Plenty of Trust [Plenty, FL 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
Page 18
“I’m sure they were. Now, can you go with Cheryl and handle the buffet side of things tonight? Or am I cutting into your playtime?”
“My playtime is your playtime, buddy. I’ll be happy to take care of the buffet tonight. Cheryl, lead the way.”
Justin turned back to them. “Sorry about that. I’m going to send over a couple of bottles of champagne. On the house.” He leaned down and gave Becca a smile. “For you, little mother, I’m sending over some ginger ale with grenadine and a big slice of chocolate cake.”
Mark and Travis both grinned. “You’re talking her language, Justin,” Mark said.
Becca sighed. “That sounds yummy.” Her expression grew serious again. “Is everything okay? You don’t look happy with Linc tonight.”
Justin shook his head. “I’m not. We came here because it’s a town that tolerates and even invites ménage relationships. I guess I thought we would be looking for a relationship.” Justin frowned. “Lately, all he seems to be looking for is a one-night stand.”
Jack threw his arm around Jillian. “Take it from a man who knows. When the right woman comes along, it won’t matter what he’s looking for. He’ll fall like a ton of bricks, just like I did.”
Jillian pouted. “Took you long enough.”
Jack pushed back the brim of his cowboy hat. “But when I commit, it’s for life, baby.”
Justin smiled. “You’re probably right, Jack. He’s just sowing some wild oats. Listen, I need to get back to work. Everyone have a great time tonight and if you need anything, please let me know.”
He disappeared in the crowd and Jillian sipped her drink. “Justin and Linc need to find a nice woman. Seems like they should be able to find one tonight. I think half the town is here, plus some people I’ve never seen before.”
Ava glanced around. She was still considered new in town, but working with one of the few doctors in the area had given her wide exposure to the citizens in Plenty. Jillian was right. There appeared to be people she had never seen or met there tonight. Justin’s party was a success.
Zach opened one of the champagne bottles brought over by a harried-looking waiter. “Justin and Linc look capable of finding a woman by themselves.” He gave Cassie a stern look. “No matchmaking.”
Cassie made a face. “I wouldn’t dream of it. Although I’ve done pretty well. I married you and Chase. Jillian married Ryan and Jack. Becca married Mark and Travis. And Ava, well, look how happy she is with Brayden, Falk, and Josh. A wedding is right around the corner.”
Ava felt her face burn with embarrassment. She didn’t want to admit she’d been thinking along those same lines lately. She wasn’t sure her men even wanted to get married. She tried to wave off Cassie’s statement. “We just started dating. Way too early to think about marriage.”
Ryan stroked his chin, a smile playing on his lips. “I don’t know about that. I knew I wanted to marry Jillian on our first date. When you know, you know. We’re all adults here, not kids.”
Brayden nodded and slapped Ryan on the back. “Very true. A grown man knows what he wants.”
Falk stood up. “And what this grown man wants is a dance with his woman in red. Ava?”
Ava was happy to escape the table and the talk of love, commitment, and weddings. She moved into Falk’s arms and onto the dance floor. She pressed close, happy it was a slow number.
Falk rubbed his chin on her forehead. “You’re welcome.”
Ava pulled back to look in his amused eyes. “Thank you. The conversation was getting a little personal for my taste.”
Falk’s arms tightened around her waist. “You don’t want to get married again?”
She shook her head. “It’s not that, although six months ago, hell, two months ago, I swore I’d never get married ever again. It’s just that every relationship doesn’t have to end up in marriage for it to be a happy one. I don’t want to assume you guys want a commitment, a marriage.”
“We do.”
“Oh.” Ava was speechless. They’d never talked about a long-term commitment.
“How do you feel about that?”
How did she feel? She’d caught herself fantasizing lately about being their wife, maybe having a baby. She’s put it down to being around three married women, and one with a baby on the way. She couldn’t discount the fact it might be more than that.
“I feel fine about it.”
“Fine? You feel fine?” Falk was trying not to laugh. She deliberately stepped on his toes, causing him to wince from her high heel.
“I feel fine. Shut the hell up and dance.”
Falk didn’t hold in his laughter any longer. “Let me know when you don’t feel fine, okay, beautiful?”
She resumed dancing and she leaned against his strong body, his masculine scent teasing her nostrils. She felt the hairs on the back of her head stand up and she twisted around to see behind her.
Falk stopped in the middle of the dance floor. “What’s wrong? Do you see someone you know?”
Ava shook her head. “No. I just—it’s weird, it’s like someone is watching us.”
Falk frowned and looked around. “You felt that way in the parking lot. Everybody seems to be doing their own thing. I don’t see anyone looking at us. Are you sure?”
Ava shivered, even in the heat of the club. “Yes, I’m sure. I thought it was my imagination earlier when we were outside. After all, everyone is in costume so people are bound to be looking at one another. I feel like we’re being watched. It’s creepy. Haven’t you ever felt someone watching you?”
“No, but it doesn’t sound pleasant.” A look crossed Falk’s face she couldn’t decipher. “Let’s go back to the table and talk to Brayden and Josh. Maybe one of them felt it, too.”
Ava chewed on her lower lip. “You go ahead. I think some fresh air would do me a world of good. I’m probably just imagining things. It is pretty spooky in here and it is Halloween.”
Falk gave her an encouraging smile. “You’re probably right. Let’s just finish this dance, okay? As soon as I talk to Brayden and Josh, I’ll come out and join you.”
Ava nodded and leaned against his strong body. She had obviously watched too many horror movies this week. She was starting to freak herself out.
* * * *
Josh was enjoying himself, drinking champagne and talking when Brayden’s phone rang. Brayden pulled it from his pocket and his body language completely changed. Josh knew at once it was Troy and Roger. Brayden headed for the back door and Josh could only wait until he came back a few minutes later.
Brayden pulled him aside along with Ryan. “That was Troy. He’s getting ready to text me the account numbers. He expects us to make the transfer tomorrow. Is Julian ready?”
They hadn’t been in touch with the special agent since the night they’d met him, but Ryan had talked to him every day.
He nodded. “He’s ready. I talked to him this morning and he said everything was in place. I’ll give him a call and let him know it’s going to happen tomorrow.” He put his hand on Josh’s shoulder. “It’ll be good to get this over with. I know this has been weighing on your minds.”
Josh nodded grimly. All three of them wanted to move past this. Ryan grabbed his phone and headed toward the exit. No one could talk on the phone inside the club.
“I’ll let you know what Julian wants us to do. Just give me a few minutes.”
Ryan headed out the back door and Josh tipped his head to where Falk was dancing with Ava. “Should we tell Falk?”
Brayden watched them, a brooding look on his face. “Not right now. Nothing he can do, anyway, until we get instructions from Julian.” He turned back to Josh. “Did you see Ava’s face when Cassie mentioned marriage? I don’t think it bodes well for us.”
* * * *
When Falk got back to the table, he pulled Brayden and Josh aside. “We need to talk.”
“What’s this all about?” Josh asked. “Where’s Ava?”
“She went out to get some
air. She kept saying she thought we were being watched. It was creeping her out. Brayden, did that special agent send some Feds to keep an eye on us?”
Brayden scraped his hand down his face. “Fuck. He didn’t say anything, but it wouldn’t surprise me. They would want to make sure we don’t transfer real funds to Troy and Roger.”
Josh tossed his beer bottle in a nearby trashcan. “Or it’s other agents keeping an eye on us, waiting for us to screw up. Shit, they were so pissed when they couldn’t pin anything on us.”
Falk felt the anger build in his stomach. They were never going to move beyond this, and now their past was affecting Ava. They’d never wanted that to happen.
Brayden signaled for Ryan to join them. “Ryan, does Julian have agents watching us, by any chance?”
Ryan looked puzzled. “Watching you? I don’t think so. Why do you ask?”
Falk looked around the club for anyone who seemed out of place. “Ava said she felt someone watching us.”
Ryan frowned and followed Falk’s gaze around the dimly lit club. “I’ll call Julian.”
Ever the optimist, Josh tried to make light of the situation. “Maybe it was just Ava getting spooked on Halloween.”
Ryan punched some buttons on his phone. “Maybe. But after being with Jillian for the past year, I’ve learned not to discount female intuition.” Ryan headed out the back door where it was quieter. Josh turned to Falk. “What does your intuition say?”
Falk didn’t like the way he was feeling one bit. “She looked really creeped out. I didn’t feel it, personally, but it was real for her.”
Brayden headed for the front door. “I want to talk to her about this. We need to tell her about Julian and what’s about to happen.” Falk and Josh followed, all of them determined to get to the bottom of this. They all stopped dead when they exited the club.
Brayden looked over the small but overflowing parking lot. “Where is she? I thought you said she went out for some air?”
Falk’s heart started beating faster. His intuition was in overdrive. “She did. I saw her walk out here.”
Josh shrugged. “So, she went back inside. She’s probably at the table with the others.”
Falk shook his head, his body starting to tremble with fear. “No, I watched the front doors the entire time. She never came back in.” He swung to face Brayden. “Get Ryan. She’s gone.”
* * * *
Ava twisted in the backseat of the car. She was officially too stupid to live. She’d been grabbed by two men and quickly subdued. Although they’d assured her they wouldn’t hurt her, she wasn’t feeling as generous. If she could get out of these cuffs, she was going to kick their asses.
“Just sit still, lady. You’re going to cut your wrists on those cuffs if you keep squirming like that.” This from the slightly taller kidnapper. They were both remarkably similar in their ordinariness. They didn’t look like vicious killers. They looked like accountants, or maybe insurance salesmen. They sure as fuck didn’t look like kidnappers who were smart enough to lure her into their realm. She hoped she lived to be kidded by her friends for such a bonehead move.
When she’d gone outside for some air, she’d heard a low moaning coming from nearby. She’d walked over to where a man stood next to a car, holding his stomach and groaning in pain. Her nursing instincts had kicked in and she had tried to help him. Moments later she had found herself stuffed in the backseat, cuffed and spitting mad.
“It was you guys, wasn’t it? You were watching me at the party?”
The driver barely glanced in the rearview mirror, but the man next to her smiled. “Yes, we’ve been watching you and your men for days, actually. Your…boyfriends…are old friends of ours from New York.”
Ava ran through all the self-defense lessons the men had given her, but they hadn’t said what to do if she was incapacitated. She would have to wait for the right moment.
“Why were you watching us? What do you want with me?”
“Your boyfriends owe us some money and we want it. We hadn’t planned to grab you. The original plan was to get one of the guys and hold them until your boys transfer the money. A little insurance policy. But when we saw you, and how they looked at you, we knew it would be a hell of a lot easier to grab you. You’re about half their size.”
“What will you do when you get the money?”
She was afraid to ask, and not sure they would tell her the truth anyway. Josh had assured her they weren’t violent, but then he hadn’t foreseen a little felony-like kidnapping either.
“Don’t worry. We’ll let you go. Safe and sound. We’re not into murder. We only want the money. As long as we have you, they’ll be sure to cooperate.”
The driver finally spoke. “Are you fucking all three of them? What a whore.”
Ava felt her anger build to a boiling point. She didn’t care what they did to her. “Fuck you, asshole.”
The driver started pulling off the road, but the other man pointed to the road and told him to keep driving.
“Fuck, Roger, don’t let her get to you. Keep driving and stop being a jerk. If she wants to fuck all three of them, more power to her. Looks like those rumors back in New York were true. They couldn’t satisfy a woman by themselves, so they’d fuck her together.”
Ava pressed her lips together. She needed to hold on to her temper and sanity. She wouldn’t be able to escape if she wasn’t thinking straight. The car pulled into a long driveway and up to an old cabin. The driver stomped off, heading for the front door. Her other captor helped her from the backseat and held her firmly as they entered the cabin. She was led to a chair and restrained to it with rope running through the chain of the cuffs.
The taller one pointed to himself. “Since we’re going to be spending some time together, let me introduce ourselves. I’m Troy and this sullen man is Roger. We already know your name. It’s Ava.”
“How did you know that? And how did you know we’d be at the Halloween party?”
Troy sat down with a grin. “This town is great. Everyone is so friendly. Well, the few people we’ve met are friendly. We met the old guy who owns this cabin. Rented it from him. Told him we wanted to fish for a few days. We also met a woman at the local grocery store. She was full of information about you—about the men—about the party. She was real friendly.”
He had to be talking about Alice. She was a lovely person but a huge gossip. Ava had no doubt Alice had completely filled him in on every detail of her life.
Troy picked up a cell phone from the table. “Time to call your boyfriends and let them know where you are. They’ve probably noticed you missing by now.”
Ava certainly fucking hoped so. She hoped the entire group, including the sheriff, had noticed her gone.
“Hey, Brayden, how’s it going? What’s new?”
Troy gave her a wink. “You’re a little busy, huh? I bet you are. Listen, we have someone here you might want to talk to. Ava, say hi.”
Troy held the phone in front of her. “Brayden, sweetheart, I’m okay—”
Troy pulled the phone away and back to his ear. “See, she’s fine. She’s going to be our guest until the money is transferred.”
Troy held the phone away from his ear. Even Ava could hear the blistering curse words streaming from the phone. Troy waited patiently until Brayden stopped for a breath.
“No reason to be like that, old buddy. Nothing is going to happen to your girl. We aren’t planning to touch a hair on her head. Once you transfer the money, we’ll let her go. Unharmed.”
Troy listened for a moment a big grin on his face. “That’s right. You transfer the funds the minute the bank is open, and we let Ava go that second. Everyone is happy.” Troy listened again. “Okay, once more.”
Troy held up the phone in front of her again. “Tell your boyfriend you’re okay. No trying to give him cutesy clues.”
Ava took a deep breath. “Brayden? I’m okay. Really, I am.”
“Fuck, Ava, if he hurts you—”
She could hear the desperation in his voice, even through the phone. Her heart ached for her men. If she didn’t come out of this alive, she didn’t want them to ever doubt how she felt.
“Brayden, I love you. I love Falk and I love Josh. I love all of you.”
Troy pulled back the phone. “Touching. Really touching. She seems sincere, Brayden, so I wouldn’t fuck this up. I’ll call you first thing in the morning. Wait for my call.”
Troy hung up. “Your boyfriends owe us. We took the fall while they went free. It’s not fair.”
“They didn’t do anything wrong.”
Troy laughed. “Is that what they told you? They told you they’re innocent? Let me tell you, lady, all the men in prison pledge their innocence. Do you think they’re all telling the truth? Come on, your men made a butt load of money. Do you truly think there’s an honest way to do that?”
“I know they wouldn’t lie to me. They made their money legally.”
Troy shook his head. “You’re a loyal one, I’ll give you that. But dumb. Tell me how you make a hundred million dollars in less than five years without breaking a law or two?”
Ava’s head reeled. They’d made how much? It was an obscene number.
“A hundred million?”
Troy smirked. “Apiece. Still think they’re innocent as the driven snow?”
She thought about her men and she thought about her ex. Her men had been upfront and honest, treating her with respect and care. They’d said they’d made a ton of money. She simply hadn’t known how much a “ton” was.
“Yes.” She said it quietly, with no room for doubt in her voice. “Yes, I think they’re innocent.”
“Some women will believe anything. You might as well get some sleep. That recliner leans back. I fell asleep in it last night.” He pulled her lever and the footrest came up and then he pushed on the back so she was stretched out, her hands still restrained over her head.