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Three of Hearts

Page 16

by W. Ferraro

  “Don’t even think about it Finn!” Mae said as she tried to stand her ground and not run like she knew Seth wanted her to.

  “Too late, I’ve not only thought about it, I’ve committed to the idea.” Seth said wickedly as his face grew into a sinister smile and a new found challenge.

  Aidan, trying to protect Mae, jumped in front of her and called out a chant to make his Dad chase him instead, but nothing would alter Seth’s course.

  Seth plunged toward Mae as she sidestepped him to the left. She pushed Megan behind her wanting to keep the kids involved in the game.

  Conner and Aidan both tried to taunt Seth for his attention but Seth was firm in his intent.

  Trying to avoid his mighty grasp, and failing miserably, Mae found herself momentarily airborne and then carefully placed on her back on the ground. Seth was tickling with playful speed. The laughing coming from Mae and his kids only fueled his fingers even more. The kids tried to help Mae escape but he easily deflected their attempts. Knowing he needed to lose gracefully, Seth let Conner tackle him to the ground and with the assistance of his sibling they each sat on a limb while Mae tickled him until he was calling “Uncle, Uncle.”

  Mae gave the final order to seize the attack and picked Megan up while high fiving each of the boys.

  Seth stood, trying to catch his breath, and gazed warmly at the beautiful picture Mae made with his kids. With Megan in her arms and each of the boys surrounding her, Seth’s heart grew with love and knew he needed to tell her how he felt.

  “Okay you treacherous kids, upstairs put something long sleeved on and we’ll head out on the boat for a sun set trip around the lake.”

  Conner held on to Megan’s hand as they ran up the stairs with Aidan trailing behind them. When the kids were inside the house, Seth walked over to Mae and put his hands around the nape of her neck and pulled her to him and kissed her with all that he felt.

  Holding onto his wrists, Mae returned Seth’s kiss with equal intensity. When he finally broke it, he kept her held in his hands and looked in her eyes. Her beauty took his breath away. Her hair whirled around them and caused the tropical smell that was only Mae’s, to surround him. This was the woman who was meant for him.

  Feeling the power of the moment, Mae didn’t want to say anything. She just wanted to look at the man she hoped would be hers forever.

  The children quickly came back down the stairs breaking the trance. “Come on Mae, Dad, let’s get on the boat.” Conner yelled as he and the other two ran down the dock.

  “Coming!” Seth bellowed as he and Mae walked hand in hand down the dock and onto the boat.

  Once Mae was aboard she sat down on one of the front seats and Megan climbed into her lap. Conner and Aidan sat across from them and Seth took the helm. Slowly easing away from the dock, Seth headed toward the center of the lake. Conner was pointing out all the different beaches and commercial docks along the way. Aidan interrupted every now and then to point out different people’s homes and of course where you could see the local Video Gaming store through the trees. Megan pointed towards the various wildlife they could see and Mae cuddled the little girl trying to keep her warm from the chilly water breeze.

  Seth slowed down as they approached the middle of the lake, and to everyone’s surprise called Conner over to the controls.

  “There isn’t anyone out here and so if you want I’ll let you drive for a little bit, Con,” Seth offered, hoping his sudden change of heart would make his son happy.

  “Really? Oh you are the best, Dad!” Conner leaped up and hugged Seth not caring that it was against Teenage Code.

  Conner guided the boat with Seth’s quiet directions. When it was time for Seth to take over again, Conner stood next to his father looking happier than Mae had ever seen.

  Seth looked at Mae and winked.

  The group of them watched as the sky turned from blue to purple and pink as the sun set behind the trees. As they headed back they talked about their plans for the weekend and how they hoped they could go out on the boat again maybe with the tubes or the jet skis.

  When Seth had maneuvered the boat alongside his dock, Conner hopped out and helped his siblings out, then holding out his hand for Mae to grab as she stepped out and onto the dock.

  Conner and Mae shared a private moment as Mae read the joy in his eyes. With a wide smile that looked so much like his fathers, Conner bound off toward the house.

  Seth stepped up behind Mae and moved her hair so he could place light kisses along her neck. As he gently nibbled, Mae tilted her head to give him better access. With his hands wrapped around her waist, he pulled her against his front and continued to arouse her.

  “Honey, how come you taste so good?” Seth asked huskily against her throat.

  “Just lucky I guess” Mae teased as she reached around his face and placed her hand on his cheek.

  Giving one last kiss he moved her so she was now facing him and kissed her lips as he had wanted to do since she came home.

  Home, exactly where she belonged, he thought

  “So what is your plan for the evening?” he asked as he regretfully ended the kiss

  “The only plan I have is to be with you and them,” as she pointed toward the house where his kids were.

  “Well if I have to share you,” Seth said with assured meaning, “then there is no one I’d rather share you with than them.”

  When the entered the house, Conner and Aidan were starting a game of tennis on the Wii and Megan was looking pouty on the couch.

  “What’s the matter, Spitfire?” Seth said leaning over the back of the couch where Megan sat.

  “They won’t let me play.”

  Raising his eyes to the ceiling, Conner turned to Seth and explained that they couldn’t play with an odd amount of players.

  “Okay then, we’ll make it even. I’ll play with Megan.” Seth said going to the cabinet where the additional controllers were kept. He took two more out, handing one to Megan and they all took their spots ready to engage in the tennis game of all tennis games.

  Mae watched from the kitchen area as the teams played to win.

  Twenty minutes later, it was down to match point and Conner spiked his serve and Seth missed by a mile. Conner and Aidan came out victorious. Seth and Megan both graciously took their defeat and while Megan headed off to another room, Seth made his way to Mae.

  “You, Mr. Finn, just lost.” Mae said as she handed him a piece of her sandwich that she made while they played.

  Chewing the ham and cheese sandwich, Seth nodded in agreement and went to the fridge to grab a drink. He pulled out two bottled waters, handed one to Mae and twisted off the cap of his own and took a refreshing gulp.

  Mae looked around Seth and saw that the boys had started a singles game. Turning her attention back to Seth she saw that he had a smoldering look in his eye.

  Seth turned to the boys and told them he and Mae would be out on the deck if they needed him.

  Once out on the deck, Seth sat down in one of the chairs and pulled Mae onto his lap. He kissed her just because he could as well as took a quick feel of her soft breasts just because he wanted to.

  “Want a glass of wine, Honey?” Seth asked as he played with the ends of her hair.

  “That sounds wonderful.”

  Seth tapped her on her bottom, as Mae switched to the open chair next to the one she shared with Seth, she watched as Seth went and got her a glass.

  He returned with a full glass and as he handed it to her he said “Pinot for the Lady.” Touched that he remembered, she expressed her thanks and rubbed his back as he took his seat next to her.

  “So what time is the wedding tomorrow?” Seth asked as they both sat contently in the dark, with only the inside light and moon to give light.

  “The ceremony starts at one, so I guess I’ll leave around 11:30 to get there on time.” Mae said hoping that Leo and Robert had worked things out.

  As if reading her mind, her cell phone rang in her
pocket. It was Leo.

  “Hi, Leo. How’d it go?”

  “Hey Mae, you were right, he was pretty hurt that I was bringing you rather than him to the wedding. I tried to explain that I didn’t think it was the time to introduce him to my dad, but he just got pissed and said whatever.” Taking a deep breath, Leo continued “Mae I think I fucked up.”

  Feeling empathy for Leo and Robert, she asked “so what are you going to do?”

  Laughing ironically, Leo answered “he won’t even take my calls. I’ve called him like twenty times and texted him at least fifty times, telling him to go with me and we would tell my family together but he won’t even respond.”

  Mae’s heart broke for her friend, “do you still want me to drive out there tomorrow?”

  “Yeah, please. I’m going to be miserable if I’m by myself and besides they already paid for the meal and all.”

  “Ok, sure, we’ll meet as planned. Is there anything I can do?” Mae asked wanting to do something that would make Leo feel better.

  “Nah, just promise me you’ll hit me over the head if anything like this should happen again.” Leo said trying to be funny but it pretty much fell flat.

  After saying good bye, Mae hung up the phone and placed it on the glass table.

  “Everything ok?” Seth asked, judging from what he heard on the one sided phone conversation.

  “Robert isn’t speaking to Leo and now Leo is a mess.” Mae said as she took a large sip of wine.

  “From the sounds of it, Leo is going to need a friend there tomorrow. Whatever happens between Robert and Leo, they should be proud of who they are.”

  Curious as to Seth’s take, Mae asked “and if you were to learn that any one of your children were gay, how would you feel?”

  “I want my children to be happy, however that may be,” Seth said simply.

  Mae squeezed Seth’s hand and hoped that Leo’s family felt the same way.

  They sat in silence, enjoying the quiet and secluded night, when they noticed Megan standing in the now open kitchen door, clad in a pair of green and yellow plaid pajamas with her favorite doll tucked under her arm.

  “Mae, would you come and read me a story?” Megan asked as she rubbed her eyes.

  “Of course, sweetie.” She answered as she got up and took hold of Megan’s hand and they headed to her bedroom.

  Once inside, Megan hopped into bed and Mae pulled the covers over her. She sat down on the bed next to her and said “What story would you like me to read?”

  Sitting up and leaning over the side of the bed, Megan picked up a large purple book that was creased and worn in several areas. “It’s my favorite.” Megan said as she resettled against her pillow.

  Mae looked at the book and read the title, “A Sister for Jennifer”

  Mae opened the book and began to read the story of a little girl named Jennifer, who had four brothers. The brothers never let Jennifer play with them or tag along with them on their adventures. One day, Jennifer asked her mother if she could go to the store and buy a sister. Her mother tried to explain how sisters aren’t sold in stores. So Jennifer decided if she couldn’t buy a sister, she’d make a sister. She made a puppet out of an old sock she found and added yarn for hair and blue buttons for eyes. Everywhere that Jennifer went, her sock sister went with her until one day, sock sister got put in the washer accidently and fell apart. In the end, Jennifer was so upset over the wrecked sock puppet that her brothers went out and bought her a life size doll that Jennifer could carry around as she would a baby sister.

  As Mae closed the book, she noticed that Megan was fast asleep. She put the book down on the nightstand, leaned over, and kissed her on her forehead and turned out the light. When she turned to leave she noticed Seth leaning against the door frame, his big frame silhouetted against the hall light.

  “How long have you been standing there?” Mae asked in a whisper.

  “Long enough to hear the end of the story” Seth said just as quietly.

  Seth pulled Mae into his side and they both watched as Megan rolled in her sleep causing her doll to fall off the bed. Seth pushed away from the door frame, took the four steps and stooped to pick up the discarded doll. After tucking the doll back next to his sleeping child, he bent over and kissed Megan on the head.

  Closing the door behind him, Seth guided Mae back down the stairs and they sat on the couch and watched the remainder of the Red Sox and Yankees game with Conner and Aidan.

  When Boston came out the victor, both Conner and Aidan said good night and headed off to bed.

  Seth and Mae watched the 11 o’clock news after the game, while they both ate Oreos with large glasses of milk.

  When the news was through and the glasses were in the sink, they walked hand and hand to Mae’s bedroom as if it was natural for them to turn in for the night together.

  They made their way up the stairs and when they reached the top, rather than go to the bed, Seth guided Mae over to the chaise. He removed his shirt, along with his shoes, pants and boxers and stood there as if he was carved of stone. Mae’s eyes roamed over his physique from head all the way down to his toes. He was perfect in every way. Not only was she attracted to his physical features but his kindness and compassion, the love he showed for his family, and his ability to make her feel like the most beautiful and desired woman in the world. He was the whole package to her and she loved him more than she ever thought it was possible to love someone.

  With his nose flared as a sign of his arousal, Seth looked at Mae and wanted to make her understand what she meant to him. He needed her to know that this was more than just great sex; it was a beginning to the next chapter of their lives.

  “Mae, I need you right now, but before I take you, I want you to know that these past few weeks, have meant more to me than you will ever know.” Hoping she understood what he was trying to say, he decided to give up on words and show her instead.

  Seth went down on bended knee and removed first one shoe and then the other. Next he removed her socks and her scrub bottoms. When she was covered only with her satin panties on her lower half, he placed a soft kiss through the satin and inhaled the scent of her musky arousal. He stood to his full height and slowly pulled her top over her head and added it to the growing pile of castoff clothing. Seth skillfully removed her hair from its ponytail and massaged her scalp as her gorgeous hair drifted down falling in the loose curls of it.

  Seth stood back and looked at the sight she made. She stood proud in only her nude satin bra and panties. Unlike the others he had seen, these were more utilitarian, which he assumed was for work. But even without the frills and lace, she still looked mouthwatering to him.

  He put his finger in the front clasp of the bra that fell against her breast bone between the immense swells of her breasts, and lightly pulled her towards him. When she was standing so close that she needed to look directly up at him, he quickly undid the clasp and freed her gorgeous bounty that was contained in the satin cups. With the bra now added to the pile on the floor, Seth moved his large hands to the waistband of her pants and gently pulled until they fell to the floor. Mae kicked them off and stood there in Seth’s embrace in only what God gave her.

  Placing her hands on his shoulders and going up on tip toes; Mae took Seth’s lips and was rewarded when he took over control and kissed her like she wanted him to do since they entered her room.

  It didn’t take long for the kiss to go from appetizer to main course. His tongue stroked and hers answered every caress. His lips molded to her and you couldn’t tell where one began and the other ended. Their hands moved of their own accord, touching and feeling, wanting to supply stimulation but also to soothe the ache.

  Seth walked Mae backwards until her legs hit the uprise of the chaise cushion and he slowly guided her down so she was lying along the cushion with her feet at the chair back. With her hair fanned out over her head and off the edge she looked like a Greek Goddess.

  He started at her hair and work
ed his way down, being sure to kiss every inch of her skin. Her scent lingered over her everywhere his lips went. He was sure to leave her center untouched as he proceeded down her leg and up the inside of her other. When he finally reached the destination of her covered apex, he closed his eyes and ran her soft short curls against his cheeks and nose and took in her aroma. He never thought anything could smell as good as Mae did aroused. Like she was his own signature draft. When his mouth went dry he needed to taste her sweetness. She was his own personal feast, and he was a starving man.

  He was not gentle as he tasted, licked and devoured. But Mae didn’t want him to be she wanted him to be savage and take all that he wanted. The feelings that were growing within her she knew were nothing compared to love she felt for this man.

  Seth continued his consummation and as Mae’s whimpers turned into moans that grew louder and louder, he knew she was close to the brink. Wanting her to shatter into a million pieces and release all her sweet juice, he added his index finger to her hidden spot. The quick work of his digit indeed worked as Mae fell off the cliff, Seth sucked her honey until she was dry but for a drop.

  When her body recovered from the explosion of stimulation, Mae opened her eyes to see Seth’s head leaning against her soft belly. She rubbed his head with her limp fingers and he placed soft kisses on her skin.

  Sure that she had recouped enough, Seth started his way up her body, taking his time to roam over everywhere and given the proper attention to the previously forgotten parts. He took first one breast in his mouth and then the other. Being sure to worship each one equally, he sucked, nibbled, bit and nipped until her nipples were hard points. Mae was so responsive to breast stimulation, that Seth wanted her to climax again just from her breasts. He used his hands to plump and squeeze as his tongue and teeth caused glorious intensity. Within a short minute or two, she exploded again. Leaning back so he could take in her head to toe blush, Seth was sure, there was nothing more beautiful than Mae sated.

  Sure her body would literally turn to dust from another shattering, when Seth took his place between her spread thighs, Mae pushed on his chest to stop his thrust.


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