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Caught Red Handed (The Caught Series Book 6)

Page 9

by C. M. Steele

  “So when do we go back home?”

  “I’m going to take us back tomorrow. I have a club to run that I’ve been seriously neglecting.”


  “What’s a matter? You don’t like the club, do you?”

  “Naked women everywhere sounds wonderful to me,” I said, my voice laced with sarcasm. “You’re out all night with broads that take money to be naked. Yep, I love it.”

  He grabbed me around the waist and lifted me into his arms. “You’re the only woman I want to see naked. I’ve never done anything with any of those women and I wouldn’t, but if you want me to shut it down and open something else, I will.”

  “No, it’s your business.”

  “No, you’re my business. And making you happy will keep it afloat.” He carried me back inside and made love to me on the sofa. I felt silly for being jealous. Maybe I needed to grow up and run it like I owned the place. That way no broad would try and get in between us. I was afraid I might become more like Tony every day. Perhaps I could have Vinny take me to a shooting range.

  Chapter 27


  The flight home had been a quiet one, Alana was tired and slept on the plane. I had been looking for more information as I plotted out what to do with Simms and his associate. Vinny had something for me but told me he’d wait until I got home because it wasn’t pretty. The entire flight I wondered what it was and how we could get it out of our lives easily. The only thing that comes to mind is Homan. He has connections all over the city. Many of the people on his little whorehouse sign-in sheet would like to keep that a secret and keep it running. The only thing that could possibly get in the way was me calling in Homan’s debt, which I did.

  With my brain full of frustrating thoughts, I needed something to clear my head. I got out of my seat and went into the inflight bedroom. Alana was sleeping sweetly, and fuck if everything didn’t feel perfect. Just looking at her and I was centered again. How the hell was that possible? In truth, it didn’t matter because I needed her. She was my world and I couldn’t live without her. Dante had it all right. The right woman could change everything for you.

  “You’re staring at me.”

  “Yes, I am, amore mia,” I whispered, sitting on the bed, then leaning over for a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you. You’ve made my world special.” She rolled all the way onto her back and gave me a sleepy smile.

  “I’ve caused you so much trouble. Special? No. Maybe exciting and busy,” she laughed.

  “Exciting for sure, but I’ve never felt so relaxed when you’re around.” I had to kiss that sweet face. She had no inkling that she was all a man could ever want. Our lips brushed softly, intensifying as she woke up all the way. Her arms wrapped around my neck, pulling my body onto hers. We simultaneously grunted and groaned.

  “Tony,” she sighed, her fingers slipping under my collar as her hips bucked into my cock. The steady need to be inside her kept my dick constantly stiff, but we were landing soon and the thought of anyone of the staff on the plane hearing her cries pissed me off. Her moans belonged to me. I was possessive as fuck with her and I would make no apologies for it.

  “Alana, we can’t. When we get home, I’ll fuck you until you can’t walk, but not here. I won’t have an audience to your pleasure. All of it is just for me.”

  She nodded, but I could see it only turned her on even more. I shook my head, then stood up with my hand out to her. “Come on, we’ll be landing soon anyway.” With a pout, she got off the bed and straightened her clothes.

  The rest of the flight was full of small touches that had both of us ready to go. Vinny was waiting at the airport for us. “Welcome back, Alana, boss.”

  “Thank you, Vinny. I have that money you gave me. Remind me to go to a bank and get it.” I looked at him and back at Alana. She neglected to mention that and so did he. The fucker gave her money to take care of herself. I was going to have to kick his ass. He was proving to be a better man to her than I was, something I needed to fix.

  “Don’t worry about it,” Vinny said after holding the door open for us.

  “He’s right. Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of it later.” We got into the vehicle, leaving the divider open because I needed to talk to him.

  “What do you know, Vinny?”

  “Um. Don’t you want to wait until we’re in your office?”

  “Nothing can’t be said in front of Alana.”

  “Okay, but Simms is working with the Mayor. He’s on Homan’s jock and they both visit their little whorehouse. They want you out of the mix because you could take it all over. They’re worried that they’ll be more into you than they were with Homan. He’s too fucking greedy to chase them down or call in on the promises. You, on the other hand, hold the damn key to ending it all for everyone.”

  “Yes, but they got the whorehouse already.”

  “But Simms made the bust and it was botched. They would have enough to get away with it.”

  “Have you talked to the lawyer or his guys?” I asked. Those fuckers may be on the up and up, but they had ways around things. It was good to have squeaky clean guys on your side sometimes. I looked more into the lawyer Jackson Blake and the only thing about him that could be even remotely bad is that his wife is the same age as Alana. Other than that, the fucker is a model of honest, hardworking success.

  “Yes, they are getting closer to the truth. It’s a missed-up plan by Homan’s wife. She tried to blackmail Blake, but the man is a fucking saint. They don’t have a clue where Homan is, but once that’s figured out, they’ll be jumping to get his ass, too.” I knew Homan was alive and kicking…for now. Every moment that passed made me eager to plug the fucker.

  “They better keep us in on it. What else is up?”

  “Tito’s missing. We haven’t seen or heard from him. Initially, they thought he went with you, but I told them he didn’t. I just learned last night.”

  “Are you fucking serious?” I asked in surprise. “I talked to him two days ago. He said everything was going great and that the club was running smoothly. Something ain’t right.” I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket and dialed his number. Tito was looking into Simms for me and sent me what he learned.

  “Tito, where the fuck are you?” I asked as soon as he picked up.

  A laugh was heard on the other end of the line. “You’re calling the wrong number Franchetti. Tito doesn’t live here anymore. Or anywhere for that matter.”

  “Simms, you’re a dead motherfucker. I’ve got more shit on you that’ll have you locked up for life. You better hope you get the death penalty because they’re going to be enjoying your bitch ass in prison.” I could hear a faint huff in the background. He didn’t know that I had the key to his downfall.

  “Bullshit, Franchetti, I destroyed all the evidence that your boy had with him.” Vinny and I were too smart for this piece of shit.

  “Well, isn’t it a pity that he gave it to me already. What I don’t understand is why you had your partner killed. Or rather why you pulled the trigger yourself?”

  “What makes you think I did it, myself?”

  “Fool, you should learn who you’re talking to. There was gun powder on your wrists, but none on your hands. You had gloves on, but there were no gloves at the scene. The report was lost and a new one was written, but a little money changing hands can get people the answers for what they want.”

  “You’re full of shit, Franchetti. You don’t have that report. It’s been burned and the gloves will never be found.” Bingo.

  “Actually, I know where they are, Simms. Alana’s already requested her father’s body to be exhumed.” I covered Alana’s mouth as I said it. I didn’t want to give it away. It was a theory I’d been working on and I had a feeling I was right.

  “Too bad I’ll get a judge to void that request.”

  “Why? Afraid that a legit autopsy will prove that the shooting doesn’t match your testimony to the events?”

re a dead man, Franchetti, and so is your little slut.”

  “Maybe your guy should have done his job right the first time. Davy Olsen isn’t a very smart criminal. Hiring drug addicts is a big mistake.” I hung up the phone because I felt Alana’s body tense up and shake. I pulled her into my arms and rocked her as Vinny drove toward the house. I hated that she had to hear all that, but at the same time I wanted her to understand why I kept her out of the loop on shit. She was too precious for this.

  Chapter 28


  Tony held me the entire time until I was tucked under the covers in the house. I had a feeling Simms had been shady, but I had no idea he was the one who killed my father or at the very least had my father killed. It did explain why he had no hesitation in sending me into the lion’s den. The memories of the past came flooding back. The news that my father was gone, the heartache as my mother tried to understand how she lost the love of her life, and the constant visits from Simms. An unpleasant thought crossed my mind.

  “Tony, can I ask you something?”

  “Anything, sweetheart.”

  “Do you sell drugs?”

  “God, no. My conscience is clean where that’s concerned. Why do you ask?”

  “Well, my mother didn’t do drugs until my father died. It reminded me of the times when Simms would visit.”

  “What happened?”

  “I think he was giving my mother drugs. Until now, I thought maybe it was her being reminded of my father that would send her into these depressive moods, but now that I reflect on it, she was higher than a kite. After a while, I couldn’t tell the difference, but at the beginning, his arrival brought that different woman I no longer recognized.”

  “That may be the missing link. If he’s dealing drugs, or at least working with the drug dealers, that could explain why he had one working for him, why he would send you into get information for him, and why he’s interested in taking me down.”

  “That’s why I asked. If you don’t sell them then why would he want to get you in trouble?”

  “Because I have the goods on several people like Homan, the mayor, and other public officials, some of them major drug addicts. Getting Homan and his prostitute ring off the streets would cut into his profit.”

  “I think it’s time I called into the police department. I only worked with him on this. No one was supposed to know. I wonder how much trouble he could get in for it?”

  “A lot, but I don’t think we should do that just yet. The tape we created will do all we need it to. There’s some people in the DEA and FBI that will be eager to clean up the streets.”

  “You made a tape? In the car, right now?”

  “Yes. It was something Vinny and I talked about beforehand. Tito isn’t dead. He’s working with Simms. Another fucking punch in the gut. I had a feeling he was in on it when I spoke to him last. It took too long to get those files on you and Simms.”

  “Files on me.” The Oh Shit look crossed his face. “Is that why you trust me a little now?”

  “Nope, I got those files after we made love that day. I asked for them the day I kicked you out. I wanted to know why you did what you did.”

  “Oh…” He tipped my chin and looked me in the eyes. I hated when he did that because I was putty, mushy putty in his hands. It was my fault that he didn’t trust me and it was only fair for him to get everything he could on me. I was just being silly about it. Like somehow, I deserved his trust.

  “I love you, Alana. I don’t know why I wanted to listen to you so badly, but I knew I had to hear everything from your mouth. I don’t deserve you. What happened between us is said and done. We are over that and it won’t be something I will ever hold against you, and I hope that you can forgive me for the way I reacted to the news.”

  “Forgive you? I forgave you the moment it happened. In fact, I wasn’t mad at you at all. How could I be? I was the one who messed up. I’m the one who kept something huge from you that was dangerous. I should have told you sooner. If you forgive me, then everything is right in my world.”

  “Fuck, woman, you’re about to get nailed to our bed for that.”

  “About time, I’ve soaked through my undies a while ago.”

  “That’s what I’m talking about. Time to make you scream my name.” He growled and pounced on top of me. My clothes were not an obstacle, Tony making quit work of removing them. As soon as my bra was off, his mouth was on my hard peak. I felt it all the way to my bones. An orgasm built up quickly from a plane ride full of dirty dreams to wicked promises and kisses that turned me into a wet mess by the time we drove home. It only took his touch to bring back all the desire I’d lost during that call. Now, my body demanded to implode and shake with euphoric, insatiable bliss. He didn’t even take off all his clothes before his cock was penetrating my womb. I cried out. My feet clasped around his ass, feeling the edge of his belt and sliding it down further.

  “Oh shit,” I shouted, my pussy clenching his shaft as my orgasm tore through me. He smiled down at me, then slammed his thick cock deep inside. As I pulsed, I could feel him throb with jets of cum filling me up.

  “Tony,” I sighed, loving his dominating ways. His hands continued to roam all over my body, running up and down my flank, edging my breasts then grasping my hips. The more he touched me, the more I ached to go again. Our hips rocked together and what was once done worked itself into a round two. I’d never get enough.

  “I love you, Alana.”

  Chapter 29


  It seemed I was always leaving her in bed. I hated it, but I had to go to the club. Vinny and Filomena were staying here and two other guards remained on the outside of the grounds. Security monitors were on, and I could track them from my phone. Alana kissed me goodbye, and something about having her know I left makes it better.

  The club was in full swing as always. Eric wasn’t there and I had a feeling that he was hopped up. My staff had to remain clean because of the image we tried to maintain. Vinny checked on him and Eric had that geeked look. I had to find a new staff, but I was feeling like it may be too much. The thought of working while Alana slept, then getting home while she was going through her day and I slept didn’t appeal to me. I had too much money for us to suffer like a couple who were forced to work at night to get by. The thought of never seeing my kids because I was around a group of horny men and naked women just didn’t feel right.

  I walked past most of my staff. After work, I’d have a meeting with them. Right now, it wasn’t important as it was that I figured what was going on in my office. I opened the door to see Tic waiting for me.

  “What are you doing up here?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about something.” He was rubbing his hands together like whatever he had to ask wasn’t something he wanted to do. Last time I was ready to put a bullet in his head.

  “Okay,” I drawled out.

  “Well, I want to open my own club. And I was wondering if there was a way that you could loan me the rest of the money I needed. I only have a hundred thousand saved.”

  “Are you fucking serious, Tic?” I asked, taking a seat behind my desk. I pointed to the seat in front of me. He sat down, but only on the edge of the seat.

  “Yeah,” he replied nervously. For a six-seven beast, the man looked like he was begging for his life.

  I had to calm him down. He was a badass, but years of dealing with me and my no-nonsense ass kept a lot of motherfuckers on their toes. “Listen, I’m sorry about what happened two weeks ago, but Alana is everything to me and you were right to do what you did, but it wasn’t like you were led to believe.”

  “I’m glad. I really felt bad about it. My sister said she was a good, smart girl.”

  I didn’t want to relive that day again, so I brought the subject at hand back to the surface. “Well, since you are planning on stealing my business, I don’t know if I should lend you the money.”

  “I thought that might be a problem.”

I tapped my pen on my desk, then gave him a fair proposition that would suit both of us. “Well, how about this. I sell you the club and you pay a portion of the earnings to me for the remainder of the note on the sale.”

  “Are you for real? Like for real?” His eyes opened wide like a man about to get his first taste of pussy. Holy shit, I wanted to laugh, but I had to hold it together. He was putting himself out there, asking for something like this.

  “Yes, man, I am. I want to spend time with Alana, and this business isn’t going to cut it for a family. There’s no way I want to spend every night away from my woman. So, if you want, we can discuss the terms. Do you have a lawyer?”

  “Um…I’m sure I can get one.”

  “I got a card somewhere here. These people are legit on the clean side so they won’t try to swindle your ass.” I handed him Blake’s company card. It was the least I could do. We didn’t have to work on the same side of the law to do business. Some things weren’t any of their concern. But it seemed when it came to Homan we both may be on the same side of the law.

  “Come meet me tomorrow and we can go over everything else.”

  “Thanks so damn much, boss.” His face lit up like a fucking Christmas tree. The guy was thrilled. He was a good guy with emotions that bled from his features. You could read him easily, but that meant that you were in trouble when he was pissed.

  “Don’t thank me yet. It’s a lot of bullshit to do.”

  “Cool.” I stood up and shook his hand, the smile never leaving his face.

  Tic left and I managed to solve one of my problems in a matter of minutes. I had one problem that couldn’t be solved for another four hours. I wanted my Alana.

  The clock moved slowly as I worked through the payroll and budgets. I was going to need to prepare that shit for the sale of the property.

  The club remained drama free for the night and the crowd was a big one. Once the doors were closed, tables cleaned, and women dressed, I gathered everyone around.


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