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Twinsequences Willow

Page 13

by Jennifer Foor

  We were risking so much and I was praying it was going to work. It had to. My sister wouldn’t control me anymore.

  Chapter 17

  Didn’t see that coming.

  Stosh opened my side of the car door and let me in first. I was fixated on watching him walk around to his side of the car that I didn’t notice there was something off. Upon climbing into the driver’s seat, we were met with a sudden startle. On the steering wheel was a post-it note.

  I won’t let you take her from me.

  Stosh crumpled up the piece of paper and threw it out the window. He punched the steering wheel.

  “Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I was kind of scared.

  He looked at me as he replied. “This can only be one person.”

  He climbed back out of the car and started pacing around, using profanities.

  I jumped out and walked around to where he was losing his shit. “Stosh, what are you talking about?”

  “Jesus, Will, do I have to spell it out for you? Who would be following us around, trying to get revenge? Who did we run into earlier?”

  “That guy Rafe?”

  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought about it. Apparently, I was too caught up in what was happening in my own life to consider obstacles weren’t going to come into play.

  “Yeah. That guy.” He shook his head. “I didn’t know they were that serious. This could ruin everything. We can’t have him following us around.”

  I walked up to him and grabbed his arms. He was reluctant at first. “He’s just hurt. It will pass. I’m sure he feels used and betrayed.”

  “You better hope that’s all this is. I hardly think leaving a threatening note is harmless.” He had a point, but I wasn’t about to admit it. This plan wouldn’t get screwed up by a lunatic lover. We couldn’t risk having someone come into the picture and spoiling it all.

  Stosh looked around the empty parking lot. “We need to get out of here. Who knows where he’s at?”

  The ride home lacked any kind of romance, as Stosh continued freaking out in various ways. He was a kind man who had been wronged too many times. It made it obvious he didn’t want anything coming in the way of us being together. I couldn’t blame him for that.

  When lies have kept you apart, there is little room to feel confident about things working in your favor, especially when hurdles start popping up. I got why he was worried, I chose to stay focused and ignore it.

  When we got home, we had to check on Ivy. Feeding her was going to be a task, but I couldn’t let her starve. We’d stopped at a fast food place and got enough grub to feed the three of us.

  Once we got her food set out, Stosh brought her into the living room, while still keeping her hands bound together. There was no way I was going to let her sit with us any other way. I gently removed the gag. “So help me God, if you scream this goes back on and you don’t eat. Got it?”

  She nodded.

  We watched her move her jaw around. She looked over at Stosh, but avoided eye contact with me. “What are you planning on doing to me?”

  I grabbed her jaw and turned her head in my direction. “You ask me the questions. Don’t speak to him. Don’t even look in his direction.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Fine! What the hell are you doing, Willow? You can’t do this. You don’t have the guts to go through with it.”

  I shoved fries into her mouth. “It’s amazing how much pent up anger can do for one’s soul, my dear sister. I’m not the person you pegged me to be. The new and improved me won’t stop until you have nothing left to live for. You took years from me. When I’m done you won’t want to look in the mirror at who you’ve become.”

  “Are you going to kill me?” She seemed genuinely afraid.

  “I haven’t decided.” I looked over and saw Stosh trying not to laugh. He knew I could never do something that horrible.

  “Willow… Will, please. I’ll walk away. I’ll let you have him.”

  I smacked her in the face. “You’ll let me? Are you fucking serious? Dear sister, he was never yours to give. He was always mine. You were the consolation when he thought he could never have the real thing.” She looked over at Stosh and he said nothing. She knew it was the truth. I watched her begin to sob. “Awe, what’s wrong? Does that hurt your feelings?”

  “Please stop!”

  I’d taken enough psychology classes to know someone like my sister couldn’t take this kind of mental torture. In fact, it had been that same kind of torment that left her the way she was. This was a small part of my plan to destroy her. “How does it feel? Crying won’t help you, Ivy. You better save those tears. It’s not even begun to get bad yet.”

  She sobbed harder. “Please, Willow.”

  “Don’t beg me. You will get no remorse from me. You stripped me of so much. There will never be forgiveness from me. I hate the person you’ve become. I hate that I loved you, but you didn’t give a damn about me. I never did shit to you, Ivy.”

  “You don’t understand what it was like.”

  Her sobbing was exhausting me. I threw my trash in the bag and stood up. While looking at my sister, I leaned down and kissed Stosh. “After you put her back in the dark room, meet me in the shower. There’s this spot on my back I can’t reach. It feels better when you do it.”

  I headed into the bedroom with a smile on my face, but I didn’t close the door; not when I could hear her pleading with him.

  “Stosh, please don’t do this. You know I love you. Can’t you see she is the evil one? All I ever wanted to do was be with you. I just wanted you to love me. I kept you from her because I knew she’d hurt you.”

  I couldn’t see them or what they were doing.

  “Ivy, you don’t know how to love.”

  “That’s not true. Think about our life. I know you love me, Stosh. You might be able to lie to her, but you can’t to me.”

  “You got with me to spite your sister. You told me we were going to make her jealous so she would want to date me. Now look at what’s happened. How can you sit there and say you loved me? Everything you do is some ploy to get what you want.” He was getting frustrated. I could hear it in his voice.

  “You’re wrong. We fell in love. You know it’s true.”

  “Just like the way you fell in love with Rafe?”

  It got very quiet.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Was she really going to play that card? I was about to go out there and bitch slap her.

  “Spare me the act, Ivy. I ran into your boyfriend today. He approached Willow and wanted to know when they were going to run off together.”

  “Maybe he’s with Willow? Did you ever consider she’s playing you?”

  Seriously? She was going to go there?

  “I was having you followed, you lying bitch! I knew all about him.”

  I wished I was in the room to see the look on her face. I knew it was priceless.

  “Stosh… I-”

  “Save it, Ivy! Finish eating and I’ll be back to check on you. I can’t look at you without feeling sick to my stomach.” I was so caught up I didn’t have time to move away from the door before he came walking in. I felt embarrassed about it, but he smiled and kissed me, making it a little less awkward.

  She was yelling from the living room. “How do I eat with no hands?”

  “Figure it out!” He responded as he started lifting the bottom of my shirt. I moved my head to the side as his mouth found its way to the base of my neck. He whispered in my ear, “I want more.”

  My body became hot, and a fire ignited between my legs. I lifted one, letting my knee rub against his inner thigh. He pushed me down on the bed and fell on top of me, smothering me with hot, wet kisses. I felt his hands pushing up my shirt and lifting my bra so my breasts could fall out of the bottom. He sucked on one, then went and did the same to the other side. His tongue flicked against it, making it wet and slippery when he tried to pinch it.

  I arched my back and
reached down the front of his pants. When I felt the smooth skin of his cock against my fingers, I knew I found what I was looking for. My hand wrapped around his shaft and I began stroking him. Our kisses became more aggressive with my movements.

  I couldn’t believe he wanted me again, so soon, but I wasn’t going to argue. I pulled my hand out and began unbuttoning his pants in order to get them off. He ran his hand up my shorts and slid my underwear to the side. I felt him rubbing on my pussy and then separating the lips. I was still wet from our encounter a short time ago. That was the whole purpose of the shower. Still, I couldn’t deny what we both wanted. I needed him inside of me and he needed to be there, too.

  When his pants came down, so did my shorts. In fact, all of our clothes came off, and we were left naked, pretzeled together on his bed. He stood up at the end and pulled me down leaving half my ass hanging off. My legs were placed over each of his shoulders and he rubbed the underneath of my butt as he positioned himself to enter me. I felt him sliding in and noticed him watching himself doing it.

  He bit down on his lip and began pumping himself in and out.

  Stosh took one of my legs and leaned in, bringing my knee against my chest. “I’m close.”

  I felt his body tightening. I opened my eyes and saw his closing as he was overwhelmed with satisfaction.

  After a few moments, he finally fell beside me on the bed, allowing my legs to finally relax. My muscles were tired and aching, but I liked knowing why they felt that way.

  He leaned over and kissed my lips softly. “We never made it to the shower.”

  “I forgive you.”

  “For the shower? I didn’t know I was in trouble.” He smiled and traced the skin on one of my breasts.

  I shook my head. “Not for the shower, Stosh.”

  He sat up and became serious.

  I reached up and stroked the side of his face with the back of my hand. “I just want to move forward. If something bad happens to me, I want you to know I forgive you for your part in Ivy’s plan. I can see how she used you, but I also feel flattered you felt like it was the only way you could ever be with me. I felt our connection. As much as I try to rationalize that forgiving you is a mistake, I can’t not do it. What I want is right in front of me and nothing is going to stop me from having it.”

  He smiled, showing his almost perfect teeth, before letting his head fall down on my chest. He brought my hand up to his lips. “So, does this mean I have my best friend back?”

  I ran a hand through his dark hair. “Yeah, I guess you do.”

  He snickered and traced his fingers lightly over my abdomen. “There’s one thing that bothers me.”


  “I hate I have to call you, Ivy. I want the world to know I’m with Willow. It’s not very fair, after everything she’s put us through.”

  Shouting started coming from the other room. “I CAN HEAR YOU!”

  “WE DON’T CARE!” I yelled back.

  “We should probably go put her back in her room. If she can hear us talking, I’m sure she heard us fucking. I HOPE SHE DID!” Stosh’s statement caused me to giggle.

  We were being rude. Each time I started to feel sorry for being the way we were, I thought about all the lies upon lies she made us believe.

  We dressed, in order to be able to go out and handle Ivy. We found her on the floor. She’d been trying to get into my purse with her teeth. I rushed over and started putting everything back in. When I picked up her cell phone, I saw it blinking. I pulled up the messages and was shocked how many were on there. We left Ivy on the floor while Stosh and I sat down and looked through them.

  What does he have on you, my love? – R

  Please answer me. – R

  I won’t let you do this. We are meant to be together. You, me and the baby. –R

  I felt sick reading it. All along Stosh had thought her plan was to take my baby and raise it with him. This guy was claiming she’d planned to raise the baby with him. Stosh grabbed the phone out of my hand and shoved it in her face. “Is this true?”

  She spit at him. “Screw you! Screw you both!”

  He cocked his arm back, and I threw myself in between them. “Don’t do it. Don’t stoop to her level.”

  Instead, he pointed at her. “If it were up to me, you’d be at the bottom of a fucking river, tied to a cinder block, you evil whore!”

  She rolled over and tucked her body as she cried.

  I looked over at Stosh who shook his head and walked into the bedroom. I think he’d had enough of my sister for the night. He came back out and went into the bathroom. The sound of the water turning on let me know he was getting a shower.

  I grabbed her by the arms and started dragging her into the room. “Get off me!”

  I kept forcing her to move. “Shut up! You keep digging yourself into a deeper hole.”

  Once in the room, I let her slam back down on the floor. Her hands were bound tight, as well as her feet. She couldn’t do anything to me. “You’re going to pay for this, Willow. Rafe will come for me. We have plans.”

  “I saw Rafe earlier, as well as Mom and Dad. They all think I’m you. Right now, they think you and Stosh are working on your relationship. Well, I guess me and Stosh are working on our relationship. The new and improved version of you knows how to keep her man happy, since he’s loved me the entire time.”

  “You won’t get away with this. They’ll figure it out.”

  “No, they won’t. You did such a good job making me look like I was crazy they won’t believe anything out of your mouth.”

  She finally realized what was going on. I don’t think she got how I was going to pull it off, but it was happening and there was nothing she could do about it.

  “I’ll never pretend to be you, Willow. This isn’t happening!”

  It was, no matter how much she pleaded. I shoved the gag back in her mouth and smiled as I walked out the door and shut it behind me. “Sweet dreams.”

  Chapter 18

  Tears for Fears.

  I went straight toward the bathroom, finding the door to be unlocked. Without hesitation, I found Stosh standing in the shower, letting the water run over his body. He had both arms against the wall and his head facing down.

  I took off my clothes again and joined him. He didn’t realize I was there at first. When I slid open the glass door, he saw me and moved over to give me room. I didn’t say anything. It was better to wrap my arms around him and let him unwind at his own pace.

  “Sorry I lost it. I’ve never hit a female in my life. She’s just… She’s not even human. She’s possessed by the devil or something equivalent. She has no soul.”

  I kissed the wet skin on his back. “She knows what to say to get you worked up, that’s for sure.”

  He finally turned around. “I just keep thinking we should run away instead of doing this. I have a bad feeling about it. A lot can go wrong.”

  I looked right into his eyes. “I don’t want us to have to give up everything, including both of our family’s. Let’s give this plan a chance. She will break. I may not know anything else about her, but I know she can’t take what we’re doing to her.”

  He started washing my hair. “If something happens that puts us in danger, we’re out of here. I’m not going to stick around and get arrested.”

  “You’re overreacting. I’m not going to jail. So what if I tied up my sister and held her prisoner? She ruined my life.”

  He put both hands on my cheeks and looked into my eyes. “I’m going to have a back-up plan.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Whatever! You won’t need it.”

  We finished washing but stayed in the shower, realizing Ivy couldn’t hear us talking. “What are we going to do about Rafe? We can’t have him bringing attention to us. It has to look like we are working hard at our marriage.”

  I ran my hands up his wet chest. “I am working hard on my marriage.”

  We both laughed even though the conversation was s
upposed to be serious.

  The conversation was dropped when the water began to get cold. We both climbed out of the shower and made it to the bedroom before anything else was said. After putting on a bra and underwear, I climbed in bed next to him. He was sitting up, flipping through channels, looking for something to watch on the television. I leaned over and plugged both phones in to charge. When I did it, I noticed several more messages. Stosh was too busy with the television to pay attention to what I was doing. I leaned over the bed and looked at them.

  I need you to call me. – R

  Meet me tomorrow at my place. – R

  Please? –R

  I don’t know what came over me, but I replied.

  Okay. – I

  I rolled back over to see if Stosh had noticed and he hadn’t. After realizing he didn’t have a clue, I laid there staring at the ceiling and wondering if I should tell him or not. He was already freaking out about my plan not being a good idea.

  I had to do what was best. There was a baby I had to worry about. Rafe could complicate things and I wasn’t about to let it happen.

  I rolled over and cuddled with Stosh. “I think you should go into work tomorrow.”

  He sat down the remote and cuddled with me. “I told my dad I had to stay home to take care of you. I can make my calls and do my invoices from here.”

  “I was thinking of going over my parent’s house in the morning. The longer I ignore their calls, the more likely they are to come over and check on us. We can’t have that happening.”

  “I’ll go with you. I’m sure they’d rather see us together.”

  I hated lying to Stosh, but I was protecting him and our future. “Yeah, I guess so.” I hoped this next part was believable. “Oh wait. You need to stay here. What will you do if Rafe shows up and has a key to this place? Ivy could have given him one. If he comes in and finds her we’re screwed.”

  I could tell he felt defeated. “Will you at least hurry home? I mean, I know you’re healthy, but I like the idea of taking care of you. Being without you, right now, makes me nervous.”


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