Plenty of Trust [Plenty, FL 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 16
“Come here, baby.” Brayden lifted her so she was reclined against him. His hands now had access to all her sensitive spots. He ran his hands down her arms and cupped her breasts, flicking his thumbs across her hardening nipples.
“Are you sore this morning? Making love to three men for the first time may have used a few new muscles.”
Ava giggled and splashed him. “A few? How about a bunch? I’m a little sore in a couple of intimate spots, but this bath is making me feel much better.”
“Good. Maybe I can help.”
He moved their position and slid a hand down to part her legs. His knee came up under her, lifting her body until she gasped.
“Oh! Oh, Brayden!”
Her clit was right in line with a pulsing jet of water. She was already quivering, and it wouldn’t take much to send her over. He kissed the curve of her neck and shoulder, inhaling her sweet fragrance. It was addicting and heady and he buried his face in her silky hair, breathing deeply.
It was time to face the fact. He was head over heels in love with this woman. She was everything he’d dreamed of, but never thought he’d live long enough to find. When he’d been diagnosed, the arrow piercing his heart hadn’t been the fear of dying. Brayden was spiritual and didn’t fear death. His real pain had been the lack of love in his life. He hadn’t been particularly close to his family. Falk and Josh were more his family than his biological relatives.
No, he’d regretted that he’d never married and had children. Never known what true, real love was. Now he was being given a second chance and he wasn’t going to fucking blow it. He needed to proceed cautiously with Ava. So many of her defenses were down, but she still needed time before she would be ready for the kind of commitment Brayden had in mind. He was already picturing her in his life, being their wife, having their children. He was such a fucking pussy romantic. Heaven forbid Josh and Falk ever found out. They’d never let him forget it. Falk was supposed to the romantic one, Josh the practical one, Brayden the hard-ass.
He plucked at her nipples and nuzzled her neck, urging her to let go.
“Come for me, Ava. Just relax and let it happen.”
She was panting and flushed so he was surprised when she twisted out of his arms. “No, I want to come with you inside me.”
No arguments here.
He levered himself up and reached for his jeans lying on the bathroom floor, fishing in the pocket. All three of them had begun to carry condoms with them at all times. Their passion for Ava was overwhelming and they wanted to be prepared no matter where or when. He held up the square triumphantly.
“My hero.” She leaned in for a kiss that seemed to go on forever. Brayden took his time exploring the dark recesses of her mouth with his tongue. They were both breathless by the time he lifted his head. She gave him a coy smile and began kissing her way down his chest and abs, her goal clear. He sat on the side of the tub while she knelt between his legs, running her tongue along his inner thigh, determined to tease him. He placed his hand on the back of her head to guide her, but she laughed and shook him off. She was determined to do this at her own pace.
Brayden relaxed and let her play. He spread his legs wider when she ran her tongue to his sac and began lapping at its crinkly surface. He closed his eyes and groaned with pleasure when she took one in her mouth, gently sucking.
“Aw, fuck, baby.”
His voice was hoarse and then he couldn’t say anything at all when she took his aching cock in her mouth, engulfing him in wet warmth. She began bobbing her head up and down, taking him a little further each time. He let himself revel in the feeling before gently pulling her off him.
“I want to fuck your sweet pussy now.”
She smiled and placed a kiss on the top of his cock. “Hmmm, I want that, too. I love it when you fuck me. It feels so amazing.”
Such simple words, but for Brayden they meant so much. He’d had compliments from women before. Ava’s words weren’t flowery or over the top, meant for effect. They were straight and heartfelt. She wasn’t angling for a diamond bracelet or a trip to Paris. She simply loved being fucked by him.
“I feel the same way, baby. Nothing can describe how it feels to be deep inside your pussy. It’s the most sublime pleasure I’ve ever experienced.”
He quickly grabbed the condom and rolled it on before positioning her so she was on her knees in the tub, leaning over the side on a towel. He spread her thighs so a water jet was pulsing directly on her clit. She closed her eyes and moaned. This was going to be a fast, hard ride. Just the way his woman liked it.
He held her hips and pushed his cock into her wet heat, her tight muscles sucking him in. He didn’t stop until he was all the way in, her cunt enfolding him. He leaned forward and kissed between her shoulder blades and whispered in her small ear, “Hard and fast, baby? Are you ready to ride?”
She turned and he caught her lips, kissing her hard until they were swollen and wet. She looked at him through heavy-lidded eyes. “Fuck me, Brayden. Give it to me. I need it.”
Her rough voice left him in no doubt she was as aroused as he was. He pulled out and slammed back in, not giving her a moment to catch her breath. Her cunt was so exquisitely snug, it felt like a vise squeezing his cock. He rode her fast and hard, loving the feel of being inside her.
Ava, too, seemed lost to the passion. She was meeting his thrusts with her ass and moaning as the water jet pulsed against her clit. Her fluttering pussy signaled she was close to release. Brayden grabbed her hair in his left hand and smacked her ass cheek with his right.
“Come for me, baby. Let it go.”
She was panting and moaning his name. He smacked her ass again and again until she screamed her release. Her cunt clamped down on his cock and he let go of the building pressure in his balls. He could feel his cock jerk as he shot his cum into the end of the condom, the release so powerful his body rocked in response. He slumped over her when it was done, laughing at his inability to move.
“I swear I’m going to get off of you in a minute.”
He felt her giggle underneath him. “You are a pretty big man. In a lot of places.”
He pushed himself up and pulled her with him so her back was against his front, and he was nipping at her ear.
“More compliments? How sweet. It’s all for you, baby. No one else.”
She turned in his arms. “Better be. I’m a possessive woman.”
“I’m a possessive man. See how perfect we are for each other?”
She leaned her head against his chest. “Perfect. We’re perfect.”
Brayden had found his perfect match. A woman to love and challenge him. A woman to care for and to care for him. She was his heart and his future. She was his second chance.
Chapter Twelve
Chicken, pasta, steaks, fish. Ava stared at the contents of her men’s refrigerator. It was too much to choose from. At her house, there would have been cereal, questionable milk, and some dark chocolate. It may be boring, but it made things easy at mealtime. Her boys, however, had huge appetites and wouldn’t be satisfied with a bowl of Rice Krispies sans fruit.
She was only cooking for her and Josh tonight. Falk and Brayden were teaching classes at the MMA studio until late in the evening.
“Are you waiting for the food to do something?”
Josh was standing behind her with a big grin. She pulled a face at him.
“I can’t decide what to cook for dinner. You guys have so much food here. It’s too many choices.”
Josh came up behind her and closed the refrigerator door. “Sweetheart, no offense, but please don’t feel like you have to cook. In fact, don’t, okay? We absolutely love having you stay here with us, but you’re, well, a terrible cook. I’ll fix you dinner tonight. Steaks on the grill. How does that sound?”
Ava sighed. She was terrible cook. “Heavenly. But you worked all day. I had the day off. I feel like I should help.”
“I don’t think there are any rules. I’m chock-f
ull of caffeine since I tried our new dark Kona blend I’m adding to the menu. I have plenty of energy.”
She gave him the once-over, letting her eyes linger on his muscular body. “You do look a little wired. Maybe you should try and relax.”
Josh grabbed her arm and headed for the back door. “I know just how we can relax. Volleyball in the backyard.”
Ava pulled a face. “That doesn’t sound very relaxing. Maybe we can take a nap.”
“I’m way too hyper for a nap. C’mon, how about we throw the football around? Your spiral is getting really good.”
He was lying. Her spiral was abysmal, but his expression was so hopeful she couldn’t say no. She threw up her hands in defeat.
“Okay, but I want a nap afterward.”
Josh leaned forward and whispered in her ear. “How about a spanking afterward?”
Her body responded immediately. “I like the way you think. Let’s get the football over with so we can get to the fun part.”
Josh grabbed the football from the shelf next to the back door. “Football is fun. Let’s go.”
Ava trailed after Josh to the backyard where they spent the next hour throwing and catching the football. She had to admit her spiral was getting slightly better. Josh was a patient teacher, never raising his voice or losing his temper. When she did something wrong, he would simply smile and quietly show her how to correct it. Even if he already had twenty times before.
Finally, he threw up the ball and caught it with a grin. “I think I’ve burned off some energy. How about that…nap?”
She took the ball from his hands and headed to the back door. “Is this a full-service nap?”
“I don’t think you’ll have any complaints.” He grabbed the ball back and placed it on the shelf with his other sports equipment, before turning to her with a diabolical grin. “If you are not upstairs and naked in the next three minutes, you’ll get a spanking with my riding crop.”
Her entire body flushed with heat and a flood of honey gushed from her pussy. “A riding crop? For real?”
He nodded. “Yes, and now you have two minutes and forty-five seconds.”
She was shocked for a moment, then turned and fled up the stairs. Over the last few weeks, she had learned while Josh appeared to be the softest, most laid-back one of the three, he was a strict disciplinarian. He enjoyed giving her spankings, his enthusiasm boundless. He had taken her up on her suggestion of Maintenance Spankings, making sure she received a sore bottom at least three times a week. He didn’t go soft on her either, making sure her ass cheeks were hot and her pussy wet.
She worked on the buttons on her shirt, cursing the fact she wasn’t wearing a T-shirt. She finally pulled it off and pushed her shorts down and kicked them away. Josh appeared in the bedroom doorway. “Time’s up. You didn’t obey, little sex slave. My crop is going to get acquainted with your bottom.”
Her cunt clenched in excitement. Her arousal was already building. She marveled at the trust she had in these men. She had no fear of his riding crop, or any other implements he introduced into their lovemaking. She knew one word from her and the so-called punishment would halt immediately.
He curled a finger around the butterfly clasp of her bra, nestled between her breasts. “For your failure to follow directions, you’ll receive seven from the crop, which you will count out and thank me humbly for each one.”
More cream dripped from her pussy and she was trembling with desire. “Yes, Josh.”
“Now get your bra and panties off. You’ll take your punishment bare. In fact, I think I’ll keep you naked for the rest of the evening.”
As punishments went, it was pretty mild. She was getting comfortable being naked around her men. She quickly shed the rest of her clothes and stood before Josh with her head bowed. He liked her to be submissive when she was being punished. She liked it, too. Josh took the playacting in the bedroom to the pinnacle of fun.
“Hands flat on the mattress, legs spread, ass in the air, and your eyes forward.”
His voice was lordly and she knew to obey quickly, getting into position. The cool air brushed her overheated cunt and a drop of cream slid down her thigh as she waited. Josh was clear about his expectations. She was to wait without speaking, staying still, her eyes not looking around the room, but straight forward.
She heard the closet open and then close, and then he was on her left, stroking her ass cheeks.
“So pale and creamy. So soft. When I’m done they’ll be red and hot to the touch. Afterward, I want you to stay in this position. I’ll take you from behind for my own pleasure.”
Yes, please.
“After each stroke, you are to count it out, then thank me.” He held the crop in front of her face. “Kiss the implement of your punishment.” She normally kissed his palm, but she hid her chuckle as she pressed her lips to the keeper portion of the crop.
“Are you ready, sex slave?”
She took a deep breath. “Yes, Josh. I’m ready.”
She heard a whistle as it cut through the air and then it came down on the globes of her ass like a line of fire. She sucked in her breath as it burned, waiting for the pleasure to begin. She didn’t wait long, the heat traveling to her cunt and clit and making her want to shift on her feet. She fought the instinct, knowing Josh would simply add to her punishment for not following his rules.
“I don’t hear you counting, sex slave.”
“One, and thank you, Josh.”
Holy shit, it hurt.
The whistle then the burn as it came down, slightly lower than the first time, and sending her up on her toes. She dug her fingers into the comforter on the bed.
“Two, and thank you, Josh.”
Three more strokes and three more times she counted, her voice getting more strained each time. Each stroke added to the already-glowing heat on her ass and heightened her arousal even more. He paused to rub her bottom and she hissed at the contact. He leaned down close to her. “Are you okay, sweetheart? Do you need me to stop?”
She didn’t turn, but continued to face forward as she’d been instructed. “Don’t you dare,” she said quietly.
Josh straightened. “Two more, sex slave. I won’t be going easy on you, either.”
His words were prophetic. The last two were just as hard as the first and she had to bite her lip to keep from crying out. She didn’t move from her position, but she could feel her thighs covered in her honey all the way to her knees. It looked like Josh had found a new way to turn her on. She was dying for him to fuck her.
The crop dropped on the floor and his hand pressed her torso to the bed, her sensitive nipples brushing the fabric and sending shivers down her spine. She heard the crinkle of a condom wrapper and his hands gently encircled her waist, not her bright red bottom. He pushed her knees up on the mattress and pressed her thighs wider apart.
“Do you want this?” She felt his cock probe her cunt.
“Fuck me, Josh.” She sounded slightly desperate, but his voice held the same strain. He lifted her and plunged into her pussy in one thrust. She threw back her head and moaned as he bumped her cervix. It sent frissons of desire arrowing through her. Her ass was on fire and each thrust of his body rubbed the heated flesh. Flames licked her skin and she pressed her face into the bed to muffle the screams of pleasure. Every stroke of his cock was rubbing her G-spot and making her crazy with want and passion. They were grunting and panting, Josh riding her hard. She gave herself up to the pleasure, her body his to play with and direct.
When he reached around and rubbed her clit, she rode her orgasm, feeling each wave crest and ebb. Josh leaned over and whispered raunchy, dirty suggestions in her ear as he emptied his seed into the condom. They both collapsed together on the bed, limp, tired, and very happy.
Josh reached over her and grabbed a tissue, disposing the condom before rummaging in the nightstand drawer, pulling out a tube of cream.
“Turn over, sweetheart. I want to put some of this arnica on your
ass cheeks. I don’t want you to bruise.”
She turned over and he gently and lovingly applied the cooling cream. He took such amazing care of her at all times. He placed a kiss on each cheek. “What did you think of the crop? Is it a keeper or a dud?”
She giggled as he nipped at her bottom. “Definitely a keeper. Although, I don’t think I could take it on a regular basis.”
Josh shook his head. “Every now and then, just to have something different. My hand takes a beating, you know.”
He was trying to not smile and she laughed, pushing his shoulder. “My ass takes quite beating, too. Your hand should expect it. If anything it’s an occupational hazard.”
Josh turned to lie on his back, staring at the ceiling, arranging them so her head was pillowed on his shoulder. “Occupational hazard? I don’t think my parents thought I’d grow up to be a Dom.”
She trailed her fingers over his chest. “What did they think you’d grow up to be?”
“An autoworker, like my dad, I guess.”
“Aren’t you a mathematical genius?”
Josh chuckled. “Okay, a very smart autoworker. Honestly, my parents really didn’t know what to do with me. They were honest, hardworking people who weren’t prepared for a son who could solve quadratic equations when he was six. They were much more comfortable with my brother and sister.”
“I didn’t realize you had siblings. Are you close to your family?”
Josh was quiet for a moment. “Not really. My family believed the allegations by the Justice Department.”
Ava was staggered by his bald statement. “But they don’t now, right? You were exonerated.”
Josh sat up, jostling her off of him. His expression was bleak. “They say they believe me now, but I’m not sure I really buy it. At one point, my father said the government wouldn’t be investigating me if I hadn’t done something wrong. He tried to make it nice by saying perhaps I just didn’t realize I had broken the law.”