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Letting Go of the Pain

Page 17

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Me, let me in there,” Steve said, placing his hand on Mink’s shoulder.

  “Fuck yeah, Steve, take her. Claim every inch of her so she knows who she belongs to,” he said, easing out of her ass.

  Eddie thrust upward, and then Panther gripped her head. “I’m coming, baby. I’m coming.’ He grunted, his face turned red, and he shot his seed down her throat.

  * * * *

  Steve felt on fire as he gripped Lauren’s hips, kissed her back, and then accepted the squeeze of lube to his fingers from Mink.

  “Oh please, Steve. Please, I need more. Please,” she begged.

  “You got it, baby,’ he said as Eddie thrust upward. In and out he thrust his cock up into her cunt as Steve pressed lube to her asshole.

  She sucked his fingers hard, and he couldn’t wait. The sight of her sexy body and how she gave them all access to every inch of her to claim her as their woman was overwhelming.

  “Mine,” he said and pulled his fingers from her ass and replaced them with his cock. He pressed the tip to her anus. Stared at her luscious body as she rocked her hips over Eddie’s cock. Eddie pulled her down lower for a kiss, and her legs spread wider, and Steve slowly slid into her ass. When he was all the way in, he held steady.

  “I can’t fucking move. Holy fuck, Lauren. Fuck.” He tried pulling back, but she was so tight.

  “She’s incredible, isn’t she? So giving and all ours. No other men ever again,” Panther said and caressed her cheek.

  “Fuck no. Not ever,” Eddie said, locking gazes with Steve.


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  “Never,” Steve said.

  “Together, bro. Make our baby come hard,” Eddie said. Then the two of them worked in sync, thrusting, stroking into her pussy and ass until Lauren was calling out their names and then coming hard.

  Eddie followed, and then Steve, who thrust two more times and held himself in her ass and came. His hands on her ass cheeks, he didn’t move. He just took in the sight, the sensations, and the view he had of her luscious body. He caressed her ass gently.

  “It’s only the beginning, baby. We’ve got all night to claim you as our woman. All night.”

  * * * *

  Lauren rolled to her side to cover her breasts and to look at Steve.

  He lay on his back, his arm over his eyes, and he was breathing heavy, and he wore a shirt. She noticed he was quick to put it on after they made love. Like he was embarrassed by those scars, his battle wounds, just like she was embarrassed about hers and simply allowing two men to hurt her like they had.

  She felt the palm slide up along her hip, and then Eddie kissed her shoulder.

  “You okay?” he asked her.

  She turned toward him, still covering her breasts with her arms, and gazed into his dark blue eyes, looked at his well-trimmed beard, and stroked his jaw then along that tattoo on his neck.

  “I’m more than ok, Eddie. I feel so many things.” She felt his palm slide up her hip to her breast where her arms were crossed.

  “No hiding these. No hiding your body or anything from us, understand?” he asked then lifted up, leaned over her to push her arm above her head, then cup her breast and lick the nipple. She felt Steve move on her other side and face her, take her wrist, and put it gently bent above her head so both arms were raised back, restrained, and she anticipated how good it would feel to have both men touch her

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  and do this to her. Steve locked gazes with her as he lowered his mouth to her other breast. She blinked her eyes, once, twice when the other voice brought her straight toward the end of the bed.

  “Panther.” She said his name, and he pressed a knee onto the bed as Mink approached on the other side of him.

  “Hiding from us?” Panther asked.

  Steve and Eddie released her hands and lifted up. She did the same and sat up and pulled the sheets toward her body to cover herself, but then Steve pulled them back down.

  “Don’t’ be shy. Not after what we just shared and how things are going to be now,” Panther said to her.

  She looked at Steve.

  “I just don’t want you to see the scar. I hate it, and it’s embarrassing, and reminds me of the things they did to me.”

  Steve reached over and stroked her jaw. “I know it’s hard, but with us it doesn’t matter. We aren’t looking at that scar. We’re looking at our beautiful, kind, sweet woman and thinking how lucky we are to have survived the things we did to get to you so that we have here and now together.” Steve stroked her hair from her cheek.

  Tears filled her eyes.

  “Are you for real?” she asked him. He chuckled, and so did the others.

  “Honey, we are as real as it gets,” Mink said, and she licked her lips and stared at his body and all those muscles, plus that scary-looking, yet impressive tattoo in red and black.

  “I think you should know some things that make me feel a little uneasy and remind me of them. I don’t want those fears to interfere with making love and getting to know one another better.”

  “If you want to share them with us, we’ll listen, and we’ll take things into account, but also know that we have desires, and there are things that turn us on. Hell, turn me on, and spanking that sexy, round ass of yours while my dick is buried deep is a definite turn-on,” Mink


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  said to her as he knelt on the bed, gripped her ankles, and pulled her down the bed.

  She was shocked and then squealed as he flipped her onto her belly, spread her thighs, and began to kiss her back and then her ass cheeks.

  “Come on now, you all want her to like our ass spankings,” he said, and she was shocked. Completely shocked at her reaction, at the arousal she felt and at the idea that she would let them despite her past. Steve walked from the room a minute.

  “Oh God, Mink, how? How can you do this to me? How can you take the things they did away from me and replace them with lust, with desire to have your hands on me? How do you do it?” she asked him.

  He stepped from his pants he had put on after cleaning up in the bathroom, lifted her to her knees so she was on all fours on the edge of the bed, and slid a finger into her cunt.

  He leaned over her. “Because you know, you understand that what we have, what we share between the five of us, is fucking different.

  It’s stronger, we’re all equal, we all will love you equally, and our jobs are to keep you safe, secure, protected, and well loved. Baby, you have got the sexiest fucking body I have ever seen, and it’s going to take me possessing you in every way, in every hole to try and calm my nerves, my fears of ever losing you to other men.”

  “No, no, Mink, never.”

  He lowered over her, she turned her head to face him, shifting her body slightly, and kissed her mouth, and when he released her lips, he pulled his fingers from her cunt and slid his cock right into her hot, wet channel.


  “Tell me, baby, how good does it feel when we’re making love?

  When we take you in every hole and claim every part of you?”

  “Goood. So very, very good.”

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  “Oh, man, I want in on this.” Eddie glided his palm along her ass.

  She tightened up. Steve walked back into the room, and Panther was drying his body off after washing up.

  “No you don’t. You relax those muscles, that sexy body, and you accept all our touches. We’re going to show you the difference between spanking used as abuse and control as opposed to spanking a woman’s ass while making love, to bring her more pleasure, and to harden the cocks that are going to fill her up and make her orgasm.”

  He gave her ass a light tap.

  “Oh.” She gasped. He thrust a little faster.

  “Let me under her,” Steve said, and Mink lifted her up and then placed her over Steve, but Mink didn’t pull out of her pu
ssy yet. He stroked and thrust into her cunt. She lowered down and started to suck on Steve’s cock. The taste of soap and Steve’s scent filled her nostrils.

  “Holy God, baby, just like that. Oh yeah, I think she likes the direction you’re going in, Mink,” Eddie said.

  Panther moved closer on her other side and caressed her back and then her ass to her hair and head.

  “That’s such a good woman, pleasing her needy men. Accepting our control, our need to feel like men who can protect and love their woman fully.”

  She moaned and rocked her ass and cunt backward.

  Mink slid out as Eddie handed him the lube because a moment later she felt the cool liquid push into her asshole, and she moaned and sucked harder on Steve’s cock.

  “Fuck that feels so good. Soo good,” Steve said.

  She moaned some more and felt her pussy erupting when suddenly Mink’s cock pushed into her asshole.

  “Heaven. Fucking heaven, baby.” He stroked in and out of her ass, and she lifted up, released Steve’s cock, and then maneuvered over his dick.

  “Take him inside of you, too. Fuck his cock good and deep,”

  Eddie told her.


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Oh, my God,” she exclaimed and rocked up and down, back and forth. When Mink pressed on her back, she lowered her chest to Steve’s as she rocked on top of him and felt Panther caress her cheeks and then down her back to her ass cheeks.

  “This is the sexiest ass I’ve ever seen. I can’t wait to fuck it next.

  To own you, baby. To fill you up and mark you our woman,” Panther said, and Mink grunted then stroked into her deeply.




  “Oh!” She cried out so long, so hard her voice cracked. She exploded all over Steve’s cock, and then both men carried on as well as Panther and Eddie saying how hot and sexy that was, and they thrust into her. Eddie touched her chin and was there in front of her, cock in hand and bringing it to her lips.

  “I’m there. Fuck I’m there. Who do you belong to, honey? Who owns this ass?” Mink demanded to know.

  “You, oh God all, of you,” she cried out, and he came inside of her. Steve was thrusting up into her at the same time as she panted, felt Mink move out and then Panther took his place.

  He squeezed her ass cheeks, added more lube to her asshole, and then a moment later slid his cock right up into her ass. He and Steve began a steady, fast pace when the bed dipped.

  “I need, too,” Eddie said, holding his dick in his hand and looking ready to explode, and she opened for him immediately wanting to please him, to please all of them.

  In and out the three men thrust into her mouth, her cunt, and her ass. She felt like a rag doll, like she was losing focus, her orgasms building and building when Eddie came in her mouth. As soon as he pulled out, he smacked her ass.


  “I get to fuck that ass next,” he said, and Steve, Panther, and Mink chuckled.

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  “Right now it’s my turn,” Panther stated, and he and Steve thrust into her body until Steve came and Panther wrapped an arm around her waist and hoisted her off of him. He placed her in front of the bed as he rocked his hips and thrust into her asshole.

  “Oh God, Panther. Panther, oh please. Please,” she begged as the orgasm got closer and closer.

  He pulled out and whispered next to her ear, “Don’t you come yet.

  You wait until I give the order to come,” He demanded and held her hair with one hand while he slid his other hand down between her legs and stroked her cunt.

  “You’re sopping wet, woman. You know we will never hurt you, never.” He pulled his fingers out and then kissed along her shoulders, down her back, and then over her anus.

  He came back up and growled low as he aligned his cock with her asshole and slid right in.

  “Oh. My. God!” She moaned and held tight, trying not to come.

  She was going to lose it.

  “Please, Panther, please let me come.”

  “Do you trust us, baby? Do you realize that we are not your exes?

  That they don’t exist and that we’re better men, loyal men, who will love you and put you first?”

  “Yes, oh God yes, I want that. Please.”

  “Then fucking come, baby. Come all over the bed and be free.”

  He thrust so hard and fast into her ass she cried out and came. Her mouth against the comforters, she roared, losing her voice, feeling her breath leave her chest, and she finally was free. Holy crap, she loved them.





  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  Chapter Seven

  “Who is she?” Randolph asked Mario.

  Mario smirked even though he was on the phone with Pachessa and Lambert’s main operative.

  “Well, interesting enough, she’s the ex-girlfriend of Logan and Connor who died in that federal raid a few years back.”

  “Yorkshire’s cousins, Logan and Connor?” he asked.


  “Holy fuck, what are the chances of that happening?”

  “I know. It’s pretty fucking crazy. I’m not sure what Pachessa wants to do, but when he finds out this connection, plus he knows they’re Sons of Justice he seems to want revenge against, he is going to make a plan of action. Then throw in seeing pictures of her and he’s going to be very interested.”

  “Pictures? How the hell did you get pictures?”

  “I’ve got men with eyes on all the operatives involved with this.

  On everyone who caught Pachessa and nearly ruined his entire empire. That commander Fairchild, he’s been a pain in the ass from the start, and this team that caught Pachessa, you know them, specifically Panther and Steve.”

  “What? I didn’t know it was them that were involved in this. Why haven’t I been told sooner?” Randolph asked, and Mario smiled to himself. Pachessa was right. Randolph would want to seek his own revenge on Panther and Steve, and of course be ready to take their woman. He would do the dirty work while Pachessa sat back and just waited for the revenge to be a success and for the woman to be under

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  his power and control just as an added twist of the knives to Panther’s and Steve’s chests.

  “Because Pachessa would have known your initial reaction.”

  “Fuck yeah he would have known it. I’d go kill the fucks myself.

  Blow up their houses, kill their fucking dog, and rape and kill their woman maybe while they watched.”

  “Exactly, and we can’t have that kind of mess.”

  “What the fuck else didn’t you tell me?” Randolph asked, sounding super pissed off.

  “Pachessa wants revenge, so you know he is going to want you involved at some point.”

  “I figured as much, especially knowing how much I hate those soldiers. They nearly killed me several years back and cost me millions in revenue. Should have known that Pachessa put me in charge of things here for a reason. What is he thinking?” Randolph asked.

  “That in order to kill these men off, truly make them scared shitless, they need to be separated and hit hard. My job was to find their weaknesses and to see any windows of opportunities to attack.

  They live in a close-knit community on a secured campground. The place to hit them would be out on a mission elsewhere, where they don’t have backup or resources at their fingertips. That’s where you come in.”

  “I like it. I’m sure I can come up with something. I thought that there were other loose ends that needed to be tied. Are those being handled by someone else?” Randolph asked.

  “There are other men with eyes on the other targets and are already taking them out as we speak.”

  “Why not just get them in their homes at night? I can blow them the fuck up and make it look like a gas f
ucking leak.”

  “They’re resourceful, and they aren’t easy targets. Pachessa wants them to suffer. Like I said, this woman is going to be of interest to him.”


  Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Why, just because she was part of that hostage situation Logan and Connor fucked up?”

  “She was important to Collin and Logan. She was their weakness in the end, and the same thing will ring true for these soldiers she’s with. For Panther and Steve specifically as you kill her, too. That is how Pachessa is going to view this situation. It took three years to establish other connections after Yorkshire was killed and his entire operation taken down. Pachessa will come up with something when the time comes.”

  Mario exhaled.

  “You’re going to have to be creative on this one. He wants you to plan an entire bogus situation so we can entice these soldiers, and their friends, into a trap, all the while their woman, their greatest treasure, will be ripped from their grasp and never seen again. Just like Pachessa’s hard work and benefits were taken away from him.

  I’ll send you more details. Be ready to move at any time.”

  “Oh, I’ll be ready. It will be my pleasure to make these men suffer, and it sounds like their woman may be worth some additional plans, as well.”

  * * * *

  A week had passed and Lauren was getting together with Steve, Eddie, Panther, and Mink again tonight after work. She had been contemplating asking them to teach her how to use a gun and maybe even how to defend herself physically. She was shocked at her own pattern of thoughts considering her past and how afraid she was to really defend herself. But apparently, making love and being around such dominant, powerful, resourceful men like hers was having an effect on her.

  The door chimed, and she looked up from the counter to see two men she didn’t recognize. They were dressed nicely, looked like


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