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Twinsequences Willow

Page 12

by Jennifer Foor

  I was praying she would buy it. The last thing I wanted to do was spend several days under the care of my doctor mother while Stoshua babysat my captive sister.

  She looked at Stosh. “Are you going to stand by my daughter this time, or run out on her again?” The question seemed funny to me since he was still banging one of her daughters. Me being that person. I kept the thoughts to myself.

  “I promise. She’s not leaving my side.”

  She threw her hands up in the air. “This is ridiculous. She needs constant supervision. After what you’ve done I can’t believe she’d still want anything to do with you.”

  “I’m not a baby, mother! I can make my own decisions.”

  “You took a bottle of pain pills and drank them down with a glass of vodka. I hardly think your decision making can be factored into this.”

  “She’s my wife. With all due respect, I’m taking her home and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about it. Excuse me for being blunt, but it’s important I’m the one to nurse her back to health. She needs to know I’m not going anywhere. My decision is final. I’m not going to stand here arguing. As soon as we get the go-ahead, we’re going home.” Stosh had the last word. My mother shook her head and gave up.

  The three of them went out in the hallway to discuss my release while I proceeded to dress into my sister’s clothes. By the time Stosh came back in the room, my parent’s had gone home. He smiled when he saw me ready to get out of there. “Your dad made a few calls. I already signed your release papers. You’re free to go.”

  I didn’t waste any time. “Let’s get the hell out of here. We still have a lot of work to do.”

  He stopped me from walking out and reached for my hand. “This should have been on your finger for the last four years.” He slipped Ivy’s wedding set on my hand. “It’s official, you’re my wife.”

  I laughed. “That’s funny; I don’t even remember our wedding.”

  “Let’s get out of here and talk about renewing those vows.”

  In all seriousness, I knew Stosh was playing around, but it still felt good to hear him say we belonged together. For too long I’d resented his commitment to my sister.

  Leaving the hospital was like being freed from a lifetime sentence in jail. I almost ran out of the double doors to smell the fresh air in the parking lot. The nurse gave us dirty looks, like my father had bent the rules and I was his little charity case daughter. I wanted to smack her. If they only knew what I’d been through.

  When we arrived back at the house, he leaned over and pulled me into a deep kiss. “Are you ready for the second part of this plan of yours?”

  “I think I might want to off her instead. It would be faster.” I snickered when I said it, to remind him I was kidding around. I wasn’t capable of murder. Unlike my sister, I refused to think like a psychopath would.

  He got this shocked look on his face. “Tell me you’re joking.”

  I smacked him on the shoulder. “Killing her would be too easy. I want her to suffer.” I clapped my hands together and rubbed them like I was an evil person.

  “I’m kind of scared of you right now,” he admitted.

  I leaned over close enough to brush my lips against his. “You should be. The demon in me has been awakened, and it won’t settle until she’s paid for what she’s done.”

  “When your skin begins to turn green and you wear ruby slippers, I’m ducking out of this plan.”

  We both began to laugh.

  I needed to breathe and relax before we went inside. It was going to be hard to torture my sister until she broke. I wasn’t going to change my mind, but I wasn’t exactly cut out for these sort of actions.

  Chapter 16

  May I have this dance?

  Stosh was extremely lucky when it came to the property he rented. The main house was far away from the small place he rented, plus the owners only lived in the home for three months out of the year. Part of Stosh’s rental agreement called for him to care for the house while they were away.

  Even though nobody could hear her, Stosh gagged her so she wouldn’t be able to scream. I don’t think she expected to see me walk in the door. She looked afraid, and that was exactly how I wanted her to feel. This was about punishing her to the brink of insanity and then repeating the process over and over until we felt like we’d persecuted. Willow was no longer the nice sister. She’d been replaced by someone who was spiteful and wouldn’t stop until justice was served.

  It was awesome seeing her tied to the bed and struggling to get free. She knew I wasn’t screwing around anymore. I walked over and ran my hands up Stosh’s chest, making sure she was watching. I laced my fist in the collar of his shirt and pulled him down to meet my lips.

  This was part of the plan I didn’t mind acting on. This part was easy.

  “You like watching his lips on me? Just wait until later. You’re going to get the show of your life, sister.” I took Stosh by the hand and we walked out into the living room. I knew she was trapped and sobbing, but it wasn’t bothering me. Seeing my sister was different than when we were growing up. Despite the fact that we shared a face, we had nothing in common. I’d say we both loved Stoshua, but I knew better than to assume she knew what the word meant.

  After I showered to wash away the smell of the hospital, we locked up the house and went out for a movie. It was important for people to see us getting around together, like nothing had ever happened. We didn’t have to pretend to be in love, I don’t know which one of us was showing it more. Stosh couldn’t keep his hands off me, and I wasn’t about to stop him from doing it.

  It all felt like a dream. I guess when you’ve fantasize about something for as long as I had, it makes the reality of it difficult to believe.

  After the movie, we headed to a coffee shop and discussed our future.

  Did I feel wicked?

  Maybe a little.

  I mean, I wasn’t an evil person. I still didn’t think I was going to go to hell for my actions. What I was doing wasn’t right, but all was fair in love and war, right?

  We’d been at the out for nearly an hour when I got up to go to the bathroom. Some tall, attractive guy grabbed me at the waist and pulled me into a kiss. I pushed him away and slapped him. “What the hell?”

  He had an Italian accent. “I’ve been waiting all week to hear from you again.”

  “I don’t even know you.”

  He took my hand, though I pulled it away just as quick. “Cheri, surely you do. I could never forget our nights together.”

  Had my sister been having some hot affair behind Stosh’s back? I wanted to know, but revealing I wasn’t Ivy could ruin everything. I had to be my sister, no matter what would happen. “I’m playing. Things have gotten complicated at home. We’re trying to work things out.”

  He cocked his left eyebrow. “You promised we’d be together soon. You said it was going brilliantly. Tell me you haven’t changed your mind. We’ve planned this for so long, my love. You said once you ruined your husband, we could run away together. I assumed you were close to being done.”

  This was a devastating blow. I knew there was another piece of the puzzle. Stosh knew it too. This was what he hadn’t told me. “Things change. People change. I realized I needed to try to be a better person. Please understand. I never meant to hurt you.”

  He looked unhappy, and I honestly felt bad for him. Like one of her many puppets, she’d strung him along. He was obviously in love with her, unknowing she was the devil. Maybe she really did want to run away. Maybe after she destroyed my life, she could finally move on and be happy. It didn’t matter anymore. This couldn’t destroy my plan. We were in too deep to change our game.

  “Please don’t say this. I’ve been patient, cheri'. Tell me we still have a chance.”

  I opened my mouth to speak and heard a familiar voice behind me. “Leave her alone, Rafe. You heard her. She said it’s over.” I’d been right. Stosh knew about this man.

  He moved in
between us, like he was prepared to fight for my honor. It was pretty sexy, even though the situation wasn’t ideal for me to become turned on.

  Rafe looked at me with disheartening eyes. “Is this true?”

  I peered downwards to avoid facing his disappointment, pretending to be upset about it. “Yes. I’m very sorry. It’s true.”

  “Me too.” He shook his said something in Italian and left abruptly.

  “Sorry about that.”

  I crossed my arms and gave him a curious grimace. “Were you planning on telling me Ivy was leaving you?”

  “Was she?” He scratched his head and smiled. “I didn’t know. I mean, I know she was seeing him. I was having them watched. She was careful about where they met. I knew she was up to something, but I didn’t know what it was, I swear. For all I know she was making sure she had someone to fall back on. She’s sneaky like that.”

  “According to him, when she was done destroying us, they were going to run away together.”

  “Wow. Well, her plan backfired. Now she’s shit out of men to screw over.”

  “I’ll say. I almost feel bad for him.”

  He pulled me close, for everyone in the establishment to see. “I don’t. For a long time I wanted her to find someone else, but now I know he’s lucky she can’t screw his life up.”

  “It would have saved us a lot of grief.”

  He kissed my forehead. “If you weren’t such a perfect child, she wouldn’t have become the spawn of Satan.”

  I smacked his chest. “Don’t even joke. You know it wasn’t like that. She’s loony for thinking it. My parents didn’t treat me better; they simply rewarded me for working hard. There is a huge difference. Ivy wanted praise for doing nothing. Life doesn’t work that way, especially not with our successful parents.”

  Stosh didn’t seem to care about it. “Let’s get out of here.”

  I didn’t want to go home and be around my sister, at least not yet. “Can we go somewhere else?”

  He took my hand, leading me out of the little coffee shop. “I know the perfect place.”

  Stosh drove us to the parking lot at our high school. “Did you bring me here to make out? That’s pretty cliché, even for you.”

  “You love cliché. Remember those movies you used to make me watch?”

  He was right about that. I did like a good romantic cliché. I smiled and stared at him. “I love you.”

  He leaned over in the seat and smiled. “I like hearing you say it.”

  “It’s nice to be able to. I’m getting concerned we aren’t going to pull this off. So much can go wrong.”

  He brushed the hair away from my face. “No matter what, we’re going to be together. Nothing can keep us apart, Willow. I don’t care what we have to go through. Nothing can be as painful as what we’ve been through already. I feel bad for what you had to do without me. I’d never want you to have to make that decision on your own.”

  He was right about it being difficult. I never wanted to feel as alone as I had when my sister had taken me down. He was wrong about the other thing though. Our baby was growing inside me. OUR BABY. I wanted to tell him, more than anything else, but we had to get through all this crap before that could happen. “I hope one day we can be a family, Stosh.”

  The pain in his eyes ripped out my heart. I had to keep in mind how I was protecting our baby. In the long run, he would respect my decision. I hoped.

  He opened his car door, but not before turning on satellite radio to a station with a slow song playing. I giggled and watched him run around to my side of the car. He opened the door and held out his hand for me.

  I followed his lead. “What are we doing?”

  He held me close against his chest and reached our hands out like we were about to dance. “I’m giving you the prom you never had.”

  We started swaying around his car to a variety of romantic songs that were playing. I wasn’t going to argue with his cheesy attempt. I actually loved it.

  After a while, we held hands and walked out onto the football field. Well, we almost made it on the field. Stosh pressed me between the concession stand and his body for a hot kiss that left me weak in the knees. When he pulled away, I was breathless and craving more. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my lips for another one, this time making it last. Our tongues beautifully danced, just as we’d done in the parking lot. His hands explored my body like no other man on the planet could. When he reached my breasts, guiding his fingertips under my bra, I knew what was going to happen. The moment he touched my hardened nipples, I was his for the taking.

  I pulled away from his lips enough to speak. “Take me, here, now.”

  He didn’t hesitate as he lifted my shirt above my head and crouched down to suck on one of my nipples. I leaned my body back against the building and closed my eyes. Someone could have been watching us, and I didn’t even care. In fact, it made me want to do it more. The brisk evening air gave me chills, added to the irrefutable feeling of being naturally high on life.

  Slowly, Stosh removed my shorts and my underwear. He kissed the smooth skin over my pussy and then, without a second to spare, he dove in with his tongue, lapping at that most tender spot. His tongue was like a trained machine, offering a steady pace to my tiny bud. I ran my hands through his hair and looked down to watch him enjoying how he was pleasuring me. Soft moans were both heard and felt as they vibrated off my skin. I cried out something that wasn’t even a real word as he sent me to the moment of physical bliss.

  After my body relaxed, he remained down there, placing tiny tongue filled kissed all over my lower lips. My body trembled from the act. He reached up with his fingers and spread me open, kissing the most inside part. I felt his tongue invading my canal as he moved it in and out. His thumb rubbed my throbbing bud. I couldn’t even keep a hold of his hair. The palms of my hands pressed flat against the concrete wall I was leaning against. I cried out again, into the dark night, hearing my voice echo off the long field we were so close to.

  Stosh finally stopped. “Mmm, I can’t get enough of you. I love the way you taste. I crave you, Will.”

  I grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back up to my lips, kissing him hard and tasting myself there. I started unbuckling his pants and used my legs to shove them down. Once he sprung free, I grabbed his ass and pulled him close to me so I could feel his hard cock pressing against my pussy. I pulled away and licked his lips. “Don’t you want to take me, Stosh, right here? Fuck me against this wall. Lift me up in your arms and take what I know you desire.”

  He picked me up with one swoop and kept me leaning against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist and felt him positioning his stiff erection at my entrance. I rocked a little, letting him know I wanted it immediately. He let out a little chuckle and slid it inside of me. I gasped, feeling both pain and pleasure at the same time. Instead of getting to a good pace, he continued to slam it in and then take it completely back out. I begged for more. “Please… Don’t stop.”

  “You like being fucked?” He licked my lips after asking.

  I grabbed him by the hair and bit him. When I pulled back he came in for more. Feeling his tongue sliding over mine gave me chills in all the right places.

  With our lips still together, I opened my eyes and looked into his. Our noses were touching and all I could feel was his hot breath against my mouth. “Harder. Mmm, I want it bad.”

  He drove into me, shoving my back against the wall hard. I could feel the tingling again, more every time he slammed into me. I hated when it was removed, but I loved it when it slid right back in.

  I held onto him, so tight we almost had to take breaks to breathe. I could feel his sweat and taste it on his skin. His fingernails dug into my ass as he rammed into me one more final time before abruptly releasing his load inside of me.

  I kept my legs wrapped around him and bit down on my lip, finally letting my head fall back against the building. He buried his face into my neck and tried to catch h
is breath. “Willow,” was all he could say.

  It took a while for both of us to be able to walk back to the car. Once our bodies separated, and we were able to both stand on our own two feet, we held hands and sauntered slowly, enjoying the light of the moon as our guide.

  I leaned my head against his arm as we walked. “Thanks for taking me to the prom tonight.”

  “The dance was worth it, considering how well you put out afterwards.”

  We both laughed.

  “You know… I would have put out when we were in high school, too. I thought about it often and had mentally prepared myself for when the time came.”

  He shook his head and started to chuckle again. “Now you tell me. I think I might have beaten off to your image as soon as I got home the first day of school.”

  I pushed him away and began to giggle again. “Shut up! I don’t want to know that.”

  I continued laughing while he kept at it. “You can’t even imagine the things I had you doing.”

  “Stosh! Seriously.”

  His ornery snicker made me giddy. “None of it compared to how it really feels to be with you.”

  I rolled my eyes and smiled at him as we came up to the car. “You’re so lucky I like you.”

  “I guess we need to get back and be serious.” He turned me around before I could open the door. “Will, are you sure this is what you want to do? We can think of something else. We don’t have to go through with this if you’re having doubts.”

  “I’m sure. I know what I’m risking and I know what I’m giving up.” I’d sent my new boss an email, telling him thanks for the opportunity, but I wouldn’t be returning. I let him know I had a family emergency, and it wasn’t fair for him to hold out hope I’d return. I had to forfeit the job.

  My apartment manager wasn’t happy with my notice, but since I had paid a security deposit, including first and last month’s rent, he had plenty of time to find a new tenant. With the plan I had in mind, it was important my place stay the way it was until the time was right.


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