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Those Boys Are Trouble: Valetti Crime Family Box Set

Page 37

by Winters, Willow

  “You can take your time. No need to rush.” I say the words calmly, hoping to ease some of the tension I can see coming off of her. She’s been worried from the second I saw her. I don’t like it. She doesn’t need to worry. So long as she stays in line and obeys me, she’ll be safe.

  For as long as she’s mine, anyway. I clench my jaw not liking the thought, and decide to walk over and lean against the edge of the counter.

  “Ava?” I ask, to get her attention. My eyes stay on the floor, but I monitor her in my periphery.

  “Yes, Kane?” she’s quick to ask, pausing her movements. Her muscles are coiled. She’s waiting for an order.

  “I don’t like this, Ava.” I just want to get this shit off my chest. I’ll be honest with her. As much as I can be, anyway. “I don’t know if you can tell,” I begin to say as my eyes find hers, “but this isn’t what I usually do.” I wait to hear her response, but I don’t get one. She’s still waiting. I take a deep breath and grip the counter while looking back down at the floor.

  “I’m your keeper for a while, and I know things are going to be different with me than they’ve been with your other...” I trail off and pause. I don’t fucking know what to call them.

  “Masters.” She says the word for me. Masters are what they call them. Masters and Slaves.

  “I don’t want you to think of me as a master, Ava. That’s not what I am.”

  “Are--” she starts to ask a question, but then she seems to jolt and stills in the shower. I look up at her and nod.

  “I want you to ask me questions. I want you to listen to me.” I point a finger at her to emphasize what I say next. “But talk to me.” I almost say, it hasn’t been that long, you must remember what it’s like to be normal. But instead I bite my tongue and feel like a fucking asshole. Yeah, it’s only been weeks of torture and countless times being passed around, used and degraded. I’m such a fucking dick. She’s obviously fucked up from all of this. How could she not be? I grip my hair and lean back against the counter with my eyes closed. I have no fucking right to ask her to do a God damn thing.

  What the fuck am I even doing? She’s gonna be gone in a week or two. I’ll never see her again, and not treating her like a… like a slave could get her hurt when she goes back to them. “She’s been trained extensively.” Abram’s words echo in my head. I fucking hate him. I hate him for telling me to do this. I hate him even more for hurting her.

  “Are you my new keeper?” Ava asks, and it breaks me from my thoughts.

  I look back at her, not knowing how to answer. I don’t want any part of this shit. But I don’t have a fucking choice.

  I say the only words I know that are true. “You’re mine. I’m going to take care of you.”

  Her eyes widen slightly in shock, and her bottom lip trembles. She asks with a shaky breath, “Are you going to save me?”

  My heart sinks in my chest. I want to save her. I feel a pull to protect her...and I will, for as long as I can. But I don’t know how long that will be. And I won’t lie to her and give her false hope. I press my lips together and shake my head no.

  Her head drops as she noticeably swallows and fights the urge to cry. Her shoulders turn inward as she pulls at her fingers. I feel like absolute shit. I’ve never questioned being a part of the family. Never in my life. It was the way I grew up, and the way we got shit done. Yeah we did some fucked up things, but in the long term, everything made sense.

  But this? Fuck this. I don’t want any part of it. There’s not a damn thing okay with this shit.

  But I can’t save her. Abram hunted her family down. He did that with all his competitors. They fucking took off and went into hiding, but he found them. If he wants you dead, you’re dead. There’s no other way around it. Right now she’s alive at least. But if we took off? If I decided to be her knight in shining armor? We’d both be dead. It would only be a matter of time. Shit. I might be dead regardless. I’m not looking forward to turning his job offer down. I rub the back of my neck and let out a heavy sigh as she straightens her shoulders and tries to compose herself.

  “Finish up. It’s getting late,” I tell her, once she seems to have settled some.

  My eyes travel down her body, not at all in a sexual way. She’s beautiful, but she’s not well. She’s thin and the light shines off of several small scars on her body. One is noticeably larger though, and looks like a bite mark on her shoulder. There are more small scratches on her hips and shoulders, and some look like they were left by fingernails--from digging in and piercing her skin while holding her down.

  I have to close my eyes and look back to the floor. I can’t imagine everything she’s gone through. I can’t imagine what she expects from me. But I’ll do everything I can to make this easy for her. I want to protect her from that shit and take away the pain she’s in. I don’t know if I can, but I’ll at least try.

  There’s no doubt in my mind. If I could save her, I would.


  I look at the cuff on my hand and then back to Kane. He locked one cuff around my wrist, and the other around the bedpost before going into the bathroom to shower. He takes another step into the bedroom, drying off his hair with a towel. Boxers hang low on his hips and my eyes stare at the deep “V” carved from his rock hard abs that taunts me. His muscles are still faintly covered with droplets of water and my fingers itch to feel his body. To run my hands along the smooth lines. If there’s no other truth in this world, Kane is the epitome of man candy. My cheeks flare with a blush and I have to look back down at the bed, then to the cuff.

  I’m not sure why I have these feelings toward him. I shouldn’t. I haven’t had them before with the others. But the thought of being his--the idea that he can protect me? It has my body aching for his touch. The need to please him is stronger than I’ve ever felt before.

  But he can’t save me.

  My eyes close as I hear him walk to the dresser.

  No one can save me.

  But for now, I’m his. And the thought sends a warmth through my body. First from a sense of security, but then I feel something else entirely deeper in my body. Lower. Heating my core. I feel so ashamed. I must really be broken, to feel this desire for someone I should loathe. I should fear him. I do, in a way. But not like the others.

  There were five. First him. And then Felipe finished my training, as they called it. And then there were three more. He gave me to them. He used me as a bargaining chip. I was nothing more than a temporary toy to be used and given back once they were finished.

  And now Kane.

  But Kane isn’t like them. He’s not like any of them. I believe everything he said earlier. Maybe I shouldn’t. Perhaps it’s all lies. But something inside of me craves him in a way I’ve never felt before. Something is telling me to trust him. A soft voice buried deep in my chest whispers that he will save me. I need only be his.

  There’s no doubt in my mind that I’m a fool to believe it. But the very thought that it could be true makes me want to give him all of me.

  My eyes widen, and fear quickly drowns out all the other feelings. That’s not what I’m supposed to be thinking. That’s not what my focus should be.

  Revenge is my purpose. I can’t forget. I won’t let the past lay in silence. I will make them all pay. And this man, whoever the fuck he is, he’s only a temporary stay. I can’t lose sight of where I’m going.

  My eyes snap up at him as he walks closer. He has a stern look on his face that’s been there ever since our conversation ended. I never should have asked questions. He said he wants me to, but I shouldn’t have. It didn’t do me any favors. Instead my focus is distant and my mind is fogged with thoughts I shouldn’t be having.

  I asked him if he was going to save me. A shudder runs through my body as I close my eyes and try to keep myself composed. As if this man could be my savior. Shame and disgust run through me.

  No one is going to help me. I thought I’d come to terms with that, back when I decided I’d fig
ht to live solely for the chance to kill them. Him first. He needs to die. So long as I watch the life leave him, I’ll die with contentment in my heart.

  My body stiffens as Kane walks over to me. I’m clothed at least. I don’t think he’s going to want to fuck me. He doesn’t look at me like the others do. He hasn’t taken from me. But I’m still on high alert. I don’t know if I believe him. I shouldn’t. I shouldn’t trust anyone that works for him.

  I hate that I did for a moment. It was a mistake. I won’t do it again.

  He stands over me as I sit on my heels on the bed.

  He leans over and unlocks the cuff with a tiny key, and then places both of them on the nightstand. It’s so quiet. The only sound is the clinking and loud clunk of the metal handcuffs. I swallow thickly and look up at him. Waiting for his orders. Waiting for him to use me. I have to work hard to keep my eyes open and stay still.

  “Don’t make me regret uncuffing you,” he says with a low, threatening tone to his voice.

  “I won’t.” I’m quick to respond.

  “You’re going to have to lie with me though.” He walks to the other side of the bed and lifts the covers. “I’m a light sleeper. Just know that.” He stares at me as he gets in and lies down. “Lie down, Ava. It’s alright; I’m not going to hurt you.”

  I release a breath I didn’t know I was holding. My heart swells and shatters in my chest and tears prick at the back of my eyes. But they don’t surface. They never do. Even though this is the first time in a long time that the tears are from a man’s kindness and not his cruelty.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. My body stiffens as I realize I haven’t spoken clearly. I clear my throat and look him in the eyes, as he told me to. “Thank you.” I repeat the words with confidence and slowly slide under the sheets. I lie on my back, staring at the ceiling, although I can feel his eyes on me.

  I lie still and close my eyes, focusing on my breathing. It’s coming in ragged breaths as I try to calm myself. How odd that my breath is failing me when I believe I may be safe from harm. At least for the moment. The other times, when they rape me, beat me, humiliate me or leave me to starve or lay in filth--those times my breathing is just fine. It’s as it should be. But right now, I don’t know what to think. I’m frightened of the unknown.

  My body jolts as a heavy arm settles across my lower belly. Kane drags my body across the bed and into his arms. I struggle to move, to speak, to breathe. I thought he said he wouldn’t hurt me. My body trembles as he kisses my jaw. I keep my eyes closed, although I shouldn’t.

  “Sleep well, Ava. I’m here. I won’t let anyone hurt you.” He speaks quietly into my ear, his lips close enough that they just barely touch my skin. His hot breath sends a warmth through my body. As he settles along my side, my entire body relaxes.

  An overwhelming urge to sleep suddenly makes everything heavy. For a long while, I listen to Kane’s breathing. It’s steady. The grip his fingers have on my waist loosens. I think he’s fallen asleep.

  My eyes slowly open. I don’t dare turn my head. Instead I look at the ceiling, at every imperfection. Time ticks by. I can’t sleep. The bed is heaven on my sore and aching back; the sheets are warm and welcoming. It’s the first time I’ve been allowed to sleep in relative comfort.

  But I can’t.

  I’ve been given an opportunity. I could run, although I probably wouldn’t get far. Kane could wake up and come find me. But I could kill him. He’s asleep. I’d do it quick. It’d be relatively painless.

  Once that’s over I’d have to cut the tracker out of my arm. I thought about doing it before. But they’d know. They’ll know the instant the temperature changes, and then they’ll come for me. I’d have a little time to get a head start, but that might be all I’d need. I could run and hide. My body lifts slowly off the bed without my consent. Kane’s arm drops onto the bed beside me and my eyes dart to his.

  He’s still asleep; his breathing is steady and his eyes are closed.

  I scoot slowly to the end of the bed and gently lift my body up. I shouldn’t be doing this. This is bad. It’s wrong. I close my eyes as anxiety and fear weigh down my limbs. But I move against them. I hear my feet pad across the wooden floor.

  I open my eyes and find myself at the dresser. Staring at his gun. I saw him leave it here earlier. I don’t know why I’ve walked here. I didn’t want to. But maybe I did? I’m so confused. So terrified. But I slowly raise my hand and let my fingers wrap around the metal. My head whips around as I hear Kane move against the sheets. I wait a long while, watching him, anticipating that he’ll wake. He moves to lie on his back, but other than that, he’s still. I watch his chest as I lift the gun, bracing the butt of it and holding it steady as I walk back to the bed.

  I look back at Kane with the cold gun in my hand and my finger on the trigger. His broad chest rises and falls in a steady rhythm. He’s at peace. I study his face. His hard jaw is covered in stubble. His plump lips are slightly parted. My heart pangs in my chest. I feel a pull to him, a desire to be at his side. I must be fucked up from everything that’s happened. It’s not right to feel this way, to want to be with someone whose purpose is to torment me. Someone who's only going to ship me off to someone new. Or worse, give me back to them.

  I swallow the lump growing in my throat and lift the gun. My finger barely reaches the trigger. I have to steady the cold metal with both of my hands. I look past it at Kane’s sleeping form and breathe in and out. Time passes as I stand there, trying to pull the trigger. Trying to set myself free.

  I can’t. I can’t do it. I won’t hurt him when he hasn’t hurt me. I can’t bring myself to run from him either. I need to stay. My resolve hardens. I can’t run now. I need to stay and face him. Otherwise I’ll never be able to stop running. I’ll never be able to rest until I watch him die. I drop the gun and breathe in deep.

  I won’t leave Kane. Even if he’s one of them. Even if he can’t save me. I’ll save myself. But I won’t be able to do that by running.

  I return the gun to the dresser, then I walk back silently to the bed and carefully lie just as I was. The bed dips slightly and I make my movements slower. I ease my way back down, right where I was earlier and breathe a little easier once my body has settled back onto the bed.

  My breath stops short with panic when Kane moves next to me.

  “You made the right decision, Ava.” My body stiffens and my eyes pop open. My breath stills in my lungs. “I thought you’d be alright without the cuffs at night.” The bed dips as he leans over my body. The intensity of his large frame hovering over my small body makes a knot form in my throat.

  “I’m sorry, Kane.” I’m barely able to speak. Fear paralyzes my body. I’m not okay. I wasn’t good. I’m not okay. He takes my wrist in his hand and I let him. My body is weakened and I know I need to obey. I need to be a good girl. I shouldn’t have done that.

  “I understand.” He clicks a cuff shut around the bedpost and then the other around my wrist and runs his hand along my arm and down my body. “But you must know that I have to do this now.” His breath tickles my ear and sends a chill down my body as he speaks. “I didn’t want to.”

  I nod my head slowly, hating what I’ve done. I’ve caused myself pain. I ruined it. I’ve upset him. I’ve disobeyed him. My body trembles knowing what’s coming. I swallow the lump growing in my throat and say, “I’m sorry, sir.” I choke out the words. He was going to let me sleep, and I destroyed that.

  My body jumps at his hard response. “Don’t call me that.” He’s angry, and I need to make this right.

  “I--” I try to speak, but my throat closes and I struggle to respond.

  “Shh. Shh. I’m sorry.” He strokes my hair and pulls me close to his body, gentle enough that he doesn’t pull the cuff against my wrist too much. “It’s alright, Ava.”

  “I’m sorry.” I heave a deep breath and push out my apology. “I’m so sorry, Kane.”

  “It’s alright, Ava. I would have done it, too. It�
��s okay.” I shake my head, but he pushes me into his chest. My left arm twists slightly, nearly to the point of pain and makes me wince.

  “Fuck,” he curses under his breath. “God damn it!” he yells, as he gets up and leans across my body. I hear him pick up the key and struggle with the lock.

  He pulls the cuff apart and I slowly rest my arm down by my waist. I lie on my side, curled inward. I'm frightened and unsure of what he wants.

  “I don’t know what to do with you, Ava.”

  “I’m sorry, Kane.” I speak with my eyes closed and my chin tucked to my chest.

  “I know why you’re fighting me, but please,” he holds me tighter to him, “please be a good girl for me. I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t like this.”

  “I’m sorry, Kane.”

  “I don’t want you to be sorry.” He kisses my neck and sighs. “I’m sorry too, Ava.”

  I cuddle into his chest. His arms wrap tighter around me. I’m so confused, but for the first time since all this happened, since I lost everyone I loved...for the first time I don’t feel alone. I close my eyes and lean into him as he kisses my forehead. I’ll be good for him. I can do that.

  As my body calms and he continues to shush me, all I can think is that this isn’t going to last. I’ve behaved badly. Very badly. Yet he’s holding me and consoling me. I could’ve tried to kill him, but he’s not punishing me in the least. I nestle deeper into his chest and clench my fists into tight balls to keep from gripping onto him. I’m afraid to hope that he can hold me forever. But it’s too late.

  I wish he would keep me. Maybe if I’m good for him, he will.

  I take a ragged breath in as my body heats with anxiety.


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