Book Read Free

Always Yours

Page 2

by Kennedy Fox

  “Thanks,” I murmur awkwardly.

  “You can take off the blindfold as soon as we’re inside,” he informs me as if he knows how frustrated I am.

  I hear Eric at the back, grabbing my things, and then the three of us walk some more. A door opens and Ty ushers me in.

  “Alright, I’m going to remove your blindfold, but before I do…let’s go over the rules.”

  Rules? How about rule number one: don’t kill me.

  “There are cameras in every room of the house except the bathrooms. Victoria can see live footage, so I wouldn’t try anything. Eric and I each have a room next to yours. The house will be on lockdown, so even if you stupidly tried to run, you won’t be able to get out without sounding the alarms.”

  “And we’re both carrying,” Eric adds roughly. His hoarse voice sends a shiver down my spine and not in a pleasant way.

  I swallow hard. “Got it.” I have no idea what they know about me or if they even know why I’m here, but I’m smart enough not to play games around people who could easily end me with one bullet.

  Ty steps closer, and his fingers brush my neck before he lifts the cloth over my head. I blink, studying my surroundings.

  Well, it’s not the worst place to be held hostage. Victoria was right; this is luxury living. Looks like something she’d own too, which she probably does. This is no small cabin in the woods; this is a mansion in the woods.

  My eyes finally land on Ty, and he narrows his gaze, studying my face as if he’s wondering what the hell I’m doing here too.

  “You must be Ty,” I say stupidly to break the awkward silence. If I had to guess, he’s probably a few years older than Liam.

  He gives me a curt nod.

  “I’m Maddie.” Though he probably already knows that.

  His lips part, and his throat moves, but he doesn’t say anything else. Almost as if he’s not allowed to.

  Eric huffs and walks past us with my backpack and suitcase. “C’mon. I’ll show you to your room.”

  As I follow him, I immediately notice how extravagant the place really is when I see large flat-screen TVs, an oversized gas fireplace, a modern kitchen with high tech appliances, and countless fancy chandeliers.

  Why would Victoria send me here?

  This looks too good to be true.

  Then again, Victoria is the queen of mind games.

  Chapter Two


  My heart is lodged in my throat as the anxiety of Maddie being gone violently creeps in. Victoria’s behind this, or she wouldn’t have said what she did.

  “I warned you to behave, hubby. But you didn’t listen.” Her words echo in my head, over and over, and the only thing that forces me back to reality is Sophie following us into the living room. All I hear are threats to call the police. Her hand is unsteady as she clenches the note in her fist.

  “They can’t do anything if she left willingly,” Victoria states confidently from beside me. Sophie takes two steps forward, looking her up and down. Mason comes in and pulls her away, creating much-needed space between the two, but Victoria isn’t fazed in the least. I’m sure she’s had her fair share of fights, but she’s always won because she plays dirty.

  “I’ll get to the bottom of this,” Sophie threatens between clenched teeth before she turns to me, seething. “This is your fucking fault.”

  “Soph,” Mason says. I’m sure she would’ve clocked me right in the face if he hadn’t stepped between us. Mason manages to temporarily calm her as Victoria announces we need to get going in her sugary-sweet tone that nearly sends me into a rage. My world is spiraling out of control, and all I can do is sit back and watch the clusterfuck unfold before my eyes. I should’ve been more careful. I should’ve pushed Maddie away to keep her safe, but I didn’t. I couldn’t.

  “Can’t be late, sweetie.” Victoria grabs my hand and squeezes, but I pull away from her.

  “I’ll be right up,” I force out before she raises up on her tiptoes and kisses my cheek. I can’t even smile this time. Once Victoria is out of sight, Sophie walks over and pushes me with all her strength. I barely lose my footing because I tower over her, but her frustration and anger aren’t lost on me. It’s more than warranted.

  “She’s gone, and considering she name-dropped you in this note, I have no choice but to blame you.”

  “Soph,” I say softly. “I’m so sorry. I’ll find her.”

  She glares at me with disgust before walking away, but Mason stands tall with his arms crossed, studying me. “We can all agree that this isn’t like Maddie, and I have a feeling there’s more to this than what that damn letter said.”

  Guilt washes over me, and I nod, agreeing with him. “It’s not in her character. And I’m concerned too, but I promise you, Mason, I will track her down.”

  “I know if anyone can find her, it’ll be you,” he tells me. “I hope you weren’t stringing her along somehow because if so, that’s utterly fucked up, Liam, even for you.”

  I wish I could spill all my truths to Mason, but I know I can’t. Sophie has accused Maddie of messing around with me already, and she’s overly suspicious, so I can read between the lines. Instead of explaining, I accept his disappointment, which makes me feel like a bigger piece of shit.

  Mason gives me one last look before going upstairs to comfort Sophie. I run my fingers through my hair and take a few deep breaths as Victoria sashays into the living room with her designer suitcase behind her.

  “Ready to go, hubby?” She grins. I’m two seconds from telling her to go fuck herself, but I fully understand she holds all the cards right now. So instead of setting her off, I go to my room, change clothes, and then grab my bag. Before I meet Victoria downstairs, I knock on Mason’s door, but they don’t answer.

  “I’m sorry,” I say again, hoping they hear me, then walk away.

  Victoria’s sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, and I can’t help but notice how pregnant she looks. The change in her appearance is so drastic from the last time we were together. It’s almost as if it happened overnight.

  “Our ride is outside,” she tells me after glancing at her phone.

  “I can drive,” I say.

  “No,” she snaps, then stands. I begrudgingly follow her as she goes to the door, and we climb into a limo with windows so dark it’d be impossible to see in from the outside.

  On the way to the airport, we don’t exchange a word. I’m too lost inside my head, trying to figure out what the fuck happened. I mentally try to put the pieces together as if I’m tracking a fugitive. The note was in Maddie’s handwriting. Some of her shit was gone, along with her car. She left hastily, though, as if her departure was unplanned, and if she was driving, she couldn’t have gone far. I’m sure Sophie’s already checking with her parents and Lennon. There are only so many places she could go because it’s not like she has a ton of money. Another reason I believe Victoria orchestrated the entire thing because she’s the ultimate puppet master and gets off on having control.

  I just want confirmation Maddie’s okay, and I want her to know how fucking sorry I am about this whole ordeal, but I don’t expect her to forgive me. Not this time. I should’ve fucking told her, but I was scared as hell that’d be her final straw, and I didn’t want to ruin the happiness we’d fought so hard for. If I can prove those babies aren’t mine—and I will, somehow—maybe she’ll give us another chance.

  The car slows, and the door opens, and soon, we’re boarding the private jet with our bags. As the plane travels down the runway and takes off, Victoria smirks as she interlocks her fingers with mine. We’re being watched by her bodyguards sitting in the back, so once again, I’m forced to play the part of the loving husband.

  I lean over and whisper in her ear. “I need proof that Maddie isn’t hurt.”

  Laughter escapes her as she releases my hand and playfully pats my leg. “I bet you do.”

  My jaw clenches as I growl. “What the fuck have you done?”

y, she turns her head and looks me in my eyes but lowers her voice. “What have you done? Fucking her behind my back after I’ve warned you to be careful wasn’t a logical decision. The last thing you need is any more distractions, considering you’re about to be a father to twins. Your problem is you don’t know how to listen, Liam. This isn’t a fucking game, but you acted as if it was. Instead of being smart and thinking with your head while your life and all your friends’ lives are on the line, you’ve allowed your dick to call the shots. That all ends now.”

  Her words are like poison running through my veins.

  “So you know where she is?”

  The maniacal smile on her lips is frightening. “Maddie and I had a chat before she left.”

  I narrow my eyes. “You lay a finger on her, and you’ll be sorry.”

  “Threaten me again, and you’ll be the one who’s sorry. And let me remind you that you have zero power here. You’ll get more information about her when you’ve earned the privilege. As of right now, I owe you nothing, and you owe me everything. You’ll have the chance to prove yourself when we’re with my family this afternoon, but so far, you’ve done nothing but compromise everything like a fucking idiot. I really thought you were smarter than that, Liam. You’re a true disappointment.”

  I pull away from her and nearly bite off my tongue I’m so infuriated, but it was the confirmation I needed. While I suspected Victoria, because it’s typical of her, I also understood how angry Maddie was. There was always the slight chance she had left on her own.

  “Where did you send her?” I finally ask, not giving up.

  She chuckles. “You’ll never find her, Liam. Never. Not even your bounty hunter skills will help you track her down. But know she’s in a better place than that dump of a house you all live in. And maybe I’ll eventually let her go…or not. Your actions will determine how this ends. She might not make it out alive, but that’s up to you.”

  “You’re a bitch,” I say loud enough for only her to hear.

  She laughs. “I know.”

  I nearly grind my teeth flat by the time the plane lands. Our bags are loaded into a large SUV, and we climb inside. Vegas used to be a city that brought me joy and hope, and maybe a little relief from the everyday grind of tracking people, but now, it’s my own personal hell on earth. When this marriage is over, I don’t think I’ll ever return to Sin City. It’s been tainted by the O’Learys and too many bad memories for me to ever enjoy it again.

  The truck slows, then stops. After I grab our shit, we take the elevator up to her penthouse. It’s squeaky clean, as always, mainly because her maid does a great job. Victoria doesn’t lift a pinky; instead, she uses her daddy’s money for tasks that are below her.

  She sits on the couch and pats the seat next to her.

  “We need to discuss what’s going to happen in a few hours,” she says, showing off her pearly whites.

  I remain standing. “Go on.”

  “My father has decided he wants the family together tonight for dinner. Everyone will be there. Well, those of importance. I’d like to make the official announcement about the babies then.”

  “Figured as much,” I state dryly.

  “But I need you to step up your excitement about being a father because you’ve failed to convince me so far.”

  “And you need to confirm Maddie is okay, but you refuse.”

  A roar of a groan echoes through the living room. “Are you going to play along, or do I need to use force? I know your girl is a dancer. A broken ankle might do her some good and prove to you I’m not fucking around.”

  Holding out my hands, I surrender. She knows Maddie is my weakness, and she’ll use her against me every chance she can. “Fine. I’ll do whatever you want,” I finally say. My heart beats erratically at the thought of what she’s capable of doing.

  “Very good.”

  I want to slap the smug grin right off her face.

  “I’d like you to wear your Armani suit. I bought you a green shirt to match my dress. I’ve also hired a photographer to be there because I told Daddy I wanted family photos. However, my mother won’t be available because she had a fundraiser to attend in the morning in New York. It was a who’s who type of affair.”

  All I do is nod, and she looks over my shoulder at the crystal clock on the wall. “Looks like we have a few hours before we need to get ready. You should shave beforehand. Try not to look like a caveman.”

  The digs are starting to wear on me, but I take them because what I want to say will give her more leverage to hurt Maddie. “Anything else?”

  “I think that’s it.”

  As I turn to walk to the room I stay in when I’m visiting, she says my name. I stop for a moment. “I’m sorry I had to do this, but you tied my hands, and I had no other choice.”

  Instead of responding, I continue forward. As soon as I’m alone, I ball my hands into fists needing to release my anger. The frustration I’m experiencing is like nothing I’ve ever endured before. It’s a prison of emotions, tucked deep inside, and I have to play along. I’m not convinced Maddie is fine, and I’m unsure of her currently situation. Victoria grew up watching her father be merciless, and I know the same cold blood flows through her veins. The woman wouldn’t know empathy if it slapped her in the fucking face.

  Kicking off my shoes, I lie on the bed and stare at the ceiling until my vision blurs. My head pounds as I think about my life. I could’ve never predicted any of this. Knowing my father is now a target along with Maddie being taken brings this all to the next level, and I’m not sure how I’m going to get us out of this.

  Though hours have passed, time feels as if it’s standing still. Considering we’ll be leaving soon, I jump in the shower, then shave my face as Victoria requested. Her wish is my command—a mantra I’m sure I’ll repeat a dozen times before the night is over. When I walk into the living room, the shirt she bought for me is lying on the back of the sofa. I grab it along with my bag and get dressed. Three knocks on my door tell me it’s time to put on the performance of a lifetime.

  “Ready, hubby?” Victoria coos.

  I nod, and we leave. The ride to meet her family is full of mental anguish. I try to remember the last time we had sex along with how far along she is. The math adds up correctly if she’s being honest, which could account for the size of her belly with twins. However, I can’t be sure if I’m the only guy she’s been with since we hooked up. The first night we met, Victoria admitted she wasn’t a one-man type of person, but she’s also been watching her back because of our marriage. The babies only complicate this scenario further.

  She admitted she wanted out of the mob life once before. The reason she needed her trust fund early was so she could be free from it all. Having a baby meant getting more money in the end, so I can only imagine what the monetary value is for two. She seems overly thrilled by it, though—the dollar signs, that is. Before, she mentioned she’d have so much cash she’d just hire a full-time nanny to raise the kids, with no intention of changing her jet-setting lifestyle. The thought alone makes me sick. I never imagined having children, but I’d never abandoned them either. They’ll be her pawns that’ll allow her to get more of what she wants.

  The car eventually slows in front of an Italian restaurant. When we get out, I wrap my arm around Victoria, and she leans into me. Her skin against mine feels as if it’s leaving third degree burns.

  “Make me proud, and I may reward you later.”

  She’s now resorted to treating me like a dog.

  I swallow hard as we walk through the restaurant to the private area reserved for the O’Learys. Once we enter, everyone rushes to give us hugs and side cheek kisses. Wine glasses are passed around, and Victoria refuses one, but I don’t. Might as well get sloshed to take away some of the pain I’m feeling.

  Victoria’s grandma comes over and squeezes me tight. If the circumstances were different, I’d actually enjoy being around the woman because she’s nice, and I truly believe sh
e sees the best in people. Though it’s possible she’s wearing a disguise and is as cold-hearted as the rest of them.

  Johnny comes over and gives me a firm handshake, and I meet his grip with the same pressure. “Been treating my daughter right?” he asks with a grin, eventually letting go of my hand.

  “Yes sir, like the queen she is. Isn’t that right, sweetheart?” I turn to Victoria, placing a soft kiss on her plump lips.

  “Mm-hmm. We’ve been doing great, Daddy.”

  He hugs Victoria and kisses her. “That’s what I like to hear.”

  The staff enters carrying trays of food and sets up an area that acts as a buffet. There are no less than thirty people in the room. Victoria reintroduces me to cousins, aunts, uncles, and after I realize how many people are here, I get nervous. Of course I’ve met them before, but I can’t remember half of their names because her family is so large. Considering the magnitude of this dinner, I understand how much everything will change once she announces the pregnancy.

  The smile I wear is as fake as Victoria’s tits, but I play the role of doting husband so well her cousins are jealous of our relationship. I want to scream out that it’s not real, it’s pretend, and explain how much I actually despise the woman standing next to me. While I owe her my life, I feel as if I’m repaying her with it. Free will isn’t something I’m privy to anymore because I have zero decision-making power. At this rate, I’m better off dead.

  After everyone has filled their plates with food and the tables are full of her family, Victoria stands and reaches for me. I grab her hand and stand.

  “I just wanted to take this opportunity to let you all know we’re expecting!” Victoria beams excitedly.

  The room bursts into cheers and congratulations, and her grandmother cries. I kiss Victoria and hold her in my arms as she smiles. “Tell them the rest of the news, sweetie,” she adds.

  “We’re having twins!” I force out as cheerfully as I can as the photographer snaps an ungodly number of pictures.


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