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Gastien Pt 1

Page 18

by Caddy Rowland

  Most had already eaten, so Mic and Gastien ordered. Gastien for once could have whatever he pleased. He had rabbit, with wild rice and mixed greens on the side. Also, sweet potatoes, some asparagus, and a glass of vin. For dessert? Coffee and a chocolate tart.

  One of the students whistled. “You must have hit a gold mine, Gastien. It was not long ago that you were lucky to get a bowl of soup!”

  Gastien laughed. “No gold mine, but I am set for now. I have been pretty bad off, though, for some time. Please excuse my excess. I need to put some weight back on. It truly has been months since I have been able to order whatever I want, in whatever quantities I want!” He smiled happily.

  “No worries. We have all been in the same boat at times, though perhaps not as extreme as you. After a lean period, it is nice to just eat!” Everyone laughed in agreement. They were happy for Gastien’s good fortune.

  Mic ordered more carefully. He was not starving as Gastien had been. As they ate, conversation flowed once again. Gastien added a little to the conversation, but mostly he listened while he ate. It felt so right to be here talking about art with other men! He was completely content in a way he had never known previously. He knew it would be next to impossible to ever own that studio, but for right now, life was good.

  Gastien had immediately noticed a lone female when she came in shortly after they had arrived. The owner seemed to know her. It appeared that she had her special table off to the side, where she would not be ogled or bothered. She was quite lovely, very sleek. Her hair was almost black and cut in an unusual fashion, quite geometric. She had bangs across her forehead and straight, shorter hair that angled sharply from the back to a little below her chin in front. Her vivid green eyes were set off by a very delicate bone structure, with a slender but nicely endowed body. He guessed she was about 5’ 3”.

  It was surprising to see a female alone in a restaurant. She did not seem bothered by it, though. Actually, she exuded a certain amount of power. Gastien figured that with power, women were comfortable on their own, regardless of what others may think. Several times he felt her eyes on him.

  As he was finishing up his tart and coffee, the waiter appeared. “Monsieur, these bottles of vin are for you to share with your friends, compliments of Mademoiselle Chambre. She wants me to tell you that she finds you very attractive. Mademoiselle wants you and your friends to have a very enjoyable evening.” He sat down five bottles of champagne.

  Gastien stared in confusion at the waiter, while the others burst out laughing. “Who is Mademoiselle Chambre?” He did not know anyone by that name.

  The waiter said smoothly, “She is the woman who always sits at that table over there.” He pointed discreetly, but when they looked, she was gone.

  “Ah,” said Gastien. “Oui. I noticed her. What a beautiful woman! Thank her for me next time you see her, will you?”

  The waiter bobbed his head. “I certainly will. By the way, if you would like to thank her personally, she comes in many nights around the same time.” He opened the bottles for them and left. Gastien was teased mercilessly for the rest of the night about the woman buying him the fine champagne. He just smiled and put up with it. Something told him he would not be waiting long for sexual satisfaction.

  Gastien did not drink enough champagne to get drunk. He was exhausted. At about midnight, he excused himself, sharing that he was looking forward to his first night in a long time sleeping in a real bed. Once he got home (for he already thought of his room as home) he got the coal stove going, and then headed downstairs to use the bathroom and brush his teeth! When he got back the room was already warming up nicely. Gastien had purchased a night shirt along with his other clothes. He would always sleep naked now that he had a bed, but he made sure he had his nightshirt out in case he needed to go downstairs.

  He fell asleep quickly, sleeping without any dreaming. It was luxurious just to feel a bed beneath him, let alone a new one! The sheets were clean and new, he was clean, and the cozy room felt safe. It was the first time in a long time that he slept without a knife next to him.


  As he came awake Gastien looked around his room. Opening the shutters, he let the morning light play across the shining wood slats of the floor. It was a basic room, but it was the nicest he had ever had. It was soon going to be stuffed to capacity with his painting supplies. He knew that it would never be a permanent answer. He needed much more space. However, it would do nicely for now. He needed a period of time where he just existed without worrying about his life ending or where to get the next meal. He would know when it was time to move on, because dissatisfaction would set in and he would be bit by the need for a studio again.

  Gastien stretched lazily. Today he would be on his own. The men he knew were in school, and most of them worked afterwards. Mic worked tonight. He had all day to move his supplies from Mic’s. It would take several trips. However, there was no hurry. He decided to just take the day to enjoy finally feeling that he belonged in Paris. He did not want to be just like everyone else, but he did not want to feel that people were repulsed by him or that he looked like a bumpkin, either. Today, he would just stroll around the 6th, looking in stores, eating whenever he wanted to, getting a haircut, and who knew what else! Life was finally full of possibilities.

  Gastien wore the same clothes as yesterday. The sweater would be enough warmth. He took his beret and put in on his head, far back and at an angle. It looked good that way, even though most people wore them for warmth. Wearing it in back and at an angle showed off his huge eyes and great cheekbones, although he did not consciously realize it. Locking his room, he took off. It was thoughtful that Madame Debeaunet had not stopped him to talk this first morning, letting him feel like it was truly his home.

  He got to the barber’s and entered. The barber was busy cutting another man’s hair. He looked over, smiling at Gastien. “Bonjour! I will be done here in a minute. My name is Laurent. And you are?”

  Gastien replied, “I am Gastien. I am relatively new to Paris. Dr. Morel told me that you are a good barber. I thought I would give you a try. I need a trim.”

  “Great! Have a seat and I will be with you shortly.” Laurent watched Gastien out of the corner of his eye. The young man needed a haircut badly, that was for sure. Great eyes and cheekbones, though. He wondered if by chance he was gay. He hoped so.

  Laurent quickly finished with his current customer. Turning to Gastien, he ushered him into a barber chair. “I heard you say a trim, but surely you mean a cut. How did you let your hair get this out of control?” Laurent asked curiously.

  “Actually, I spent a period of time on the streets. I am in a better position in life now.” The barber did not let surprise show on his face. Mon Dieu, how did someone with a face like that survive in the streets? Gastien continued, “But I do only want a trim. I am growing my hair long. I am an artist and that will make me stand out.”

  “Understood, but it really is not in style. Although…if you are an artist, I know a lot of bohemians do wear it longer. How long are you going?”

  “Eventually, quite a way below my shoulders,” Gastien said firmly. “I think it will grab the attention of women. Women seem to like men who dare to take a few risks.”

  The barber was careful not to show his disappointment. Foutre! All the good ones were straight! “Well, Gastien, then let’s get this hair of yours trimmed and shaped. You will also need some tonic to keep it out of your eyes until it gets longer.”

  “Oui, merci. I will get a bottle before I leave.” The barber worked quickly and expertly, asking Gastien questions about his painting and how he liked Paris so far. When he was done, Gastien looked in the mirror. “Oui! That looks much better. You did a great job.”

  Laurent beamed. “Merci, Gastien. I really love doing hair! I hope you let me keep your hair up until you leave for Montmartre down the line, as you said you hoped to do. You should be good for a couple of months at least. Here is a large bottle of tonic. It is your
best buy.”

  Laurent wistfully watched Gastien walk out the door. Wouldn’t you know, Laurent thought, he has the cutest little round ass to go with that face. What a waste! He sighed.


  Gastien came to a small shop that sold fragrances. There was a sign saying that they had fragrances for men. Gastien decided to check those out. The woman working there approached him, looking him over thoroughly. “May I help you find a fragrance for yourself today, or are you looking for a gift for a lady?” she asked. Oh my, she thought, this one is going to be a heart breaker – if he wasn’t already.

  Gastien looked unsure. “Well, I may be interested in something for myself, if it does not smell feminine. I would like to smell fresh and interesting, but not at all sweet. I don’t want to smell like a woman.”

  “Of course not, dear.” She looked at him some more. “You are very handsome, almost sultry. There is a lot of intensity there, even though you are also young and sweet looking.” She continued to look at him, thinking. “I don’t think you should have a traditional male fragrance. It would be too heavy and make your sensuality too overpowering. I think you should go for something that smells clean, but not soft. Something that is a little surprise, totally unexpected, but fits the whole package.” Her eyes lit up. “I know! Come over here, dear.” She reached for a bottle and opened it. “Smell this and see what you think.”

  Gastien put his nose to it. It was very pleasing to him. There was a lime fragrance along with a few herbs that smelled of meadows. Truly fresh, not at all like a girl. It was not overpowering to his nose, making him want to smell it more. “I like that very much!” he exclaimed. “It is very clean!”

  She agreed, “Oui. The lime really adds to that. I think women will expect something more like incense on you. They will be pleasantly surprised to find that you smell clean, happy…fun! Can I ring it up?”

  Gastien looked at the price. “It does not seem to be too expensive,” he said.

  “Non, it is not. It is easier to make than the heavier scents, making the price more affordable. That does not mean it smells cheap! There is less labor involved in the processing, is all. For what it is worth, I believe it will be perfect for you. When you are older, you can go with something that has an incense base with your dark looks, if you wish. Right now, you are young! Your scent should reflect your desire to experience life, instead of announcing that you have experienced it all already. I think that a bit of innocence is sexier than blatant in your face sexy scents at your age. And, I am a perfumist. I know my scents.” She smiled kindly at Gastien. He was such a darling young man!

  “I like it very much. I will take it. This will be the first time I have owned scent,” said Gastien shyly.

  “Wear it with pleasure!” she said as he walked out.


  After having lunch in a small bistro, Gastien went to Mic’s to get some of his art supplies. To his surprise, the roommates were all there. End of year projects were being worked on. It only took one trip to help Gastien carry his supplies to his new home, because they all volunteered to help.

  Once they left, Gastien looked around his room and laughed. He still had supplies, but not as much as he had feared. He had done a great deal of painting, though, while on the street. There were quite a few paintings stacked carefully behind each other. Well, that was the life of an artist. He would make sure to rotate them, so that they could dry properly.

  His easel took up a lot of space. He realized that it would be hard to paint in here because of the fumes. It was a small room and it was winter time. Having the window open would be too cold. In about two months he could paint outside, but right now it would be a problem.

  Then he remembered that if he got that restaurant job that he hoped for, he would be busy learning to do a good job there. Plus, he wanted to enjoy himself in other ways, too. The problem of not being able to paint may not be an issue for awhile.

  He brought heated water up to his room for a more thorough cleansing of his body. Back and forth, until he had three basins full. Then he stripped and scrubbed. He hoped to get very cozy tonight with that woman who had bought him champagne. Gastien wanted to taste good everywhere. Something told him she would not be shy.

  After washing, he applied his scent lightly. He wanted it part of him, not more than him. Only if you got close to him would you smell it. Then he put on new clothes, including the new red sweater. He checked himself in the full length mirror downstairs. Satisfied, he turned to go. Madame Debeaunet came out. She mothered him, reaching to smooth his sweater. “You look nice, Gastien. I hope you enjoy yourself tonight.”

  Gastien blushed. Did she guess what he was going to be up to? “Thank you, Madame Debeaunet.”

  “Oh, don’t get all embarrassed on me. You were quiet bold in your statements about the pursuit of women yesterday. I assumed you are not going to waste any time in that area. You are, after all, eighteen!” They both laughed. “By the way, please call me Emma. Tell Mic also. Since this is your house, it seems too stiff to go by formalities. Are you comfortable with that?”

  “Oui, …Emma.”

  “Well, I am off to a friend’s house for cards. Four of us ladies play cards quite often. You have a good time. Happy hunting!” she exclaimed, grabbing her bag.

  “You have a good time, too. I will follow you out,” said Gastien, holding the door.

  They parted ways, she heading further into the neighborhood, he to the shops and restaurants of the 6th.


  When he got to the Polidor, about six of the ten men from last night were there. So was she, at her table. The guys called him over to their table. He waved at them, but walked over to the woman’s table. Mon Dieu, she was arresting looking! Whoever wore their hair like that? He liked that she dared to do something with her hair no other woman did. He bet it would soon be in style for the masses. She looked up as he casually sat down at her table across from her. He met her eyes, gave a small indication of a smile and said “Bonsoir.”

  “Bonsoir yourself! You are quite bold sitting down without being invited! How do you know I am not meeting someone? How do you know if you are wanted?” she challenged softly, refusing to be the first to look away.

  He smiled lazily and sat back. “Bold? I was bought and paid for last night when you sent me five bottles of champagne. I am definitely wanted. And, oui, you were waiting for someone. That person is now here, non?”

  She nodded slightly, dropping her eyes. “Oui. He is here.”

  “What is your name then?” he asked.

  “Nathalie. Or Nath.”

  “Well, Nathalie, I am puzzled. Tell me, do you prefer to play games? I can do that, but I prefer being open about what I am interested in. I thought last night you made your interest clear. Do we have to go through charades now?” The waiter appeared and Gastien ordered a glass of vin.

  Nathalie raised her eyebrows as the waiter walked away. “Usually a gentleman buys the lady a drink.”

  “You are right. They do on a date. We are not on a date. You are also assuming that I am a gentleman.”

  She gave a small laugh. “My mistake.”

  “I am just saying, please don’t assume things about me until you know me better. I am always open about things. However, I don’t like it when people assume they know me before they actually do.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Also, anyone who can afford five bottles of champagne for a stranger can afford to buy her own drinks.”

  “So, you expect me to buy the drinks?”

  “Non. Not mine. I am simply making my intentions clear. I am not interested in courtship, Nathalie. I don’t think you are, either.” She looked surprised. He was not as green as she expected, but every bit as delicious looking as she remembered. Perhaps they would make good bed partners more than one time. He was a challenge.

  “So tell me, what are those intentions, and what is your name?” she asked.

  “My name is Gastien. My inten
tion is to come home with you so that we can enjoy ourselves in your bed.” He sipped his vin. “That is, after I have a meal. I need to satisfy that hunger first.”

  “And if I have decided I am not interested?” she shot back.

  “Then I want to say merci for the champagne last night, and I will move on. But, come on, Nath. Are we still playing games?”

  She looked into his huge brown eyes. Those eyes were dangerous, there were too many emotions reflected in them. She would have to very careful about not losing her head over this one. But she could be careful, she told herself. She wanted to taste that mouth. Even more, she wanted to find out what he felt like inside of her.

  Gastien smiled, this time sweetly. “You are more than interested. You are already deciding what you want to do with me the first time tonight.”

  “The first time? You plan on multiple times tonight?” This man was too full of himself!

  Gastien nodded. He looked at her openly. “Oui. I told you I like to be honest. Here is the situation: I have not been with a woman for almost four months. Therefore, it is almost a guarantee that I won’t last long the first time. That is just the way males are. I am sorry. But, if you will let me just make myself happy that first time, I promise to make it up to you. Several times, if you wish.” He opened the menu and started to read it.

  She grabbed his menu, pulling it down. “Several times tonight?”

  He stared at her unblinking. “Oui. I am eighteen, Nath. I can go all night.”


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