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Plenty of Trust [Plenty, FL 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 17

by Lara Valentine

  She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him tightly. “I believe you. I believe you didn’t do anything wrong.”

  His arms hugged her close. “Your belief means everything to me, Ava. You can’t imagine what it means to me. Fuck, to all of us. So many of our friends and family doubted our word. The only person who never wavered in their support was Falk’s mom. She was amazing. She was our biggest cheerleader and supporter. She came to New York and lived with us for months during the investigation and even stayed to help Falk take care of Brayden when I had to leave for Plenty. She’s a wonderful woman. She kind of belongs to all of us now. We all three call her ‘mom.’”

  “She sounds like someone I’d like to meet.”

  “You will. She and her new husband will come at Thanksgiving and stay through New Year. She’ll adore you.”

  She rubbed her face against his chest, his chest hair tickling her nose. “Josh, are you concerned about your friends that are contacting you, asking for money? Are they violent?”

  Josh pulled back with an astonished look. “Roger and Troy? Fuck, no. They’re white-collar criminals, not gang members. Hell, I don’t even remember them taking the stairs when we worked with them. They epitomized the word ‘sedentary.’ Even if they came after one of us, we’d easily take them. We’re all three black belts, sweetheart. They wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  Ava leaned back on the pillows, somewhat mollified. “I’m happy to hear that. I was a little concerned, I admit.”

  Josh shook his head. “They want our money, not to hurt us. Besides, the last time Brayden talked to them he got the idea they were already in the Cayman Islands.”

  She rolled onto her stomach. “Nice place to retire with someone else’s money.”

  “Not our money. They’re not going to get it. Eventually, they’ll end up back in custody. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “I hope so. I don’t like the idea of wanted criminals bothering you.”

  Josh grinned and placed his hands behind his head, lounging next to her. “We don’t like it much either. It’s nothing you need to worry about, though. We’re working with the sheriff and this will all be over soon.”

  Ava relaxed against Josh. She knew they wanted to leave their past behind them and start a new life here in Plenty. She was very glad they’d chosen her to start that new life with.

  She was in love with three men. She waited for the fear or the trepidation, but none came. All she felt was warmth and a sweet peace. Her heart and head finally agreed. These were the men and they were her future.

  * * * *

  Brayden and Falk were getting ready to close up the MMA studio for the night when Sheriff Ryan entered. He had a man with him and by the look of the blue suit and shiny black shoes, Brayden had no doubt it was a Federal agent. He’d seen more than his share in the last few years. He slapped Falk’s shoulder and nodded toward the door. Falk visibly stiffened. Brayden gave him an encouraging look.

  “Relax. Ryan trusts this guy. We haven’t done anything wrong. You don’t even have to talk to him if you don’t want to, okay?”

  Falk nodded. “Fine with me. I’ve been told I have the right to remain silent.”

  Brayden grinned. “Well, I lack the ability so let me do the talking.” He walked over and stuck out his hand. “Hey, Ryan. You’re on duty late.”

  Ryan shook his hand with a wry smile. “Being the sheriff in a small town means I work some strange hours. Luckily, Jillian is very understanding. Jack is home with her now. I want you to meet Special Agent Julian McNamara. He’s the friend I was telling you about. A good man.”

  Brayden shook the man’s hand. “I’m Brayden Tyler, Special Agent McNamara, and this is my friend Falk O’Neill. We appreciate you coming here to talk to us.”

  The man shook Falk’s hand and gave them a friendly smile. He looked about thirty-five with dark brown hair cut short and a powerful build. His body language was open and nonthreatening and Brayden let himself relax slightly.

  “Call me Julian. Why don’t we all sit down and you can tell me about these calls you’re getting.”

  “Sure. Let me lock the door and we can all sit in the office. We have a conference table there. Can we get you some coffee or water, maybe?”

  Julian shook his head. “No thank you. I’ve just come from dinner at your town pizza place. Excellent food.”

  Brayden locked the front door and flipped the sign to “Closed,” then led the men back to the office where they could sit comfortably and discuss the situation. He let Ryan and Julian sit down and waved Falk to join them, before sitting down himself. Falk didn’t look too thrilled to be joining them, but he needed to hear what was said, even if he wasn’t going to talk.

  Julian steepled his fingers. “Ryan has told me about your situation and I’ve looked up some of the Justice Department’s paperwork on your case. Looks like you made a butt load of money and Uncle Sam decided there was no way you could have done it legally.”

  Falk’s face turned red and he started to speak, but Brayden held up his hand. “I can assure you, all our money was earned legally. After a two-year investigation, they couldn’t turn up so much as a parking ticket. We’re completely clean.”

  Julian had the grace to look embarrassed. “I didn’t mean to suggest you weren’t innocent of the allegations against you. It was clear, from what I was able to see, they weren’t able to find anything on you. And it looks like they tried everything to get you. Sometimes it’s hard for us ordinary people to understand how extraordinary people, like yourselves, are so smart they can figure out how to make money like that.” He chuckled. “I’m not a math genius like you all are. I could study the markets from now until the end of time. It wouldn’t make any difference.”

  Brayden nodded and Falk look mollified. “I appreciate you being open-minded. Unfortunately, when we found out our colleagues were playing fast and loose with the law, it made us look guilty. Very guilty.”

  Julian shook his head. “And where there’s smoke…”

  Brayden sighed. “They assumed there was fire.”

  Julian took a small notebook out of his pocket and a pen. “Excuse the old-fashioned tools. I know most law enforcement professionals have moved to iPads, but I still like to write down my thoughts with a pen. So, you’ve been getting calls from your friends who skipped bail. How long have the calls been going on?”

  “A little over a month. We didn’t answer at first. They left a dozen or so messages, but we never returned their calls. Ryan eventually told us to answer the calls, and we did. They’re almost out of money and they want to retire to the Caymans. We have reason to believe they’re already there.”

  Julian frowned. “Why do you believe that?”

  “I asked Troy if he was already in the Caymans and he didn’t answer directly, but did say he spent the day on the beach with umbrella drinks.”

  “It could mean he’s in the Caymans. It could mean he’s trying to fake us out. He might be in Boise, Idaho, for all we know. I don’t want to assume anything. He asked you for money, correct? He’s supposed to call you back with account numbers for the transfer. Have you heard from him since then?”

  Brayden and Falk both shook their head. “No, none of us have. He’s not calling Josh or Falk anymore. He calls my cell now since I was the one who answered his call.”

  Julian scribbled some more on his notepad. “We’re going to intercept your cell calls. We’ll see if we can’t find out his location. Also, when you get those account numbers, we’ll work with you to make the transfer.”

  Falk scowled. “You want us to transfer the funds? What if he gets the money before you pick him up? They’ll disappear forever.”

  Julian smiled. “We’ll transfer funds from a dummy Fed account. When he tries to access the cash, the money will go poof and alarms will go off on seven continents. He won’t get five feet from where he stands. I promise you. This isn’t my first rodeo.”

  Brayden leaned back in his chair.
“What do you need us to do?”

  Julian tucked his notebook back in his suit pocket. “Nothing. I have your cell number from Ryan to set up the intercept. When you get the call, let Ryan know, but I’ll already know. I’ll be setting up a base in Orlando for the next few weeks. I’ll call you when we’re ready to set up the funds transfer. In the meantime, go about your life as normal.”

  Brayden snorted. “It seems too easy.”

  Julian smiled. “It won’t be. For us, anyway. I’ll be very busy getting this all set up. You just have to play catch with them. No heroics.” Julian offered his hand across the table. “I want to thank you for your assistance with this. If you hadn’t had Ryan call us, these guys probably would have disappeared and started new lives. We’re really not staffed or funded to go after bail jumpers. Especially, nonviolent white-collar bail jumpers. We can’t thank you enough.”

  Brayden shook the man’s hand and was happy to see Falk do the same. “We’re not used to the government thanking us for anything. This is a switch.”

  Julian stood up and headed for the exit. “If you’ll excuse me, I have a lot of work to do. As I said, just live your lives and we’ll be talking soon. Thanks again.”

  After Ryan and Julian had left, Brayden turned to Falk with a smile. “It’s almost over, man. Roger and Troy are going to be back behind bars very soon.”

  Falk gave him a grim smile. “I think I’ll wait to celebrate until they’re there. I’m still not the government’s biggest fan. Let’s see what they can do.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Ava, don’t fuss. It looks fine,” Falk sighed, a long suffering expression on his face.

  “I’m trying to get your tie straight. There! Let me see all three of you.”

  Ava stepped back and gave her three men the once-over. The parking lot of the nightclub was well lit and her men looked drool-worthy tonight in their gangster costumes. She’d never been a fan of pinstripe suits, wing-tip shoes, and hats, but, holy crap on a cracker, these men made it look hot.

  “You look great. You’ll be the three best-looking men at the party.”

  For the first time, the annual Halloween party wasn’t being held at the quarries but at the new nightclub Party Like a Rock Star. It turned out the owners, Justin and Lincoln, were Halloween freaks and decided to go all out decorating the club like a haunted house. Ava was glad the party was going to be held indoors this year. An early cool front had come in and the evening was uncharacteristically chilly. Her 1920s flapper dress with its red fringe was sexy, but didn’t give her much protection from the temperature.

  “We’re with the sexiest woman in Plenty. Damn, that dress looks gorgeous on you. I can’t wait to get you out of it.” Falk’s eyes were the dark blue she knew well. She shook her head.

  “I just put it on, so it’s going to be awhile before I take it off. Get your minds out of the gutter. We’re going to this party and you’re not talking yourselves out of it.”

  Brayden laughed. “You know us so well, baby. We’ll try to behave but no promises when you look the way you do. We won’t be able to keep our hands off of you.”

  She gave him her best flirtatious look. “I’m not asking you to keep your hands off of me. Just that we enjoy the party, okay? I’ve really been looking forward to this.”

  Josh put his arm around her and started leading her to the entrance. Ava slowed down, looking around the parking lot. She had a strange feeling of being watched.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Ava stared into the night. There were only costumed revelers milling around. No one seemed to be paying any attention to the four of them. “Nothing. I just thought I felt something.”

  Falk frowned. “Felt something?”

  Ava rolled her eyes. “Like someone staring at us.”

  Josh pulled her close. “Damn right they’re staring. You look delicious and we look ridiculous. We’re not much for costumes, but we love a party. Let’s go have some fun.”

  Brayden rolled his eyes. “Could have been worse. She could have dressed us up in some sort of toga or medieval cape like Henry the VIII.”

  Ava clapped a hand over her mouth. “Kilts! Next year you can wear kilts. Dear Lord in heaven, will you look hot.”

  Falk shoved Brayden’s shoulder with a scowl. “Way to go, asshole. Now we have to wear skirts next year.”

  Josh pulled open the door. “We have a whole year to talk her out of it.”

  Ava laughed. “No way you’ll talk me out of kilts. Hot damn, you’ll look sexy. We may not even get out of the house.”

  Falk pulled her back against him. “Now you’re talking, beautiful.”

  Stepping into the nightclub was like stepping into another world. Justin and Lincoln had spared no expense. It must have taken them days to make the transformation. The floor was covered in a mist, the walls covered in heavy velvets and brocades. Eerie purple and green lights cast haunting shadows across the dance floor. The tables were decorated with black tablecloths and silvery cobwebs. There were skeletons, spiders, bats, and pumpkin decorations everywhere. The long buffet had strings of skull lights framing it. The bar area had been made to look like a mad scientist’s lab. Hanging cobwebs brushed her cheeks as they made their way to the back of the club. Cassie, Zach, Chase, Jillian, Ryan, and Jack were already at a large table.

  Ava gave Cassie and Jillian hugs. “You guys look amazing. Where are Becca, Travis, and Mark?”

  Jillian pointed behind them. “Right behind you. Wow, you look great. The dress looks fantastic.”

  “I like your cowgirl outfit, too. Sexy.”

  It was sexy and Jillian had the curves to fill it out. The suede skirt was short and the suede vest showed plenty of cleavage. The costume was set off by matching red boots and hat. She even had a low-riding gun belt with two toy guns.

  Ryan leaned in and gave Jillian a kiss. “She does look sexy, doesn’t she?”

  Jack ran his hand up her thigh and Jillian blushed before batting it away. “Our wife is the sexiest woman in Plenty.”

  Zach rolled his eyes. “We’re not going to do this again, are we? All our wives are sexy. Especially Cassie.”

  Cassie did look great. Her light blue princess dress with sparkles was the perfect foil for her delicate blonde beauty. She even had a glittery tiara.

  Ava sat down next to Cassie and Jillian while her men ordered their drinks. Becca waved and they pulled a chair out next to them so she could sit down. She hadn’t been kidding when they talked last. She was in a nightgown and robe, complete with bunny slippers. Travis and Mark were dressed in green scrubs with stethoscopes around their necks and catcher mitts on their hands.

  Ava pointed to their leather gloves. “I get the scrubs, but what are those for?”

  Mark grinned. “Why, to catch the baby, of course.”

  Ava shook her head and laughed. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “Aren’t they,” Becca agreed. “They insisted on wearing those baseball gloves. They said of I could wear bunny slippers they could wear gloves.”

  Jillian sipped her drink. “They have a point. We really didn’t think you would have the nerve to wear your pajamas to the party.”

  “Shows what you know.” Becca sniffed. “They’re not my pajamas. I bought them and the robe just for the party. I wear much cuter stuff to bed. I may be pregnant, but I’m not dead.”

  Cassie pushed a plate of goodies from the buffet toward Becca. “Of course you’re not dead. And you do look comfortable. This dress is fun, but a little scratchy in spots. Have something to eat. The food is delicious.”

  Chase tickled her neck with a lock of her long hair. “Is there a spot you want me to itch, sweetie?”

  “Later, handsome.”

  Justin Reynolds, the owner of the club, walked up to their table with a smile. “My favorite customers. Your costumes look great. Is everyone having fun tonight?”

  Becca smiled. “We are. The decorations are amazing. It must have taken you a week to get t
his place ready.”

  “Twenty-four hours, actually. I hired a company over in Orlando. They worked around the clock so I could keep the club open for business until the very last minute. I like the way it turned out.”

  A tall, beautiful woman in a sexy witch costume came up and put her hand on Justin’s arm. “Justin, the buffet is getting low on desserts. Will you authorize the additions?”

  “Of course. I thought Linc was taking care of invoice sign-offs tonight?”

  The woman looked unsure for a moment. “He’s sort of indisposed.”

  A scowl crossed Justin’s handsome face. He was a former rock star who had moved to Plenty for a life where no one bothered him about his past. He’d opened the nightclub and become a pillar of the community along with his former manager, and now partner, Lincoln Davis.

  Both men were pursued zealously by the ladies in town. Tonight would be no exception, Ava was sure. Justin looked dashing in his Zorro costume, his blond hair held back in a ponytail, his eyes sparkling despite the black mask he wore.

  “Tell him to get undisposed, Cheryl. I can’t run this place all by myself tonight.”

  “Relax, Justin. I’m right here.” A man in a Hugh Hefner costume complete with pipe strolled up to their table. He was tall, with broad shoulders, and short, dark hair. He was just as handsome as Justin, with an easy smile on his face. He was also carrying a few accessories—a scantily clad blonde on each arm. From the white bikinis, and the gloves and earmuffs, she guessed they were supposed to be part of the Swedish bikini team. They were currently staring up at him like he was some kind of god.

  “Where the hell have you been, Linc?”

  Linc grinned and wrapped an arm around each girl, pulling them closer. “I was just showing our new friends my office. They were very impressed.”

  A muscle ticked in Justin’s jaw. Ava had never seen him this angry. If she were a betting woman, she’d put money on the fact the office wasn’t all Linc had been showing those two simpering blondes. From the satisfied look on his face, and the lipstick covering his jaw, she was pretty sure they’d been fooling around. Justin didn’t seem happy about it. At all.


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