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Those Boys Are Trouble: Valetti Crime Family Box Set

Page 38

by Winters, Willow

  “It’s alright. I’m not going to hurt you.” He kisses the top of my head. I believe him. I trust him. My lungs fill with the hot air between us.

  It’s a mistake, but I can’t help but hope that he’ll save me. Even though he said he won’t. Some dark part of me wants me to believe that he will. So I close my eyes and I let that part consume me. It may be the last wish I ever have. But with everything in me, I pray that he’ll keep me.


  I didn’t sleep. Not for one fucking minute. I couldn’t cuff her back to the bed, not with the way she is. But I sure as fuck wasn’t going to let my guard down. Even if the gun wasn't loaded, she had it pointed at me for a long fucking time. Part of me wanted her to run. I don’t know if Abram’s going to let me live when I reject his offer. If she had run, at least one of us would have gotten away.

  But she didn’t try to run. Instead she decided she’d try to kill me. I’m not sure why she didn’t pull the trigger. But I’m sure as fuck happy that she didn’t. Not because I want to live. I was never in any real danger. Some twisted part of me wants her to want me. The fact that she thought about killing me is like a bullet to my chest.

  I understand it. I’d do it too if I were in her position, but that doesn’t ease the pain. I take a look at her from the corner of my eye as we pull up to the red light.

  She was surprised when I told her to sit in the front seat. I wish she’d fucking act normal. Her hands won’t stop shaking and I fucking hate it.

  If I keep pretending that everything’s alright, maybe she’ll settle down. I hope she will. She’s so fucking broken. She’s so scared that I’m going to hurt her.

  I had to bring her with me. I didn’t trust leaving her alone. Not after I came back yesterday and saw what a shitty job I did tying her up. I’m used to zip ties. But I’m not tying her up like that. I’ve seen it go wrong too many times. I don’t want to risk hurting her.

  She’s staying with me. Every waking moment, I want her right next to me. But I don’t want her to be the shell of a human she was when I first saw her. I know I can bring her out and help her heal.

  My hands grip the steering wheel tighter, making my knuckles turn white. I fucking hate how she tries to fade into the background or trembles with fear. I loosen my grip and ease up off the gas as we make our way closer to the docks.

  I gently lay a hand on the console, getting a bit closer to her, but not touching her.

  “Just relax, and everything will be fine.” I repeat the words I told her when we left and she acknowledges me with a nod.

  “I will. Thank you, Kane.” I don’t know why the fuck she’s thanking me, but I shove my annoyance down. I don’t want to yell at her, not like I did last night. She doesn’t deserve that. I need to go easy on her. After everything she’s been through, it’s a miracle that she’s as functional as she is.

  I move my hand down to her thigh, just below her jean shorts and give her thigh a gentle squeeze. Her skin is so soft. “Everything’s going to be fine, Ava.” I turn my head to meet her eyes. “No one’s going to hurt you.” I’ll fucking kill anyone who tries to fuck with her. I’m not playing around. Right now she’s mine. It may not be the smartest thing for me to be handling her like this, though. The thought makes me grind my teeth and I turn to look out of the window. I don’t want her to sense my anger at all. She’s mine, and I want her relaxed and to be able to blend in. Not some trembling slave, chained away and devoid of life.

  I know I can get her there. I will get her there.

  So long as everyone stays out of my fucking way.

  They better not fucking hurt her. I got a call from Vince this morning with the address for the meet-up. I’ve never liked the docks. That’s where we dumped the bodies. I’ve seen plenty of men led to the docks, only to be shot on-site and discarded. But that’s where the shipping containers are, so it makes sense that we’d meet there.

  I take another look at Ava. She’s nervous still, but at least she’s looking around a little. A small smile plays at my lips. I wonder if she knows she’s not staring straight ahead, looking at nothing. I fucking hate that, so if I’ve broken that habit I’ll be happy with that little bit of progress.

  “You ever hear of the Valettis?” I ask her, as I follow the directions from the GPS and turn into a gravel driveway right off the bay and drive to the far end. There’s a large building and then a smaller one that looks like it’s obviously comprised of offices. Undoubtedly that's where Vince told me to meet him. My eyes travel to Ava and I question bringing her along. It’s an impossible situation, leaving her alone versus bringing her with me.

  “I haven’t.” She shakes her head and her large blue eyes shine with sincerity. “My father didn’t talk much about business.” Her eyes stay on me, waiting for an answer.

  “I’m sorry about your father.” She visibly flinches from my words and it makes me feel like an asshole. I put the car in park and turn in my seat to look at her. “I really am, Ava. I know what it’s like to lose someone you love.”

  “Thank you, Kane.” The way she says the words seems different than before. The words are softer and have more meaning. I reach into the backseat and grab the bag with her collar and leash. I imagine I need her collared when everyone’s around, just like I need her to call me sir. I want the collar on her neck, too. I want to cover the bandage over her cut. It’s a large fucking cut, too. The fact that they didn’t do shit to help it heal pisses me off. I lean over and push the edges of the Band-Aid down.

  “This’ll cover that up.” I have to lean across the console to put the thin leather band around her neck. It looks good on her. It’s an off-white color and makes her skin look brighter around it. The leather should feel good compared to the metal. There’s a loop at the front, for a tag or a leash.

  I adjust the collar so it fits nicely and covers the bandage. Most of it, anyway; a small bit peeks out. It makes me scowl. I don’t like seeing it. I hate the evidence of what those fuckers did to her. My eyes involuntarily travel to the large, silvery scar on her shoulder. The indentation of each tooth from the bite is visible. I have to force myself to look away and calm my breathing.

  “That feel alright?” She nods her head at my question and I shove the bag into the backseat. I’m not putting a fucking leash on her. I won’t need it.

  “You’ll stay to my right. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Kane.”

  “If anything happens, you stand behind me.” She hesitates as her eyes widen slightly; it’s the first time she’s ever waited even a second to answer. I raise my eyebrows, waiting for her to acknowledge what I said. If guns come up, we’re probably fucked. But I still want her behind me. I need to know she’s alright.

  “Yes, Kane,” she replies as she nods her head, keeping those beautiful blue eyes on mine.

  “Kane?” she asks.

  “Yeah, Ava?” I meet her kind gaze and it takes me by surprise. Her eyes have such life in them.

  “I’m sorry for your loss as well.” I’m shocked to hear that from her. My eyes search her face. If her father didn’t talk about business, then Abram and whoever else had her must’ve been running their mouths. Adrenaline courses through my blood and I struggle to keep the anger from my expression. Not because they were talking about my family, but because they had her.

  I open my mouth to ask her more about what she heard, but also about the shit they put her through. Before I get a word out though, a knock on my window surprises the shit out of me.

  Fuck! Fucking sloppy of me to let a Valetti sneak up on me like that. I should fucking know better. I open the door and step out. The man who knocked on the window takes a step back with a smirk. Behind him is another man. Both are dressed casually, sporting jeans and tee shirts. They resemble each other quite a bit--both Italian with dark hair, and dark eyes. Most likely they’re true-blooded Valettis.

  The smaller one, toned and broad-chested, but not nearly as muscular as the fucker to my right, smiles up at me
like it’s a big fucking joke that they walked up on me. His hand is on the butt of his gun and as my eyes settle on it, he pulls his shirt out a bit and hides it away. I’ve got mine, too. But I’m not fucking ready to pull it out. Not without reason.

  “Just a precaution,” he says with a smirk.

  “I’m Tommy, and this is my brother Anthony,” says the one closest to me. I nod my head. I was right. Valettis. I know a bit about them. I know Anthony is the fucker who gets people to talk. His methods are known to be extreme, but effective. Looking at Tommy I don’t have to wonder what his job is. He’s almost as tall as I am, with just as much muscle. His shirt is stretched almost too tight across his chest. He should start investing in some that actually fit.

  “Nice to meet you two.” Not fucking really. I lean into the car with the door still open. I put my back to them. It’s a deliberate move on my part. I want them to know I’m not scared of them, although I’d be a fucking liar if I said I wasn’t the least bit anxious. I also want them to know I trust them not to fuck with me with my back turned.

  I look into the car and give Ava a small smile. I fucking hope she’s alright being here. I don’t know when was the last time she was around anyone without being in chains. She’s still sitting there, wide-eyed and looking like she’s waiting for a shootout to start any second.

  “You ready?” I ask in a soft voice. “Just stay by my side and everything will be fine.” I hope that she’s reassured, but if she’s smart, then she knows I can’t guarantee a damn thing. Judging by the look on her face, she’s definitely doubting my words. I reach out my hand and cup her chin. “Just be a good girl and stay with me. I’ll protect you.”

  Her shoulders relax slightly and her eyes soften as she replies, “Yes, Kane.” My heart warms at her words. It shouldn’t, but it does. I like that she trusts me and that she’s associating me with safety. My heart twists in my chest. I won’t be able to give her safety for long. But as long as she’s mine, I will.


  “Stay. I’ll come around and get you.” I give her the order then quickly shut the door. I don’t turn around to face the Valettis, but instead I immediately walk around the car to get her. I had her slightly relaxed, so I want to make sure I keep her that way.

  When I open the door, she stands gracefully. My hand rests on the small of her back to steady her, but also to give her guidance. I rub my hand in small soothing circles as we walk around the car to face Tommy and his brother. I fucking wish I had her in Kevlar, too. It’s standard attire for me now, after all that shit that happened. It’s the only reason I lived.

  I clench my jaw and try to settle the churning in my gut. She’ll stand behind me if anything happens. It’ll be alright.

  “This is Ava.” I introduce her and give them a hard stare. I know they saw her before back at the hangar. Back when she was in that dirty dress, bowing on the ground in shackles. But this is different.

  Anthony gives her a tight smile and a nod. Tommy’s eyes stare at her collar, at the little bit of bandage peeking out from underneath as he gives a curt hello. I fucking hate them for it. She shifts slightly as she swallows and quietly, yet confidently responds, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  I pull her waist closer to me and put my lips to her ear to whisper, “Good girl.”

  Tommy and Anthony walk ahead of me, with their backs to us and it gives me a little security. Ava’s walking with her hands clasped in front of her and I know it’s because she’s used to the chains around her wrists. My arm slips off the small of her waist and I take her left hand in my right. Her footsteps falter slightly, and Tommy must hear it because he turns to look back at us and I watch as his eyes stare at our hands.

  A jolt of anger races through my blood. He doesn’t fucking know anything, yet he’s judging me. I can see all the shitty emotions on his face. He’s judging us. I don’t have a fucking choice in this, and neither does she. What the fuck does he expect from me? At least she’s not in chains and crawling on the ground like Abram would want.

  A quick panic washes through me. If they told Abram about this, I don’t know what he’d say. I push that shit down. I don’t fucking care. I’m doing this my way and he gave her to me. He’ll have to get over it if he doesn’t like it.

  We get to the front of the building and Anthony pulls open the large glass door and holds it for us. I press my lips into a slight smile and nod.

  “Thank you,” Ava says, stepping in front of me to walk through the door, but not letting go of my hand. It’s such a natural move. It makes my smile turn more sincere. As she steps into the large waiting area she seems to realize something and stops in her tracks. She looks back at me with a flash of fear on her face. Her wide eyes stare at mine as she waits for a reaction from me.

  “Good girl.” I’m quick to give her praise. A look of relief washes over her, but my eyes travel to Tommy who continues to walk in front of her, but shoots me daggers. My nostrils flare with anger and I grip her hand a little tighter. Her eyes fall to the floor as we walk behind Tommy and I wish I could take it back.

  That’s strike two as far as I’m concerned. One more shitty look like that and that fucker is getting what he has coming to him. I stare at the back of his head as we walk down a narrow hall, trying to will my anger down but doing a shit job of it.

  He opens the door to an office on the right and waits for us to enter. He braces the door fully open with his foot, and I want to push it open farther to crush his foot with it and punch his fucking face in. She may be a sex slave and I may have to watch over her, but she doesn’t need those fucking looks from him. Every look is a reminder and I don’t fucking want that for her.

  “Ava.” Vince gets up from his desk with a wary smile, looking at me and then back to her. He holds out a hand for her in welcome. That’s better. That’s the greeting I want for her. She quickly but unsteadily places her hand in his, and looks up to me quickly. Her constant need for reassurance makes me sick, but I give her a small nod.

  “Hello,” she greets Vince as she visibly swallows, and looks back up to me as she takes her hand away.

  Vince looks at me although he speaks to Ava when he says, “Women don’t usually come to these meetings.” He gives her another smile and looks at her face, and then her neck. His eyes focus on the bandage like Tommy’s did. “I wasn’t anticipating you being here.”

  On one hand, I’m happy he’s speaking to her. I want her to interact with people. But on the other hand, I’m the one he should be talking to about this shit.

  I speak up, getting his attention. “I want her with me.”

  He narrows his eyes as he replies, “Women usually stay at home.”

  “Forgive me, but I don’t want to leave her somewhere I don’t know is secure.” He seems shocked by my answer. What the fuck did he expect? I don’t know him or his famila. And I don’t trust the safe house we’ve been staying in. He must be able to read that from my hard expression.

  “We’d never hurt her.” Ava takes a small step backward, away from him and moves closer to my side. Her hand brushes against mine and I’m quick to take it. The tension in the room is thick. I rub soothing circles on the back of her hand with my thumb.

  “I don’t know you, Vince. So you’ll understand that I’d like to have her with me.”

  “Yes,” his eyes dart to her neck again before meeting mine, “I imagine Abram would be upset if anything were to happen to her.” Ava noticeably cowers at this and scoots closer to me. It pisses me the fuck off.

  The hot air seems to suffocate me, and the only thing I can hear is the blood rushing in my ears. I’m surrounded by three armed men with Ava at my side, and all I want to do is take out my anger by beating some fucking sense into them. I focus on my breathing instead.

  “Let’s get to business, Vince.” I bite out the words with only the tiniest bit of aggression apparent. His eyebrows raise and he exchanges a glance with someone behind me. I don’t turn, I just stare back at the asshole with
a hard look.

  “What is it that you’d like to know?” he asks, walking back around to his desk and gesturing to a chair to my left. There’s only one chair there. I look to the far corner of the room where Tommy’s standing and there’s a chair behind him. I think about moving it over so she can sit with me, but then I think twice about it.

  I don’t feel like sitting anyway. I guide her to the chair with my hand on the small of her back and motion for her to sit. I move to stand behind her and grip the chair. She looks uneasy and she has every right to be. I do my best to comfort her by placing my hands on her shoulders so she can feel me there.

  “Would you like the other chair?” Vince asks, as Tommy pulls the chair across the floor. There’s an awkward tension in the room and I don’t know how to get rid of it. It’s making Ava tense, it’s pissing me off, and if I turn down the seat it’s only going to get worse. I turn around and look at Anthony who’s standing behind me and in front of the door.

  Regret settles in my chest as I clench my fists. I wish I hadn’t brought her. I wish I had somewhere safe to take her. But I don’t have anyone. I turn back to Vince and give him a quick nod before gripping the chair and pushing it to butt up next to Ava’s.

  I take a seat and hold out my hand for her. She’s quick to take it and turn her body toward me.

  “We don’t deal with this aspect of the industry, so you’ll have to excuse me, but I find this...” Vince looks between the two of us, “...odd.”

  I crack my neck to the left and stare back at him debating what all to tell him. Fuck it. I might as well lay it all out there. “I don’t do this shit, and I won’t be the one working between you and Petrov.” I take a steady breath knowing I may have just triggered my death sentence. When this gets back to Abram, he’s not going to be happy. But I’m sure as shit not going to be doing this. “I’m here to learn the ins and outs of your business and report back.”


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