Book Read Free

Always Yours

Page 9

by Kennedy Fox

  “Liam,” she interrupts. “I don’t blame you for this. I was upset and hurt at first, but after I’ve had time to process everything, I understood why you didn’t tell me. If the positions were reversed, I think I would’ve done the same thing to protect you and our relationship. I trust you, Liam. You’ve always had my best interests at heart, always tried to keep me safe and protected as if I’m going to break. I can’t fault you for any of that. I do hate the way things ended between us the last time, though.”

  My emotions get the best of me, but I tuck them away as usual. “Me too. I’ve only always wanted the best for you, and there are times when I felt like I wasn’t, that I’d never be good enough regardless of how much you pushed. Doesn’t help your sisters are scary as hell,” I say with a grin.

  “You’re right. Trust me when I say they already want to castrate you,” she slyly mentions. “Especially Sophie.”

  “I know. I can’t wait to tell them everything and clear the air. They deserve to know the truth. I’m sick of lying to them, and I hate the way they looked at me, as if I’m a monster.”

  Maddie snickers. “You’re not the monster. You’re just married to one.”

  I sigh. “That much is true,” I agree.

  “You’re breaking up a little bit,” she says, and I can hear Tyler in the background mention they’ll lose service soon. Considering they’re more than likely traveling down remote mountain roads, it doesn’t surprise me in the least. While I want to talk to her all night long, I know I can’t, and our time is coming to an end.

  “Alright. I’ll let you go then,” I tell her.

  “Okay, please take care of yourself. As long as you’re in Vegas around that psycho, you’re not safe.”

  A grin touches my lips, and I find it adorable she’s concerned about me. “I can handle her especially since Tyler got me a Get Out of Jail Free card. Be careful, and listen to him, as hard as it is.”

  She snorts. “Whatever you say.”

  I grin at her sassy tone. Classic Maddie.

  “And Mads?”


  I hesitate for a moment, imagining a different way for how I’d tell her this for the first time, but if I’ve learned anything this past year, it’s not to take a second for granted. I can’t hold it in anymore. “I love you,” I tell her. “I love you so fucking much.”

  The other end goes silent, and for a moment, I’m scared she didn’t hear me because we lost connection, but then I hear her sniffles. Emotion briefly takes over before she speaks. “Says the man who thought he was incapable of love,” she says softly, then continues, “I love you too. I always have.”

  I feel as if I’m dreaming, and if I am, I don’t want to wake up. Hearing her say those words back means more than she’ll ever realize. It means everything.

  “Good night, sweetheart. We’ll talk soon.”

  “Good night, Hulk.”

  I press end and sit on the edge of my bed, my body buzzing. Every text message and call from that number is deleted before I place my phone on the charger. There’s no way I’m leaving any sort of evidence behind for Victoria to find. I’m filled with shock and awe, and I’m so damn grateful for Tyler. The man is honorable and loyal, and without him, I’m not sure how I would’ve gotten us out of this mess.

  After a while, I lie on my bed, adrenaline pumping through my veins as I figure out what to do next. Somehow, I have to break away from Victoria’s hold and go to Tyler’s to get his laptop. The only problem is time because it’s running out fast, and she’ll want to retaliate any way she can once she discovers Maddie is gone. Eventually, I’ll have all the cards in my hand, and she’ll have nothing. It’s about damn time.

  Chapter Nine


  We’ve been driving for hours, and my back is killing me from sitting for so long, but I’d sit for days if it meant escaping Victoria’s wrath. The only thing I really regret is not being able to see her reaction when she learns what Tyler did and that she no longer has a hold on us. Thinking about it brings an evil smile to my face, but I’m sure Liam will fill me in on her reaction when we’re reunited. I just hope he’s careful because he’s about to be in an extremely risky situation. Hopefully, Victoria doesn’t blame him for this because he didn’t have anything to do with it, but I’m happy he’s aware of it now so he doesn’t think the worst happened to me. Undoubtedly, Victoria would use me missing to her advantage as she played puppet master in the background and taunted him that she disposed of me. She’d say anything to him to get what she wants and has proven as much.


  Just the thought of his name causes my breath to hitch and my body to tingle. Even though we’re miles apart, he still somehow has that effect on me. Liam told me he loved me, and I knew with every fiber of my being that he meant it. Heat rushed through me, and his confession left me briefly speechless, which doesn’t happen very often. The words burrowed deep into my soul, implanting themselves on my heart. Repeating the words back felt so natural, because the truth is, I do love him. I’ve always loved him and there’s no denying how I’ve felt for years, but being in love with him is an indescribable feeling. It’s always been more than a stupid little crush, and I knew the first time we met there was a connection that neither of us could explain. I refused to give up on us regardless of how much he wished I could. Being relentless paid off, but now we’re in a world of a mess, and I’m not sure how we’re going to get out of it.

  I wish I could talk to him again although his words are on replay in my mind. Not being able to speak with Liam or know if he was okay was more difficult than I ever imagined it would be. The unknown of what was going on in the outside world cut through me like a knife, especially after Victoria used Liam as bait to force me to leave. She knew he was my weakness and understands I’m his, so of course she manipulated the situation to her advantage and played us against each other, and it worked. She’s devious and cunning, and has all the key qualities of a truly evil person.

  Liam’s voice was both soft and gruff, and I could hear the worry coating his tone, but I hope I was able to ease his mind, even if it was only slightly. I trust Tyler and so does Liam. I’m safe now or at least I feel that way, but it doesn’t mean I won’t constantly look over my shoulder to make sure we’re not being followed. I’ve been through too much to walk around blindly, and I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to again.

  That’s the worst part about this whole thing. Even if Tyler’s plan works and Liam’s free and we’re able to go home, I’ll never truly feel like this is really over. I’ll still jump at dark shadows and wonder if any of the O’Learys will come and finish the job for her instead. I know what Victoria is capable of, but I imagine her father is much worse. Even with the evidence Liam is going to present to her, no one knows how she’ll react. She could shoot him right there, and then I’d be on the run for the rest of my life.

  The dark thoughts cause a nervous shiver down my spine.

  This will work, I reassure myself. It has to.

  As I watch the headlights of the car reveal the narrow road ahead, I become more lost in my head. I wish I could predict the future and knew how this will all play out. There are too many bad scenarios, but I have to have faith. I’ll be happy when this is nothing more than a faded nightmare of a memory.

  I lean my head back on the seat. As my eyes flutter closed, I listen to the quiet music as we travel down the road. Events from the past two weeks flash by in a blink from Victoria showing up announcing the pregnancy to her threatening me to leave. Then there’s Tyler, who has risked so fucking much to help Liam and me. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to properly repay him for his selflessness, but I’ll never stop trying.

  Eventually the car slows and we roll into a large, secluded parking lot. I must’ve drifted off because when I look at the clock, I see it’s after seven in the morning, and the sun is beginning to rise. Sitting up, I rub my hand across my face and look around. My back and neck hurt for being
in the car for so long, but I suck it up. I have no right to complain about any of this.

  “Oh, look. Sleeping Beauty is awake,” Tyler teases. Glancing over at him, I notice how exhausted he looks. I feel bad that he drove while I slept on and off.

  “Where are we?” I finally ask because nothing looks familiar.


  “Already?” I look back at the clock. He told me where we were going when we first got on the road, and it seems we’ve made good time, though we’ve been driving for nearly nine hours. We only stopped for gas, and Tyler made it very clear there’d be no emergency bathroom breaks. Not as if there were tons of places to go anyway, considering how remote the areas were. I’d much prefer a gas station bathroom than squatting in the dark woods. Regardless, it seemed like time passed in a blink.

  “Told you I wasn’t stopping until we got here unless absolutely necessary.” He grins, and I roll my eyes at his stubbornness. “I have some friends who live here. I trust them with my life, so I thought it’d be the safest bet for us.” Tyler pulls his phone from his pocket and sends a text, then reclines his seat back before he closes his eyes. I’m sure he’s tired from driving, so I don’t give him shit about it even if I really want to. At one point, I offered to take over just to give him a break, but he refused to let me and was overly adamant that he had it under control. Since I don’t drive at night that much, I didn’t argue.

  Although I slept for a few hours, I’m still beat, and my muscles feel sore and stiff. When I open the car door, I get out and stretch. Tyler rolls down the window and barks at me. “What are you doing? Get back inside.”

  “Geez, I just need a minute. My limbs feel like jelly.” I stand tall and raise my hands above my head allowing each vertebra to pop before bending over and touching my toes. Quickly, I do a few arm reaches, then get back in the car. Tyler looks at me when I rebuckle. “We can’t be too safe right now. I don’t know all of Victoria’s connections, considering who her father is, or when she’ll put a search out for the both of us. Perhaps she has already. The fewer people we come across, the better, because she has the money to have us found.”

  I look around, not seeing a soul in sight. Not even a freaking bird in the sky. “There’s literally no one around us, but okay, I get it. Victoria kinda gave me PTSD too, especially after I found out she had me followed.”

  “It makes me even more happy that she’ll be getting a taste of her own medicine soon. The problem with the O’Learys is no one really questions or tests them. They play by their own rules and laws and aren’t used to anyone retaliating, other than the DeFrancos, which is why they don’t like each other. Everything’s gonna work out, Maddie, but we have to be smart and not make it too easy for her. I promise, she has the money to have the entire underworld searching for us by the time the sun sets again.” Before Tyler can say anything else, his phone buzzes with a text. He opens it and grins. “Finally.”

  “What is it?” I study him.

  He yawns. “We’ve got a condo setup on the other side of town for as long as we need.”

  “How do you know all these people who are so willing to help?”

  With a lifted eyebrow, Tyler smirks. “It’s probably best if you don’t know the answer to that question.”

  I open my mouth, then close it, knowing even if I push him, he won’t crack. Tyler has given me enough information to feel as if I know him, but he’s still reserved and keeps a lot to himself. He’s more like Liam than he even realizes. The two of them are like vaults, keeping their secrets tucked away.

  Readjusting his seat back to normal, he pulls us onto the main road, and we travel through downtown. I can’t help looking at the tall buildings as we pass. Any other time, I’d want to explore it all and do the touristy type things in the city, but it’s not safe for us to be seen. I really hate Victoria.

  Eventually, we arrive at a complex, and Tyler drives around to the back, then parks. He turns off the car and sighs before looking at me. “Ready to see your new home for a bit?” he asks with a hint of amusement.

  “As long as you continue to cook for me,” I tease with a bright smile.

  “We’ll see.”

  I follow his lead once he gets out, grabbing our bags from the back seat. After a minute, I ask if he wants help, but he shakes his head. We walk down the sidewalk, and when Tyler punches a code into the door, it unlocks. Once inside, I’m shocked by how big and nice it is. This condo is equally as fancy as Victoria’s mansion, but not as large. It’s an open concept with hardwood floors, a giant ass TV, sectional sofa, and a loft that oversees the living room.

  “Whose place is this? Damn,” I say with my mouth open, knowing whoever lent this home to Tyler has a lot of money.

  He chuckles. “Yeah, not answering that question either.”

  “You are literally no fun.”

  Tyler sets my bag on the floor, and I explore the kitchen and bathroom. The fridge is completely stocked with food, and I notice several types of herbal teas in the pantry. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t excited about the cast iron tub that’s connected to the only bedroom. The master with a king-size bed has a patio with a small flower garden attached to it. This place is gorgeous, and a selfish part of me wouldn’t mind staying here a while.

  “You can have the bedroom if you want,” I tell Tyler when I meet him back in the living room.

  “Nah, I’m gonna sleep on the couch. I am a Southern gentleman, after all,” he says with a forced drawl, then adds, “And Liam would kick my ass if I made you sleep on the sofa.” Tyler laughs, kicking off his boots. He sits and yawns just as his phone goes off.

  “Fuck yes!” He’s grinning wide as if his favorite football team just won the Super Bowl.

  “What?” I search his face as he replies to the text.

  “Liam did it.” Tyler’s ecstatic, finding a burst of energy, and no longer looks like he’s about to pass out. “He has the laptop with the pictures and audio.”

  My eyes go wide, and I start laughing. “Already? That’s incredible!”

  “It’s not over yet, though. Now we have to be patient and wait for him to put everything into motion. He has what he needs to take that bitch down a few pegs or completely destroy her. It’s Victoria’s choice. I’d personally destroy her and send it all anonymously to her father without giving her a chance, but I’m letting Liam take the lead on this one.”

  I sit next to Tyler on the couch, knowing we can’t celebrate too soon because this is just the beginning. “What do you think she’ll do? Like, you don’t think Victoria will hurt him, right?” Every scenario sprints through my mind, and that’s when the worry begins to take over. It starts in the pit of my stomach and forcefully rushes through me. I don’t think I could handle it if something terrible happened to Liam, not when we’re so close to having it all. As if Tyler reads my thoughts, he tilts his head and pats my hand.

  “Hey. Liam is one of the most resourceful people I know. Victoria needs Liam more than he needs her, and the evidence will drive that home. She’ll be undoubtedly blindsided when she finds out we escaped, and I’d be lying if I said there won’t be issues regarding that. Based on what I know about Victoria, she’s going to lose her shit, but she’ll play it off like nothing happened. I’m sure she’ll even tell Liam she got rid of you to look like she planned it all because she’s a manipulator. If worse comes to worse, I’ll send the shit to her dad myself. I was tempted more than once, but I’d rather give Liam the opportunity to bargain with her first. The two of them might be able to find common ground where everyone wins here.”

  “Is it possible to ever walk away from the O’Learys, though?” I challenge, arching a brow.

  Tyler sucks in a deep breath and exhales it slowly. “That I don’t know. She’s a spoiled bitch and is unpredictable, but she’s been sleeping with the son of her father’s mortal enemy and is pregnant with DeFranco DNA. It’s disrespectful to the family name and a stab in the back to her father. It’s an unforgiv
able offense, so she really has no other option but to do what Liam says. While I was being trained, I’d overheard that Johnny shot his own brother for doing some shady shit, and he put a bullet in both his arms and thighs as a warning. Then he left him to bleed until someone finally took him to the hospital. He needed surgery and was hospitalized for months. His own fuckin’ brother. One of the other guards said Johnny only went to visit him to remind him where his loyalty better stay or next time the bullet will be in his head. He’s a goddamn monster, so tell me, what makes his daughter safe from his wrath on something as bad as sleeping with the enemy and getting pregnant? She isn’t. Relatives will want blood and will want an example made out of her, pregnant or not. The fact that Victoria’s children will be half of them and half DeFranco means she better fucking run to avoid her father’s retaliation. He’s cold and merciless. If she wants to protect herself, the babies, and Mickey, she’d be smart to do anything Liam says.”

  The thought makes bile rise up my throat. While I despise Victoria, she is pregnant, and it’s disgusting to think someone would hurt a woman carrying not one but two babies. Then again, the O’Learys are despicable people. It doesn’t surprise me, though it should. This isn’t a life I know, and I’ve been thrust into it without warning. I close my eyes and say a silent prayer, hoping Liam is careful and that it all works out in our favor.

  Tyler yawns again, and I stand, allowing him to fully stretch out on the couch. “You should get some sleep, Beanstalk.”

  Leaning back, he adjusts a throw pillow and grabs a small blanket that doesn’t fully cover his body. “I’m just gonna nap for a few hours.”

  “Sounds good. I think I’m going to do some yoga and meditate. I’m overly anxious and won’t be able to rest anyway.”


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