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Caught Red Handed (The Caught Series Book 6)

Page 10

by C. M. Steele

  “Hello, everyone. I’m sorry that I haven’t been around a lot. Things have come up and my life is changing in a big motherfucking way. I’m getting married.” The staff erupted in cheers. I held my hand up after a moment of celebration. “Thank you, she’s extremely special to me. In other news, there’s going to be some transition around here. Eric is gone and so is Tito. We’ll be having new management soon, but I ask that you do as you do and continue making this place the success that it’s been. I’m going to be around very little, but your checks will still be in your accounts on time. Don’t worry about that.” A couple sighs of relief cracked me up. An erratic manager and an absent owner must have freaked some of them out. “Stay safe out there and this week you’ll see an added bonus on your checks. Have a great day.”

  I shook my head and went back to my office as they continued to cheer. Closing up and turning off my lights, I locked my office and headed home to my Alana.

  The moment I walked through the door, I rushed up to our bedroom, and there she was sprawled out on the bed since she didn’t have to share. I leaned over and chuckled, kissing her sweet lips. “I’m home.”

  “I missed you.” She moaned and bit my lip. “Let’s get you undressed and ready to rest.” She helped me strip naked and we made slow sweet love with a quiet crescendo. I fell asleep buried inside her tight pussy.

  Chapter 30


  We had been home for two days and three nights, and for two of those nights, he’d gone to work at the club. During the afternoon and early evening, he had several people come in and out of his office today. I wanted to ask, but he promised to tell me everything when he was certain. It sucked because I missed him. He was working more than when we first met. It’s probably because the newness was gone. I tried not to feel sad or lonely, but I was.

  I woke up the next morning after another night of him coming home at four and making love to me. It was perfect and sweet, but I hoped this wasn’t what we’d always be like. I got ready for the day, for what I didn’t know, but I didn’t want Tony to get pissed if any of his male guests or staff saw me half dressed. I was downstairs with Filomena having a cup of coffee when I felt a bit queasy. “Are you well, Alana?” she asked in her deep Italian accent. Sometimes, I didn’t understand her, but I tried.

  “I’m fine. Maybe my coffee’s too sweet. I got a bit nauseated,” I grumbled, rubbing my belly.

  A big smile stretched across her face. I arched my brow at her because nothing about me being sick was worth a smile. “You need to see a doctor, Alana. You may be expecting.”

  It hit me like a ton of bricks and my vision blurred at her words. Could I be pregnant? No. That wasn’t right. We had too much going on. Simms and his little band of thugs were about to strike and I had no idea what Tony had planned for them. It was probably why he was constantly meeting with people or out of the house. I had to stay here because he wanted me safe and I totally understood it, especially if I was pregnant, but I missed him.

  “Maybe I should. I’m on a plan until I’m twenty-one. Let me go and call my doctor.”

  “Why? What’s going on, Alana?” I turned to see Tony staring at me. He walked up to me and put his hand on my head. “Are you not feeling well?”

  “We…um…you know. We haven’t been careful…” The moment of realization was visible in his expression and he smiled.

  “Great, yes, we need to get you to a doctor. See if they can get you in today, or it’ll have to wait until we get back. I have something planned for us this weekend.”

  “Really? What are we doing?”

  “Getting married in Vegas. Pack what you want to wear. If you need a dress, please tell me and I’ll take you. Okay, baby?”

  “Married? We’re not even engaged.”

  He wrapped his arms around me and stared into my eyes. “You’re mine. There’s no need for an engagement. We’re getting married and then we’re going to make love all night and day. I want you tied to me in every way. Isn’t that what you want?”

  “Yes, but…” I trailed off when he stepped back from me.

  “But what?” he asked, then he slid a ring onto my finger.

  “You didn’t ask,” I answered, looking down at the massive rock. It had to be at least three-carats. It was a sapphire princess cut solitaire with diamonds surrounding the large stone. I laughed, gasped, and cried.

  His thumb clasped onto my chin, tilting my head up to look at him. “I didn’t ask because it’s a done deal. Asking implies that you have a choice. I thought I made it very clear. No choice on this,” he finished with a smile, making me shake my head.


  I wasn’t able to get the appointment today, but I did get a test at the local pharmacy. Tony waited outside the door like a nut, pacing back and forth while I tried to pee on a stick in private. I clearly soaked the thing, then closed the cap and set it on the vanity. The stream crossed the window and lines began to make an appearance. After washing my hands, I opened the door. “You’re going to be a daddy.”

  There was something sexy about a man who loved the idea of being a father. He picked me up in his arms, smiling in between kisses. “Thank you, Alana.” He bent down on his knees and lifted up my shirt, placing kisses on my still flat tummy.

  Chapter 31


  We landed in Vegas and didn’t waste any time. Being here had two purposes for me. One was to marry my one and only love. Two was to give Homan a scare since I knew he was living around Henderson, just right out the city. Vinny and Filomena joined us to celebrate. Dante and Reagan wanted to be here, but I told them with the threat around it wouldn’t be safe. Guess who didn’t listen.

  “You are one ugly motherfucker,” Dante said, walking up to us with Reagan’s hand in his.

  “Look who’s talking. You were lucky to land this beautiful lady. How are you, Reagan?”

  She smiled, but her eyes were scanning the room. “I am wonderful. Where is the lovely bride-to-be?”

  “She’s getting dressed in back. She didn’t want me to see the dress she bought today.”

  I took Dante to the side. “I thought I told you it wasn’t smart to come here,” I said to my cousin.

  “We’re not worried. Besides, we have a least twelve with us,” he smirked. He was always well prepared, age and a family didn’t slow him down. He was ready to pop off if needed to protect his own.

  I hugged him hard. “Good. I’m fucking glad you’re here.”

  Reagan gave me a look as she walked up to us. “Tony,” Reagan snipped and swatted my arm. “We’re in a chapel.”

  “Sorry,” I muttered. She was such a mother already. My parents were long gone now and I had no siblings, so Dante was my closest family, like a brother to me, and his wife has become a big part of my life as my bratty sister. She’s been on my ass to find a wife for the past two years, complaining that her kids need cousins.

  “We’re ready,” the officiant said, and everyone gathered to take their places. The music started and my Alana appeared in a tight, white gown that I would have to peel off later as soon as I was able to ditch them. It hugged her curves and only went to about six-inches above the knee. Her tits were pushing up, but not spilling over. She looked radiant, smiling at me. I couldn’t stop my own smile.

  The ceremony was a quick blur. Our first kiss had been too indecent for the chapel, so I got us out of there in a hurry. We stood outside of the chapel while Filomena started snapping her camera.

  When there was a break after the first two photos, Reagan stepped up to Alana and greeted her with a hug. “Wow, that was intense. Hello, I’m Reagan and this is Dante.”

  Alana blushed with nervousness. “Hello, Tony has told me about both of you.”

  “Oh heavens, then you’d know that I’ve been a super pain with him, driving him insane about getting a wife.”

  “He only said wonderful things about both of you.”

  “Well, then he didn’t have much to say about me. Wel
come to the family,” Dante said, pulling Alana in for a hug. Immediately, I snagged her back from him with a growl, making Reagan laugh hard.

  “I told you that would happen,” Dante said to Reagan, laughing while shaking his head.

  “I’m glad I didn’t bet you,” Reagan teased her husband, jabbing him in the ribs. Alana didn’t get upset by it all. She looked completely pleased.

  “Mrs. Franchetti, are you ready to go to dinner with these clowns?”

  “Yes. I’d like that.” I frowned, hoping to get my wife alone.

  “Tony, I’ll take Vinny and Filomena. You and the Mrs. ride in the limo by yourselves.” He gave me a wink.

  “Fuck yeah. We may be a little bit late,” I cheered and warned.

  “We’re having dinner at your hotel, right?”

  “Yes, Vinny has all the details. Tell the people we need two more seats.” We rushed to the limo and laughed as we closed the door. “Take us for a thirty-minute drive, please.” The driver nodded, started the engine, and raised the divider.

  “Woman, be quiet, okay?” She nodded rapidly, sliding over my thighs, raising her dress to reveal a lacy thong. I growled.

  “You be quiet, Mr. Franchetti.”

  “I don’t care if he hears me come. It’s you that I don’t want him to hear.” I unleashed my cock from my tux pants and helped her onto my length. She slid down until our bodies were completely joined. I grabbed her face and pulled it toward me, taking her mouth and absorbing her moan. Her dress was too tight to get her tits out without stripping her bare, so I took her neck, sucking and biting the flesh, while gripping her ass and bouncing it up and down on me. I was so close that I needed her with me. I reached between us and stroked her little nub, sending my beautiful wife into a muffled orgasm. My mouth was back on hers to stop her cries as I emptied my load into her depths.

  “I love you, Alana,” I panted, pressing her head against my chest, feeling her heartbeat pound as hard as mine.

  Chapter 32


  Again. The bastard was going to get choked or better yet, no pussy for him. I got out of bed in the middle of the night and looked around our hotel suite. I growled and stomped my foot. Nowhere to be found. I got dressed and left the suite. There wasn’t even one bit of security in the hallway, so I left down the elevator. Once I reached the main floor, I saw my husband walking toward me; he was talking to Vinny and not paying attention so I ducked away. Let the fucker learn a thing or two.

  I was out of the hotel and on my way to the latest club or something. I wasn’t allowed in the casinos. If I was going to be abandoned then so was he. The moment I hit the street area, I heard my phone ring. I shut off the call and turned it to silent. I hailed the first cab and told him to take me to a place that’s open for those under twenty-one. Five minutes later, I was standing in front of a nightclub. I was totally not dressed for the place, but I let my hair down and pushed my sleeves off my shoulders. My white capris and sandals made the outfit acceptable. Security let me in and I was on my way to the dance floor—big mistake. Hands were everywhere, I rushed out of the area only to run into a large wall. I looked up into my husband’s very angry eyes.

  “Let’s go, Mrs. Franchetti.” He took me by the arm and led me out of the place. I expected his grip to be fiercely tight, but it wasn’t. We got into the car with two of Tony’s men. “Don’t say a word until we get back to the hotel,” he whispered in my ear. I would be in trouble but at this point I could give two fucks. He grabbed my sleeves and lifted them back in place.

  “Why? Would it embarrass you?” I snipped.

  “No,” he stated. I was quiet until we got in the room.

  “What the fuck did you think you were doing?” he roared.

  “Going the fuck out. Maybe you should stop leaving me in the middle of the damn night or any time I’m sleeping.” He got in my face, his chest heaving, but I walked around him. “You know this isn’t what I signed up for. I think we can still undo…”

  “So help me God. If you say undo our marriage, I’ll take you over my damn knee and make your ass as red as I fucking promised.”

  “How about you just leave me alone?” I walked into the bedroom of our suite and locked the door. “Go out again, stay gone. Our wedding night and you couldn’t wait to party in Vegas. I won’t be your stupid wife who gets to stay at home while you whore around.”

  “Open the damn door, Alana.”

  “Nope. I’m going back to sleep without you. It’s what you prefer.” I took off my clothes and jumped into the shower. I didn’t want the reminder of his touch on me. He made love to me and left. Of all the places to sneak off to in the middle of the night, a place where prostitution is legal. I hate him. I washed off and laid down on the chaise by the window and went to bed there.

  Chapter 33


  I wanted to spank her ass for giving me a fucking heart attack, but she was right to be pissed. I thought I fucked her into a good sleep and that I wouldn’t be gone long, but I was wrong. My wife felt forgotten and abandoned and that was on me. I messaged Dante as I laid on the sofa. There was another bedroom, but I didn’t want to be that far away from her.

  Back at the hotel with her. She’s pissed at me for leaving in the middle of the night.

  You didn’t tell her?!?!?! You effing, fuck. Where was she? I could see him shaking his head at me as he read my message. I wasn’t the guy who had been in a relationship for years or even ever. I had to learn as I went along. I wonder how many times Dante fucked up that I didn’t know about.

  At a fucking club. I almost popped a couple fuckers who didn’t know how to watch their hands.

  Why don’t you two talk it out?

  Because she locked me out of the bedroom.

  Your room key works for the door, too.

  Night, bro.

  Good luck, man.

  I knew it unlocked the door, but I didn’t feel like I should go in there. I saw her anger and her pain. I screwed up and there was no one else to blame. I didn’t sleep a fucking wink. Instead, I poured myself a couple of drinks and when I was finally feeling the exhaustion, I went into the room.

  She wasn’t in the bed, and I wondered if she’d fucking fell asleep in the tub. I was at the bathroom door, hitting the light when I saw her on the chaise by the window. She looked so little and so sad, even in her sleep. I scooped up my wife, who had a slight chill on her. Fuck, she was lying next to the air conditioning. Maneuvering us into the bed, I wrapped both of us in the blanket and held her in my arms.

  “I love you, Alana. I’m so sorry.” I truly was. I’d kept her out of the loop in an attempt to protect her, but instead, I left her vulnerable.


  I woke up with her in my arms and the world was right again, or so I thought. Immediately, I was hit with the fact that she woke up all the time and her world wasn’t right. I placed my hand on her belly, saying a silent good morning to my child, but Alana stiffened.

  “Morning, love.”

  She didn’t say anything. Instead she got out of bed. “I want an annulment, Tony. I made a mistake.”

  She tried to walk out of the room, but fuck if that was about to go down. I grabbed her carefully and pinned her to the bed with my weight on her legs so she couldn’t fight me. “Before you start wrestling me, think about the baby.”

  “That’s not a good reason to stay together.”

  “It’s not what I meant. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

  “Too late for that one.”

  “Enough with the fucking verbal jabs. I’m a bastard for leaving you on our wedding night. I should have stayed, but I had some business that I needed to deal with and I didn’t want to wake you.”

  “Business? What, looking for new club talent?”

  “You need to quit with the fucking jealous shit. I haven’t had sex in six fucking years. A man in his prime missing out on quick lays because they meant nothing to me. You mean everything to me. You almost got a cou
ple fuckers fingerless. If it wasn’t for you leaving because they were trying to get close, I would have done that or worse. I’m not ever going to apologize for my possessiveness of you. You’re mine and I’m fucking yours. There’s no way around it. Leaving last night had to do with the scum who faked his death. Homan’s criminal acts are tied to a lot of people. They could get caught up in the mix and if I act on his debts it could be catastrophic for them.”

  “You promised you’d tell me,” she reminded me. I fucked up, but I just wanted to make it right again. Losing her wasn’t an option for me.

  “I know, but I wanted to protect you from worry and the ugly side of my world. You’re too precious, sweet, smart, and innocent for it. I thought I was doing the right thing.”

  “Tony, please let me go.”

  “Never. I fucking love you and I know you love me.”

  “I meant let go my wrists and get off me. I have to pee.”

  “Oh shit, my bad.” I got off of her and watched as she walked to the bathroom. My heart was hurting because hers was. I didn’t know how to do this shit. Dante needed to fucking coach me or something. I wouldn’t cheat on her or hit her and I wouldn’t have her worrying about money. Everything else was a mystery.

  She came out of the bathroom and I put my hand out as I sat on the edge of the bed. She didn’t come to me. She just shook her head.

  “I thought I explained myself.”

  “That’s not enough. You know…just forget it. I can’t do this right now. When do we go back?”

  “Tomorrow. We’re supposed to see the sights with Dante and Reagan. Almost everyone else went back home already.”

  “I don’t feel like it. Give them my apologies.”

  How the fuck did I fix this? As always, I left the room, but I needed some help. Texting Dante, he and Reagan let me into their suite.

  “She wants to leave you?” they exclaimed simultaneously.

  “Yes. It’s like I fucking broke the camel’s back.”


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