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Bears of Burden: STERLING

Page 20

by Candace Ayers

I’m so very, very sorry to do this. But I have to go. Please don’t think my leaving is in anyway a rejection of you. I love you more than I can say, you’re a wonderful, independent, perfect girl and if I could give birth to a daughter, I would want her to be exactly like you. I know you’re going to grow up to be a wonderful woman, and I’m just sorry I can’t be there to see that happen. I would love to keep in touch. At the bottom, I’ve left you my cousin’s address in California, that’s where I’ll be.

  You will always have a very special place in my heart, and I will never forget you.

  My love always,


  At the bottom was the address. Chloe felt her chest heaving, and strangled sobs wracked her body. She felt, as if from a distance, her father wrap his arms round her tightly, picking her up so her head rested on his shoulder. He stroked her back, and she could do nothing but cry into him.

  “I’m going to get her back. This is all my fault. I’m so sorry Chloe, I’ll fix it, I promise.” Her dad could fix anything. She couldn’t speak but nodded into him, forcing her sobs to subside. Of course he could fix it.

  “Tell Heather, please… that I’ll be really, really good. And I’m sorry I got paint all over her shirt, and I didn’t help you with the groceries, I’m sorry.” She burst into tears again, and her father put her down.

  “Chloe, look at me,” Tanner forced her head up to meet his, “This is not your fault – this is me, it’s my fault, okay?”

  Chloe nodded. “Aren’t you going to read your letter, she left one for you.” Chloe gestured toward the envelope and Tanner glanced at it, shaking his head.

  “I don’t care what it says. I love that woman, and I’m going to get her back – for the both of us. Stay here, she can’t have gone far, call Josiah on his cell and get him to come over, okay?”

  Chloe managed a small smile. “Yeah, go dad.” She practically pushed him out of the kitchen, but he didn’t need much persuading. He picked the truck keys off the table and raced out of the door.

  As he started up the truck, Tanner prayed she hadn’t gotten a cab, she’d already be at the airport by now. But considering he’d seen Paul Moore, the only taxi driver in Jackson Hole, standing outside of Bubba’s Barbeque earlier clutching a brown paper bag, it wasn’t likely.

  He pulled out of the drive and made his way down the road toward the main town. He headed to the bus station, praying he would find Heather there.

  At first, the station looked deserted, but as he slowed down he could just make out a figure sitting at the far end of the shelter.

  “Heather?” Tanner jumped out of the truck, leaving it idling by the side of the road. Her face turned toward his, startled. He could see that her eyes were red-rimmed from crying, and she looked so small and lost.

  “Jesus, Heather, what are you doing?” He walked swiftly towards her, taking her frame into his arms, just as he’d done a moment ago with Chloe. She didn’t hug him back, but he just held on, feeling her body shudder with sobs.

  “Tanner, stop.” She broke away from his grasp, hastily wiping her tears away as she did so. “I can’t do this. I’m so sorry. I wish I could stay, but I can’t.”

  Tanner looked down at her, confusion written clearly across his face. “Heather, help me to understand. What’s going on?” His voice was gentle, and Heather was too fraught to hear the pain that simmered below the surface.

  “I just… I can’t do it again.” Heather mumbled. She had covered her face with her hands, so ashamed at the dramatic state of events. She hadn’t meant for him to chase her here, causing a scene, disrupting the beautiful tranquility of his life.

  “Do what again? Heather, sit down.” Tanner commanded her. He wasn’t getting any sense out of her like this. He ushered her back onto the station bench and sat quietly beside her. “Breathe, and then start again. I want to know what’s going on.”

  Heather took a breath and tried to calm herself. She looked into his eyes, seeing nothing there but reassurance and compassion. “I know that you want a companion, and when I came here, I was happy with that. Really, I was.” Heather hesitated, Tanner’s eyes had narrowed and his lips were pulled into a thin line of displeasure. She continued, “But now, now that I know…you, who you really are, I can’t. I just can’t.”

  “Is this about my bear, about my past?”

  “Yes.” Heather replied, “It’s about all of you. I’m completely in love with you, Tanner. Completely and utterly head over heels in love with you, and I can’t be your companion. It’s not fair to me, not the way I feel.”

  Tanner smiled at her words, he couldn’t help it. His entire body had heated on hearing that she loved him, some of the tension he’d been carrying since seeing the envelopes on the table, left.

  “Then I don’t understand. I feel exactly the same way about you, Heather.”

  “But you’re bonded with someone else,” Heather cried out, exasperated, “You told me. You said that once you bond, you bond for life.”

  “What are you talking about? Who am I bonded with?” Tanner was utterly baffled by the exchange. He thought he’d made his feeling clear earlier that morning.

  “Chloe’s mother.” Heather whispered. She was less sure of her theory now.

  “No! What the— how the hell did you reach that conclusion? I’d only known Chloe’s mother for a week! We had sex, but it didn’t mean anything. She was a dancer, I was about twenty-five, young and reckless. She was just traveling through, and we hooked up. Then she moved on. About seven months later, she turns up at my door saying that she’s pregnant. I laughed and was about to send her away, knowing I wasn’t able to father a child, but she collapsed on my front step. She wasn’t my mate, Heather. It’s you. You’re my mate. You’re the woman I’m in love with. We’re the forever, Heather, you and me, baby.”

  Heather was stunned. She’d made such a huge mistake. “Oh Tanner, I didn’t realize… I thought… I assumed…” She trailed off as a huge grin spread across her face; she blushed bright red and looked down at the ground. “I’ve been so stupid.”

  Tanner barked out a laugh, “Yeah, you have. You can’t leave me, Heather.” His tone turned somber and he covered her shoulders with his hands, “I get it. I get why, after Bertram, you would think that way, but Heather, you’re what I’ve wanted all my life, the missing piece of me. I promise you, if you come home with me now, I won’t ever let you doubt that again. I will spend the rest of my life showing you how loved you are.”

  Tanner bent his head down, not waiting for a response. His lips sought hers, and the answering kiss was sweet and salty all at the same time. Heather wound her hands into his hair, flooded with lust and a warm, tranquil contentment. She was home.


  Chloe admired the gentle waves that the hairdresser was creating in Heather’s shiny chestnut hair. Her make-up had already been done, and she was chatting animatedly with the woman, occasionally glancing over at Chloe, a light, content smile resting on her lips.

  Chloe looked down at her own dress, she was the flower girl, maid of honor and chief bridesmaid, all in one. It was easily the happiest Chloe could ever remember being, including the day that Heather had returned. That night, she’d tucked Chloe into bed, the engagement ring glinting on her finger, and Chloe had known then that everything was going to be okay.

  She made her way over to the window, watching as the band set up in the back yard. The ranch and its substantial grounds had been completely transformed, wisteria weaving its way around every bench, table and through the small pine pagoda where the ceremony would take place. Bouquets of Peonies, Calla Lily, Sweet Pea and Hydrangeas covered the table tops, and toppled out of the seat backs. Fairy lights, Chloe’s idea, were tacked everywhere, so come evening, the place would look like something out of a magical kingdom with Heather as it’s beautiful queen.

  She searched for her father. He was talking to his brother, Uncle Derek, and looked incredibly handsome in his three-piece suit. She felt a ru
sh of pride as she watched him. Not long after he and Heather had gotten engaged, they had told Chloe about his bear. She smiled to herself. She knew she’d seen a grizzly on the outskirts of the surrounding forest. She’d been sworn to secrecy, which she thought was awesome. It was something special that just her family knew. She was sad she’d never be a bear, but then, neither would Heather, so it was okay.

  The guests were milling around, admiring the flowers, and she spied Wesley over by the stage, helping set up the sound system for Uncle Derek’s band to play later. Kellie Lane was hovering, but Wesley was completely ignoring her. Chloe hoped he noticed her tonight. Her dress was a lapis blue to match the flowers she’d be carrying. Both she and Heather had roughly designed it together, before sending it off to New York to be made.

  “Are you ready?” Heather had risen from the chair, her hair finished and tumbling down her shoulders perfectly. Chloe nodded, and took her arm. Together they made their way down the stairs.

  Josiah was waiting for them in the kitchen. He was going to be giving Heather away today.

  “Everyone’s ready for you. Chloe, you go in front.” He commanded. Josiah took Heather’s elbow and she smiled at him, nervously.

  “Don’t be nervous. It’s going to be perfect.” He reassured her.

  Chloe took one look at the pair behind her and made her way to the door. She signaled to Derek, and his band began the opening chords of the wedding march. Everyone turned to look. Practically the entire town of Jackson Hole had wanted to be here today, and it made Chloe extra proud at how her parents were so loved by everyone. Heather had opened a small patisserie on the town’s main road. The locals raved about it and already tourists were venturing from nearby cities to taste Heather’s divine creations.

  She could see her best friend, Lucille, in one of the back rows. Lucille was practically green with envy as she surveyed her friend’s dress. That just made Chloe all the happier, and her smile just that bit wider as she walked slowly down the makeshift isle on a soft bed of rose petals.

  She looked up to see her father’s smiling face, grinning at her. Chloe watched as the grin faded, and was replaced with a look she couldn’t quite ascertain as he gazed past her at his soon-to-be wife. Chloe quickly checked over her shoulder to see if Heather was okay, but whatever was in Tanner’s look made Heather blush bright red and smile, averting her gaze to the floor. Chloe shrugged and continued her slow march to the front.

  Chloe stood to the side of the ceremony, gently wiping away tears that she repeatedly wished wouldn’t fall but couldn’t be helped. Watching her mother and father together, she gave a small smile of triumph. Her plan had worked, against all the odds. Chloe closed her eyes and sent up a small prayer of thanks to the God of bear shifters, amazing moms who could love, cook, and hug properly, and the families that got their happily ever afters.




  Dr. Lexi Green has seen strange things in the local ER, but this takes the cake. After eight gunshot wounds to the chest, this guy shouldn’t be alive much less giving her a wink and a nod on his way out the hospital doors. WTH?

  Lexi has secrets that have caused her to rule out dating, but the hot guy with sculpted muscles and exceptional healing powers is too delicious to ignore.

  As next in line for Alpha, making him the most powerful wolf on the East Coast, Shane has no time for women – especially a human. His reign is being violently contested by the anti-human shifters. So, why is it that he can’t resist the sexy ER doctor?

  Shane knows that being with him makes Lexi an enemy target. He must decide to either abdicate or Turn her, but how will Lexi handle it when she finds out her new boyfriend is a werewolf?

  Chapter 1

  There was nothing in the world that Lexi Green loved more than her job. Hell, she was good at it. And you don’t become a well-respected trauma surgeon in a major city without really liking your job. It had been a slow night and Lexi was sitting at the nurse station, sipping coffee from a Styrofoam cup. One of her favorite nurses, a young girl fresh out of nursing school, was just telling her about the apartment she was looking into when the doors of the ER slammed open and two harried looking medics rushed in with a gurney.

  “John Doe, probably in his thirties, eight gunshot wounds to the chest, a few to the legs, and a knife in his neck!” One of them shouted.

  “A knife in his what?” Lexi almost dropped her coffee.

  “Neck.” The adrenaline that surged through her whenever a big job came through the doors hit her with full force.

  “Book me an O.R. Now!” She shouted. Her relaxed, chatty attitude was gone. It was like she was a completely different person. The room began to bustle and the gurney was driven into the O.R. as Lexi scrubbed quickly.

  The man was hooked to various machines, but nothing that was happening around Lexi mattered. All that mattered was saving this guy. Her heart hammered in her chest as she surveyed the knife wound. It just missed his jugular, otherwise he would have bled to death. As it was, she didn’t know how he was still alive.

  Even though his face was covered in blood, she couldn’t help but realize how attractive he was. He had sharp features and black hair that was a little long. It softened his face. He was tall and well-muscled, and if she had seen him at a bar, she might have asked him to have drinks with her. But he was on her table, and his cuteness was completely irrelevant. She needed to save his life.

  “I’m going to need compression immediately after I remove the knife,” she said firmly. Her scrub nurses nodded, preparing themselves. She put her hand around the knife and pulled. The nurses slammed the gauze down, but there was very little blood.

  “What the…” She looked down at his torso. The medics had cut his shirt off so she could examine the bullet wounds. But there weren’t any. She looked up, and saw the nurse, wide eyed and scared, no longer putting pressure on the wound. Because there was no wound.

  “What the hell is going on?” she growled.

  Chapter 2

  Two hours earlier…

  Shane ran his hand through his black hair and sighed. The last thing he wanted to do right now was deal with his cousin’s bullshit. He had a business to run. And a pack to manage. He was exhausted. He leaned against his desk and looked out at the rapidly darkening sky.

  “I think you need an assistant.”

  He turned his head. His sister Amanda stood in the doorway. It was obvious they were siblings. They both had the same black hair, the same slate-grey eyes, but where he was all sharp angles and lines, she was soft curves. She was tall for a woman, almost six feet, and always wore high heels. She was gorgeous, and Shane had been in more fights because he was protecting her honor than for any other reason. She hadn’t needed him to protect her lately (not that she really ever did, she liked to remind him. She was just as fierce as he was.). She was about to get married. It was a good match. A great match, in fact. They were madly in love, and Shane liked the guy. And he had never liked anyone Amanda dated. And it didn’t hurt that she was about to unite two of the largest wolf packs on the East Coast.

  Shane sighed. “I don’t need an assistant.”

  “You do. But you’re too much of a control freak to admit it.” She crossed the room and hugged him. “I just want my big brother to be at my wedding and not die of exhaustion before I make it down the aisle.”

  “You’re being melodramatic.”

  Amanda rolled her eyes. “I’m worried about you. Between all of this bullshit with Matt— “

  “Can we not talk about our cousin?” Shane pushed himself off the desk. Matt was the last person he wanted to talk about now. It was bad enough that he had to deal with him during pack meetings, he didn’t want Matt’s shadow to effect his human business too.

  “We have to talk about it, Shane. It’s a week until the next pack gathering and dad is going to announce that he’s stepping down as Alpha. And then you’re going to have to start t
raining for the role.” It wasn’t a surprise to Shane that Amanda assumed that he was going to be the next Alpha. Indeed, it wouldn’t be a surprise for anyone in the pack. Shane was the obvious choice. He had been groomed for running the pack since he was a young boy, and he was the strongest wolf around. And he was part of an Alpha lineage. He couldn’t remember when someone from his family was not the pack Alpha.

  When his father started to get sick a few months ago, everyone in the pack assumed he would be the uncontested choice to fill the role. And then Matt stepped into the picture. Shane’s and Amanda’s cousin Matt was the sort of wolf who always had a chip on his shoulder about his pack status. Most wolves accepted their place in the pack; everyone had a place, and everyone was valued for their place. But Matt wanted more. And he was apparently willing to fight Shane for the title.

  “I’m going to deal with it, Amanda.”

  She pursed her lips. “If you say so. But you should do it sooner rather than later. He’s been talking to people in the pack, trying to sway opinions. There hasn’t been an Alpha contest in years, I don’t think one now would be a positive thing. Especially since we’re trying to come out to humans.”

  Shane scrubbed his face with his hands. “Please don’t remind me. Everything will get handled. When have I ever left anything undone?”

  “You haven’t. Because you’re a workaholic.”

  “Thanks for that glowing recommendation.”

  “That’s what sisters are for. Now, are you done here? Henry is waiting downstairs. We have dinner reservations in half an hour.”

  “I just need to grab a few things. Head to the car; I’ll be down in a minute.” Shane turned to his desk and began to collect his laptop and a few files for the weekend.

  “If you’re not down in five I’m sending Henry in to drag you out.”


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