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Three of Hearts

Page 15

by W. Ferraro

  “Mae is the best thing for you and the kids. I’ve seen you react to her, you are aware of her in every sense. As she is to you, man. She is who I think Maggie would pick for you.” Dylan said with respect.

  Seth focused on Dylan’s words and hoped that the decision he was to make was right for all of them.

  “It hasn’t been that long, I’ve only known her a short time, but it feels like I’ve known her forever.”

  “Time is inconsequential if it’s right,” Dylan answered firmly.

  Grabbing his stuff, Seth walked down the steps from the office and headed to his truck. He threw his stuff in the back seat and closed the door. He turned to face Dylan, who was three steps behind him. “If this goes south, I’m coming after your ass, Cross,” Seth joked, to put the heaviness of the previous conversation behind them.

  “I have no doubts, I’m right. But if you want to give Mae up, then I’d be happy to take her out for a ride,” Dylan said, poking the beast.

  Climbing into his truck and slamming the door with too much force, Seth rolled down the window and told Dylan just what he could do with his offer to take Mae for a spin. Then he pulled out, causing Dylan to jump out of the way as the wheels kicked up a cloud of dirt and gravel. Seth directed the truck toward the hospital, and headed to see Mae, just as his heart told him to.

  Seth parked the truck in an outside lot, because it wouldn’t fit in the garage. He was walking toward the Cancer Center entrance when he noticed Leo a few feet away from him.

  “Leo” Seth said, causing Leo to turn away from the person he was speaking with. When he noticed Seth, he turned back and ended his conversation. He walked toward Seth. He smiled and extended his hand just as he said “Seth, what brings you here?”

  They firmly shook hands, and stood facing the Main Hospital entrance. “I came to see if I could talk Mae into sneaking away for lunch or something.”

  “Fine, steal my usual lunch date,” Leo said sarcastically.

  Seth smiled, glad that Mae had a good friend in Leo. He really was a nice guy.

  “By the way, I’m not keeping you two from anything on Saturday, am I?” Leo asked.

  Seth looked at the younger man, confused.

  “Didn’t Mae tell you? She is going with me to my brother’s wedding,” Leo said, all of a sudden feeling he shouldn’t have said anything.

  “Mae didn’t mention anything to me about it, but I haven’t really had a chance to talk to her.” Seth said thinking how they did a lot that didn’t involve much talking.

  “Oh, Sorry Seth, if you’d rather she didn’t it’s cool,” Leo said embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry about it Leo, if Mae made plans already; I’m sure I can find something to do.” Seth said hoping to put the other man at ease. After all he didn’t want Leo telling Mae that he was acting all, how Robyn had put it, Neanderthal like.

  “Anyway, catch you later Leo, I’m gonna head over to catch Mae.” Seth said shaking Leo’s hand and heading off toward the Cancer Center once again.

  Seth felt butterflies in his stomach when he got to the door leading to the Center. How many times had he walked through these very doors with Maggie? A hundred? A thousand?

  He wanted to see Mae, and that meant walking through the doors he swore he would never enter again. He noticed that they painted the waiting area. It was a gigantic space, with streaming sunlight from the massive skylights in the ceiling. The circular room had a warm feel to it. With the deep green walls and multi colored commercial grade carpeting, the cushioned chairs pulled the colors from the carpet blending well and creating a calming feel. To the right of the entrance was a glass-enclosed reception desk. Through the glass you could see the hustle and bustle of the on goings of the busy Center behind it.

  Seth walked up to the glass and waited for the woman seated there to look up. When she did, Seth was grateful he didn’t recognize her.

  “May I help you?” the woman asked Seth with a sweet voice.

  “I was wondering if I could see one of the nurses. Mae, please.” Seth said hoping this wasn’t inappropriate of him just showing up.

  With a sly smile the woman nodded her head and picked up the phone and punched in a number. After a quick moment, she said “Is Mae there? Great, tell her there is another one here for her.” She hung up the extension and told Seth, she would be right out, before closing the glass barrier.

  Seth stepped away from the desk and faced the door that separated the interior from the waiting area. What was that about? Seth wondered as he waited for Mae to appear.

  What seemed like an eternity, but he was sure was only a minute or two, Mae opened the door and looked annoyed. When her eyes focused on him, the smile that spread told him she was so very happy to see him.

  “What are you doing here?” She asked as she pulled him into the inside hallway and closed the door behind him. It didn’t offer much privacy but it wasn’t putting them on display as being in the waiting room would have.

  Wanting to kiss her, desperately, Seth found unknown self-control, and folded his arms over his chest just to be on the safe side.

  “I thought I’d come and take you for lunch, if you have time,” Seth said trying to keep his voice low.

  Just then, both Seth and Mae were startled by the boisterous calling of “Seth Finn? Is that you?”

  Seth and Mae turned to find Tina standing there with her hands on her shapely hips and a smile that could sell snow to an Eskimo. Seth’s smiled reflected Tina’s own, and he walked over and picked her up in an embrace that had her twirling around in the air.

  Mae stood back and watched as Seth and Tina spoke animatedly about how they both have been. The knowledge dawning on Mae, that Tina must have been involved in Maggie’s treatment. Seth turned to Mae and grabbed her hand and pulled her into his side. He explained that Mae’s hunch was correct; Tina was not only involved in Seth’s deceased wife’s treatment but was also a family friend of Maggie’s.

  “Girl, is this the mysterious man who sent you those lovely roses the other day?” Tina asked with eager to know interest.

  Seth answered for Mae “Why yes I am, Tina, do you have a problem with that?”

  “Not in the least bit, darlin’. But if you have the need to send any ole nurse a beautiful arrangement, feel free to think of me.” Tina answered with her usual sass and swatting at Seth with her manicured hand with the long red nails, Mae always saw her wear.

  “I’ll remember that. Before you rudely interrupted I was trying to see if Mae could run off for a few minutes and grab lunch with me.” Seth said with equal amount playfulness.

  Looking to Mae who had grown quiet, Tina said, “Go on, Mae, I’ll cover your patients, until you get back.” Emphasizing her offer with a wink.

  Feeling guilty, Mae asked “You sure? Mr. Gagnon is having a tough time with the 5FU and Mrs. Kelly’s Taxol drip keeps collapsing her vein.”

  “Got it, you just go enjoy lunch with a good looking man. Especially this one, he is one in a million.” Tina said as she lightly shoved Mae toward the door.

  Looking at Mae, Seth’s excitement was clear as he squeezed her hand and pulled her along and out the door.

  They decided to go to the little delicatessen that was around the corner from the hospital, after putting in their order, they took a seat that was near a window that looked out toward the hospital.

  “So why this impromptu visit?” Mae asked as she sipped her bottle of water.

  “I wanted to see you.” Seth answered simply as he grabbed her hand and entwined their fingers.

  “I like the sound of that.” Mae said squeezing his hand and looking at the face that had come to be a sight she needs to see every day.

  After going to the counter and picking up their order when their number was called, Seth sat back down at the table and gave Mae her turkey wrap and placed his own roast beef Ruben sandwich in front of him on the table before placing the tray on the table behind him.

  They had each taken a coup
le of bites when Seth wiped his mouth with a napkin and said “so I ran into Leo on the way to see you, apparently you have a date that you didn’t tell me about.”

  Smiling at his obvious sarcasm, she took a swig of water before answering with just the right amount of cheek. “Well I didn’t think you’d mind considering he’s gay and all.”

  Laughing at her feistiness, Seth smiled at the woman he hoped would be part of his future.

  “Good thing he’s gay or I’d have to shackle you in the house.” Seth said taking another bite of his almost gone sandwich.

  “Honestly, I just forgot. Every time you and I are together, the last thing I think of is talking about how many men ask me to be their plus one to all different events and shindigs.”

  Wow, she is a smart ass—and he liked her all that much more because of it.

  “Good, I don’t think my heart could take more than one man taking my woman out without my permission.”

  All kidding aside, Mae explained why Leo had asked her to join him. She told him that it was an early afternoon wedding so that would mean she would be back early enough Saturday night to do something if he was interested. Plus she had all Sunday off, so she was hoping they could have plans for then too.

  Seth walked Mae back to the Center. Before going in, Seth grabbed her and gave her a deep kiss that he hoped would tie him over until later.

  “Join me and the kids for dinner tonight. Then when the kids have gone to bed, I can have you for dessert,” Seth said against her soft lips.

  “Sounds good to me.”

  As they parted ways, Mae hoped the remainder of her shift would go by fast.

  Mae headed to the nurses’ station to find out where her patients were at with their treatments. She was looking through Mr. Gagnon’s chart when Tina came up from behind her and placed her hand on Mae’s shoulder.

  “Mae, why didn’t you tell me you were seeing Seth Finn?” Tina asked, keeping her voice low.

  Mae looked at her friend and said “I keep forgetting in a small town, everyone knows everyone else.”

  Tina decided to take this conversation to one of the open exam rooms. She closed the door and turned to Mae.

  “Girl, before you get the wrong idea, I’ve known Seth for over twenty years. He is a wonderful man with good values and a lot of love to give.”

  Mae suddenly felt tears pooling in her eyes. Tina saw that the dam was about to break and pulled Mae into her warm embrace.

  “Why the tears, Mae?”

  Feeling like a fool for crying, but not being able to help it at the same time, “Seth told me about Maggie and all, but seeing him here with you, just made me realize how much of his world she really was.”

  Pulling out of Tina’s arms, Mae walked to the other side of the room and rubbed her hands over her face to rub away any signs she’d been crying.

  Taking a deep breath, she looked at Tina and said “I know how ridiculous that sounds, but it was just before me, you know. But seeing him, here, and with you, just made me understand how much of his life occurred before me.” Afraid she was making an idiot of herself; Mae decided to just give up, so she bowed her head, shut her eyes and squeezed the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger.

  Tina liked Mae; she’d liked her from the moment they had met. But seeing her now, like this, made Tina like her that much more. It’s true that Seth had a life before her, but that life was cut short. Regardless of the how and why, the fact that he and Mae were together now was the only thing that should matter.

  Tina remembered all the times Seth had visited there with Maggie. Maggie used to tell Seth all the time that he didn’t need to be with her, that she could handle the treatment by herself, but Seth insisted on coming as much as he could. Tina watched as Seth fed Maggie popsicles and read to her for hours, for all the time she was sitting in the treatment chair. Maggie was an independent woman, she made a decision that few would have made, but she was adamant it was the right decision for her and her baby. Tina was there when Maggie met Seth; she was there when they walked down the aisle. She was there for the births of the boys and sadly she was there for Maggie when she went through chemo and radiation. Tina watched as her friend since childhood just withered away. There was no denying Seth loved Maggie, but Seth didn’t die along with Maggie, he was alive and kicking. And as far as Tina was concerned, he should live life to the fullest.

  “Mae listen to me, Seth loved Maggie with all he had. The day he put her in the ground, I thought for sure he buried his heart as well. But the man I saw, the Seth I saw, with you earlier was a man with a very large heart to give. You’d be a fool to think there was nothing before you. But you’d be a bigger fool if you gave up what could be in front of you, if you deny what was in the past.” Tina finished, walked over put her arm around Mae and they walked together back out to the nurses’ station and finished their shift, together.

  Before heading home after her shift, Mae made a point to find Leo, who was in the emergency room, talking with Robert.

  “Hey, you two, how’s it going?” she smiled as she thought how happy they were that they had found each other.

  Robert spoke first, “Going, I have one more hour then off for three days.” He fixed his glasses on top of his head and made sure his hair didn’t look a mess in the glass bulletin board that they were standing next to.

  “I’m done in three, and I still have a ton to do before tomorrow. Oh by the way, I saw Seth, hope I didn’t cause waves for you,” Leo said looking ashamed.

  Mae gave his shoulder a playful shove, “no worries, it’s all good.”

  Mae noticed once again Robert had grown quiet and looked quite annoyed.

  “Well, I have to go and finish up, catch you later, bye Mae,” Robert said and walked off.

  Mae waited for Leo to say something or to go after Robert, but he was playing on his phone. MEN! They can be so stupid sometimes!

  Becoming quite a bit annoyed herself, she looked at Leo and hissed, “Leo can’t you tell Robert’s upset about the wedding.”

  Leo looking at Mae as if just realizing she was talking to him, “huh? What do you mean?”

  Rolling her eyes, she looked at her friend and tried to patiently tell him what was obvious to her. “Leo, Robert is upset that you are bringing me to the wedding. Did you even ask him if he would go with you?”

  Shaking his head as if there was no possible way she could be right, he brushed her opinion off by saying “No, he’s not. Besides he knows that I couldn’t bring him as my date with my father there.”

  Waiting for him to process it all in his head and come to the same conclusion as she, Mae watched as Leo looked off into the distance and quietly talked it out with himself.

  “Mae, you really think he’s upset?” Leo said suddenly looking uncomfortable.

  “Yes I do, Leo. Think about it, how you would feel if Robert was bringing me to a wedding.” Mae said reasoning it out for him.

  “Oh, uh, well, I guess I wouldn’t like it.” Leo said softly that Mae almost missed it.

  Now looking at her, Leo looked distraught, “Mae, I better go talk to him. Can I call you later?”

  Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek for luck, she nodded her agreement and watched as he headed off to find Robert and hopefully mend a fence.


  The weather was still quite warm, so Mae rolled down the Camaro windows and headed toward the house. She was lost in her thoughts when Mae realized that she must have taken a wrong turn and now was on a totally unfamiliar road. She was about to turn around when a small sign caught her attention: Lakeview Cemetery. Not knowing why, Mae followed the sign and entered the small cemetery. She slowly drove through the beautiful kept lawns, and maneuvered the car around the small roads. She was about to head back out to the main road, when Mae caught sight of a large red toned granite marker in the shape of a heart. Engraved across the center of the stone was FINN. Mae put the Camaro in park, got out and walked over to the stone and
placed her hand along the smooth surface.

  Beloved Wife, Cherished Mother, Treasured Daughter Maggie Ruth Finn

  August 23, 1975-December 21, 2006

  She got down on her haunches and ran her fingers over the engraving, then brought them to her lips.

  Mae looked down at the grass around the stone and noted it was quite matted, as if there were many visitors. She noticed the freshly potted daffodils and the miniature teal and white cancer awareness pin that was tucked into one of the pots.

  Mae took in the scenery surrounding her and was quiet in thought. Finally, she spoke.

  “Maggie your family is beautiful and you left behind an awful lot of people that loved you. The more I learn of you the more I wish I had known you. No one will ever replace you and I would never dishonor your memory by trying, but I would really like to join your family and make them my own. So if you could send me a sign if you’d rather wish me to leave them be.”

  Just then the few clouds that were left in the sky parted and the glorious sun shined down.

  “Thank you Maggie.”

  Mae headed to her car, and just as she was about to climb in, she turned and looked back at the stone and knew she was driven here by some unknown force.

  Mae turned into Seth’s driveway and cut the engine to hear the ongoing squeals of laughter coming from the yard. She made her way around and to the back yard to find Seth flat on his back with Aidan and Megan piled on top of him. Conner was off to the side giving verbal directions of how to keep Seth on his back.

  Seth bound up with one arm around Aidan and the other around Megan and started tickling each child ferociously. Conner jumped on Seth’s back to save his younger siblings and found himself the victim of the sudden change of tactics when Seth left the smaller two alone and focused all his attention on his oldest.

  Mae just watched as Seth playful tickled his kids, one after the other. When Conner brought attention to Mae’s presence by saying “Mae, help us.” Seth decided to slowly climb to his feet while holding on to his kids and stalk toward his newest victim.


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