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Always Yours

Page 3

by Kennedy Fox

  “Twins?” Her father gasps. “What a blessing!”

  The words that come out of his mouth are full of hypocrisy. He can celebrate his daughter’s pregnancy with such ease yet doesn’t think twice about stealing life from others. Pretty sure he’s the actual devil.

  Hours pass in a blur, and after we’ve eaten and Victoria has shared all the information about the babies, it’s time to go. The entire family is overly ecstatic about the news, and I’m exhausted from listening to their plans and guesses about the genders. At this rate, she’ll have no less than five baby showers and diaper parties, along with exclusive baby clothes made by her designer aunt. We say our goodbyes, and by the time we make it home, I have a full-blown migraine.

  We take the elevator up, and once we’re alone, the act is quickly dropped.

  “You seem pleased.” I loosen my tie and remove my suit jacket.

  “I am.” She grabs my hand. “I was thinking you should consider moving here, maybe for the next year or so, to help with the babies and prove to my family that we tried to make this work.”

  “No.” I rip my hand from hers, fully aware of the manipulative tactics she’s trying to use. “It wasn’t part of the agreement.”

  “Me getting pregnant wasn’t either but look what happened.” She shrugs with a half-smile.

  I suck in a sharp breath. “I need proof they’re mine.”

  “And when you have that, then what will you do?”

  “I’m done talking about this,” I state firmly, and she grins. “Are you going to tell me where Maddie is now?”

  “No. She’s fine, but if you keep it up, she won’t be. Just keep pressing me. Understand?” She bats her eyelashes, loving the control she has over me.

  “Heard you loud and clear,” I say before turning and going to my room, not having the strength to argue with her after tonight, hoping that Maddie really is okay. I could try to steal Victoria’s phone and scour through her messages, but she doesn’t allow it to leave her palm. Without a doubt, the information I need is on that device.

  The day replays in my head, and it’s hard to believe how much has happened in twenty-four hours. Her family now knows the secret. It won’t be long until the whole city does, considering how proud Johnny was about becoming a grandfather. The thought of it makes me sick because just when I think things can’t get any worse, the universe laughs and shows me otherwise.

  Chapter Three


  I’ve been a hostage for two days. Hostage might be a stretch, considering they aren’t torturing me, and I’m allowed to eat and basically do whatever I want—as long as I don’t try to escape.

  Ty is nice so far, but Eric acts like he has a permanent stick up his ass. I’ve learned that they work for and report directly to Victoria, not her dad. Neither of them knew what their mission was before coming here and were told shortly before my arrival. I’m good at asking the right questions even if they hadn’t meant to tell me that information. Eric scowls at Ty anytime he talks to me, but I’m bored as fuck. If I don’t talk to someone, I’ll go insane.

  The cameras freak me out a little, but after a day, I stopped looking up at them. I know she can see me, which means I have to play along in her game and behave until I can leave. I hate not knowing what’s going on and how long I’ll be here, but she won’t tell me anyway so I don’t bother asking.

  I miss Liam even though I’m pissed at him.

  I miss the way we teased each other.

  I miss his touch. His lips. His large hands.

  I miss the way he’d look at me as if he couldn’t help but stare. Like he wanted to devour me.

  But he lied or, rather, kept the truth from me. And that’s what keeps a fire lit under my pain. After everything we’ve been through, he didn’t even have the courtesy to tell me Victoria was pregnant.

  It’s almost eleven, and after sleeping all night and half the morning, I’m energized and ready to do something. There’s a hot tub outside, but I didn’t pack my swimsuit. I could wear shorts and a sports bra, but I have a feeling that’d be frowned upon.

  Instead of letting myself go crazy, I decide to change into some leggings and a leotard. If I can’t go to class, I might as well practice. First, I’ll do some stretches and meditation and then work on some dance techniques.

  I pull my hair up into a ballerina bun and saunter into the living room, which is honestly as big as Liam and Mason’s entire house. The sectional sofa takes up one side and expensive looking chairs are on the other. If I wasn’t a ball of nerves, I might actually enjoy the space and binge-watch TV shows.

  Scrolling through the channels, I can only find a yoga class for beginners and decide it’s better than nothing. Eric’s in the corner watching my every move, an annoying shadow that never goes away, but the moment I hear Ty clear his throat, I nearly lose my tree pose balance. I haven’t seen him all morning, and he just shows up out of nowhere.

  “I’ve got it from here,” Ty tells Eric. “You can go on break.”

  “I don’t need a break,” Eric argues, keeping his stance firm.

  “Too bad. Boss wants you to call her,” Ty retorts, his eyes burning into Eric’s.

  They stare at each other, neither moving nor speaking.

  What the fuck?

  “Or you could both leave because I’m a big fucking girl and don’t need a babysitter,” I blurt out, then smirk when they turn and glare at me. “I’m not going anywhere, geesh. I don’t even know where I am, and I’m not dumb enough to start running in a random direction outside in the middle of nowhere. I’ve watched plenty of horror movies and know that never ends well. So if you two need to have a lover’s spat in private, I’ll be right here doing yoga when you return.” I tilt my head and smile sweetly.

  Eric looks as if he wants to strangle me, his dark eyes turning to slits as he scowls.

  Ty has the faintest smirk on his lips that he tries to hide with a fake cough.

  “I’ll be back in twenty.” Eric breaks the silence, then stomps out of the room like a man-child. My eyes follow him until he’s out of sight.

  “I think your best friend hates me,” I tease before turning back to the TV and moving into the same position as the teacher.

  Ty stands on the opposite wall with his hands folded in front of him. He’s not buff like Liam, but tall and lean like a swimmer. His biceps bulge from his shirt, and it’s hard not to notice his muscles. Ty looks like he’s a fast runner, which means even if I did try to run, he’d catch up to me in half a second.

  “Would you mind grabbing me a bottle of water?” I ask as I switch into downward dog.

  “I’m here to watch you, not wait on you.”

  “And you’ll be performing CPR when I lose my breath and pass out,” I retort. Stretching, I move my body until my eyes are on the ceiling. “Hope you’ve been trained for that.”

  I risk a glance at him and see the corner of his lips tilt up just the tiniest bit. He’s amused, but he tries to hide it.

  “You remind me of my boyfriend,” I tell him when I stand and exhale. “Well, probably ex-boyfriend now that he hid the truth from me, and I ended up here with you.” I flash him a sarcastic smile. Not to mention he’s married to another woman. Legit or not, he’s still legally bound to her. “He was all quiet and reserved around me too, but I eventually broke him down.” Lifting my arms above my head, I shift from side to side and stretch my muscles. “Took me a bit, but now that I’m well-practiced, I’ll be much faster at breaking through next time.”

  Ty shifts uncomfortably as if he’s trying to keep a straight face since there are cameras. He’s more easygoing than Eric, and if I have any chance of getting out of here, Ty’s my ticket.

  “Maddie.” Ty and I turn to face Eric who’s standing behind us. “You need to respond to a text so your phone will stop blowing up.”

  I walk eagerly toward him with Ty on my heels. I hadn’t known where my cell was until now, but it makes sense that Victoria would have th
em keep it. If I don’t respond to my sisters after a couple of days, it’ll send a million red flags, and after Sophie’s kidnapping last year, they won’t think twice about reporting me missing.

  “There are rules…” Eric warns harshly. “You can use it with supervision only. Type out your message, then one of us will read it and give you permission to send. Failure to cooperate will result in consequences.” He repositions himself so I can see the two guns in his shoulder holster. “Text your sisters only.”

  Nodding, I look at the screen and see twenty-five unread messages with ten from Liam. The others are from Sophie and Lennon. Along with over a dozen missed calls and voicemails.

  Liam: I know you didn’t leave willingly. If by any chance you get this, give me some kind of clue to where you are. I’m going crazy.

  Liam: I won’t let her do anything to you. I swear, Mads. I miss you and will do whatever it takes to get you back.

  Liam: When this is over, please let me explain. I know you’re mad at me right now, and you have every right to be, but what we have is stronger than this. Please.

  I clench my jaw, unable to keep reading his messages. I’m so pissed at him, even if my heart aches for his touch. I miss the way he’d whisper my name as our bodies unraveled together, the way he’d hold me, and the way he’d suffer through hours of mindless TV and movies because he knew it made me happy.

  But that doesn’t excuse what he did. I was blindsided by Victoria’s news. Their news.

  “Hurry,” Eric demands.

  I glare at him, keeping my angry thoughts to myself. I look at my sisters’ messages and see they started a group text.

  Sophie: Where the hell are you?

  Lennon: You can stay here if you need space. We’ll make room.

  Sophie: Are you safe?

  Sophie: Who are you staying with?

  Lennon: Please answer so Sophie can stop freaking out.

  I scan the rest of their messages with the most recent one being from Sophie ten minutes ago.

  Sophie: I’m about to call the fucking National Guard if you don’t answer me. You know Mason’s job has connections, and I won’t stop at anything to find you. So you either respond with a selfie so I know you’re alive or I’m having Mason’s friend track your phone.


  “She wants a selfie,” I say.

  “I know,” Eric replies. “The location has been disabled on your phone, but do what she wants so she stops freaking out.” Sophie won’t stop until I’m back at home, but I don’t tell him that.

  Swallowing hard, I nod and walk around to find a good spot for a picture. I’m sweaty from yoga and look like a hot mess, but maybe that’d actually convince her I’m alive and well. I find a blank wall and then position myself. I stick out my tongue, hold up a peace sign, and give her my best Miley Cyrus impression before snapping a pic. Then I attach it to the group message.

  Maddie: I’m fine, was just doing yoga actually. See?

  I show Eric and wait for his nod of approval before hitting send.

  Sophie: Madelyn Grace! Where the hell have you been?

  Lennon: You look sweaty like you’ve been having lots of hot sex. If you ran away with a sexy billionaire, just tell us.

  Maddie: Yes. His name is BOB. He’s the grandson of a dildo inventor, and he swept me away to the Alaskan mountains where we’re hot-tubbing naked and drinking five-thousand-dollar bottles of wine.

  I type out my response, then show Eric who looks less than amused.

  “Trust me, if I’m not my normal sarcastic self, they’ll know something’s up,” I explain.

  “Fine, but you have a minute, and then I’m taking your phone back.”

  I hit send and wait for their responses.

  Lennon: Told ya she was out getting dicked. You owe me 20 bucks, Soph.

  Sophie: You two are the most annoying sisters ever! I hate you both.

  Maddie: I’m fine! I’m not a child and can take care of myself for a week or two, okay? I just needed some space, and I can’t have that being in the same house as him.

  I hit send before showing Eric, needing to wrap up this conversation.

  Sophie: You really sure you’re okay?

  Maddie: I promise. I’ll reach out when I’m ready.

  Lennon: We’re here if you need anything, Mads.

  Sophie: Please don’t stay gone too long. I miss you.

  Maddie: I know. I miss and love you both.

  Then I show Eric and give him back the phone.

  “Well done.” He tucks it into his pocket.

  Lying to them when they’re so damn worried makes me feel sick to my stomach. I have to do what’s necessary, but it doesn’t make it any easier to swallow.

  “I’m going to shower and take a nap,” I say. Walking past him to the kitchen, I grab a bottle of water from the fridge. Before heading to my room, I turn and watch as Ty shoots daggers at Eric and wonder why the hell Victoria would send two people who obviously have a beef with each other to an isolated location.

  Maybe that’s a bonus punishment for me. Stick me with two macho men who want to kill each other and probably me in the process.

  Once I’m in my room, I strip out of my sweaty clothes and get into the shower. For the past two days, I’ve stayed strong, and perhaps in a state of shock, but reading Sophie and Lennon’s text messages and seeing how worried they’ve been has me breaking down. My tears mix with the water stream, and the reality of my situation hits hard.

  I have no idea how long I’ll be here, if I’ll see Liam again, or if I’ll get to go back to my old, boring life.

  Oh how I’d kill for hectic class schedules and rehearsing until my toes bleed.

  After I’m clean and cried out, I change into something comfortable and lie in bed. I end up falling asleep and wake up to the smell of food. Making my way down the hallway, I spot Ty in front of the stovetop in the kitchen.

  “You cook?” I ask him. He doesn’t even startle as if he’d somehow heard my soft footsteps.

  “Of course.”

  “Interesting. Another thing to add to the ‘things I know about Ty’ notebook,” I tease, walking over and looking inside the skillet. I wrinkle my nose at the weird dish. “What is it?”

  “Cajun sausage skillet pasta.”

  “Sausage what? I’ve never heard of it.” I watch as he stirs it, the scent of garlic hitting my nose.

  “It’s a Southern dish,” he responds as I take a seat at the breakfast bar.

  “Wait.” I smile when he looks at me over his shoulder. “Are you Southern? Where’s your accent? Say y’all…”

  He turns back around. “Yes. I don’t have one. And no.”

  “Who taught you to cook then?”

  “My grandmother.”

  “And where is she?”

  “You ask too many questions.” I watch as he turns the burner down and covers the skillet.

  “What else am I supposed to do?” I cross my arms when he faces me.

  “Eat, behave, sleep,” he repeats robotically though that same half-smirk from earlier surfaces.

  “I’m bored as hell. The least you could do is entertain me.” I pout.

  Something glimmers in his eyes, and then as fast as I recognize it, it’s gone. His throat moves, and he stiffens as if he remembers I’m his mission to keep safe and quiet. He’s not supposed to be friendly, and we’re not supposed to be friends.

  “I’m from Utah,” I blurt out. “My father’s a pastor actually. My mother was a stay-at-home mom and helped him with church duties.”

  “Oh.” He busies himself, digging through the drawers and cabinets for plates and forks.

  “I have two older sisters, one niece, one nephew, and where did you say you grew up?”

  “Alabama,” he says, then immediately stops and faces me with narrowed eyes. “How’d you do that?”

  Looking sheepishly at him, I smile and fake innocence. “What?”

  “You’re sneaky.”

the first time I’ve been called that,” I say proudly.

  Ty serves up his dish on two plates, and I notice Eric isn’t around tonight.

  “So where’s my other shadow?”

  “Working out,” he replies dryly.

  “I was thinking of trying the gym out tomorrow. Maybe I’ll get buff and be able to take you two,” I taunt.

  “Good luck with that.” He bows his head, but I see his smile. “What do you want to drink?” he asks, opening the fridge.

  “I thought you weren’t here to wait on me,” I throw back his words from earlier.

  “The lines are a little blurry actually.”

  “How so?”

  “Not wanting to resuscitate you if you start choking on the spicy sausage and simultaneously not wanting you to get any ideas that I’m your servant.”

  “Hmm…valid points. But don’t worry. I’m very capable of swallowing down spicy sausage.” I poke a piece of meat with my fork, then shove it into my mouth. My eyes start watering, and I spit it out. “What the hell? Are you trying to kill me?” I pant and stick out my tongue.

  Ty’s laughing—actually laughing—and not hiding it. I like the sound of it, too. “You want that drink now?”

  “Yes!” I reach out for the water in his hand. “Gimme, dammit!”

  Taking the bottle, I suck down half of it before stopping.

  “That was fucking cruel.” I scowl. “My eyes are still watering!”

  Ty leans against the counter with his arms crossed and shrugs. “Thought you could handle your sausage.”


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