Book Read Free

Always Yours

Page 8

by Kennedy Fox

  “Good,” Victoria says and then hangs up.

  I blow out a relieved breath. “What a bitch.”

  Ty chuckles. “You have no idea.” Then he turns off his phone and hands it to me. “Throw this one out too. It has a tracker on it, and I bought a burner phone when I went shopping the other day.”

  I roll down my window and chuck it. “Now what?”

  “I’ll text Liam when we’re closer to Oregon.”

  My heart drops into my stomach.

  “Wait. We’re not going to Sacramento?”

  “Not yet. I’m taking you somewhere safe for now. You gotta trust me, okay?”

  I do, mostly. But that was when I thought he was taking me to California. Now I’m being moved from one secret location to another.

  “Okay,” I whisper. “How long until I can go home?”

  Ty doesn’t respond right away, which means it’s not going to be an answer I like.

  “It depends.”

  “On?” I prompt. “Tell me.”

  I don’t want to be handled with kid gloves. I want to know all the possibilities of how this could backfire and keep me away from everyone I love.

  “On when Victoria releases him,” he finally says. “I have enough shit on her to give Liam leverage for a divorce, but it doesn’t mean she’s gonna let him go without a fight.”

  “Of fucking course not,” I grumble.

  “Don’t worry.” He reaches over and squeezes my hand. “You have me on your side, and I’ll stop at nothing to help Liam. Or you.”

  Resting against the seat, I try to relax. I’m still comprehending this whole fucking day, but it’s hard to wrap my mind around it. Memories of every encounter I’ve had with Ty over the past two weeks flash in my head. Why he was so invested in me, why he’d be hot one moment and cold the next, why he cared more than Eric did—these questions are finally answered.

  “Can I ask you something personal?” I ask after more time passes.


  “Are you married?




  “Hmm.” I pinch my lips and move them side to side.

  “Why are you asking?”

  “Why are you single?”

  Ty laughs. “This sounds like a dating interview.”

  “I’m just shocked you aren’t taken. It makes me believe there’s something wrong with you because it’s certainly not your good looks or heart of gold. Do you have a weird third nipple or something? Chicks can be so vain sometimes. And you have that Southern thing going for you, which most girls like, so that’s a point in your favor. From what I noticed, you’re fit and you’re also tall, which women also love. So honestly, what is it? What’s wrong with you?”

  Ty’s silent before he looks at me and cracks a smile. “I’ve learned you’re a rambler, especially when you’re nervous or bored, so I’m going to take what you just said with a grain of salt.”

  I laugh and throw back my head because dammit he’s right. I’m totally a rambler. “Sorry. You’re correct. I talk a lot when I feel like I have no control, and right now I’m driving myself crazy with overthinking.”

  “I told you to trust me, Maddie,” he states confidently. “I didn’t let Eric near you, nor did you go hungry, and I even bought you tampons you probably didn’t need.”

  I cackle at his words. “You’re only proving my point further. The perfect guy. So what’s wrong with you? You wanna keep my mind occupied, talk to me about you.”

  He shrugs, but I catch the corner of his lips as it tilts up. “Alright, I guess I can handle that. We’ll be driving all night anyway.”


  “For starters, you can call me Tyler. Ty was what I told everyone, so it’d help me stay in character when I heard it. I’m single because, like Liam, I didn’t have the best upbringing. I don’t trust myself in a relationship due to past experiences, and now I don’t date women long enough to know if I can trust them.”

  “Well, that certainly sounds like Liam.” I half-laugh, half-frown.

  Tyler continues to entertain me by telling me a little about growing up in Lawton Ridge and how he got into boxing and became a trainer. It’s fascinating.

  I end up drifting off, and when Tyler wakes me, I realize we’re stopped.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, looking around and noticing we’re at a truck stop in the middle of nowhere.

  “I texted Liam to let me know when he was alone and could talk. He just responded. It’s time.”

  Chapter Eight


  Victoria has been sicker than usual, and while I’m somewhat concerned and try to help, she blows me off. I’m not a complete dickhead when someone isn’t feeling well, but she’s shown her true colors this past week when the truth came out. Sympathy is the last thing she deserves from me. However, I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Between the morning sickness and her body recovering from the fender bender, she’s extra whiny.

  Standing in the kitchen, I make myself a sandwich because it’s a safe bet. The other day when I warmed food in the microwave, Victoria nearly castrated me when the smell made her nauseous, so I’ve resorted to ham and cheese.

  As I spread mayo on a piece of bread, my nerves get the best of me. How much longer is this going to go on? I’ve been so unhinged since I received that text from Tyler. I’ve been anxiously awaiting an update and have grown more concerned by the silence. No news isn’t always good news when dealing with the O’Learys, especially because two people I care about are in a remote location. If anything goes wrong, it could take days for me to find out from Victoria, if she even mentions it. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I check it in case I missed any calls or text, but there’s nothing. After I eat, I change into some workout clothes and go for a run in the gym Victoria has setup in her penthouse, though she never uses it. I’m convinced it was something for her to spend extra money on.

  I run until my heart feels as if it will beat straight out of my chest. My shirt is soaked, and I stand with my hands over my head, trying to breathe. Unfortunately, my mind is still on Maddie and Tyler, and I stupidly hoped wearing myself out would force me to think about something else. The stress of all of this is almost too much.

  Victoria’s game is to make Maddie fall for someone else—like Tyler—and hope I’ll stay being her husband and father to her babies. She knows losing Maddie would hurt worse than any physical thing her father could do to me, which is why she did it.

  The rest of the day, I try to stay busy and am overly nice to Victoria. It pleases her, but I know it’s short-lived. We eat dinner, a pasta dish she ordered from one of her favorite restaurants, and when we’re done, we go our separate ways. It’s impossible for me to be around her for long periods without wanting to strangle her, so I go to my room and watch TV, wishing I could fall asleep. Not sure why, though, because tomorrow will be the same, and every day will be until I hear that Maddie is safe and out of Victoria’s reach.

  Just as my eyes begin to feel heavy, my phone vibrates with a text message from the number Tyler contacted me from before. Adrenaline bursts through my veins as I open it, but all it says is to call when I’m alone. Considering it’s so late, I’m convinced that Victoria is in bed asleep, but instead of risking it, I get up and check on her.

  Most of the lights are off in the house except for a single lamp in the living room. I cross the space and go to her bedroom where the door is cracked. Carefully, I open it and see she’s in bed, snoring with an eye mask over her face. I let out a steady breath and walk back to my room, where I nervously call the number. Immediately, Tyler answers with a chuckle, and relief washes over me because I know at that moment, everything’s going to be okay.

  “You’re alone?” he finally asks, and I can tell I’m on speakerphone.

  “Yes, tell me what’s going on,” I say eagerly. After Tyler explains how he infiltrated the O’Learys, I feel so fucking honored he
’s on my side. The fact that Victoria asked him to protect Maddie is a miracle, and I’m shocked by how perfectly everything worked out. It’s almost as if the universe is on Maddie’s and my side.

  While chatting with Tyler, I keep my voice low though I want to scream from the rooftops how happy I am. I try not to celebrate too soon because I know this is just the beginning of a bad situation once Victoria finds out they escaped.

  “Before I was put on this assignment, I got intel on Victoria that you’ll need to get you out of this big fuckin’ mess,” he says, and I can feel the shift in his mood. “I took a page from your bounty hunter book. I followed her for about a month while you were back in California. I have photographs and even have audio recordings because I bugged her car.”

  My eyes go wide. “What the hell. How’d you manage that?”

  “She needed an oil change on the Mercedes she drives when she’s doing shady ass shit. It literally took me an hour to get everything installed, and she has zero idea. Honestly, after being on this side of things, I’m convinced all the O’Leary kids are a bunch of dumbasses.”

  A smile touches my lips. “I’ve noticed. So, you followed her. What did you get photos of exactly?” I question, knowing she’s sly and can make up lies about anything.

  “The DeFrancos,” he says so nonchalantly.

  I feel as if he’s going to drop a huge ass bomb, one that Victoria won’t even suspect. “Does the name Mickey ring a bell to you?” Tyler asks.

  Pausing for a moment, I replay the conversations we’ve had in the past when they’ve been brought up. I know for a fact they’re mortal enemies of the O’Learys, and even Johnny has made off-colored remarks about murder anytime they’re mentioned. Closing my eyes, I think back to the convo in the bar, and the couple of times JJ has gone off about them, then distinctly remember hearing Mickey’s name. “Yeah, actually it does.”

  “Victoria has been fucking him. I have photos. I have audio. Her father might kill her when he finds out. That is, if he finds out. They’ve been secretly seeing each other for years, knowing their families would never approve. The pregnancy was a surprise for them both, and you just so happened to be in the wrong place at the right time,” Tyler explains. “But I think it’s enough to make her back off and to free you. From what I’ve seen and heard these past several weeks, I think Victoria would rather have a divorce on her record than to be known for betraying the family.”

  “Wow,” is all I can say. “A few days ago, we got into a fender bender, and she went to the ER. They did an ultrasound, and that’s when I found out she’s farther along than she claimed. It was confirmed then the babies weren’t mine. She knew all along but doesn’t give a shit and said it doesn’t matter since we’re technically married. Now it all makes fucking sense. She needed a father since she couldn’t tell the truth that she was sleeping with the family’s sworn enemy,” I explain. I replay everything, learning about the correct due date and how smug Victoria acted about it. She knew they were Mickey’s babies and needed a scapegoat, and I’ve been wrapped up in her deceptive web ever since. The marriage was only the first step that led to the pregnancy. It makes me sick knowing how much she had planned beforehand. Considering the magnitude of hate her father has for the DeFrancos, I imagine she could’ve married anyone, but the position I was in made me easy prey.

  Tyler lets out a breath. “Dude. She’s a psycho, and it doesn’t surprise me at all that she used you. They were sneaking around so much that I’m honestly surprised no one found out. If Johnny did, he’d disown her. At this point, she has more to lose than you do. What do they call that in poker?” he mocks.

  “Shut the hell up,” I say. “But thank you so much. Knowing the truth and actually having proof might actually take her down. For the first time, in a long-ass time, I think I might actually be in shock.”

  “You owe me, man.”

  “I do. I owe you everything. My life, actually. I don’t know how I’m going to repay you,” I admit, feeling so fucking thankful.

  By the sound of his voice, I can tell he’s smiling. “I’ll think of something, I’m sure.”

  “I’d much rather pay my debt to you than Victoria, but I’m not going to pretend to be married to you,” I jokingly warn. “Seriously, thank you.”

  “I know, I know. But I am a catch,” he jokes, and for the first time in weeks, I genuinely smile.

  “So Maddie, how is she? Where are you? Where are you going?”

  “Hold on, Tonto. Not so fast. She’s right here, and she’s fine, but first, we need to activate the next step in my brilliant plan. You need to get all of the proof I have as soon as possible. Once Victoria discovers we’re gone, no one’s safe until you have your evidence.”

  “Got it,” I say. “Tell me what to do.”

  “You’re gonna need to go to my apartment and get everything as soon as you can break away. Make sure you’re not followed because I don’t want her to be tipped off when Eric manages to get into contact with her. Once the live feed on the cameras doesn’t return, and I don’t answer her calls, she’ll grow more concerned and send someone out here. You’re a bounty hunter, so you know how to be strategic, but right now it’s going to be so fucking important.”

  “I understand,” I tell him, my heart pounding hard. I can’t afford to screw this up.

  “I’ll text you the passcode to get into my apartment when we hang up. You’ll need to go into my bedroom and under my bed is a laptop. It has files of photos and audio recordings of her with Mickey. It’s all labeled, so it shouldn’t be hard to find. Once you have that, go through everything and print out the pictures, then send the audios to your phone so you can present it all to her. I have everything uploaded to my iCloud so even if she destroys what you show her, I have backups. If any of that just so happened to make it to Johnny, Victoria would lose everything and be out of the business just as she said she wanted but without her trust fund. I don’t think the mafia princess could handle being in the real world. Most people can’t.” There’s more in his statement than he leads on, considering his past, but I don’t comment. “I’ll keep Maddie safe until all is clear. You need to secure your freedom, so until she signs the divorce papers, none of us can go home.”

  I soak in everything he’s just said, my mind spinning as I try to absorb it all. This bitch is about to have the shock of her life once I get my hands on the proof I need. “Thank you so damn much.” I can’t say it enough.

  “Now on to your other questions. We’re out of Montana, but honestly, I think it’s best if I don’t tell you where we’re heading just yet. If you don’t know, then she can’t torture it out of you or something. You’ll be the first person she confronts, but I can assure you, Maddie will be more than safe with me.”

  My heart races just thinking about her. I haven’t seen her in two weeks, and I miss her so much. “Now don’t go fallin’ in love with my girl.”

  “I don’t know. She’s pretty charming.”

  Maddie chuckles in the background, which confirms she’s heard the whole conversation.

  I groan. “If you weren’t saving my ass, I’d be kickin’ yours.”

  “You have nothing to worry about, man,” he reassures me, though I know Tyler would never betray me.

  “Can I talk to her?” I ask eagerly.

  Tyler laughs. “I’m surprised it took you this long to ask. Just one second.”

  It seems as if time stands still as I wait for him to take me off speakerphone and hand it over to her.


  I nearly fall to my knees at the sweet sound.

  It takes so much for me not to bombard her with questions. “Mads, are you okay? I’ve been worried sick about you.”

  She snorts with a low laugh. “Never been better. Your friend has been taking good care of me.”

  “Hopefully not too good,” I tease, causing her to laugh, and it’s music to my ears. “God, I’ve missed you so damn much. You have no idea, Mads.”

p; A second passes before she speaks. “I’ve missed you too, but I’m still pissed at you for keeping secrets from me.”

  “I don’t blame you, and I more than deserve it after this fucking shitstorm I got us in. I’m content with spending the rest of my life trying to prove to you how damn sorry I really am,” I tell her earnestly.

  “It might take that long,” she jokes. “Honestly, I’ve been concerned about you too, hoping you were okay with the Wicked Witch of the West.”

  Knowing she was thinking about me makes me smile. “We’re gonna get out of this, baby. I’m just so goddamn happy you’re out of there and with Tyler,” I say. “He’ll keep you safe. You can trust him.”

  “Yeah, considering he bought me tampons and chocolate, he seems like a good guy.” She chuckles, and then I hear him laugh as if it’s an inside joke between them. I’m jealous she’s been with him and not me, and while I shouldn’t feel that way, I’m envious of anyone who gets to spend time with her.

  “He didn’t,” I deadpan.

  “Yep, he did, but he’s the chump who fell for it,” she admits, laughing softly.

  “Tell him what else you asked for…” I hear Tyler prompt in the background, but Maddie laughs and tells him to stop eavesdropping. Considering they’re in the same car, I chuckle.

  “Do I even want to know?” I ask.

  “Probably not. It was when I was trying to get under their skin because I was bored as hell,” she says. “Don’t worry, Eric got the brunt of my sarcasm and annoying remarks.”

  Memories flash of when Victoria let me see Maddie on camera for the first time, and she and Tyler looked like they were having a great time. I’m glad he was able to ease her fear of being there and let loose a little, but the regret I have fills me deeply. She shouldn’t have been there in the first place.

  “Good. Guy looked like a douchebag.”

  “Even more than Hunter when I first met him.” Maddie cackles, and I do too.

  It feels so easy chatting with her almost as if nothing has changed between us, but I know better. We’re not out of this yet. “Maddie, I’m really fucking sorry about this, for lying to you and ultimately getting you involved when I knew the risks. I never wanted any of this to happen, but I couldn’t stay away from you. I don’t think I can apologize enough—”


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