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One True Mate_Shifter's Haven

Page 6

by Erin Lafayette

  He knelt in front of her, gently tracing the center of her core with a finger, feeling her wetness as she gasped. “Don’t stop,” she moaned at him, and he lost all control. He grabbed her thighs and pushed them back, pushing his face right to the center of her.

  He licked along the center of her core, tasting her wetness on his tongue, feeling the soft folds part as he slid along them. When he reached the top, he circled his tongue around the hard nub, slowly licking and sucking, bringing it into his mouth and gently sucking. Then letting go and slowly licking up from the bottom again, dipping his tongue inside her before returning to her clit, stroking her gently with his tongue.

  She moaned, grabbing his hair in her hands and pushing herself against him, rocking her hips in time with the movement of his tongue. He pushed his tongue deep insider her, tasting her, tasting her essence as she rocked against him. He could hear her moaning and screaming as her hips moved faster and faster. Feeling the wetness build, he slid two fingers inside her, feeling velvet core grip them, and slid his tongue back up to her clit.

  She moaned as he sucked her clit into his mouth, caressing it with his tongue, sucking gently, then licking and kissing. She pressed hard against him, driving herself onto his tongue and fingers. He stroked the inside of her body as the rhythm of her hips grew frantic and she thrust roughly at him. She was on the edge already driven to the brink with pleasure, ready to cum for him. She screamed, and he felt her core squeeze tight against him, three times, then four.

  Tremors ran through her body as she fell back on the bed, limp. He slowly kissed his way up her body, gently licking her stomach, then her chest and nipples, and finally her neck as he climbed onto the bed over her.

  He kissed her gently as she lay back, tracing her hands over his back. “I’ve never felt anything like that,” she told him in between gentle kisses. “You drive me completely crazy. I can’t think of anything but you inside me. Does that mean I’m your,” she hesitated, “One True Mate?”

  Hearing the words from her drove him wild. He was barely able to speak, his voice going deep and raspy, but he growled out. “Yes. You’re my mate. You are everything to me. My One True Mate.” He kissed her deeply, burning with desire for her, feeling her body underneath him, unable to hold back any longer, needing to join together with her, to be inside her.

  As their kisses deepened again, she traced her hands down his chest, past his stomach and down to his belt, sliding lower and rubbing the outline of his cock. “I need you inside me. Now.” His erection pulsed through his pants as he felt her body move underneath him, her hand slowly stroking him.

  He growled, and ripped his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. He dropped his hand to his belt, planning to rip off the rest of his clothes as soon as possible, when a high-pitched scream rang out from upstairs, stopping him dead.

  Chapter Twelve

  Trevor’s voice slammed through Alex’s head, killing the mood and demanding Alex’s focus. Full alert everyone! Drop everything you’re doing. No exceptions; I don’t care. Ella just spotted Khain.

  Alex growled and pulled back from Rose, writhing on the bed underneath him. She tried to pull him back to her, then looked around, slowly refocusing on their surroundings. “What’s happening? Why are people screaming?”

  He jumped off the bed. Climbing off of her was the hardest thing he ever had to do in his entire life. He choked out “I’m not sure. It sounds bad. This is a cop safe house, but it sounds like we may be under attack. Dammit, we need to get upstairs.”

  She looked down at her body, naked and sweaty on the bed and laughed out loud. “Um, ok. I’m not sure I’m decent right now though.” Her laughter faded as she looked up at him and the grim expression on his face. “Wait. You’re serious.” He looked down at her naked body again, drinking in the sight of her arousal. It killed him, but he nodded.

  He saw her realize he was serious. “Oh.”

  She sat up on the bed and slid towards the edge. Even with Khain possibly being right outside all he could think of was her body, moving sensuously towards him. He shook his head to clear his thoughts, snapping himself back to the seriousness of the situation.

  Trevor’s voice rang through his head again. Everyone. Main house. Now.

  “I hate it, but we could be in real danger here. We need to get upstairs.” He held out his hand to her. She took it as she slid off the bed, and he couldn’t help but check out her body again. Slim, but strong at the same time and soft in all the right places.

  She looked around, spotting her clothes scattered around the room. She scooped her shirt off the bed, then frowned as she saw it was ripped completely in half down the middle. “I don’t think this is going to help.” Alex grabbed his shirt from the floor and handed it to her. “Here. I think this will work for now.” She frowned, but took it and slipped it over her head.

  It draped her body like a short dress, covering her ass but showing off the line of her long legs. He growled and took a step towards her. “You look amazing.” She grinned at him and cocked her hip, striking a quick pose. She grabbed the bottom edge of the shirt and started to raise it. “I thought we had to go?” He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him, crushing his body against hers and kissing her deeply. Then he pulled away and spun her towards the stairs, grabbing her ass and squeezing. “Dammit. We do. But this isn’t over.”

  She grabbed the hem of the shirt and pulled it up, flashing her bare ass at him as she crossed the room. “Not at all.”

  Alex growled as he stared at her perfect ass, but didn’t relent. He couldn’t. Not if there was any chance Khain was here, and that Rose and the other One True Mates were in danger.

  He slammed the bedroom door behind them. They quickly ran up the stairs and into the main room. They stopped dead at the entrance to the living room, staring into a whirl of activity.

  Huge males stalked into the living room, trailing violence and fury behind them. Guns were out and ready, and orders rang out across the room. Out the window Alec could see the two black wolven pacing the porch, staring out over the property, alert for any sign of Khain.

  As soon as Alex and Rose stepped into the room, every eye turned to them. A few males even moved to attack at their unexpected entrance. When the males saw Alex, recognizing him as wolven, they relaxed a fraction, but more than one set of eyes widened as they saw Rose holding Alex’s hand. Alex saw a few of the males nod in approval, but a few directed hard stares in his direction, jealousy and desire clear in their eyes.

  Alex took a step forward, pushing Rose behind him. Fury and rage rose inside him. Rose was his! Forget about Khain, he was ready to teach these males a lesson.

  Trevor’s voice cut through the tension. “Alex, Rose. Over here.” Alex spotted Trevor standing at the base of the stairs leading to the second floor, beckoning them over, and they made their way towards him through the commotion. As they crossed the living room, Trevor raised his voice. “We’ll do introductions later, but everyone, this is Alex and Rose. Alex is new to our team and Rose is his mate. Rose, we’re going to get you upstairs to make sure you’re safe.”

  Alex felt a thrill at hearing Rose called his mate. He squeezed her hand, and felt her squeeze his back. When they reached Trevor, he gestured for them to continue up the stairs.

  “Rose, this probably isn’t the best time or way to do this, but your sister Ella and the pups are upstairs.”

  Rose hesitated on the stairs. “Sister? I forgot all about that. I’m not sure I’m ready.” Alex turned to her, pulling her to a stop on the step above him. He gently cupped her face in his hands. “I’m sorry this is so abrupt, but we can’t take any chances. Everything is going to be fine.”

  Trevor continued. “Don’t worry Rose. My mate Ella is the sweetest woman you will ever meet, and I know she can’t wait to meet you. You’re going to be great together.”

  Rose sighed, but nodded. She drew herself together, gathering her composure, and continued up the stairs. When they reached
the landing at the top, Trevor slid past them. He opened the door and held it for them, waving them in. “Come in and meet them.”

  As they walked through the door into the bedroom, Alex saw a female with flowing black hair, ivory skin and striking features sitting on the floor beside a king bed. Two small babies lay on a blanket beside her, one in a pink onesie and one in a blue onesie. They cooed and rocked as she played with them. The female looked up at them as they came in, and a smile lit up her face.

  “Rose! Welcome! I’m Ella. I’m so glad to meet you and I’m so happy you’re here.” She turned her smile to Trevor and his gaze softened, smiling back at her, lost in her eyes. Ella continued. “These two are on the warpath today. I’m glad Rose is here to help me.”

  Alex pulled Rose close to him, squeezing her tight against his body and wrapping his arms around her. She pressed against him, and he whispered into her ear. “She’ll love you. Don’t worry. We’ll take care of this and I’ll be right back.” He kissed her cheek. As he kissed her he pulled his gun from the holster at his waist and pressed it into her hand. “But take this just in case.” As she took it she gulped, recognizing the feel and shape, but she grasped it tightly and whispered back “I’ll be ok.”

  She stared hesitantly at Ella for a second. Then she gathered her courage and looked back at Alex, raising her voice. “Don’t worry. I’ll be ok. I’m with my sister.” She smiled back at Ella. “And the two cutest babies I’ve ever seen.” Dropping Alex’s hand she walked over to Ella and sat next to her on the floor. Ella reached out her hand and Rose took it in hers. “What are their names?”

  Alex felt Trevor’s hand wrap around his arm and pull him back to the door, then close it gently behind them as the two males eased through and slipped down the stairs. When they reached the bottom the other male locked his grip on Alex’s arm until it was painful. “We’ve got a lot to fight for, so let’s make sure nothing happens here. I don’t care what’s happened in the past. No one else here has the stake that you do, so I’m trusting you with my life. I need you to hold these stairs. No matter what comes into this house, no matter what happens downstairs, nothing gets up these stairs.” Trevor locked eyes with Alex. “Nothing. Promise me.”

  Alex nodded. He reached up and gripped Trevor’s arm back. “On my life. I promise. Nothing gets through.” Trevor nodded. “Good. I need to get outside now. Shift, and hold tight.”

  Alex nodded. Trevor stalked away, through the room and out the door, continuing without a backwards glance, leaving Alex alone at the base of the stairs. Alex narrowed his eyes, surveying the living room. The earlier chaos had settled down into practiced preparation, each male secure in his orders. Alex watched the other males exit through the doors after Trevor, armed and ready for action. Two males stayed behind, one at each exit. They glanced at him, then each other, and nodded. Alex nodded back and took a deep breath. He was ready.

  He summoned the power inside him, felt it flowing through his limbs as they shifted and extended, until he stood at the base of the stairs as a huge wolf, gold and black fur bristling. He bared his teeth and snarled. Let them come. Nothing would get past him.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rose sat on the floor next to Ella, still holding her hand. She felt Alex’s gun digging into her hip, tucked under her. Close enough to grab if she needed it, but not out in the open. She sighed. She had only meant to come home and see her mother one last time. And now she was mixed up in something that seemed completely crazy, even though it felt so natural, so right. This big blonde cop had sucked her into his world without even trying, and now here she was, hiding out upstairs with guns and babies. Somehow. What was going on here? What had she gotten herself into? She kept getting the start of a full explanation, but she needed to know more. Needed to figure this out if she was going to keep her head above water. She hadn’t planned on any of this. Mates? Sisters? And babies? Nieces and nephews?

  But she couldn’t leave now. Because she knew in her heart that she was all in now. She could never leave him. But it wasn’t just because of the guy, as much as he had captured her heart. And other parts of her body... It was more than that. It was all of them. As soon as she held her sister’s hand, as soon as she saw the babies laughing, she felt them become a part of her. Besides, it seemed like she owed her mother an apology.

  But she had to admit that Alex had a hold on her she couldn’t believe. In only a few hours with him she had a connection with him that was deeper and stronger than anything she’d ever felt before. Almost like their souls were joined. And the things he had done to her body. She flushed just thinking about it. Her orgasm had been earth-shattering. And they hadn’t even gotten to the best part yet.

  She saw Ella looking at her out of the corner of her eye, trying to hide a grin. Ella squeezed her hand again. “Don’t worry, I know what you’re thinking about. I was way worse than you when I first met Trevor. These men are incredible in every way. And hot as hell on top of it! When Trevor first brought me here we didn’t leave the bedroom for days.”

  Now Rose actually blushed. “Oh my God. Am I that transparent?” Then she realized what Ella’s question meant, and thought about how close her room was to the living room. Her blush turned an even darker shade of red. She was mortified. “Wait! Does everyone know what we were doing?” She didn’t think she could handle it. She tried to distract herself by tickling the babies, watching them giggle and coo at her from the blanket in front of her, but it was hopeless.

  Ella laughed. Then threw her arm around Rose in a quick hug to show her she was just teasing. “Of course. Trevor gave you that room for a reason. But don’t worry. We’ve all been there, so we would know anyway. One True Mates and all that.” She nudged Rose with her elbow. “Even if we couldn’t hear you screaming…” Rose buried her head in her hands. “Oh no. I’m not going to be able to look anyone here in the face again.” Ella laughed. “Don’t worry, if you tell me all about it I’ll tell you all about the sounds Trevor made our first time together. Trust me, you don’t have anything to worry about!”

  Rose couldn’t help but laughing. Maybe having a sister would be fun. Ella continued, more serious now. “But trust me, there’s definitely no judgment. These males will worship you. One True Mates are a big deal to all of them. And to me. Everyone here is so happy for you and for Alex. You’re family.”

  Rose looked up, searching Ella’s face. Needing confirmation of one last thing. “Alex started telling me about an angel.” She paused, thinking back. “I’m only back in town to see my mother, and she told me a story about an angel being my father. It sounded crazy coming from her. But now I’m not sure what to think.”

  She shifted and felt the gun pushing into her hip again, reminding her that Trevor and Alex had hidden them in this room to keep them safe. “And how much danger are we in here? Is there really an attack coming?”

  Ella looked at her with pride. “I can’t believe you’re here without knowing any part of this story. That’s incredibly brave and strong. My mother never told me anything either, and when I first heard it I wanted to run screaming. I thought I was going crazy. So let me tell you the story of our father, the angel, and a little bit more about these wonderful males. The wolven.” Rose’s pulse raced hearing the word from Ella. She repeated it, wonder in her voice. “Wolven.” She loved it.

  Ella’s face grew hard as steel as she continued, her fierce protective instincts showing through as she watched over her babies. “And yes, we are in very serious danger. Wherever there’s an angel, there’s also a demon.” She spit out the name, “Khain.”

  Rose gasped and focused all her attention on Ella. This was the story she needed to hear, from someone who had lived through the same issues. Someone who had walked in her shoes. As Ella started the story she whispered “Thank you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alex stalked the interior of the living room, tracing a slow circuit that never took him more than a few feet from the base of the stairs leading up to
Ella and the pups, and especially Rose. The thought of anything harming those pups made his blood boil with rage. The thought of anything harming Rose drove him nearly insane. He snarled, his beast driving him, barely keeping his fury contained.

  The male at the front door glanced at him as he heard Alex snarl, checking to see if he had missed anything. Seeing nothing, he returned his attention to the window beside the door, where he had a commanding view across the deck and into the yard and the tree line beyond. “Still nothing,” the male reported softly to Alex.

  Alex swiveled his head to the male watching the back door. The male had his gaze fixed out the back window. Without turning, he simply shook his head no. Alex started to turn away, but before he could finish the male jerked his arm up. Hold on.

  An eerie howl cut the air. It echoed from the back of the house, thin and high-pitched. More howls rang out from the thick woods in the hills above the back yard, filling the air and building to a terrifying crescendo. Alex felt his fur stand on end. Then the sound of wolven roared out from right behind the house, as they called back their defiance and fury.


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