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Echos in the Shadows (Mystifying Music Book 2)

Page 8

by Elizabeth St. John

  Jay smiled and lifted his arm for Ally to come toward him. He embraced her for a moment. Having his daughter under his roof again brought him great joy. The thought of moving back into her parent’s home did nothing but soured Ally’s stomach. Tears pinched her eyes as the realization that She’d been defeated overcame her. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s go home.”

  “Christ, you stink like Skinwalker,” Theron complained as Ally entered the kitchen with her father. “I can’t believe you let that thing touch you.”

  “And you smell like an arrogant asshole,” she snapped and scowled at him. Ally wasn’t about to justify her private time with Bowen to him. It was none of his business and Theron knew that, but it wouldn’t stop him from trying to stand in Bowen’s way.

  “Probably had his hands all over her,” Michael snarled. His cheek was still healing from the blow Ally had given him earlier in the day. It would probably scar. “Disgusting.”

  Ally stepped out from beneath her father’s arm and marched toward Mike. Jay grabbed her as she balled up her right fist. He had taught his daughter everything she would ever need to know about self-defense. She clearly needed to work on self-control. Stronger or not, Ally was ready to take her cousin down. “No, you don’t.” Jay pulled her outside and in the direction of his cruiser. He placed her inside the passenger’s side and tossed her bag in the back. As they drove away, her dad began to snicker.

  “What’s so funny, dad?”

  He shook his head and grinned, “You are so much like your aunt Jessica, it’s scary.”

  “Am I?”

  “If I didn’t know any better, I would say you were hers,” he chuckled and drove me toward her childhood home.

  Chapter 12

  Bowen’s time with Ally had proved one thing. We were meant to be together and he knew he had to keep her. Being with his dream girl was like breathing for the first time. While his mind flooded with erotic visions of their time together, Bowen’s phone rang. “Yeah?” he asked over speakerphone while continuing to driving down a dark road.

  “Bowen, this is Chuck from The Whiskey Room.”

  He adjusted in his seat and kept his eyes on the dark road, “Hey, Chuck. What’s up?”

  “Listen, man. I have an idea but wanted to run it by you first.”

  “Chuck, any band business has to be run by all of us while we are together. Brent especially.”

  “This involves you.”

  “You’ve got my attention.”

  “I’m wanting to spice things up a little. Believe it or not, I have been paying close attention and noticed you have a rockin’ voice. Would you be interested in a solo act?”

  “Umm,” Bowen paused and thought about how pissed off Brent would be if he tried to steal his fame.

  “I believe business would benefit from something new.”

  “I don’t know, Chuck.”

  “I will pay you a thousand dollars,” he blurted out and Bowen nearly lost control of the wheel. Chuck had never offered to pay any of them to perform. Bowen didn’t know what to think. His bandmates would be pissed if they knew. He would have to keep the money part under wraps. “Do we have a deal?” Chuck questioned.

  “A thousand bucks to sing one song?”

  “Yes. I think the crowd would love it.”

  “How long do I have to decide?”

  “I would like to have you on stage the night after tomorrow.”

  Holy fuck! Bowen thought to himself. “Let me talk to the band and I will let you know by mid-morning.”

  “Fair enough. I do have one more bit of news for you. You can share it with the guys if you like, or keep it to yourself. It is totally up to you.”

  “Alright. Shoot.”

  “I asked one of her friends to stop by tomorrow so they could see Modification.”

  Bowen was confused. What makes this person any different than any other person? “Alright?” he questioned, fishing for more information.

  “His name is Elias Lane. He’s is a music producer out of Tennessee and is looking for new talent to add to his label. This could be a huge break for you and Modification.”

  Excitement rushed through Bowen. His heart began to pound. “Holy shit, Chuck! Are you serious?”

  “I am. I have to be honest though. I did mention you specifically.”

  “Nothing like being put on the spot.”

  “I believe you have a shot, Bowen. Think about it.”

  “I will. Bye, Chuck.” Before he could hang up, he stopped him. “Oh, and, Chuck?”


  “Thanks, man. I really appreciate this.”

  “The ball is in your court. Let me know.”

  Bowen disconnected the call just as he pulled into his driveway. He didn’t have time to call the guys as he had to get ready for work. It was going to be a long night as the thought of his future weighed heavily on his mind.

  Bowen didn’t take a lunch so he could clock out early and pick up Ally for her shift. His plan was to drop her off and go speak to the guys before he got some much-needed sleep. He pulled up in front of her house and walked to the door. There was a black truck parked around the back. Ally’s cousins didn’t intimidate Bowen in the least. It was not in his nature to back down. His goal was not to fight with anyone. His people were peaceful until provoked. Their natural strength was of ten men, but Bowen didn’t boast. He knocked on the door, stepped back, and waited for Ally to answer.

  The door opened, but it was not her. Mike glaring at him. Bowen kept his cool, “I’m here for Ally.”

  “Did the pounding you took knock something loose? Or was it too subtle for you?” Mike snarled.

  Bowen smirked and planted his feet, preparing for an attack. “I wouldn’t call that a pounding, especially when the shot you took was so cheap. Hitting a man with his back turned is a pretty chicken shit move.”

  “Don’t provoke me, Skinwalker.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it,” he grinned. “I’m here to pick up Ally for work.”

  Mike glared and finally, a smirk pulled on his lips, “Sad day for you. She doesn’t want to see you.”

  Annoyance pulled on Bowen’s expression, “Come on, man. I don’t want any drama. Just let her know I’m here.”

  “Are you deaf? She doesn’t want you.”

  “I would like to hear that from her if you don’t mind.”

  “Well, I do mind. You and your band of thugs will stay away from her baby cousin, or there will be hell to pay. Got it?” He commanded and slammed the door in Bowen’s face.

  “Dick,” he grumbled. Reluctantly, he headed to his next destination. Bowen had to talk with the guys about Chuck’s offer. He had already decided to keep the money aspect out of the equation. One thing Bowen did want to discuss was the producer. The guys were going to flip shit.

  Chapter 13

  Ally scrambled to gather her work clothes after a quick shower. She didn’t want to wake her parents. Her mother nearly had a joyous meltdown when she heard her daughter was coming to stay with them. Ally’s old bedroom was ready before she even arrived.

  “Shit,” she hissed as the realization of how late for work she was. Being inside comfort of her parent’s home had caused her to oversleep. Bowen was supposed to be picking her up for work that morning. Problem was, he’d planned to pick her up at the house she shared with her cousins. Without transportation, Ally snuck into her parent’s room and beg her dad for his truck keys. He willingly gave them over with a fumbling hand and closed eyes. She kissed his cheek and he drifted back to sleep.

  She quickly climbed into the driver’s seat of his old T&J work truck. The logo on the side had faded over time. Jay had closed down the extermination business several years ago, after winning the election for sheriff of Devils Bend. The truck may have been old but it ran like a dream. Ally’s dad made a point to take care of it. If she were smart, she would buy it from him. Of course, he would never allow her to pay him for it. He would willingly give it to her without quest
ion, as they rarely used it. Ally put the thought into the back of her mind and drove toward her destination. First, she stopped for her morning coffee.

  It was a good thing she was driving her dad’s truck. The town cops wouldn’t dare pull over Jay’s truck for speeding. Ally didn’t usually take advantage as she cruised twenty miles over the posted speed limit.

  Ally watched for Bowen’s truck but didn’t see any sign. She wondered if he had forgotten about her. When she pulled into the parking lot of the plant, she scanned the vehicles for his. It wasn’t there. She hated for him to waste his time waiting for her to come out of the house. Then a sick feeling invaded her gut as she thought if he had gone to the door. She contemplated going back, but she was already late for her shift. Ally quickly gathered her things.

  Ally’s shift leader didn’t give her too much grief over her tardiness. She had never been late before, but he did warn her and was forced to give Ally a write-up.

  The day dragged on as she anticipated seeing Bowen. She had a hard time focusing. The thought of singing and even playing with him on a stage made her nervous. Also, thoughts of their intimate time together had invaded nearly every spare second. The sweet ache below her waist was a constant reminder. Once the final whistle for her day blew, Ally quickly grabbed her phone from her locker. It was dead of course, but at least, she would have it. Ally made her way outside after clocking out. There, standing against his truck was Bowen. When he saw her, his heart fluttered and Ally’s stomach flipped in excitement.

  She wasn’t sure how public he wanted their relationship to be so, she waited for him by the front end of her father’s truck. He marched up and took her face in his hands before kissing her passionately. For Bowen, he couldn’t get enough of her. People seeing them clearly was not on his list of worries and he seemed tremendously happy. “Good afternoon.”

  “Hi.” Ally couldn’t fight her smile while mind was filled with intimate thoughts yet again.

  “I came by the house,” he said.

  Ally’s joyful feelings drifted away. She could only imagine what happened if he knocked on the door. “I’m sorry. I had a fight with her cousins and moved out.”

  “Moved out? That explains a lot.”


  “Your cousin said you didn’t want to see me.”

  “And kissing me is a good way to find out?” she asked, trying to push away the sick feeling she had.

  He grinned, “I took a chance.”

  “A pretty risky move,” she teased. “But I’m glad you did.”

  “Where did you go?”

  “I’m staying with my folks for a while.”

  “Did your dad bring you?”

  “Nah. I’m driving her dad’s truck.” She lightly thumped the hood of the truck with her fist. The shift whistle blew loudly, startling them both.

  The sound reminded Bowen that their time together was limited. “Damn, I gotta’ go,” he reluctantly expressed. “Did you get your phone?”

  “I did but its dead.”

  Bowen pulled his phone from his pocket. “Give me your number.” After she did, he sent a text and grinned. “I’ll see you later.” He kissed her one final time before walking away, leaving her a little breathless.

  Ally had to stop by her cousin’s place in order to get her phone charger. Both of their vehicles were gone, signaling the all-clear for her to enter without having issues. All of her bathroom needs fit into one bag and she used trash bags for all of her clothes and shoes. She didn’t want to take her time being picky. The day was almost over and Mike and T would be home soon. To avoid any confrontation, she wanted to be gone by the time they returned. All of her other belongings would have to wait for a later time.

  Ally loved her cousins, but they were living on a different planet than she. The instant a guy showed any kind of interest, they made it their mission to attack. The first guy Ally ever kissed was a hellhound. His name was Eli and he was a member of Jessica’s Greek pack. They were the same age and in a stage of trying to figure out what their bodies were doing. The barn was the only place the teens could have privacy. In the hayloft, her skirt was lifted well past her thighs and Eli was doing his best to figure out the clasp of her bra when T and Mike discovered them. Ally was humiliated but poor Eli was terrified. The guys cornered him, beat the hell out of him, and threatened his life if he ever touched her again. That was the last time Ally saw her first crush. She could only assume he was shipped back to Greece. Maybe they put him in a box and shipped him off themselves. That was the first day her crazy life with them officially began.

  “Ally, is that you?” her mother called from the other room while she dragged the garbage bags inside.

  “Yeah, it’s me,” she groaned while lifting the bags and began the long walk upstairs.

  Marie came around the corner and looked up at her daughter, “You hungry? I’m making chicken teriyaki.”

  “Sounds good. I’ll shower and be right down.”

  “You want some help with those, sweetie?”

  “Nah, I’m good. Thanks,” Ally replied and finally made it to the top of the stairs. She put the heavy bags down and drug them to her room. She had so many clothes and contemplated on downsizing. She quickly plugged in her phone in by her nightstand and ran to the bathroom to wash.

  After her shower, she brushed her long black hair and secured a towel around her body. Ally took a moment to enjoy the clean bathroom. She could leave all of her things out without having to worry if they would come up missing or be ruined. Making her way to her bed, she sat down for a moment. The smell of her mother’s cooking was invading her bedroom, causing her empty stomach to growl. The screen on her phone lit up, showing the battery was partially charged. She didn’t unplug it but picked it up to turn it on. It jingled. The text from Bowen had come through.

  ‘In case you didn’t know, I’m crazy about you, Ally Cat.’

  ‘I kinda like you too.’ she chuckled and hit send.


  Ally burst with laughter and her mother walked in. She put her phone screen down on the bed. “What are you laughing about, Ally girl?”

  “Nothing,” she grinned.

  Marie walked over and sat down next to her daughter on the bed. “Go on,” she bumped her shoulder with hers.


  “Who’s the guy?”

  “There’s no guy,” Ally lied but couldn’t help but grin.

  “Ally girl, there is only one thing that causes a woman to smile like that.”

  “You smile all the time, ma.”

  “Yeah, because I’m with your father. Duh.”

  My face pinched while she pushed away thr horrid images of her parents being together, “Ew, just stop.”

  Marie laughed and crossed her right leg over her left, “Then tell me about the guy who is making her daughter smile.”

  Ally sighed and thought about him. “He’s really handsome.”

  “And?” Marie nodded while ushering with her hands for her daughter to continue. “Is this the shifter boy your dad told me about?”

  Ally nodded, “His name is Bowen and he plays the guitar in a band. We also work together.”

  “Bowen, huh? Your dad said Mike and Theron don’t like him. Is that true?”

  Her brow creased tightly, “Yes. Mom, they are so mean. I wish dad would have let me box their ears for them.”

  “Yeah, your dad told me how pissed you were,” she chuckled. “They are wrong for getting into your business, but I believe they are only trying to protect you.”

  “Please don’t defend them.” Ally expressed in distaste.

  “I’m not, honey. But they do love you.”

  “They act like I’m theirs to control. It’s sickening and weird.”

  “They can seem pretty intense at times. They are young and will learn.”

  “Does it bother you that Bowen isn’t a hellhound?”

  “No. As long as you’re happy and he’s good to you, I
’m happy for you.”

  Ally wrapped her arms around her mother’s neck and hugged her. “Thanks, mom.”

  She rubbed her back gently, “Of course, sweetie. Now, come downstairs and eat with me. Your dad is at the station late again tonight.”

  Over dinner, her mother insisted Ally bring Bowen over to meet them properly. She thought it would be a bad idea until Marie said she would speak to Rayce about having a talk with the boys, if needed. After eating, Ally laid back on her bed and sent a Bowen a text. ‘Hey.’

  ‘Hey, girl. You left me hangin’. Everything alright?’

  ‘Yes. Sorry, had dinner with my mom.’

  ‘Don’t apologize. I understand. I wanted to ask you a question.’


  ‘We have another gig at the club tomorrow. I have a solo.’

  ‘Really?! That’s great! Congrats!’


  ‘So, your question?’

  ‘Would you be interested in coming to watch me play?’ Ally grinned widely. ‘Tick Tock, Ally Cat.”

  ‘Don’t rush me.’ she replied. ‘I’m thinkin’.’

  ‘You have to think about it?’

  ‘LOL! No.’

  ‘So you don’t want to come?’

  ‘Oh, I didn’t say that.’

  ‘Would you like to come?’

  ‘Of course. I would love to cum…watch you play.’ She hit send and chuckled.

  ‘Don’t get me started on that, baby. I may take it as a challenge.’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talkin about.’ Then she sent another. ‘Am I not seeing you tonight?’

  ‘Of course, you are. Where should I pick you up?’

  ‘Meet you at your place?’

  ‘I get off at 9. See you soon, Ally Cat.’ Another text came through. ‘And I’m prepared this time.’

  Chapter 14

  Bowen pulled into his driveway and Ally hopped out of the truck she was driving. Images of her mouth wrapped around his length flooded his mind. Ally was slightly annoyed that he was late but watched him reached into the back seat and retrieved something before getting out to greet her. It was a guitar case.


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