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Echos in the Shadows (Mystifying Music Book 2)

Page 9

by Elizabeth St. John

  “Sorry I’m late.”

  “I have to admit. I was a little worried.”

  Bowen smirked, “Already keeping tabs on me?”

  “No. but my cousin’s…” she paused and looked down at her feet, feeling a little embarrassed.

  “Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”

  “I know. They are just dicks.”

  Bowen cupped her left cheek with a gentle touch, making her lift her gorgeous blue eyes to his. “Let’s not talk about them tonight. Smile for me.” A beautiful smile pulled on her luscious lips. “I got you a surprise.”

  Her smile widened, “Really? What is it?”

  Bowen lifted the case and grinned. “Let’s go inside.” They entered his home through the front door and with Ally’s hand in his, Bowen pulled her to the living room. He placed the case on the table in front of the couch and the couple sat down. He popped the latches on the case and lifted the lid. Inside set a gorgeous hot-pink electric guitar. Ally couldn’t resist reaching to touch it. She stroked the smooth finish and brushed her fingers against the rough strings. “Do you like it?”

  “I do. But you didn’t have to buy this for me, Bowen.”

  “I figured you would need one of your own to become familiar with.”

  “You really think I can do this?”

  “I know you can.” Bowen pulled the instrument from the case and showed ally how to hold it properly. She lazily strummed the strings with her thumb nail and she smiled at Bowen. “It should be attached to an amp. It also needs to be tuned, but I’ll show you how to do that. I’m glad you like it,” he said.

  “I love it,” she expressed, feeling slightly intimidated and hoped having Bowen as a teacher would give her the ability to strum a few notes. Ally knew she had a nice voice but never imagined having a skill worth anything. Though her nerves ate at her stomach, Bowen gave her the confidence to try. “Thank you.”

  Hours passed and the clock struck midnight. “Oh, I didn’t know it was that late,” Ally expressed. “I better text my mother before she has a cow and thinks I’m dead in a ditch somewhere.”

  “A bit dramatic.” Bowen put his and Ally’s guitars on their stands and walked toward the kitchen.

  Ally typed away on the screen of her phone. “You don’t know my mother. After my brother died, she and my dad have turned into the worst helicopter parent imaginable.”

  Bowen stop his pursuit to the kitchen and turned to look at her. “I’m sorry about your brother.”

  Ally sent the text and look at him and smiled a little but sadness of her brothers passing played in her eyes. She sighed, “Thanks.”

  “How did he die? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  “He was born with a heart defect. Died when he was two.”

  Bowen made his way over and sat next to her. The sadness coming off her was thick in the air. He took her hand and stroked the top with his thumb. “Your poor parents. I can’t imagine how that must have felt for them and you.”

  Ally shrugged her shoulders. She hadn’t thought about Bryce in a long time. She thought she had blocked out the pain of it but it was clear her heart still ached. “Yeah, it was pretty bad for a while but it’s gotten better. I think my dad blocked it out but my poor mother suffered. She blamed herself for the longest time. Probably still does. That’s why they are so protective over me.”

  “I would imagine your entire family feeling that way.” Bowen suggested in a soft tone.

  Ally thought of Mike and Theron. It wouldn’t explain away their distaste for what he was, but it could explain why they were so protective of her. None of it started until Bryce passed away and after that, they found Ally in the barn with Eli. Her phone jingled and she read the text from her mother. She shook her head and chuckled. “She wants to know if I’m spending the night.”

  “Are you?”

  Ally looked at Bowen and softened her eyes. “I want to stay but I do have to be up in a couple hours for work. I should probably already be in bed.”

  “Oh,” Bowen grinned slyly. “that can be arranged.”

  Ally giggled, “I’m sure.”

  Disappointment rushed through him but Bowen understood. He also had a big day ahead of him the following day.

  The following afternoon, Bowen woke up with fresh pictures of Ally on his mind. He rolled over and stared at the ceiling fan. Another night, another erotic dream, and yet another raging hard-on. He needed a hot shower to calm her nerves, but once he was under the hot spray, he couldn’t resist releasing his sexual tension against the tile wall. It was nowhere near as good as having Ally’s mouth around him, sucking him to completion. But it had relieved some of the pressure. He was looking forward to their first time together.

  When Bowen presented Chuck’s suggestion of his solo act, Brent, of course, wasn’t happy. He went on a huge tangent about his voice and how he was the lead star. Brent believed he deserved all the credit for the band’s mediocre success. They hadn’t gotten any further than The Whiskey Room for the past two years. Brent was too blind to see it. Though he was indebted to Chuck for his generosity, Bowen didn’t want to live his life playing cover songs at the small-town bar. He wanted more. Music brought so many people joy, and he wanted to contribute to that happiness. He wanted to share his own music with the entire world. After much debate on the pros and cons, the band took a vote. Brent lost and he had his fifteen minutes of fame. Hopefully, it would lead Bowen somewhere huge. He left the guys but kept the producer stuff to himself. There was no way he was going to allow Brent to make an ass out of all of them.

  Bowen dressed in black slacks and a white button-down shirt. He rolled the sleeves up to his elbows and pulled his long hair back after putting on his black leather jacket. Ally text him her address. Bowen had a little over two hours to get to her parent’s home and get to the club for sound check. He put her location into the GPS and hit the road. The anticipation to be near her pulled at his stomach the closer he got to her location.

  The house was huge but Bowen didn’t take the time to take in its splendor as he spotted his dream woman standing on the porch. He couldn’t see what she was wearing under the stark white pee coat she was wearing. All Bowen knew was there was a skirt under the warm material. Her legs were exposed to the cold night air and her raven hair was loose and stood out against the bright color of her coat. It was Halloween night and the porch was decorated with lit jack-o-lanterns for the trick-or-treaters.

  After parking, Bowen walked around to meet her. He stepped up onto the porch and pulled Ally into me for a warm hug. She felt complete the instant they touched. Ally hadn’t realized how much she had missed him. She slipped her arms into Bowen’s jacket, relishing in the feeling of his hard body. Bowen’s nose tingled as her sweet honeysuckle scent. “Hi,” Ally said as she rested her head on his chest.

  “Hi, beautiful,” he said, watching his breath float away in the chilled air. “It’s freezing out here. You didn’t have to wait for me.”

  Ally’s head tilted back. “I know, but I wanted to be the first to greet you.”

  “Are your parents’ home?”

  “Yes, and they would like to meet you. If you have time.”

  “Of course,” he assured and they walked toward the front door hand-in-hand. She welcomed Bowen inside. The aroma of a wood-burning fire and baked goods wafted through the air, tantalizing his taste buds.

  “Mom, Dad. Bowen is here,” Ally called while holding Bowen’s hand in a firm grip. He gave her hand a small squeeze to assure her everything was fine. A small framed Native American beauty came around the corner with the most brilliant smile on her lips. She was wiping her hands on a dishcloth. It was clear where Ally got her looks. She was a mirror image of her mother. “Bowen, this is her mother Marie.”

  He put out her hand in greeting. She took it and he gave a stiff nod. “Ma’am.”

  “Bowen, welcome. It is so nice to finally meet you.”

  “Likewise, ma’am.”

  She smiled, “Oh, you don’t have to be so formal with me. Call me Marie.”

  He smiled back, “Marie.”

  “Can you stay for dinner? I made smoked ham and apple pie.”

  “Mom, he has to be on stage in an hour,” Ally explained but her mother’s happy expression faded. Her dark brown furrowed.

  “As delicious as it does sound, I will have to pass on the ham. But I defiantly have time for some of that pie,” Bowen smiled. “It smells amazing in here.”

  “Thank you.” Marie’s smile returned. “Follow me,” she stated and turned away from them.

  “You don’t have to,” Ally said in a whisper as they followed her mother into the kitchen.

  “It’s fine.”

  The space was far nicer than his own and there was a large island in the middle of the room. Ally stood beside Bowen as Marie slid a plate with a beautiful browned piece of pie and a fork in front of her guest. “Enjoy.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Ally, would you like some?”

  “No, thanks, mom,” she replied.

  While Bowen ate the warm pie, Marie sat across from him. “So, Bowen.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” He choked slightly on a bite before correcting himself. “I mean, Marie.”

  “What tribe does your family originate from?”

  “Mom! That’s rude,” Ally stated in shock.

  “No, it’s not,” Marie smiled. “I’m native. That gives me the right.” She giggled and leaned in closer. “So?”

  Bowen chewed the bite and swallowed before replying, “My father was born of the Kaw Nation.”

  “Like the town?” Ally asked, remembering there was a small community just east of Devils Bend.

  “Yes,” he replied proudly.

  “And your mother?” Marie requested.

  Bowen tried to be delicate when it came to this subject and pondered his words. There was no true way around it. “My father passed away after I was born so, I grew up with her mother’s family mostly, but she said he was Pawnee.”

  Marie’s face brightened, “Really? Me too.”

  “Really?” Ally asked with a creased brow. She never could have imagined she and Bowens lineage being so close nit.

  “Small world, right?” Marie asked but suddenly, her features grew soft. “I’m sorry for your loss of your father. Did you get a chance to know him?”

  “No, ma’am. I was too young but my mother keeps his memory alive. Instead of sadness, we choose to celebrate his birthday and appreciate the joys he brought to others before his passing,” he explained and shrugged his shoulders.

  “Well, my condolences go out to you and your mother,” she stated with a kind smile and placed her hand on top of Bowens.

  “Thank you. My mother will appreciate it as well. I’ll be sure to pass it on to her the next time I visit.”

  “You do that,” Marie stated and lifted herself out of her seat and made herself busy with fixing a plate of food. “I still can’t believe how small this world is.”

  “Neither can I,” Ally stated.

  Bowen hid it but he was floored by the revelation. There was a reason for everything and now he knew why. The explanation for thier meeting was quickly realized. Ally was part of her mother, making her part of his tribe’s bloodline. Ally and Bowen were fated by destiny. Everything he had been taught was true and wasn’t just some acid trip in a hot-box. He released a small laugh, “Yeah, small world.” As he took a moment to adore Ally, something large bumped into the backs of his legs. He turned to look at their dog when he was faced with something much larger. “Holy fuck,” he blurted out and nearly jumped out of his seat. His fork clattered against the plate. There, in Marie’s kitchen, stood a beast Bowen had only seen in his vision quest. The fur was gray with a black stripe down its back. Its lips lifted to expose its elongated black fang-like teeth.

  “Dad.” Ally proclaimed playfully and then giggled. “Bowen, you’ve met her father Jay.”

  Chapter 15

  Bowen was eerily quiet as they drove toward the club. He didn’t say much after Jay introduced his true side. Ally was positive the shock of it had Bowen’s mind spinning. The silence within the cab of the truck was too much to take. Ally had to break it. She pulled her eyes from the road and swallowed deeply, “What are you thinking?”

  Bowen stroked her hand with his thumb and smiled, “I’m thinking I’m the luckiest guy in the world.”

  She snickered, “Be serious, please. Obviously seeing my dad freaked you out. Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  He shrugged his shoulders, “Sure, I was surprised but I’ve seen it before.”


  “When I saw you.”

  “What does that even mean? You have never seen me in hellhound form,” she corrected him.

  He nodded, “Sure I have. In my vision quest.”

  “What the hells a vision quest?” When Bowen began to tell his story, Ally was dazed by the time he finished. It was completely unbelievable. The thought of leaving your body in order to have a spiritual journey was an alluring thought. “You saw me?”

  “In the flesh,” he winked with a grin. Then he lifted her hand up to his full lips and kissed her knuckles.

  “So, knowing what I am doesn’t make you want to run for the hills?”

  “If anything, it makes me more curious.”

  “I have to admit. I’m slightly jealous,” she said and Bowen looked at her with confusion on his brow. “You’ve seen my true side and I haven’t seen any of yours.”

  Bowen chuckled, “You will soon enough.” While pulling into the parking lot of the club. There weren’t many cars there yet. He continued around to the back of the building and parked. He killed the engine and grabbed his guitar case from the back seat.

  Ally hopped out before he could come around to help her. “So, just to clarify. You’re not creeped out?”

  He stopped walking and put his case down on the ground before taking her face gently into his warm palms. “No matter what, you will always be her dream girl, Ally Cat. Nothing else matters to me. Do you understand that?” She nodded slightly. Suddenly her mouth was quickly covered with his. Kissing Bowen was a breath of fresh air to Ally. She gripped his jacket in order to hold him tighter against her body. A deep grumble radiated in his throat and a sensual heat began to build between her thighs. His tongue swiped across her lips before he kissed them one final time. His sizzling stare made her knees weak. “Come home with me tonight.”

  “I would love to.”

  The Whiskey Room was nearly empty. The doors didn’t open to the public for another half-hour, but Bowen was late for soundcheck. Ally stood behind stage watching as his bandmates chastised him for it. The need to defend him nearly caused her to confront them, but she kept her feet planted in place. Bowen was strong enough; he didn’t need her help. If he felt threatened in any way, he would do what he needed to do.

  Bowen was beyond excited about his solo tonight and Ally was honored to be a witness to it. After soundcheck, he met her in the back. “Five minutes until they open,” he stated nervously.

  “I’m so excited for you,” she expressed happily.

  “Look at me. My hands are sweating,” he chuckled and wiped them against his thighs.

  Ally quickly took them into her hands. “Why are you so nervous? You’ve done this plenty of times.”

  “A music producer is coming to see us tonight. Can you believe that?”

  Ally’s eyes widened, “Bowen, that’s wonderful.”

  “Brent doesn’t know.”

  Her expression scrunched in confusion, “Who’s Brent?”

  “Brent Loveless,” he explained as if she was supposed to know but Ally shook her head. Bowen smiled, “Everyone knows who Brent is. Our lead-man?”

  “Oh!” she nodded, “Right.” She tried to picture his face but couldn’t. Ally had seen him for a moment before seeing Bowen on stage the first time. She didn’t bother to keep a mental picture of his lead
singer. “When will the producer be here?”

  Bowen’s eyes were frantic and he wouldn’t stop rubbing his thumbs against her hands. Not that she minded, but he was clearly focused on the night. “We have a full set tonight. He could come now, or later. Not sure.”

  “Bowen, you will do great. Just pretend I’m the only person there.”

  He dropped her hands and wrapped his arms around her, “Thank you for being here with me.”

  Ally held him tightly. His heart was thundering in his chest. She stroked his back slowly. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  A strong cord from a guitar and the high-pitch sound of the microphone echoed loudly. “I gotta get out there.”

  “Knock em dead,” Ally hollered as he ran back out onto the stage.

  “You Bowen’s old lady?” a man asked from behind her. She turned around and saw a man. He had a white beard and a big belly which hung over the belt of his jeans. He had pronounced crows-feet at the corners of his kind eyes.

  Ally wasn’t as fan of the pet-name but smiled, “Something like that.” She put her hand out in greeting. “Allyssa Johnston.”

  With a quizzical eye, he took her hand and nodded, “Chuck Richardson. This is my place.”

  “Oh, you’re the owner?”

  He nodded, “I have hosted Modification for several years now. They certainly have gotten better with time.”

  Ally grinned at the older man and winked, “Don’t most things?”

  “Most things, I supposed.” He rubbed his large stomach and chuckled. He reminded Ally of Santa Claus with his belly and nose. “Would I be too brash in inviting you to the bar for a drink, young lady?”

  “I would like that very much.” He hooked his left arm so Ally could place hers inside it. She smiled and kindly nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

  While other patrons entered the club and flooded the bar, Chuck found Ally a stool and ordered her a fizzy pink drink. He insisted it was on the house. It was fruity with a hint of alcohol. “I do apologize, Miss Allyssa, but I have business to attend to. Have a wonderful rest of your evening. If you need anything in the future, you make sure to ask for me personally. Got it?”


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