, 844–5, 847–8

  French Indo-China 579

  French North Africa 732

  French Resistance 866

  Freyend, Ernst John von 830, 831

  Freytag-Loringhoven, Bernd von 937

  Frick, Wilhelm: and the Anschluß 411

  and anti-Jewish legislation 342, 343, 345–6, 347, 348

  and deal with Schleicher 232, 233

  and emergency decree 276

  and Enabling Act (1933) 281

  and ‘German Revolution’ 303

  and H’s negotiations with Hindenburg 252

  and H’s refounding of NSDAP 164

  and the ‘Law for the Emergency Defence of the State’ (1934) 314

  Minister of Interior 232, 252, 254

  minister in Thuringian government 197

  Ministerial Council for the Defence of the Reich 506

  and occupation of Poland 522

  and putsch attempt (1923) 129, 131, 134, 197

  ‘Reich reform’ 329

  Reichstag deputy 190, 208, 239

  and remilitarization of Rhineland 353

  replaced by Himmler 771

  trial and execution 964

  Friedeburg, Hans-Georg von 962, 963

  Frießner, Johannes 814

  Fritsch, Theodor 91

  Fritsch, Werner Freiherr von on ‘abyss’ of war 498 and Blomberg scandal (1938) 392

  Commander-in-Chief of German army 334

  death 399

  the Fritsch scandal (1938) 320, 393–400, 404, 408, 416, 418, 422, 536

  and German expansionism 390

  and November pogrom (1938) 464

  and rearmament 334–5, 352, 353, 360

  Fromelles 47, 57

  Fromm, Friedrich 662, 827, 828, 834, 835, 839–41, 844, 845–6

  Frontbann 143

  fuel: plants 801, 893

  reserves 556, 590, 710, 735, 929

  shortages 851, 861, 874–5, 884, 886

  synthetic 361, 365, 366, 889

  Führer authority/power xxiv, xxxvii–xl

  Führer Bunker, Berlin: description of 901–2

  H’s last days in 901–4,
922–6, 928–31, 938–43, 951–5

  mass break-out from 960–61

  Führer Chancellery 531–2, 534

  Führer cult: development of 110–13, 119–20, 185, 262

  endurance of 900, 967–8

  establishment of Führer state 318–19, 320–30, 511–12, 529, 534, 709

  and H as symbol of national unity 292–3

  ‘Heil Hitler’ greeting 293, 762, 962

  ‘heroic-leader’ idea 156–7, 850–51

  and H’s leadership style 214–15, 812

  and H’s public speaking 181

  the ‘idea’ and the Leader become inseparable 172, 185, 200–201, 330

  infallibility of Leader 422

  ‘Mein Führer’ form of address 211, 373

  and ‘national community’ 203–4, 262

  and neo-conservative intellectuals 291

  origins of 78

  party rallies and 319

  and party unity 186

  widening gulf between Führer and people 744–5, 747–8 see also ‘working towards the Führer’ concept

  Führer Escort Squad (Führerbegleitkommando) 957, 960

  Führer Headquarters see Adlerhorst; Margival; Rock Eyrie; Werwolf; Wolf’s Lair

  Führer myth: central tenet of H’s belief 181

  economic recovery and 270, 271

  and Hoffmann’s photographs 52

  and loyalty and betrayal 614

  and Mein Kampf 148

  propaganda weapon 181

  Führer-Informationen (bulletins) 857

  ‘Führer-Machine’ (typewriter) 857

  Führerbegleitkommando (Führer Escort Squad) 957, 960

  Funk, Walther: and ‘Committee of Three’ 750–51, 752

  and H’s last Testament 950

  imprisonment 964–5

  and November pogrom (1938) 460

  and party funding 225

  in Propaganda Ministry 293, 324, 836

  takes over Economics Ministry 398

  visits H (October 1941) 650

  Funk, Wilhelm 160–61

  Fürstenberg 232

  Fürth 758

  Furtwängler, Wilhelm 710

  Fuschl 768

  Galicia 697, 796

  Galland, Adolf 874

  Gansser, Emil 118

  Gargzdai 670

  Garmisch-Partenkirchen 348, 351 gas, poison 687–8, 693

  Gatow aerodrome 926, 931, 935

  Gaulle, Charles de 583, 732

  Gayl, Wilhelm Freiherr von 239 Gdansk see Danzig

  Gehlen, Reinhard 810, 888, 889

  Gelsenkirchen 893

  Gemlich, Adolf 74–5, 80, 91–2

  General Electric Company 193

  General Government: and ‘Final Solution’ 677, 696–7, 698


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