Milk of Paradise

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Milk of Paradise Page 42

by Lucy Inglis

  prosecution of darknet retailers 370

  Reagan’s campaign against drugs 346–7

  relations with China 201

  rise of morphinism 209–14, 221, 251

  spirit addiction 151–3

  use of opium by doctors 204–5

  War on Drugs 338, 339

  war with Spain (1898) 145

  American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions 201

  American Civil War (1861–5) 214–19

  American Field Service 277

  American War of Independence 150–1

  American–Philippine War 250–2

  Amin, Hafizullah 312, 313

  Amoy (Xiamen), capture of (1683) 96

  amphetamines 284, 285


  early methods 63–4

  and First World War 280

  opium and early use of in 63–6

  anal fistula 65

  Anatolia 116

  Anel, Dominique 210

  Anel syringe 210

  Anglo–Dutch War 88

  Anglo-Oriental Society for the Suppression of the Opium Trade 235–6

  Annan, Kofi 320

  Anslinger, Harry 262

  Anstie, Francis 230

  Antioch, Siege of (1098) 48


  and First World War 280

  Antwerp 76

  Anzio Effect 286

  Apel, Otto 292, 293

  apomorphine 234, 334, 335–6, 340

  apothecaries 48, 62, 67

  competition between doctors and 130–1

  as valued members of the community 130

  apothecary shops 131–2

  Arab world

  and cannabis 59

  medicine 39–44

  surgical procedures 40–1

  use of opium for medicinal purposes and as an anaesthetic 40, 41, 42–3

  Arcot, Siege of (1751) 169–70

  Arderne, John of 64–6

  Fistula in ano 65

  Arghandab Dam (Afghanistan) 310

  Aristotle 19

  On Sleeping 18

  Arnold, John 132


  Arrow (ship) 196–7

  aspirin 240, 241, 243

  Assizes of Jerusalem 49–50

  Assyrian Herbal, The 10

  Atatürk (Mustafa Kemal) 262

  Atkinson, Leslie ‘Ike’ 298

  Auckland, Lord 303, 304

  Aurelius, Emperor Marcus 23, 24

  Meditations 24

  Auschwitz camp 288

  Avesta 34

  Avicenna (Ibn-Sīnā) 41–4, 47, 53

  The Book of Healing 41–2

  Canon of Medicine 42–3

  Awsiter, John 147

  Ayer, James Cook 207–9

  Ayer’s Almanac 208

  Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral 207–8

  Ayyubid dynasty 49

  Babur 115, 118

  Bacon, Francis 130

  History of Life and Death 123

  The New Instrument of Science 123

  Bactrian camel 28–9

  Badakshan 60

  Baghdad 38, 41

  Banda Islands 86, 87–8

  Banks, Joseph 167

  bankshalls 106–7

  barbiturates 333

  Barboas, Gonçalo Gil 77

  Barker, Fordyce 212

  Barnes, Nicky 298

  Bartholow, Robert 212, 213

  Bayer 240–1, 243

  Bayer Leverkusen 288

  Bayt al-Hikma (House of Wisdom) 38–9

  Beard, George Miller

  American Nervousness 229

  Beat Generation 333–4, 341

  Beddoes, Thomas

  Hygëia 154–5

  Bedford, Duchess of 167

  Beecher, Henry 286

  Begim, Gulbadan 119

  Belon, Pierre 116

  Benevolent Assimilation (1898) 250–1

  Benezet, Anthony

  The Mighty Destroyer Displayed 152

  Bengal 173

  Benzedrine 284, 285

  Bes (Egyptian god) 14

  betel-chewing 93

  Betts, Dr Thaddeus 204

  Betts, Leah 363

  Bhumibol, King 348

  bin Laden, Osama 313, 315, 322

  binomial nomenclature 145

  bitcoin 370

  Black Death (1346–53) 61

  Black Hole incident (1756) 170

  Black Panthers 298


  association with cocaine in America 254–5

  Boadicea, Queen 46

  Boko Haram 326

  Bolivia 82

  Bonfadini Report (1876) 270

  Borgognoni, Theodoric 52–3

  Cyrugia 52–3, 54

  Boston Tea Party (1773) 166

  Bowie, David 336, 337, 341, 342

  Boyle, Robert 124, 125

  Brent, Charles 252, 253

  Brezhnev, Leonid 311–12, 313

  Bridgman, E. C. 200–1


  and Afghanistan 303–4, 304–5, 307, 321–2

  arrival of Christianity in 45

  attempts at regulating medical profession 228

  and Dangerous Drugs Act (1920) 255

  Dark Ages 45–6

  early evidence of opium poppy in 8–9

  early sea explorations 84–5

  early use of opium in medicines 125–7

  and First Opium War 188–90

  Gin Craze 135–40, 141–2, 145, 363

  heroin addiction 365–6

  and India 112, 115, 163, 170

  Industrial Revolution 181

  and medicine 123–5

  opium smugglers 172–9

  and opium trade 164, 172–9, 182–3

  opium trade with China 164, 178, 182–3

  and Second Opium War 196–9

  tea consumption and demand 91–2, 164–5, 167

  tea trade 165–7

  tobacco habit 95

  trade with Canton 180–1, 185

  trade with China 99–103, 106, 110–12, 176

  trade deals with Spain 88

  trade in the East 87

  trade with Mughal Empire 120–2

  trade with Philippines 247

  Bronze Age 9–15

  Brown, Dr John 149, 154

  Brunonian System of health 149

  Burma 291, 295–6

  Burroughs, William 228, 241–2, 333–7

  Naked Lunch 334–5

  Burton, Robert 143

  The Anatomy of Melancholy 143–4

  Byzantium 25, 33–4, 50–1 see also Constantinople

  Calamity Jane (Martha Jane Burke) 225, 227

  Calkins, Dr Alonzo 228–9, 230

  Camp Bastion (Afghanistan) 324–5

  Campbell, William 305–6

  Can Tintorer (Gavà) 5–6

  cannabis 26, 59, 62, 322, 363, 369

  Canton 102–3, 106–11, 174, 180–5

  attempt by Lin Zexu to end opium trade in 186–9

  and EIC 109–11

  guild system 107–8

  Jardine Matheson and trade in 180–2

  opium missionaries 199–201

  opium trade 179–82, 184, 186–7, 200, 202

  relationship between hongs and merchants 183–4

  removal of EIC’s control over trade 181–2

  taken by British/French forces (1857) 197

  trade with Britain 180–1, 185

  Triads in 183

  Caputo, Philip 299–300

  Carbone, Paul Bonnaventure 267, 268

  carfentanil 374

  Carrhae, Battle of (53BC) 30, 31

  Catalan Atlas 72

  Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 373

  Central Intelligence Agency see CIA

  Ceres 16

  Chapman, Nathaniel 203–4

  Chardin, Jean 117

  Charlemagne, King 46

  Chauliac, Guy de 63

  Ch’en Ts’Ang Ch’i 38

  China 2
6–27, 27–29, 38, 80–81

  arrival of Jesuits in (1582) 83

  banning of opium 98, 174, 179

  currency crisis in sixteenth century 80–1

  early sea exploration 73

  European private expeditions to 81

  first appearance of opium in writings of 38

  first English trade voyage to (1637) 99–103

  and First Opium War 188–90, 193–4, 200

  guild system 107–8

  Han dynasty 28–29

  and Hong Kong 103–106

  legalization of opium trade 198, 202

  Ming dynasty 71, 82–3, 94

  movement of Arab Muslims to 38

  opium consumption and addiction 94–5, 96–7, 111–12, 174, 178–9, 186, 202

  opium dens 97

  opium missionaries 199–202

  opium smoking 109

  opium trade 198–9

  opium trade with Britain 164, 178, 182–3

  population 81, 84, 108–9

  Qing dynasty 94, 98, 104, 197–8

  and Second Opium War 196–9

  and Silk Roads 28–9

  Taiping Rebellion 198

  tea trade with Britain 166–7

  tea/tea-drinking 88–9, 90

  tobacco/tobacco smoking 93–4

  trade with Britain 99–103, 106, 110–12, 176

  trade with Philippines 246

  China White 373


  anti-Chinese sentiment in America 222–4, 228

  emigration to America 219–24

  in Hong Kong 194, 352–3

  in Philippines 246, 247–9, 251

  Chinese hongs 108, 183–4

  Chinese Repository 200

  chloroform 280

  Christianity 25, 45–6

  Churchill, Winston 283

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 268–9, 291, 297, 356

  clippers 180–1

  Clive of India (Robert Clive) 163, 168–72

  Clostridium novyi 363

  Cobain, Kurt 342

  Cobden, Richard 197

  Coca-Cola 218

  cocaine 326

  association of American blacks with 254–5

  Cocteau, Jean 330–1, 332, 333

  coffee 90, 91, 92

  Cogotai (envoy) 56

  Cohong 110, 111

  coinage 34

  appearance of opium poppy on 20

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor 155, 156–7, 159–60

  ‘Kubla Khan’ 156

  Columbus, Christopher 74–5, 80

  Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) 327, 328

  Commutation Act (1784) 166

  compradors 101–2, 107, 108, 110, 111

  Constantine, Emperor 25, 33–4

  Constantinople 25, 33–4, 55

  conquest of by Ottomans (1453) 74

  see also Byzantium

  Convention Against Illicit Trafficking in Narcotic Drugs (1988) 367

  Coptic Christians 44–5

  Coram, Thomas 140

  Corsican Mafia 267–9, 273, 291

  Cosa Nostra 269–75

  Cowper, William 168

  Crete 11

  Crothers, Thomas D. 217, 244

  Crumpe, Samuel 149–50

  An Inquiry into the Nature and Properties of Opium 149–50

  Crusades 46–51, 61, 115


  war of independence from Spain 244–5

  Cueva de los Murciélagos (Granada, Spain) 9

  Cushing, Harvey 277, 278, 281

  Cyprus 13–14

  cyrugicus 47

  da Gama, Vasco 75–6, 78

  Dachau, liberation of (1945) 287–8

  Dai Fou 219–24

  Dalrymple Home for Inebriates 238

  Damiani Report (1881–6) 270, 271

  Dangerous Drugs Act (1920) 255

  Daoud, Mohammad 310, 311–12

  Dark Ages 44–5

  darknet 369–70

  Davenant, Charles 138

  Day, Horace B.

  The Opium Habit 218

  De Quincey, Thomas 155, 157–9, 160, 230, 332

  Confessions of an English Opium-Eater 158, 229

  DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) (US) 287, 352, 360

  Deadwood (South Dakota) 225–8

  Deadwood (TV series) 224

  Defoe, Daniel 137

  Defour, Judith 139–40

  Deir-el-Medina (Egypt) 14–15

  Demeter (Greek goddess) 16

  Dent, John Yerbury 335

  Dent, Lancelot 185, 187, 201

  Derosne, Charles 161

  Dewey, Thomas E. 273

  dhows 71–2

  diacetylmorphine 233–5, 239–40, 241–2

  see also heroin

  diamorphine 241, 242–3, 255, 285

  Dias, Bartolomeu 74

  Dio, Cassius 30

  Dioscorides, Pedanius 21, 40

  De materia medica 21–2

  diryaq 49

  disease theory 152

  dissection 66, 68


  increase in demand for during the plague 63

  and morphine addiction 230

  relationship with apothecaries 130–1, 132

  dolantin 285

  Dost Mohammed Khan 303, 304

  Dover, Thomas 129–30, 132–5

  The Ancient Physician’s Legacy to his Country 133–5

  Dover’s Powder 134–5

  Dreser, Heinrich 240, 241–2

  Drug Enforcement Agency see

  DEA Drunkards Act (1879) 237, 238, 239

  Du Yuesheng 265–7, 352

  Durand Line 306, 307, 311, 321

  dwale 64

  Dylan, Bob 341

  East India Company see EIC

  East Indies

  European exploration of 74–6

  opium use 118

  Portuguese military expeditions 78

  Ebers Papyrus 15, 43

  ecstasy 363

  Edinburgh 149

  Egypt 49

  heroin epidemic 327, 337

  Egypt, ancient 14–15

  Egyptian opium 145

  EIC (East India Company) 85–6, 87, 88, 96, 99, 108, 112, 163–4, 169, 170–1

  British government’s attempt at regulating 174

  in Canton 109–11

  end of trading days 181

  growth of dominance 163

  opium trade 173–6

  opium trade in India 171, 173

  tea trade 164, 165, 166–7

  Eichengrün, Arthur 240–1

  Eisle, Otto 285

  Eliopoulos, Elias 262–3

  Elliot, Captain Charles 187, 188, 190

  Elphinstone, William 304

  Emily incident (1821) 177–8

  encephalin 343

  endorphins 343

  England see Britain

  Estonia 332

  evidence-based medicine 53

  Ezra, Edward Isaac 264

  Falloppio, Garile 68

  Farmacia Santa Maria Novella 67

  Federal Bureau of Narcotics 262

  Federal Narcotics Control Board 259

  fentanyl 323, 373, 374

  fentanyl lollipops 324–5

  Fertile Crescent 4–5, 25

  field medic (Second World War) 282–3, 287

  Fielding, Henry 140, 142

  Finland 332

  First Opium War 188–90, 193–4, 200

  First World War 276–82

  American casualties 292

  innovations in treatment of wounds and anaesthetics 280

  shortage of medical supplies and morphine 277–9, 280–1

  use of mustard gas by Germans 278

  Fitch, Ralph 84–5

  Fitzgerald, Luke 364, 365

  Fleet Prison (London) 63

  Fleming, Alexander 283

  Flint, James 110–11

  Florus 30

  Fordham, Elias P. 204

  Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (1999) 360–1

ortune, Robert 191

  Foundling Hospital (London) 140

  14K Gang 359

  France 46

  Communists in 268

  and Corsican Mafia 267–9

  heroin production 331

  Franks 47

  Friedman, Elizebeth Smith 264

  Galen of Pergamon 23–5, 42, 53, 123

  gambling 142

  Gandamak, Treaty of (1879) 305

  gardens, opium growing in early 20, 61–2

  Garth, Dr Samuel 130–1

  Gawande, Atul 375–6

  Gay-Lussa, Joseph Louis 161

  Geber 40

  Genghis Khan 55

  Germany 70

  attitude towards opium and cocaine 284

  golden age of pharmaceutical production 283–4

  Neolithic settlements 7–8

  Gin Act (1751) 142

  Gin Craze 135–40, 141–2, 145, 363

  Ginsberg, Allen 333, 334

  Glacium flavum see horned poppy

  Gladstone, William 188

  glaucine 5

  Godber, Peter Fitzroy 354, 355

  Godfrey’s Cordial 148, 205

  Gold Cure 230, 256

  Golden Triangle 295–6, 297, 298, 356

  Gondeshapur 35–6

  Goulāo, Joāo 367

  Government of India Act (1833) 181

  Great Bengal Famine (1770) 175

  Greece, ancient 11–13, 16–20

  Green Gangs 263–7, 351

  Grimm, Henry

  The Chinese Must Go 223–4

  Grotius, Hugo

  The Freedom of the Seas 87

  Guam 145–6

  Guangdong 97, 98, 105, 246

  Guangzhou 79

  Guérini, Antoine and Bartélemy 267, 268, 269

  Guild of Physicians and Apothecaries 67

  guilds 66–67

  Canton/Chinese 107–8

  Italian city-state 55

  Gulf War 324

  Gutenberg, Johannes 67

  Habitual Drunkards Act see Drunkards Act

  Habsburg Empire 122

  haemorrhoids 53

  Hague Convention 262, 331

  Hamilton, Lillias 306

  Han dynasty 28–9

  Hansa (Internet) 370

  Hanseatic League 70

  Hanway, Jonas 164

  Essay on Tea 164

  haoma 35, 59

  Harrison Narcotics Tax Act (1914) 255, 256, 259, 275, 276, 277, 339

  Harvey, William 124

  Hastings, Governor General Warren 167, 175

  Hauschild, Dr Fritz 284

  Heath, Edward 286–7

  Heaven and Earth Society see Triads

  Hekmatyar, Gulbuddin 316

  Helmand River Valley Project (Afghanistan) 309–13

  hemlock 19, 53, 62, 64

  henbane (Hyoscyamus niger) 8, 21, 42, 46, 64

  Hendrix, Jimi 341

  Henry the Navigator 72

  Heraclius, Emperor 36

  herbalism, medieval 62

  Herodotus 27


  adulteration of 368–9

  Afghanistan production 301, 317, 320, 327

  and Corsican Mafia 269

  creation of Golden Triangle and production of 295–6

  creation of 240–2

  domination of global trafficking of by Triads 360

  early appearances of overdoses 244


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