by Ian Kershaw
and Bolshevism 66, 91, 146, 148, 150–52, 155, 363, 381, 593, 597–8, 672–3, 899, 907
boycott of Jewish businesses 285–8, 339–40, 341
businessmen removed from representative positions 269
and capitalism 73, 81, 92, 150
and Christianity 692
Crystal Night (9–10 November 1938) 449–50, 454, 457–60, 462–7, 679
development of Nazi genocidal policy 459, 468–9, 524–7, 572–9, 594–8, 618, 668–99, 714–17, 775–7, 802–3, 969
dismissal of Jewish employees 269, 288
emigration 453, 462, 463, 464, 468
exclusion from civil service and professions 287–8, 450, 451
and First World War 58, 61, 691, 692
H associates with uncleanliness and disease 38
H associates war with destruction of Jews 593–4, 692–3
H links destruction of Jews with acquisition of ‘living space’ 154–5
Himmler’s ‘ideological struggle’ against 449
Jewish boycott of German goods 285–6
‘Jewish world conspiracy’ 150, 453, 467, 693, 763–4, 885, 899
linked with prostitution 24, 38, 43
‘Madagascar solution’ 453, 576–8, 593, 594, 677
and Marxism 38, 49, 64, 150–51, 449
November pogrom (1938) 455–69
Nuremberg Laws 339, 342, 344–9
Ostjuden 92
reaction to H’s appointment as Chancellor 259, 340
‘removal of’ 75, 80, 91–2, 149–50, 157–8, 323, 339, 346, 451, 549, 694–5
ritual murder charge 41, 42
sexual relations and intermarriage with non-Jews 42, 342–3, 345–6
and Social Democracy 38, 64
synagogues destroyed 450–51, 456, 457, 458, 459–60, 465, 523
terror waves against: (1933) 273, 285, 302–3;
(1935) 339–41;
(1938) 383, 415, 449–51, 455–69
treatment in Austria after Anschluß 415–16, 450 see also antisemitism; ‘Final Solution’; Hitler, Adolf, antisemitism; and under individual countries
Joachimsen, Paul 93
Jodl, Alfred: and Allied invasion and advances 805, 807, 813, 862, 863
anticipates H’s wishes 914
Ardennes offensive 875, 879, 881, 882
and Balkan campaign 605
and battle for Stalingrad 728, 729
dissuades H from scrapping Geneva convention 905
and drive for Moscow 640–41, 643
in Führer Bunker 923, 928–9
in Führer Headquarters 556, 624–5, 655, 786
and German surrender 962
and invasion of Czechoslovakia 391, 425, 427
and July 1944 assassination attempt 832
last days of Wehrmacht High Command 937, 940, 942, 946, 953
loyalty to H 900
and Mediterranean campaign 592
and North African campaign 756
and opening of Eastern Front 566, 567–8, 579, 583, 587
and Operation Barbarossa 597, 609, 638
and Operation Citadel 766
and proposals to end war 897
and restructuring of Wehrmacht 398, 422
and summer offensive (1942) 724–6
at talks with Mussolini (May 1942) 710
trial and execution 964
and winter crisis on Eastern Front (1941–2) 662
Johannmeier, Willi 952
July assassination plot (1944) 816–18, 828–53, 865, 875
Jung, Edgar 312
Junge, Traudl 926, 929, 948, 950–51, 954, 955, 960
Juno Beach 805
Kaether, Ernst 934
Kahr, Gustav Ritter von: appointed General State Commissar 124–5
counter-revolutionary regime 106, 107, 108
first encounters H 98–9
murdered 98, 312
ousted from power 133
and putsch attempt (1923) 98, 128–9, 130, 133, 134, 135
Kalisz 890
Kaltenbrunner, Ernst 795, 845, 890, 896, 902, 923, 925, 964
Kampfbund des gewerblichen Mittelstandes (Fighting League of the Commercial Middle Class) 285, 286
Kampfverband Niederbayern 120
Kampfverlag 200, 201
Kannenberg, Arthur 374, 375
Kapp Putsch (1920) 93, 95, 98, 106, 117, 121, 170
Kapp, Wolfgang 93–4
Karlsbad (Karlovy Vary) 424, 432, 433
Karlshorst 963
Karnau, Hermann 957
Kassel 456
Kattowitz 574
Katyn Forest 759
Kaulbach, Wilhelm von 376
Kazakhstan 683
Keitel, Wilhelm: agitates against Manstein 797
and Allied invasion 807
and the Anschluß 404, 405, 408, 411
and Balkan campaign 605
and Blomberg scandal (1938) 392, 397
in ‘Committee of Three’ 750, 754
compliancy 754
in ‘Court of Honour’ 844
and defence of Berlin 940, 942, 946, 953
and development of genocidal programme 672, 676
dissuades H from scrapping Geneva convention 905
and drive for Moscow 643
dubbed the ‘Reich Garage Attendant’ 914
in Führer Bunker 923, 924, 928, 930, 931
in Führer Headquarters 556, 624, 655
and Halder 664
H’s last letter to 952–3
and invasion of Czechoslovakia 425, 426–7, 476, 477
and invasion of Poland 502, 503, 520, 522
and invasion of Soviet Union 600
and ‘Jewish Question’ 593, 597
and July 1944 assassination attempt 829–30, 832, 834, 875
loyalty to H 900
Ministerial Council for the Defence of the Reich 506
and occupation of France 561, 562
and opening of Eastern Front 566, 583, 590
and opening of Western Front 543
and plans for ‘New Order’ 633
and restructuring of Wehrmacht 397, 398, 422
retained by Dönitz 962
signs German surrender 963
and Soviet advances in the east 814
and summer offensive (1942) 726
at talks with Mussolini (May 1942) 710
trial and execution 964
in Wolf’s Lair 624, 625
Kempka, Erich 375, 821, 954, 956, 957
‘Keppler Circle’ 243, 249
Keppler, Wilhelm 242–3, 249–50, 386, 412
Kerch peninsula 666, 710, 711–12, 713
Kerch, Straits of 772
Kesselring, Albert: and Allied advances in the west 915
command of Luftwaffe in Mediterranean 664, 726
and German surrender 961
in Italy 787
and North African campaign 756–7
replaces Rundstedt 892
responsibility for southern zone of Reich 919
sees H for last time 919
Ketzin 935
Kharkhov 637, 638, 641, 644, 712, 713, 718, 754–5, 757
Kiel 704
Kielce 894
Kiev: battle of 632, 643–4, 648
execution of Jews 674–5
Himmler’s impressions 650
plans to take 591, 628, 641, 642–3
recaptured 774
King Kong (film) 293
Kirdorf, Emil 187, 194
Kirkpatrick, (Sir) Ivone 440, 611–12, 616
‘Kirschkern’ Programme 791–2
Klausener, Erich 315
Kleist, Ewald Heinrich von 828
Kleist, Heinrich von 61
Kleist, Paul Ludwig Ewald von 654, 655–6, 797
Kleist-Schmenzin, Ewald von 828
Klessheim Castle 710, 757–8, 794, 795, 799
Klimt, Gustav 23
Klintzsch, Johann 98
Kluge, Günther von: and Operation Citadel 755–6, 767, 769–70, 772
and opposition groups 821, 824–5, 836
replaced by Busch 825
replaces Rundstedt 813, 861, 863
suicide 864–6
and summer offensive (1942) 723
urges H to end war 851
and winter crisis on Eastern Front (1941–42) 662, 663, 666–7
Knappertsbusch, Hans 709–10, 799
Koblenz 892, 893
Koch, Erich 534–5, 634–5, 859, 905, 965
Koch, Robert 677
Koeppen, Werner 650, 684
Kolberg 908, 914
Kolberg (film) 858, 908
Koller, Karl 800, 924, 926–7, 928, 930, 932–3, 938
Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands (KPD): Elser’s support for 545
and emergency decree 276
and Enabling Act (1933) 263, 281
H’s intention to annihilate 208
newspapers and meeting banned 273
Reich’s President election (1932) 226–7
Reichstag elections 178, 204–5, 232, 241–2, 277
and Reichstag fire (1933) 275
streetfights with SA 230–31
and vote of no confidence in government 240
Wöhrden incident 191
Konev, Ivan 888, 920, 927, 934, 935
Königsberg 277, 414, 498, 879, 892, 914, 918
Königsbronn 545
Königswusterhausen 927
Konstanz 546
Koppe, Wilhelm 527, 535, 575, 965
Kordt, Erich 536, 542
Kordt Theo 536
Korherr, Richard 716, 759
Körner, Theodor 745
Korten, Günther 814
Kowno 481, 626, 670–71, 689
KPD see Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands
Krampnitz 930
Krauch, Karl 361
Krause, Karl 375
Krebs, Albert 214
Krebs, Hans 915, 923, 927, 928, 931, 938, 939, 940, 942, 950, 952, 954, 958–9, 960
Kreisau Circle 823–4, 846
Kreyssig, Lothar 529
Kriebel, Hermann 120, 124, 126, 134, 135
Kronstadt 636
Krüger, Else 960
Krupp (iron and steel/armaments company) 153, 193, 268, 451
Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach, Gustav 268, 269
Kuban river 722, 772
Kube, Wilhelm 635, 689–90
Kubizek, August (‘Gustl’): friendship with H 11–12, 26–7, 904
and H’s antisemitism 39, 40
and H’s attitude to sex 22, 23–4
memoirs 11, 23, 26–7, 34
moves to Vienna with H 18–22, 25
reunions with H 373, 491, 567
Küchler, Georg von 602–3
Kunz, Helmut Gustav 960
Kurhessen 457
Kursk 719, 755, 766, 769
Küstrin bridgehead 891, 892, 914, 915, 920
Kvaternik, Sladko 677
Kyrill, Prince 117
labour shortages 473, 702, 749, 854, 878
Lake Balaton 890, 914
Lake Ladoga 724
Lambach 490
Lammers, Hans Heinrich: and Bormann 516, 749
in ‘Committee of Three’ 750, 753
and development of genocidal programme 676
and euthanasia programmes 532
head of Reich Chancellery 293, 324, 376
and Koller 933
Ministerial Council for the Defence of the Reich 506
and occupation of Poland 522
and plans for ‘New Order’ 633
and Total War Effort 855, 856
‘land policy’ (Bodenpolitik) 180
Landespolizei 355
Landsberg am Lech fortress: H imprisoned in 132, 136–8, 145–6, 153
Landtag elections: (1924) 132, 141; (1929) 192–3, 196–7, 200;
(1931) 222, 227;
(1932) 227–8, 230;
(1933) 284
Landvolk 191
Lange, Herbert 688
Lange, Otto 689, 696
Lanz, Adolf (known as Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels) 28–9, 40
Lanz, Hubert 821
Lattre de Tassigny, Jean de 963
Latvia 487, 499, 622, 677, 689, 889
Lauböck, Theodor 99
Laval, Pierre 581–2, 582–3, 732, 758
‘Law against the Enslavement of the German People’ (1929) 193
‘Law against the New Construction of Parties’ (1933) 290
‘Law for the Emergency Defence of the State’ (1934) 314
‘Law on the Head of State of the German Reich’ (1934) 317
‘Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring’ (1933) 294–5
‘Law for Reduction of Unemployment’ (1933) 270
‘Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service’ (1933) 288, 291
‘Law to Protect German Blood’ (1935) 344–6
leadership cult see Führer cult
League of Nations: and Abyssinian crisis 339, 349
condemnation of Germany 338
control of Saarland 332
German withdrawal (1933) 297–300, 331, 351
H’s offer for Germany to rejoin 353, 354
and Polish crisis (1939) 494
Lebensraum see ‘living space’
Lechfeld camp 73–4, 77
Leeb, Wilhelm Ritter von 544, 590, 622, 636–7, 666, 819
Léger, Alexis 444
Lehár, Franz 20
Lehmann, Julius F. 81–2, 116
Leibstandarte-SS Adolf Hitler (H’s houseguards) 309, 310, 375, 377, 913
Leipa 478
Leipart, Theodor 288
Leipzig 81, 858, 893 Gewandhaus 709
Leipzig Reichswehr trial (1930) 206–8, 217
Leipzig University Children’s Clinic 532
Leitgen, Alfred 612
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 49
Leningrad 590, 591, 622, 628, 636–7, 638–9, 641, 642, 644, 700, 724
Leonding 7, 8, 412
Leopold III, King of the Belgians 557
Leopold, Josef 406
Leuna 893
Ley, Robert 246, 247, 288, 289, 328, 593, 750–51, 752, 900, 964
Libau (Liepaja) 499
Libya 591, 717, 730, 736
Lidice 714
Liége 554
Lille 53
Lindemann, Georg 814
Lindloff, Ewald 957–8
Linge, Heinz 715, 832, 902, 903, 922, 923, 943, 955, 956–7, 960
Linz: anti-Habsburg feelings 9
arrival of American troops (7 May 1945) 961
H visits (1939) 491
as H’s ‘home town’ 7
H’s speech in (1938) 411–12
H’s youth in 10–13, 491
military authorities 48, 49, 50–51
model of 903–4
nationalism in 9, 39–40
rebuilding plans 856, 903
Urfahr 14, 16–17
workers’ flats 490
Lippe-Detmold 250–51
Lippert, Michael 312
Lipski, Józef 331, 481, 482, 507
List, Wilhelm 721–2, 723, 724–5
Liszt, Franz 20, 626
Lithuania 384, 481, 517, 595, 622, 670–71, 677, 689, 814
Litvinov, Maxim 488
‘living space’: for agricultural production 388–9
development of notion of 80, 91, 146, 152–5
and Four-Year Plan 367
and ‘Germanization’ in the east 265, 712–13
Haushofer’s influence 617
in H’s public statements 180, 183, 202
and invasion of Czechoslovakia 418, 427, 479
and invasion of Poland 486, 524
and ‘Jewish Question’ 182
in Mein Kampf 64, 148, 153–5, 157
and Russia 146, 152–5, 158, 180, 182, 362, 566, 631, 634 see also eastern expansion; expansionism
Lloyd George, David (later 1st Earl Lloyd-George of Dwyfor) 565
Löb, Fritz 361
Locarno Treaty (1925) 182, 337, 350–51, 352, 354
Lodz (Litzmannstadt) 526, 575, 685, 686, 688, 890
Löffner, Siegfried 33, 41
Lohse, Hinrich 246, 635, 689–90, 695, 965
London: Blitz 570
V1 flying-bomb attacks 803, 806–7
V2 rocket attacks 873, 881
World Economic Conference (1933) 290
Lorenz, Heinz 836, 922, 943, 952
Loringhoven, Bernd von 952
Lorraine 578
Lösener, Bernhard 344, 345
Loßberg, Bernard von 567–8
Lossow, Otto Hermann von: on H as propagandist 137–8
and May Day affair (1923) 122
ousted from power 133
and putsch attempt (1923) 128–9, 130, 133, 134, 135
Röhm and 120
in ruling triumvirate 126–7, 130
Lübeck 196, 278, 945
Lublin 574, 575, 576, 688, 697
Lüdecke, Kurt 113–14, 117, 163
Ludendorff, Erich: alleged freemasonry 165
anti-clericalism 161
at Nuremberg rally (1923) 123–4
candidate for the Reich Presidency (1925) 165–6
and expansionism 153
and Frontbann 143
funding of 117
H’s conflicts with 156, 161, 162, 163
and H’s refounding of NSDAP 163
as potential military leader of Germany 137, 138
and putsch attempt (1923) 129–30, 131, 133, 134–5
radical völkisch nationalism 121
visits H in Landsberg 142
and Völkischer Block 144
as war hero 87, 114, 121
Ludin, Hanns 207, 208
Ludwig Ferdinand, Prince of Bavaria 124
Ludwig III, King of Bavaria 52
Ludwigshafen 893
Lueger, Karl 32, 37, 42
Luftwaffe: aircraft production 791, 799–801, 808, 874
and Allied bombing raids 718, 752–3, 762, 790, 851
Ardennes offensive 880, 885
Balkan campaign 604, 605, 607
battle for Stalingrad 734, 735, 737, 738
bomb-proof bunkers 799–800
and D-Day landings 806
defence of Berlin 926–7, 946
deficiencies of 733, 738, 752, 880, 887
Dunkirk 557, 558–9
end of 885, 886, 926–7
equipping of 387, 550, 791, 799–801
flawed communications with Wehrmacht 553–4
Göring announces existence of 334
Göring’s leadership 641, 718, 752–3, 762, 768, 790–91, 797
and IG-Farben lobby 365
and invasion of Czechoslovakia 477
‘Kirschkern’ Programme 791–2
Mediterranean campaign 664, 730, 733
and proposed invasion of Britain 563, 565, 568, 569–70